changeset 7 3c36c452f013
parent 6 5b32dc297d05
equal deleted inserted replaced
6:5b32dc297d05 7:3c36c452f013
     1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
     2  <xsl:stylesheet  xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0" xmlns=""  xmlns:s="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:exslt="" xmlns:m="" exclude-result-prefixes="s m exslt" >
     3 	<xsl:output method="xml" cdata-section-elements="script s:script" indent="yes"/>
     4 	<xsl:param name="Run"/> 
     5 		<!-- Selects the run mode, by default it will draw the model from the given layout data. The output is an SVG diagram. 
     6 		There are two other options:
     7 				"calc" - Indicates that it should just do all 1st-pass calculations and generate a model with those embedded. The generated XML output is non-standard and has a fragile syntax that cannot be relied upon.
     8 				"draw" - Draw the model from a pre-caculated result. The output is an SVG diagram. This will fail if run on raw layout data.  
     9 			The run mode options are mostly useful for debugging, though they can also be used for drawing a model
    10 			in low-memory or very large model situations. In the normal mode, the 1st pass is saved in memory before drawing. 
    11 			Saving to disk instead could greatly reduce the run-time memory usage.	-->
    13 	<xsl:param name="Use-as-name" select="'name'"/> <!-- The attribute to use as the item name. Falls back to 'name' -->
    14 	  <xsl:key name="lgrp-bottom" match="layer-group" use="@from"/>
    15 	  <xsl:key name="lgrp-top" match="layer-group" use="@to"/>
    18 	<xsl:variable name="large-width" select="500"/> <!-- cutoff width to be considered a wide model and thus need larger title size -->
    20 <xsl:variable name="Versions">
    21 	<xsl:choose>
    22 		<xsl:when test="/SystemDefinition/*/meta[@rel='version-list']">
    23 			<xsl:copy-of select="/SystemDefinition/*/meta[@rel='version-list']"/>
    24 		</xsl:when>
    25 		<xsl:otherwise>
    26 			<v>ER5</v><v>ER5U</v>
    27 			<v>6.0</v> <v>6.1</v> <v>6.2</v>
    28 			 <v>7.0</v> <v>7.0s</v>
    29 			 <v>8.0</v> <v>8.0a 8.0b</v><v>8.1 8.1a 8.1b</v>
    30 			 <v>9.0</v> <v>9.1</v> <v>9.2</v> <v>9.3</v> 
    31 			 <v>9.4 ^1</v><v>tb91 ^2</v> <v>tb92 9.5 ^3</v> <v>tb101 9.6 ^4</v> 
    32 			 <v>^5</v> <v>^6</v> <v>^7</v> <v>^8</v> <v>^9</v> <v>^10</v>
    33 			 <v>Future</v>
    34 		</xsl:otherwise>
    35 	</xsl:choose>
    36 </xsl:variable>
    38 <xsl:template match="/SystemDefinition" priority="2">
    39 	<!-- see above for Run usage -->
    40 	<xsl:choose>
    41 		<xsl:when test="$Run = 'calc' ">
    42 			<!-- just do 1st pass calculations like sizing and legend generation -->
    43 			<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="sizing"/>
    44 		</xsl:when>
    45 		<xsl:when test="$Run = 'draw' ">
    46 			<!-- draw from pre-calculated data -->
    47 			<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="draw"/>
    48 		</xsl:when>
    49 		<xsl:otherwise> <!-- the normal case, run w/1st pass for sizing, then draw --> 
    50 			<xsl:variable name="sysdef">
    51 				<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="sizing"/>
    52 			</xsl:variable>
    53 			<xsl:apply-templates select="exslt:node-set($sysdef)/SystemDefinition" mode="draw"/>
    54 		</xsl:otherwise>		
    55 	</xsl:choose>
    56 </xsl:template>
    60 <xsl:template match="SystemDefinition" mode="draw">
    61 	<xsl:if test="@resolution"><xsl:processing-instruction name="AdobeSVGViewer">resolution="<xsl:value-of select="@resolution"/>"</xsl:processing-instruction></xsl:if>
    62 	<!-- groupDy padding around whole thing -->
    63 	<svg version="1.1" onload="wrapalltext()" viewBox="{-$groupDy} {-$groupDy} {@width + $groupDy} {@height  + 2* $groupDy}">
    64 		<xsl:attribute name="class">
    65 			<xsl:if test="not(@detail)">component</xsl:if>
    66 			<xsl:value-of select="@detail"/>
    67 			<xsl:if test="@detail-type">-<xsl:value-of select="@detail-type"/></xsl:if>
    68 		</xsl:attribute>
    69 		<xsl:copy-of select="@xml:lang"/> <!-- localized language -->
    70 		<xsl:if test="not(@static='true') and (@navctrl or */meta/legend/@float)">
    71 			<xsl:attribute name="onscroll">resized()</xsl:attribute>
    72 			<xsl:attribute name="onzoom">resized()</xsl:attribute>
    73 			<xsl:attribute name="onresize">resized()</xsl:attribute>
    74 		</xsl:if>		
    75 		<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="title"/>
    77 	<defs>
    79     <style type="text/css">
    80     text.layer, text.package, text.collection, text.component,
    81     text.cbox, text.lgrp, text.label, text.lgd {
    82 		fill:black;
    83 		font-family: <xsl:call-template name="default-font"/>;
    84     }
    85     text.title {
    86 		fill:red;
    87 		font-weight: bold;
    88 		font-size: <xsl:call-template name="title-line-height"/>px;	
    89 		font-family: <xsl:call-template name="default-font"/>;
    90     }    
    91     text.component {		
    92 		font-size: 1.940px;  /*  5.5pt  */
    93 		font-weight: bold;
    94 	}
    95  	text.lgd, 
    96 	text.layer, text.package {
    97 		font-size: 4.233px;  /*  12pt  */
    98 		font-weight: bold;
    99 	}
   100 	text.label {		
   101 		font-size: 1.940px;  /*  5.5pt  */
   102 		font-weight: bold
   103 	}
   104 	 text.level {
   105 		font-style: italic;
   106 		fill: blue;
   107 	}
   108 	g.layer text.level {		
   109 		font-size: 7.055px;  /*  20pt  */
   110 		font-style: italic;
   111 		fill: red;
   112 	}
   113 	g.package text.level {		
   114 		font-size: 4.233px;  /*  12pt  */
   115 	}
   116 	g.nested text.level {		
   117 		font-size: 3.175px;  /*  8pt  */
   118 	}
   120 	text.cbox {		
   121 		font-size: 1.411px;  /*  4pt  */
   122 		font-weight: bold
   123 	}
   124 	text.lgrp {
   125 		font-size: 12.699px;  /*  36pt  */
   126 		font-weight: normal;
   127 	}
   128 <!-- package font sizes: larger if there is no displayed children -->
   129 g.placeholder text.package,
   130 svg.package text.package,
   131 svg.package-fixed text.package {
   132 		font-size: 11.288px;  /*  32pt  */
   133 		font-weight: normal;
   134 	}
   137 <!-- subpackage font sizes -->
   138 	g.nested text.package {
   139 		font-size: 2.822px;  /*  8pt  */
   140 	}
   142 	svg.collection g.nested text.package,
   143 	svg.collection-fixed g.nested text.package  {
   144 		font-size: 4.233px;  /*  12pt  */
   145 	}
   147 	svg.package g.nested text.package,
   148 	svg.package-fixed g.nested text.package  {
   149 		font-size: 7.055px;  /*  20pt  */
   150 	}
   151 <!-- collection font sizes -->
   152 	text.collection {
   153 		font-size: 2.469px;  /*  7pt  */
   154 	}
   156 	g.placeholder text.collection,
   157 	svg.collection text.collection,
   158 	svg.collection-fixed text.collection  {
   159 		font-size: 3.7035px;  /*  10.5pt  */
   160 	} 
   161 <!-- borders -->
   162 	/* thin border */
   163 	rect.legend, rect.collection, rect.cbox {
   164 		stroke-width: 0.0882px;  /*  0.25pt  */
   165 		stroke: black
   166 	}
   167 	/* thick border */
   168 	rect.layer, rect.package  {
   169 		stroke-width: 0.2469px;  /*  0.7pt  */
   170 		stroke: black
   171 	}
   172 	rect.layer {
   173 		fill: #e6e6e6
   174 	}
   175 	rect.package {
   176 		fill: #b3b3b3
   177 	}
   178 	g.nested rect.package {
   179 		fill: #e6e6e6
   180 	}
   181 	rect.collection {
   182 		fill: white
   183 	}
   184 	rect.legend {
   185 		fill: white
   186 	}
   187 	<!-- opera does not support <style media="print">, so must use @media instead -->
   188 	 @media print {
   189 		#Zoom {visibility: hidden}
   190 	  }
   191  </style>	
   192  		<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="shapes"/>
   194 	</defs>
   196 <script type="text/ecmascript"> 
   197 <!-- for creating / finding elements by namespace -->
   198 var svgns="";
   200 <xsl:call-template name="script-wrapping"/>
   201 <xsl:call-template name="script-popups"/> <!-- dependencies use this and they override @static -->
   202 <xsl:if test="not(@static='true')">
   203 	<xsl:if test="@navctrl">
   204 		<xsl:call-template name="script-navcontrol"/>
   205 	</xsl:if>
   206 function resized()
   207 		{
   208 		var viewbox = document.documentElement.getAttribute("viewBox").split(' ');
   209  		var x = Number(viewbox[0]);
   210  		var y = Number(viewbox[1]);
   211  		var width = Number(viewbox[2]);
   212  		var height = Number(viewbox[3]);
   213  		if( window.innerWidth==0 || window.innerHeight ==0 || height ==0) {return}
   214  		var s = width  / window.innerWidth;
   215  		if ( width / height &lt; window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight)
   216  			{
   217 			s = height  / window.innerHeight;
   218 			width = window.innerWidth * s;
   219 			}
   220 		else	
   221 			{
   222  			height = window.innerHeight * s;
   223  			}
   224 <xsl:if test="@navctrl">
   225 		var e = document.getElementById('Zoom');
   226 		var trans = 'translate(';
   227 		trans+= x - 0.5* (width - viewbox[2]) + ( -document.rootElement.currentTranslate.x ) * s  / document.rootElement.currentScale ;
   228 		trans+=' ';
   229 		trans+= y - 0.5* (height - viewbox[3]) + ( -document.rootElement.currentTranslate.y ) * s  / document.rootElement.currentScale ;
   230 		trans+=') scale(';
   231 		trans+=  (height / window.innerHeight) *3.2 / document.rootElement.currentScale;
   232 		trans+=')';
   233 		e.setAttribute('transform',trans);
   234 </xsl:if>
   235 <xsl:if test="*/meta/legend/@float">
   236 		e = document.getElementById('legend-display');
   237 		var ctrl = document.getElementById('legend-ctrl');
   238 		var wBox = Number(ctrl.getAttribute('width'));
   239 		scale = (width / window.innerWidth)  * (window.innerWidth / ( wBox+3)) / document.rootElement.currentScale;
   240 		trans = 'translate(';
   241 		trans+= x + (1.5 *scale )  -0.5* (width - viewbox[2]) + ( -document.rootElement.currentTranslate.x ) * s  / document.rootElement.currentScale ;
   242 		trans+=' ';
   243 		trans+= y -(14.3 +0.3)* scale - 0.5* (height - viewbox[3] ) + ( -document.rootElement.currentTranslate.y ) * s  / document.rootElement.currentScale 
   244 		+ height   / document.rootElement.currentScale
   245 		trans+=') scale(';
   246 		trans+=  scale;
   247 		trans+=')';
   248 		e.setAttribute('transform',trans);</xsl:if>		
   249  		}
   250 	<xsl:if test="*/meta/legend/@float">
   251 		<xsl:call-template name="script-float-legend"/>
   252 	</xsl:if>
   253 </xsl:if>
   254 </script>
   255 	<xsl:variable name="model-bottom">
   256 		<!-- The y-location of the bottom of the model itself -->
   257 		<xsl:for-each select="*[1]"> <!-- should only be one child -->
   258 			<xsl:choose>
   259 				<xsl:when test="meta[@rel='model-logo']/@height and (meta[@rel='model-logo']/@height &gt;meta[@rel='model-legend']/@height or not(meta[@rel='model-legend']))">
   260 					<xsl:value-of select="../@height - sum (meta[@rel='model-footer' or @rel='model-logo']/@height) "/>
   261 				</xsl:when>
   262 				<xsl:otherwise>
   263 					<xsl:value-of select="../@height - sum (meta[@rel='model-footer' or @rel='model-legend']/@height) "/>
   264 				</xsl:otherwise>
   265 			</xsl:choose>
   266 		</xsl:for-each>
   267 	</xsl:variable>
   269 	<!-- these meta go under the model -->
   270 	<xsl:apply-templates select="*/meta[not(starts-with(@rel,'model-'))]" mode="global"/>
   272 	<xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>
   274 	<!-- do these meta last so that it could obscure the model if it needs to -->
   276 	<xsl:apply-templates select="*/meta[starts-with(@rel,'model-')]" mode="global">
   277 		<xsl:sort select="@rel"/>
   278 		<xsl:with-param name="bottom" select="$model-bottom"/> 
   279 	</xsl:apply-templates>
   280 	<xsl:if test="not(@static='true') and @navctrl">
   281 		<xsl:call-template name="navctrl"/>
   282 	</xsl:if>
   283 <!--
   284 <rect x="0" y="0" width="{@width}" height="{@height}" fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-width="1"/>
   285 <rect x="{@padding-left}" y="0" width="{@model-width}" height="{@model-height}" fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-width="1"/>
   286 <xsl:for-each select="meta[@rel='model-footer']">
   287 	<rect x="0" y="{../@height - @height}" width="{../@width}" height="{@height}" fill="none" stroke="green" stroke-width="1"/>
   288 </xsl:for-each>
   289 <xsl:for-each select="meta[@rel='model-logo']">
   290 	<rect x="0" y="{$model-bottom}" width="{@width}" height="{@height}" fill="none" stroke="green" stroke-width="1"/>
   291 </xsl:for-each>
   292 <xsl:for-each select="meta[@rel='model-legend']">
   293 	<rect x="{../@width - legend/@title-width * @scaled}" y="{$model-bottom}" width="{legend/@title-width * @scaled }" height="{legend/@title-height * @scaled}" fill="none" stroke="green" stroke-width="1"/>
   294 </xsl:for-each>
   295 -->
   296 	<xsl:apply-templates mode="validate"/>
   297 </svg>
   298 </xsl:template>
   300 <xsl:template match="systemModel">
   301 	<xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>
   302 </xsl:template>
   305 <xsl:template match="*" mode="filter"/> <!-- filters for all items -->
   306 <xsl:template match="*" mode="text-filter"/> <!-- fitler for just text -->
   309 <!-- scripts -->
   310 <xsl:template name="script-popups">
   311 <!-- for pop-ups which can only appear one at a time. 
   312 In general, one would want to use 
   313 	onmouseover="on('blah') onmouseout="off('blah')"
   314 for stuff which appears and disappears based on the position of the mouse (like dependency arrows)
   316 for stuff which appears based on a mouseover or button press, but does not 
   317 disappear until some other trigger (and only one can appear at a time), use one of:
   318 	onmouseover="on(clear('blah'))"
   319 	onclick="on(clear('blah'))"
   320 -->
   321 var curId = '';
   322 function clear(id) {
   323 	if(curId != '') off(curId);
   324 	return curId=id;
   325 }
   327 <!--  for showing and hiding : 
   328 	not used by default, but used by higher-detailed versions when Static is not set
   329 	also used by post-processed versions for showing pop-up data.-->
   330 function on(id) {
   331 	var cur =document.getElementById(id)
   332 	cur.setAttribute('visibility','visible');
   333 	<xsl:if test="not(@detail='component')"><!-- this is needed to wrap text which is initially hidden -->
   334 	if(!cur.hasAttribute('wrapenated')) {
   335 		cur.setAttribute('wrapenated','true');
   336 		wrapalltext(cur)
   337 	}
   338 	</xsl:if>
   339 	return cur;
   340 }
   342 function off(id) {
   343 	document.getElementById(id).setAttribute('visibility','hidden');
   344 }
   345 </xsl:template>
   348 <xsl:template name="script-wrapping">
   349 <!--  for wrapping: breaks text up into an array of words -->
   350 function splitup(txt) {
   351 	var a = new Array;
   352 	var t = txt;
   353 	var found		<!-- \u4e00-\ufa2 is the unicode range for kanjii, \u3041-\u309 is katakana and e\u30a1-\u30fe is hiragana-->
   354 	while((found = t.match(/(^[\u3041-\u309e\u30a1-\u30fe\u4e00-\ufa2d])([\u3041-\u309e\u30a1-\u30fe\u4e00-\ufa2d].*)$/))|| ( found = t.match(/^([^ \u200b\xad-]+[ \u200b\xad-]+)(.*)$/))) {
   355 			a.push(found[1]);
   356 			t=found[2];
   357 	}
   358 	a.push(t);
   359 	return a;
   360 }
   361 <!--  the remainder of the scripts also are for wrapping 
   363 Note that comments are kept to an absolute minimum inline since it's a waste of 
   364 	space in the generated file to duplicate the unused text 
   365 -->
   366 <![CDATA[
   367 function splitable(node) {
   368  	return node.firstChild.nodeType == 3 &&[\t\n\r \u200b\xad-]/);
   369 }
   371 function crush(node, len) {
   372 	node.setAttribute('letter-spacing','-0.075em');
   373 	if( node.getComputedTextLength() > len) 
   374 		node.setAttribute('letter-spacing','-0.15em');
   375 }
   377 function whatSize(txt) { // convert a length into pixels
   378 	if(txt.match(/^[0-9.-]+$/)) return txt;
   379 	return;
   380 }
   383 function wrapalltext(node) {
   384     if(!node) node= document;
   385     var all = node.getElementsByTagNameNS(svgns,'text');
   386     var i=0;
   387     for (i=0; i<all.length; i++) {
   388 		var cur = all.item(i);
   389 		var w=0;
   390 		if (cur.hasAttribute('width')) {
   391 			w = whatSize(cur.getAttribute('width'));
   392 		}
   393 	if (w)	wraptext(cur,w)
   394 	}
   395 }
   398 function wraptext(cur,l) {
   399 	if(cur.firstChild.nodeType != 3)  return; // must be just a text node
   400 	if(cur.getBBox().width < l )  {
   401 =[\xad\u200b]/g,"");
   402 		return; // no need -- won't wrap
   403 	}
   404 	var t =\s+/," ");  // normalize all spaces
   405 	t = t.replace(/^ +/,"").replace(/ +$/,"");  // trim spaces
   406 	var words =splitup(t); 	// each word ends with the split character (if any)
   407 	if (words.length<2)  {
   408 		crush(cur, l);
   409 		return;
   410 	}
   411 	cur.removeChild(cur.firstChild)
   412 	var tspan = document.createElementNS(svgns,'tspan');
   413 	var first = tspan;	
   414 	cur.appendChild(tspan);
   415 	var txt = document.createTextNode(words[0]);
   416 	tspan.appendChild(txt);
   417 	tspan.setAttribute('x',cur.getAttribute('x'));	// Opera needs this
   418 	var nlines=1;
   419 	var zero =0;
   420 	for (i =1;i< words.length;i++) {
   421 		var was =;
   423 		if (tspan.getComputedTextLength() -zero > l) { // if the line with this word at the end is bigger than the available space...
   424 +$/,"").replace(/\xad(.)/,"$1").replace(/\u200b/g,""); // remove zero-width spaces and trailing spaces and soft hyphens
   425 			// if it's still too big then decrease the letter spacing
   426 			if( tspan.getComputedTextLength() > l ) crush(tspan,l);
   427 			tspan = document.createElementNS(svgns,'tspan');
   428 			tspan.setAttribute('dy',"1em");
   429 			nlines++;
   430 			tspan.setAttribute('x',cur.getAttribute('x'));
   431 			cur.appendChild(tspan);
   432 			txt = document.createTextNode('');
   433 			tspan.appendChild(txt);
   434 			zero = tspan.getComputedTextLength();
   436 		}
   437 	}
   438 +$/,"").replace(/\xad(.)/,"$1").replace(/\u200b/g,""); // remove zero-width spaces and trailing spaces and soft hyphens
   439 	if( tspan.getComputedTextLength() > l ) 	crush(tspan,l);
   440 	var align =cur.getAttribute('dy');
   441 	if(align=='0.375em') {	// middle aligned
   442 		first.setAttribute('dy',((1-nlines ) / 2 + 0.375 )+"em");
   443 	}  else if(align=='0.75em' || align=='1em')  {  // top (or above) aligned
   444 		first.setAttribute('dy',align)	
   445 	}  else  { // bottom aligned (default)
   446 		first.setAttribute('dy',(1-nlines)+"em");
   447 	}
   448 }
   449 ]]>
   450   <!-- 
   451   dominant-baseline is not widely supported, but should indicate the vertical alignment of the text
   452   	mathematical = middle-aligned
   453   	hanging = top-aligned
   454   	ideographic = bottom aligned
   455   Since they're not widely supported, using dy is used instead. 
   456   Ideally we'd have
   457 	  top aligned: dy="1.5ex"
   458 	  middle aligned: dy="0.75ex"
   459 	  bottom aligned: dy="0ex"
   460 	  since in most fonts the top of the captial letters is about 0.5ex higher than the 
   461 	  	top of the lower case letters (1ex), hence 1.5ex for top-algined and half that for middle
   462   However, you can't add the em-based offset of multiple lines to the ex-based alignment, 
   463   	so we have to make the reasonably valid assumption that 1em = 2ex
   464   Which gives us: 
   465 	  top aligned: dy="0.75em"
   466 	  middle aligned: dy="0.375em"
   467 	  bottom aligned: dy="0em"
   468 	Since this is supported is Firefox 3.5, ASV and Opera 9, it's a much better way to handle 
   469 		he alighment than using the dominant-baseline approach
   470    -->
   471 </xsl:template>
   473 <xsl:template name="script-navcontrol">
   474 <!-- this should only be called on the SystemDefinition element -->
   475 var pandandzoom=null;
   476 function endpanning()
   477         {
   478         if(pandandzoom)
   479 	        {
   480     	    window.clearInterval(pandandzoom)
   481         	pandandzoom=null
   482         	}
   483         }
   485 function repeatpan(x,y)
   486         {
   487         endpanning()
   488         panning(x,y)
   489         pandandzoom = window.setInterval('panning('+x+','+y+')', 100);
   490         }
   492 function panning(x,y)
   493         {
   494         document.rootElement.currentTranslate.x += x
   495         document.rootElement.currentTranslate.y += y
   496         }
   498 function repeatzoom(z)
   499         {
   500         endpanning()
   501         zoom(z)
   502         pandandzoom = window.setInterval('zoom('+z+')', 100);
   503         }
   504 <![CDATA[
   505 function zoom(z)
   506 		{
   507 		var viewbox = document.documentElement.getAttribute("viewBox").split(' ');
   508  		var x = Number(viewbox[0]);
   509  		var y = Number(viewbox[1]);
   510  		var width = Number(viewbox[2]);
   511  		var height = Number(viewbox[3]);
   512  		if( window.innerWidth==0 || window.innerHeight ==0 || height ==0) {return}
   513  		var s = width  / window.innerWidth;
   514  		if ( width / height < window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight)
   515  			{
   516 			s = height  / window.innerHeight;
   517 			width = window.innerWidth * s;
   518 			}
   519 		else	
   520 			{
   521  			height = window.innerHeight * s;
   522  			}
   524  		x = x - 0.5* (width - viewbox[2]) + ( -document.rootElement.currentTranslate.x ) * s  / document.rootElement.currentScale ;
   525 		y = y - 0.5* (height - viewbox[3]) + ( -document.rootElement.currentTranslate.y ) * s  / document.rootElement.currentScale ;
   526 		width = width / document.rootElement.currentScale;
   527 		height = height / document.rootElement.currentScale;
   528         document.rootElement.currentTranslate.x=
   529         	document.rootElement.currentTranslate.x *z - 0.5*window.innerWidth* (z -1 )
   530         document.rootElement.currentTranslate.y=
   531         	document.rootElement.currentTranslate.y *z - 0.5*window.innerHeight* (z -1 )
   532         document.rootElement.currentScale*=z
   533 		}
   534 ]]>
   535 </xsl:template>
   537 <xsl:template name="script-float-legend">
   538 function movelegend(id)
   539 	{
   540 	var parent = document.getElementById(id);
   541 	var legend = document.getElementById('legend-box');
   542 	parent.appendChild(legend);
   543 	}
   544 </xsl:template>
   546 <!-- well known patterns -->
   548 <xsl:template name="default-new-pattern">
   549 	<radialGradient id="Patternradial-grad"  gradientUnits="objectBoundingBox" cx="50%" cy="50%" r="70%">
   550 		<stop offset="0%" stop-color="white" stop-opacity="1"/>
   551 		<stop offset="100%" stop-opacity="0" stop-color="white" />
   552 	</radialGradient>
   553 </xsl:template>
   555 <xsl:template name="default-ref-pattern"> 	<!-- diagonal line pattern -->
   556 	<linearGradient id="Patternstriped-diag-up" spreadMethod="repeat" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="0" x2="3" y1="0" y2="3">
   557 		<stop offset="0%" stop-opacity="0" stop-color="white" />
   558 		<stop offset="20%" stop-color="#ccc" stop-opacity="1" />
   559 		<stop offset="40%" stop-opacity="0" stop-color="white" />
   560 		<stop offset="100%" stop-opacity="0" stop-color="white" />
   561 	</linearGradient>
   562 </xsl:template>
   564 <xsl:template name="default-X-pattern"> 	<!-- big dark X -->
   565 	<pattern id="Patternbig-X" patternUnits="objectBoundingBox" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 10 10">
   566 		<path d="M 1 1 L 9 9 M 1 9  L 9 1" stroke="#555" stroke-width="1.15" stroke-linecap="round"/>
   567 	</pattern> 
   568 </xsl:template>
   572 <xsl:template name="nav-control-patterns"> 	<!-- patterns needed for the naviagiton control -->
   573     <radialGradient id="Patternoutgrad"  cx="50%" cy="50%" r="100%" fx="50%" fy="50%">
   574        <stop offset="36%" stop-color="white" stop-opacity="0"/>
   575        <stop offset="43%" stop-color="white" stop-opacity="0.6" />
   576        <stop offset="50%" stop-color="white"  stop-opacity="0"/>
   577        <stop offset="100%" stop-color="black"  stop-opacity="0"/>
   578      </radialGradient>
   579      <radialGradient id="Patterningrad"  cx="50%" cy="50%" r="100%" fx="50%" fy="50%">
   580        <stop offset="0%" stop-color="white" stop-opacity="0.45"/>
   581        <stop offset="36%" stop-color="yellow" stop-opacity="0"/>
   582        <stop offset="43%" stop-color="yellow" stop-opacity="0.6" />
   583        <stop offset="50%" stop-color="yellow"  stop-opacity="0"/>
   584        <stop offset="100%" stop-color="black"  stop-opacity="0"/>
   585      </radialGradient>
   586 </xsl:template>
   589 <!-- well-known border shapes -->
   592 <xsl:template name="default-box-border">
   593     <symbol id="Borderbox" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
   594       <path d="M 0 0 L 0 20 L 20 20 L 20 0 z" stroke="black"/>
   595     </symbol>
   596 </xsl:template>
   597 <xsl:template name="default-clipLB-border">
   598     <symbol id="Borderbox-clipLB" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
   599       <path d="M 0 0 L 0 15 L 5 20 L 20 20 L 20 0 z" stroke="black"/>
   600     </symbol>
   601 </xsl:template>
   602 <xsl:template name="default-clipLT-border">
   603     <symbol id="Borderbox-clipLT" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
   604       <path d="M 5 0 L 0 5 L 0 20 L 20 20 L 20 0 z" stroke="black"/>
   605     </symbol>
   606 </xsl:template>
   607 <xsl:template name="default-clipRB-border">
   608     <symbol id="Borderbox-clipRB" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
   609       <path d="M 0 0 L 0 20 L 15 20 L 20 15 L 20 0 z" stroke="black"/>
   610     </symbol>
   611 </xsl:template>
   612 <xsl:template name="default-clipRT-border">
   613     <symbol id="Borderbox-clipRT" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
   614       <path d="M 0 0 L 0 20 L 20 20 L 20 5 L 15 0 z" stroke="black"/>
   615     </symbol>
   616 </xsl:template>
   617 <xsl:template name="default-clipAll-border">
   618     <symbol id="Borderbox-clipAll" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
   619       <path d="M 5 0 L 0 5 L 0 15 L 5 20 L 15 20 L 20 15 L 20 5 L 15 0 z" stroke="black"/>
   620     </symbol>
   621 </xsl:template>
   622 <xsl:template name="default-round-border">
   623 	<symbol id="Borderround" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
   624 		<circle cx="10" cy="10" r="10" stroke="black" />
   625 	</symbol>
   626 </xsl:template>
   627 <xsl:template name="default-hexagon-border">
   628 	<symbol id="Borderhexagon" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
   629 		<path d="M 0 10 L 5.8 0 L 14.2 0 L 20 10 L 14.2 20 L 5.8 20 z" stroke="black" />
   630 	</symbol>
   631 </xsl:template>
   633 <!-- end borders -->
   635 		<!-- overridden by output of shapes.xsl -->
   636 <xsl:template match="SystemDefinition" mode="shapes">
   637 	<xsl:call-template name="default-new-pattern"/>
   638 	<xsl:call-template name="default-ref-pattern"/>
   639 	<xsl:call-template name="default-X-pattern"/> 
   640 	<xsl:if test="not(@static='true') and (@navctrl)">
   641 		<xsl:call-template name="nav-control-patterns"/> 
   642 	</xsl:if>
   643 		<!-- borders to use for OSD components -->
   645 	<xsl:call-template name="default-box-border"/>
   646 	<xsl:call-template name="default-clipLB-border"/>
   647 	<xsl:call-template name="default-clipLT-border"/>
   648 	<xsl:call-template name="default-clipRB-border"/>
   649 	<xsl:call-template name="default-clipRT-border"/>
   650 	<xsl:call-template name="default-clipAll-border"/>
   651 </xsl:template>
   654 <xsl:template match="component|collection|package|layer" mode="id"><xsl:value-of select="@id"/></xsl:template>
   656 <xsl:template name="linkable-content"><xsl:param name="show"/>
   657 	<xsl:variable name="found">
   658 		<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="has-link"/>
   659 	</xsl:variable>
   660 	<xsl:choose> <!-- don't use <a> unless there is a valid link -->
   661 		<xsl:when test="$found='' or parent::legend">
   662 			<xsl:copy-of select="$show"/>				
   663 		</xsl:when>
   664 		<xsl:otherwise>
   665 			<a>
   666 				<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="link-label"/>
   667 				<xsl:copy-of select="$show"/>
   668 			</a>
   669 		</xsl:otherwise>
   670 	</xsl:choose>
   671 </xsl:template>
   673 <xsl:template mode="validate" match="node()" priority="-4"/>
   674 <xsl:template mode="validate" match="*" priority="-2"><xsl:apply-templates mode="validate" select="*"/></xsl:template>
   677 <xsl:template name="display-name">
   678 	<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="text-filter"/>
   679 	<xsl:if test="@font">
   680 		<xsl:attribute name="style">font-family: '<xsl:value-of select="@font"/>'</xsl:attribute>
   681 	</xsl:if>
   682 	<xsl:call-template name="name-value"/>
   683 </xsl:template>
   685 <xsl:template name="name-value">
   686 	<xsl:choose>
   687 		<xsl:when test="self::cmp or self::cbox  or self::legend or self::note or self::layer[legend|note]">
   688 			<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="name"/>
   689 		</xsl:when>
   690 		<xsl:when test="@abbrev"><xsl:value-of select="@abbrev"/></xsl:when>
   691 		<xsl:when test="@label"><xsl:value-of select="@label"/></xsl:when> <!-- for legends -->
   692 		<xsl:when test="@lookup"><xsl:value-of select="@lookup"/></xsl:when> <!-- for legends -->
   693 		<xsl:when test="$Use-as-name!='name' and @*[name()=$Use-as-name]"><xsl:value-of select="@*[name()=$Use-as-name]"/></xsl:when>
   694 		<xsl:when test="@name"><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></xsl:when>
   695 		<xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="@id"/></xsl:otherwise>
   696 	</xsl:choose>
   697 </xsl:template>
   700 <!-- ============ hyperlinks ============ -->
   702 <xsl:template match="*" mode="has-link"/>
   703 <xsl:template match="*[@id and ancestor::SystemDefinition/@base]" mode="has-link">1</xsl:template>
   705 <xsl:template match="*" mode="link-label"/>
   706 <xsl:template match="*[@id]" mode="link-label">
   707 	<xsl:attribute name="target">details</xsl:attribute>
   708 	<xsl:attribute name="xlink:href"><xsl:value-of select="ancestor::SystemDefinition/@base"/>/<xsl:choose>
   709 		<xsl:when test="self::package[parent::package]">SubBlocks</xsl:when>
   710 		<xsl:when test="self::package">Blocks</xsl:when>
   711 		<xsl:when test="self::layer">Layers</xsl:when>
   712 		<xsl:when test="self::component">Components</xsl:when>
   713 		<xsl:when test="self::collection">Collections</xsl:when>
   714 		<xsl:otherwise>
   715 			<xsl:call-template name="Caller-Error">
   716 				<xsl:with-param name="text">Invalid element <xsl:value-of select="name()"/> id="<xsl:value-of select="@id"/>". Cannot generate link.</xsl:with-param>
   717 			</xsl:call-template>
   718 		</xsl:otherwise>
   719 	</xsl:choose>/<xsl:value-of select="@name"/>.html</xsl:attribute>
   720 </xsl:template>
   722 <!-- ============ styles ============ -->
   725 <xsl:template name="default-font">
   726 	<xsl:choose>
   727 		<xsl:when test="ancestor-or-self::SystemDefinition[@font]">'<xsl:value-of select="ancestor-or-self::SystemDefinition/@font"/>'</xsl:when>
   728 		<xsl:otherwise>Arial</xsl:otherwise>
   729 	</xsl:choose>
   730 </xsl:template>
   732 <xsl:template name="title-line-height">
   733 	<xsl:choose>
   734 		<xsl:when test="number(ancestor-or-self::SystemDefinition/systemModel/meta/legend/@title-scale)">
   735 			<xsl:value-of select="4.3 * ancestor-or-self::SystemDefinition/systemModel/meta/legend/@title-scale"/> <!-- scale 12pt by specified factor-->
   736 		</xsl:when>
   737 		<xsl:when test="ancestor-or-self::SystemDefinition/systemModel/meta/legend[@percent-width or @maxscale]">4.233</xsl:when> <!-- 12pt -->
   738 		<xsl:when test="ancestor-or-self::SystemDefinition/@width &gt; $large-width">6.3495</xsl:when> <!-- 18 pt -->
   739 		<xsl:otherwise>4.3</xsl:otherwise> <!-- 12pt -->
   740 	</xsl:choose>		
   741 </xsl:template>
   744 <!-- ============ display styles ============ -->
   746 <xsl:template name="styles"><xsl:param name="for" select="'bg'"/>
   747 	<xsl:variable name="st0">
   748 		<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="display-style"/></xsl:variable>
   749 	<xsl:variable name="st1">
   750 		<xsl:choose>
   751 			<xsl:when test="$for='label' and @label-bg">fill:<xsl:value-of select="@label-bg"/>!important;</xsl:when>
   752 			<xsl:when test="@bg">fill:<xsl:value-of select="@bg"/>!important;</xsl:when>
   753 		</xsl:choose>
   754 	</xsl:variable>
   755 	<xsl:if test="$st0!='' or $st1!=''">
   756 	<xsl:attribute name="style">
   757 		<xsl:value-of select="$st0"/>
   758 		<xsl:if test="$st0!='' and $st1!='' and substring($st0,string-length($st0))!=';'">;</xsl:if>
   759 		<xsl:value-of select="$st1"/>
   760 	</xsl:attribute>
   761 	</xsl:if>
   762 </xsl:template>
   764 <xsl:template name="gradient-direction"> <!-- calaulate the x1, etc attrbiutes from the dir ratio string. clip each to the range -1..1 -->
   765   <xsl:param name="dx" select="1"/>
   766   <xsl:param name="dy" select="0"/>
   767       <xsl:if test="$dx!='' and $dy!=''">
   768         <xsl:attribute  name="x1">
   769           <xsl:choose>
   770             <xsl:when test="$dx &lt; -1">100%</xsl:when>
   771             <xsl:when test="$dx &gt;= 0">0%</xsl:when>
   772             <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="-$dx * 100"/>%</xsl:otherwise>          
   773           </xsl:choose>
   774        </xsl:attribute>
   775         <xsl:attribute  name="x2">
   776           <xsl:choose>
   777             <xsl:when test="$dx &gt; 1">100%</xsl:when>
   778             <xsl:when test="$dx &lt;= 0">0%</xsl:when>
   779             <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="$dx * 100"/>%</xsl:otherwise>          
   780           </xsl:choose>
   781        </xsl:attribute>
   782         <xsl:attribute  name="y1">
   783           <xsl:choose>
   784             <xsl:when test="$dy &lt; -1">100%</xsl:when>
   785             <xsl:when test="$dy &gt;= 0">0%</xsl:when>
   786             <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="-$dy * 100"/>%</xsl:otherwise>          
   787           </xsl:choose>
   788        </xsl:attribute>
   789         <xsl:attribute  name="y2">
   790           <xsl:choose>
   791             <xsl:when test="$dy &gt;1">100%</xsl:when>
   792             <xsl:when test="$dy &lt;= 0">0%</xsl:when>
   793             <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="$dy * 100"/>%</xsl:otherwise>          
   794           </xsl:choose>
   795        </xsl:attribute>  
   796       </xsl:if>
   797 </xsl:template>
   799 <xsl:template name="gradient-angle"> <!-- calaulate the x1, etc attrbiutes from the dir ratio string. clip each to the range -1..1 -->
   800   <xsl:param name="theta" select="0"/>
   801 	<xsl:call-template name="gradient-direction">
   802 	  <xsl:with-param name="dx" select="m:cos($theta * m:constant('PI',6) div 180)"/>
   803 	  <xsl:with-param name="dy" select="-m:sin($theta * m:constant('PI',6) div 180)"/>
   804 	</xsl:call-template>
   805 </xsl:template>
   808 <!-- provide a gradient of multiple colours for the fill of an item -->
   809 <xsl:template name="multi-color-grad">
   810 	<xsl:param name="c" /> <!--  nodeset of either values or values to look up in $key -->
   811 	<xsl:param name="key" /> <!-- the style ID to lookup the value. Optional. If not set, the value of $c is the value -->
   812 	<xsl:param name="blur" /> <!-- % to blur 100% mean to blur to the full size of each gradient section -->
   813 	<xsl:param name="dir" /> <!-- direction ratio in the form dx:dy, where each has a range from -1..1 -->
   814 	<xsl:param name="angle" /> <!-- angle : use this instead of dir when possible -->
   815 	<xsl:if test="($key!='' and count(key($key,$c)/@value) &gt; 1) or ($key='' and count($c) &gt; 1)  "><!-- only define if there's more than one match -->
   816 		<linearGradient>
   817 	        <xsl:attribute  name="id">bg<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="id"/></xsl:attribute>
   818 			<xsl:choose>
   819 				<xsl:when test="function-available('m:sin') and function-available('m:cos') and function-available('m:constant') and $angle!=''">
   820 					<xsl:call-template name="gradient-angle">
   821 						<xsl:with-param name="theta" select="$angle" />
   822 					</xsl:call-template>
   823 				</xsl:when>
   824 				<xsl:otherwise>
   825 					<xsl:call-template name="gradient-direction">
   826 					  <xsl:with-param name="dx" select="substring-before($dir,':')"/>
   827 					  <xsl:with-param name="dy" select="substring-after($dir,':')"/>
   828 					</xsl:call-template>
   829 				</xsl:otherwise>
   830 			</xsl:choose>
   831 			<xsl:variable name="blur0" select="$blur div count($c)" />
   832 			<xsl:for-each select="$c">
   833 				<xsl:sort />
   834 				<xsl:variable name="value">
   835 					<xsl:choose>
   836 						<xsl:when test="$key=''"><xsl:value-of select="."/></xsl:when>
   837 						<xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="key($key,.)/@value"/></xsl:otherwise>
   838 					</xsl:choose>
   839 				 </xsl:variable>
   840 				<stop offset="{100* (position()-1) div  last() + $blur0}%" stop-color="{$value}" />
   841 				<xsl:if test="position()!=last()">
   842 					<stop offset="{100* position() div  last() - $blur0}%" stop-color="{$value}" />
   843 				</xsl:if>
   844 			</xsl:for-each>
   845 		</linearGradient>
   846 	</xsl:if>
   847 </xsl:template>
   848 <xsl:template mode="multi-color" match="*" priority="-1"/> <!-- this is handled in the generated XSLT, so do nothing by default -->
   850 <xsl:template mode="multi-color" match="*[meta/generator-color]">
   851   <xsl:call-template name="multi-color-grad">
   852    <xsl:with-param name="key" select="'styled'"/>
   853    <xsl:with-param name="c" select="meta/generator-color/@ref"/>
   854    <xsl:with-param name="blur" select="0"/>
   855   </xsl:call-template>
   856 </xsl:template>
   859 <xsl:template match="*" mode="display-style-color" priority="-2"/>
   860 <xsl:template match="*" mode="animate-color" priority="-2"/><!-- change from -2 to disable -->
   863 <xsl:template match="*[@generator-color]" mode="animate-color" priority="4">
   864 	<xsl:if test="not(ancestor::SystemDefinition/@static='true')">
   865 		<set attributeName="opacity" attributeType="XML" to="0.5" fill="remove" begin="{@generator-color}.mouseover" end="{@generator-color}.mouseout"/>		
   866 	</xsl:if>
   867 </xsl:template>
   868 <xsl:template match="*[meta/generator-color]" mode="animate-color" priority="4">
   869 	<xsl:if test="not(ancestor::SystemDefinition/@static='true')">
   870 		<xsl:for-each select="meta/generator-color">
   871 			<set attributeName="opacity" attributeType="XML" to="0.5" fill="remove" begin="{@ref}.mouseover" end="{@ref}.mouseout"/>		
   872 		</xsl:for-each>
   873 	</xsl:if>
   874 </xsl:template>
   877 <!--  generated overrides -->
   880 <xsl:template match="*[@generator-color]" mode="display-style-color" priority="8">
   881 	<xsl:for-each select="key('styled',@generator-color)">
   882 		<xsl:value-of select="@value | @default"/>	<!-- can't have both -->
   883 	</xsl:for-each>
   884 </xsl:template>
   887 <xsl:template match="*[count(meta/generator-color)=1]" mode="display-style-color" priority="8">
   888 	<xsl:for-each select="key('styled',meta/generator-color/@ref)">
   889 		<xsl:value-of select="@value | @default"/>	<!-- can't have both -->
   890 	</xsl:for-each>
   891 </xsl:template>
   893 <xsl:template match="*[count(meta/generator-color) &gt; 1]" mode="display-style-color" priority="8">
   894 	<xsl:variable name="ref" select="key('styled',meta/generator-color/@ref)"/>
   895 	<xsl:choose>
   896 		<xsl:when test="count($ref/@value)=1">
   897 			<xsl:value-of select="$ref/@value"/>
   898 		</xsl:when>
   899 		<xsl:when test="count($ref/@value)=0">
   900 			<xsl:value-of select="$ref/@default[last()]"/>
   901 		</xsl:when>
   902 		<xsl:otherwise>
   903 			<xsl:text>url(#bg</xsl:text><xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="id"/><xsl:text>)</xsl:text>
   904 		</xsl:otherwise>
   905 	</xsl:choose>
   906 </xsl:template>
   909 <xsl:template match="*[@generator-text-highlight]" mode="text-filter"  priority="8">
   910 		<xsl:attribute name="filter">url(<xsl:for-each select="key('styled',@generator-text-highlight)">
   911 		<xsl:value-of select="@value | @default"/>	<!-- can't have both -->
   912 	</xsl:for-each>)</xsl:attribute>
   913 </xsl:template>
   915 <xsl:template match="*[@generator-highlight]" mode="filter" priority="8">
   916 	<xsl:attribute name="filter">url(<xsl:for-each select="key('styled',@generator-highlight)">
   917 		<xsl:value-of select="@value | @default"/>	<!-- can't have both -->
   918 	</xsl:for-each>)</xsl:attribute>
   919 </xsl:template>
   921 <xsl:template match="*[@generator-overlay|meta/generator-overlay]" mode="overlays" priority="8">
   922 	<xsl:for-each select="key('styled',@generator-overlay|meta/generator-overlay/@ref)">
   923 		<o>
   924 			<xsl:value-of select="@value | @default"/>	<!-- can't have both -->
   925 		</o>
   926 	</xsl:for-each>
   927 </xsl:template>
   929 <xsl:template match="*[@generator-border]" mode="shape" priority="8">
   930 	<xsl:for-each select="key('styled',@generator-border)">
   931 		<xsl:value-of select="@value | @default"/>	<!-- can't have both -->
   932 	</xsl:for-each>
   933 </xsl:template>
   935 <xsl:template match="*" mode="display-style">
   936 	<xsl:variable name="color"><xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="display-style-color"/></xsl:variable>
   937 	<xsl:if test="$color!=''">fill:<xsl:value-of select="$color"/>;</xsl:if>
   938 	<xsl:for-each select="@generator-style | meta/generator-style/@ref">
   939 		<xsl:for-each select="key('styled',.)">
   940 			<xsl:value-of select="concat(@value | @default,';')"/><!-- can't have both -->
   941 		</xsl:for-each>
   942 	</xsl:for-each>
   943 	<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="display-style-aux"/>
   944 </xsl:template>
   946 <!--  defaults -->
   948 <xsl:template match="*" mode="display-style-aux" priority="-2"/>
   949 <xsl:template match="component" mode="display-style-aux" priority="-1">stroke-width:<xsl:choose>
   950 	<xsl:when test="@plugin">2</xsl:when>
   951 	<xsl:otherwise>0.4</xsl:otherwise>
   952 </xsl:choose>;</xsl:template>
   954 <xsl:template match="component|cmp" mode="display-style-color" priority="-1">grey</xsl:template>
   956 <xsl:template match="*" mode="overlay-styles">
   957 	<!-- overlays just retruns each overlay pattern, this turns them into actual styles -->
   958 	<xsl:variable name="o">
   959 		<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="overlays"/>
   960 	</xsl:variable>
   961 	<xsl:for-each select="exslt:node-set($o)/*">
   962 		<xsl:copy>fill:<xsl:if test=".=''">none</xsl:if>
   963 		<xsl:if test=".!=''">url(<xsl:value-of select="."/>)</xsl:if>
   964 		<xsl:text>; stroke: none; stroke-width: 0;</xsl:text>
   965 		</xsl:copy>
   966 	</xsl:for-each>
   967 </xsl:template>
   969 <xsl:template match="*" mode="overlays" priority="-3"/>
   971 <xsl:template match="component" mode="overlays" priority="-2">
   972 	<xsl:if test="@introduced = ancestor::SystemDefinition/@ver"><o>#Patternradial-grad</o></xsl:if>
   973 	<xsl:if test="@purpose='development' "><o>#Patternstriped-diag-up</o></xsl:if>
   974 </xsl:template>
   976 <xsl:template match="component|cmp" mode="overlays" priority="-3"/>
   978 <xsl:template match="component|cmp" mode="shape" priority="-1">#Borderbox</xsl:template>
   980 <!-- ====== legend ============= -->
   982 <xsl:include href="legend.xsl"/>
   983 <!-- end legend -->
   986 <!-- ====== drawing ============= -->
   988 <xsl:template match="*"  priority="-1">
   989 		<xsl:call-template name="Caller-Error">
   990 			<xsl:with-param name="text">Unrecognised elementn <xsl:value-of select="name()"/> not supported</xsl:with-param>
   991 		</xsl:call-template>
   992 </xsl:template>
   994 <xsl:template match="meta" priority="-1">
   995 	<xsl:if test="not(following::meta[@rel=current()/@rel])">
   996 		<xsl:call-template name="Caller-Note">
   997 			<xsl:with-param name="text">meta rel="<xsl:value-of select="@rel"/>" not supported</xsl:with-param>
   998 		</xsl:call-template>
   999 	</xsl:if>
  1000 	<xsl:call-template name="Caller-Debug">
  1001 		<xsl:with-param name="text">meta rel="<xsl:value-of select="@rel"/>" in <xsl:value-of select="../@id"/> not supported</xsl:with-param>
  1002 	</xsl:call-template>
  1003 </xsl:template>
  1005 <xsl:template match="meta[@rel='styling' or @rel='Generic' or not(@rel) or @rel='Dependencies' or starts-with(@rel,'model-') or @rel='layer-group' or @rel='config'  or @rel='testbuild']"/>
  1006 	<!-- no diagram data in these-->
  1008 <xsl:template match="meta[@rel='model-levels']"/> <!--  by default, show no level titles -->
  1010 <!-- global stuff is stuff which is drawn outside of any system model item -->
  1011 <xsl:template match="*" mode="global" priority="-1"/>
  1013 <!-- ====== layer groups  ============= -->
  1015 <xsl:template match="meta[@rel='layer-group']" mode="global">
  1016 	<xsl:apply-templates select="layer-group" mode="lgrp">
  1017 		<!-- start as wide as possible and go inward -->
  1018 		<xsl:with-param name="left" select="0"/>
  1019 		<xsl:with-param name="right" select="ancestor::SystemDefinition/@width"/> 
  1020 	</xsl:apply-templates>
  1021 </xsl:template>
  1024 <xsl:template match="layer-group" mode="lgrp">
  1025 	<xsl:param name="left"/><xsl:param name="right"/>
  1026 	<xsl:variable name="From" select="ancestor::systemModel/layer[@id=current()/@from]"/>
  1027 	<xsl:variable name="To" select="ancestor::systemModel/layer[@id=current()/@to]"/>
  1028 	<xsl:choose>
  1029 		<xsl:when test="not($From)">
  1030 			<xsl:call-template name="Caller-Error">
  1031 				<xsl:with-param name="text">layer "<xsl:value-of select="@from"/>" does not exist</xsl:with-param>
  1032 			</xsl:call-template>
  1033 		</xsl:when>
  1034 		<xsl:when test="not($To)">
  1035 			<xsl:call-template name="Caller-Error">
  1036 				<xsl:with-param name="text">layer "<xsl:value-of select="@to"/>" does not exist</xsl:with-param>
  1037 			</xsl:call-template>
  1038 		</xsl:when>
  1039 		<xsl:when test="not($From/following-sibling::layer[@id=current()/@to])">
  1040 			<xsl:call-template name="Caller-Error">
  1041 				<xsl:with-param name="text">"<xsl:value-of select="@from"/>" is after "<xsl:value-of select="@to"/>"</xsl:with-param>
  1042 			</xsl:call-template>
  1043 		</xsl:when>
  1044 		<xsl:when test="$To[@span]">
  1045 			<xsl:call-template name="Caller-Error">
  1046 				<xsl:with-param name="text">Layer group cannot be bounded by spanned layer "<xsl:value-of select="@to"/>"</xsl:with-param>
  1047 			</xsl:call-template>
  1048 		</xsl:when>
  1049 		<xsl:when test="$From[@span]">
  1050 			<xsl:call-template name="Caller-Error">
  1051 				<xsl:with-param name="text">Layer group cannot be bounded by spanned layer "<xsl:value-of select="@from"/>"</xsl:with-param>
  1052 			</xsl:call-template>
  1053 		</xsl:when>
  1054 		<xsl:otherwise>
  1055 			<xsl:variable name="parent-to" select="count(ancestor::layer-group[@to=current()/@to])"/>
  1056 			<xsl:variable name="child-to" select="1+ count(descendant::layer-group[@to=current()/@to])"/>
  1057 			<xsl:variable name="child-from" select="1+ count(descendant::layer-group[@from=current()/@from])"/>
  1058 			<xsl:variable name="between" select="$From/following-sibling::layer[following-sibling::layer[@id=current()/@to]]"/>
  1059 			<xsl:variable name="height" select="sum($From/@height | $From/@padding-top | $To/@height | $To/@padding-bottom |$between/@height | $between/@padding-top | $between/@padding-bottom) +
  1060 	 			$lgrpDx *  ($child-to+ $child-from) + $groupDy * (1 + count($between))"/>
  1061 			<xsl:variable name="start">
  1062 				<xsl:choose>
  1063 					<xsl:when test="$To/following-sibling::layer[not(@span)]">
  1064 					<xsl:value-of select="sum($To/following-sibling::layer[not(@span)]/@*[name()='height' or name()='padding-bottom' or name()='padding-top'])  
  1065 						+ $groupDy * count($To/following-sibling::layer[not(@span)])  + $lgrpDx *  $parent-to "/>
  1066 					</xsl:when>
  1067 					<xsl:otherwise>
  1068 						<xsl:value-of select="$lgrpDx *  $parent-to"/>
  1069 					</xsl:otherwise>
  1070 				</xsl:choose>
  1071 			</xsl:variable>
  1072 			<xsl:variable name="to-name" select="@to"/>
  1073 			<xsl:variable name="from-name" select="@from"/>
  1074 			<g class="{name()}">
  1075 				<rect width="{$right - $left}" height="{$height}" x="{$left}" y="{$start}" rx="{$lyrTitleBox*0.5}"  fill="{@color}"/>
  1076 				<xsl:if test="@label">
  1077 					<text text-anchor="middle" dy="0.375em" class="lgrp" transform="rotate(-90)" y="{$left + 0.5 * $lgrpLabelDx}" width="{$height}" x="{- ($start + 0.5 * $height)}">
  1078 						<xsl:value-of select="@label"/>
  1079 					</text>
  1080 				</xsl:if>
  1081 			</g>
  1082 			<xsl:variable name="dx">
  1083 				<xsl:choose>
  1084 					<xsl:when test="@label"><xsl:value-of select="$lgrpLabelDx"/></xsl:when>
  1085 					<xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="$lgrpDx * 0.75"/></xsl:otherwise>
  1086 				</xsl:choose>
  1087 			</xsl:variable>		
  1088 			<xsl:apply-templates select="layer-group" mode="lgrp">
  1089 				<xsl:with-param name="left" select="$left + $dx"/>
  1090 				<xsl:with-param name="right" select="$right - $lgrpDx"/>
  1091 			</xsl:apply-templates>
  1092 		</xsl:otherwise>
  1093 	</xsl:choose>
  1095 </xsl:template>
  1097 <!-- ====== layers  ============= -->
  1099 <xsl:template match="layer">
  1100 	<xsl:variable name="y" select="sum(@padding-top|following-sibling::layer[not(@span)]/@*[name()='height'  or name()='padding-bottom' or name()='padding-top']) + count(following::layer[not(@span)]) * $groupDy"/>
  1102 	<g id="{@id}" transform="translate({ancestor::SystemDefinition/@padding-left - 3.5 - $lyrTitleBox } {$y})">
  1103 		<xsl:call-template name="my-class"/>
  1104 		<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="filter"/>
  1105 		<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="animate-color"/>	
  1106         <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="multi-color"/>	
  1107         <xsl:variable name="show-content" select="not(ancestor::SystemDefinition[@detail='layer' and not(@levels='show')])"/> <!-- only show if showing content -->
  1108         <xsl:if test="$show-content"> <!-- only show if showing content -->
  1109 			<xsl:call-template name="linkable-content">
  1110 				<xsl:with-param name="show">
  1111 					<rect x="0.3" y="0.3" width="{$lyrTitleBox}" rx="{$lyrTitleBox * 0.5}" ry="{$lyrTitleBox * 0.5}" class="{name()}" height="{@height}">
  1112 						<xsl:call-template name="styles"><xsl:with-param name="for" select="'label'"/></xsl:call-template>
  1113 					</rect>
  1114 					<text  text-anchor="middle" dy="0.375em" class="layer" transform="rotate(-90)" 
  1115 						 y="{$lyrTitleBox * 0.5 + 0.3}" width="{@height}" height="{$lyrTitleBox}" x="{ -(@height div 2 ) -  0.3}">
  1116 						<xsl:call-template name="display-name"/>
  1117 					</text>
  1118 				</xsl:with-param>
  1119 			</xsl:call-template>
  1120 		</xsl:if>
  1121 		<xsl:variable name="spans" select="following-sibling::layer[@span and position() - @span &lt;= 0]"/>
  1122 		<xsl:variable name="w" select="ancestor::SystemDefinition/@model-width -  sum($spans/@width) - $groupDx * count($spans)"/>
  1124 		<xsl:variable name="x-off">
  1125 			<xsl:choose>
  1126 				<xsl:when test="$w &lt;= @width">0</xsl:when> <!-- should never be less than 0 -->
  1127 				<xsl:when test="@align='left'">0</xsl:when>
  1128 				<xsl:when test="@align='right'"><xsl:value-of select="$w - @width"/></xsl:when>
  1129 				<xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="0.5 * ($w - @width)"/></xsl:otherwise> <!-- align='center' -->
  1130 			</xsl:choose>
  1131 		</xsl:variable>
  1132 		<g class="layer-detail" transform="translate({3.5 + $lyrTitleBox + $x-off} {sum(@ipad) *0.5})">
  1133 			<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="detail-stuff"><xsl:with-param name="s" select="'mouseover'"/></xsl:apply-templates>
  1134 			<rect x="{-$x-off}" class="{name()}" y="{-0.5 * sum(@ipad)}" width="{$w}" height="{@height}">
  1135 				<xsl:call-template name="styles"/>
  1136 				<xsl:if test="not($show-content)">
  1137 				 <xsl:attribute name="rx"><xsl:value-of select="$lyrTitleBox*0.5"/></xsl:attribute>
  1138 				 <xsl:attribute name="ry"><xsl:value-of select="$lyrTitleBox*0.5"/></xsl:attribute>
  1139 				 </xsl:if>
  1140 			</rect>
  1142 			<xsl:variable name="overlay"><xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="overlay-styles"/></xsl:variable>
  1143 			<xsl:variable name="cur" select="."/>
  1146 			<xsl:for-each select="exslt:node-set($overlay)/*">
  1147 				<rect x="{-$x-off}" y="{-0.5 * sum($cur/@ipad)}" width="{$w}" height="{$cur/@height}"  style="{.}"/>
  1148 			</xsl:for-each>
  1150 			<xsl:if test="not($show-content)">
  1151 				<xsl:call-template name="linkable-content">
  1152 					<xsl:with-param name="show">
  1153 						<text  text-anchor="middle" dy="0.375em" class="layer" 
  1154 							 y="{0.5 * @height}" width="{@width}" height="{@height}" x="{ 0.5 * @width}">
  1155 							<xsl:call-template name="display-name"/>
  1156 						</text>
  1157 					</xsl:with-param>
  1158 				</xsl:call-template>
  1159 			</xsl:if>
  1160 			<g><xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="detail-stuff"/>
  1161 				<xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>
  1162 			</g>		
  1163 		</g>
  1164 	</g>
  1165 </xsl:template>
  1167 <!-- print levels for fixed or non-fixed width -->
  1168 <xsl:template match="layer/meta[@rel='model-levels' and ancestor::SystemDefinition[@levels='show' and @detail='layer']]">
  1169 	<xsl:for-each select="level[@name]">
  1170 		<text text-anchor="middle" class="level" x="{../../@width * 0.5}" width="{../../@width}" dy="0.375em">
  1171 			<xsl:attribute name="y">
  1172 				<xsl:choose>
  1173 					<xsl:when test="ancestor::SystemDefinition/@detail-type='fixed'">
  1174 						<xsl:value-of select="(count(following-sibling::level) + 0.5)* $mHeight * 1.5"/>
  1175 					</xsl:when>
  1176 					<xsl:otherwise>
  1177 						<xsl:value-of select="sum(following-sibling::level/@height) +count(following-sibling::level/@height) + 0.5* @height "/>
  1178 					</xsl:otherwise>
  1179 				</xsl:choose>
  1180 			</xsl:attribute>
  1181 			<xsl:call-template name="display-name"/>
  1182 		</text>
  1183 	</xsl:for-each>
  1184 </xsl:template>
  1186 <xsl:template match="layer/meta[@rel='model-levels' and ancestor::SystemDefinition[@levels='expand']]">
  1187 	<xsl:variable name="spans" select="../following-sibling::layer[@span and position() - @span &lt;= 0]"/>
  1188 	<xsl:variable name="w" select="ancestor::SystemDefinition/@model-width -  sum($spans/@width) - $groupDx * count($spans)"/>
  1190 	<xsl:for-each select="level[@name]">
  1191 		<xsl:variable name="y" select="sum(following-sibling::level/@height) + $groupDy * count(following-sibling::level) + 0.5 * @height"/>
  1192 		<text text-anchor="middle" class="level" x="{$w - $levelExpandName * 0.2 - ($w - ../../@width) * 0.5}" width="{@height}" y="{$y}" height="{$levelExpandName}" dy="0em" transform="rotate(-90 {$w - $levelExpandName * 0.2 - ($w - ../../@width) * 0.5} {$y})">
  1193 			<xsl:call-template name="display-name"/>
  1194 		</text>
  1195 	</xsl:for-each>
  1196 </xsl:template>
  1199 <xsl:template match="layer[@span &gt; 0]">
  1200 	<xsl:variable name="y" select="sum(@padding-top|following-sibling::layer[not(@span)]/@*[name()='height'  or name()='padding-bottom' or name()='padding-top']) + count(following::layer[not(@span)]) * $groupDy"/>
  1202 	<xsl:variable name="spans" select="following-sibling::layer[@span and position() - @span &lt;= 0]"/>
  1203 	<xsl:variable name="w" select="ancestor::SystemDefinition/@model-width -  sum($spans/@width) - $groupDx * count($spans)"/>
  1204     <xsl:variable name="show-content" select="not(ancestor::SystemDefinition[@detail='layer' and not(@levels='show')])"/> <!-- only show if showing content -->
  1206 	<xsl:variable name="x-off" select="$w - @width"/>
  1207 	<g class="{name()}" id="{@id}" transform="translate({$x-off + $groupDx} {$y})">
  1208 		<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="filter"/>
  1209 		<g class="layer-detail" transform ="translate({$lyrTitleBox + 3.5} {sum(@ipad) *0.5})">
  1210 			<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="detail-stuff"><xsl:with-param name="s" select="'mouseover'"/></xsl:apply-templates>
  1211 			<rect x="0" class="{name()}" y="{-0.5 * sum(@ipad)}" width="{@width}" height="{@height}">
  1212 				<xsl:call-template name="styles"/>
  1213 				<xsl:if test="not($show-content)">
  1214 					 <xsl:attribute name="rx"><xsl:value-of select="$lyrTitleBox*0.5"/></xsl:attribute>
  1215 					 <xsl:attribute name="ry"><xsl:value-of select="$lyrTitleBox*0.5"/></xsl:attribute>
  1216 				 </xsl:if>				
  1217 			</rect>
  1219 			<xsl:variable name="overlay"><xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="overlay-styles"/></xsl:variable>
  1220 			<xsl:variable name="cur" select="."/>
  1221 			<xsl:for-each select="exslt:node-set($overlay)/*">
  1222 				<rect x="0" width="{$cur/@width}" height="{$cur/@height}" y="{-0.5 * sum($cur/@ipad)}" style="{.}"/>
  1223 			</xsl:for-each>
  1225 			<xsl:call-template name="linkable-content">
  1226 				<xsl:with-param name="show">
  1227 					<text text-anchor="middle" class="layer" width="{@width}" x="{@width div 2}">
  1228 						<xsl:attribute name="y">
  1229 							<xsl:choose>
  1230 								<xsl:when test="ancestor::SystemDefinition[@detail='layer']">
  1231 									<xsl:value-of select="@height * 0.5"/>
  1232 								</xsl:when>
  1233 								<xsl:otherwise>
  1234 									<xsl:value-of select="@height - $groupDy - 2.3"/>								
  1235 								</xsl:otherwise>
  1236 							</xsl:choose>
  1237 						</xsl:attribute>
  1238 						<xsl:if test="ancestor::SystemDefinition[@detail='layer']"> <!--  middle align if no content, otherwise text goes at bottom -->
  1239 							<xsl:attribute name="dy">0.375em</xsl:attribute>
  1240 							<xsl:copy-of select="@height"/>
  1241 						</xsl:if>
  1242 						<xsl:call-template name="display-name"/>
  1243 					</text>
  1244 				</xsl:with-param>
  1245 			</xsl:call-template>
  1246 			<g><xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="detail-stuff"/>					
  1247 				<xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>
  1248 			</g>
  1249 		</g>
  1250 	</g>
  1252 </xsl:template>
  1254 <xsl:template name="my-class">
  1255 	<xsl:attribute name="class">
  1256 		<xsl:value-of select="name()"/>
  1257 		<xsl:if test="not(*[not(self::meta)])"> placeholder</xsl:if>
  1258 		<xsl:if test="name()=name(..)"> nested</xsl:if>
  1259 	</xsl:attribute>	
  1260 </xsl:template>
  1262 <!-- ====== packages  ============= -->
  1263 <xsl:template match="package">
  1265 	<xsl:variable name="match" select="../meta[@rel='model-levels']/level[@name=current()/@level  or not(current()/@level)  or (current()/@span and following-sibling::level[position() &lt; current()/@span][@name=current()/@level or (not(@name) and current()/@level='*')]) or (current()/@level='*' and not(@name))]"/>
  1267 	<xsl:variable name="h">
  1268 			<xsl:choose>
  1269 				<xsl:when test="$match"> <!-- get height from height of (spanned) levels -->
  1270 						<xsl:value-of select="sum($match/@height) + $groupDy * (count($match) - 1)"/>
  1271 				</xsl:when>
  1272 				<xsl:when test="parent::layer/@span or count(../package)!=1"> <!-- has siblings, so height of layer will do (- padding) -->
  1273 						<xsl:value-of select="../@height - sum(../@ipad)"/>
  1274 				</xsl:when>
  1275 				<xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="@height"/></xsl:otherwise>
  1276 			</xsl:choose>
  1277 	</xsl:variable>  
  1279 	<xsl:variable name="x">
  1280 		<xsl:choose>
  1281 			<xsl:when test="../meta[@rel='model-levels']/level/step[@ref=current()/@id]">
  1282 				<xsl:value-of select="../meta[@rel='model-levels']/level/step[@ref=current()/@id]/@x"/>
  1283 			</xsl:when>
  1284 			<xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="sum(preceding-sibling::package/@width) + count(preceding-sibling::package) * $groupDx"/></xsl:otherwise>	
  1285 		</xsl:choose>
  1286 	</xsl:variable>
  1288 		<xsl:variable name="lev" select="../meta[@rel='model-levels']/level[@name=current()/@level  or (current()/@level='*' and not(@name))]"/>
  1289 		<xsl:variable name="y" select="sum($lev/following-sibling::level/@height) + $groupDy * count($lev/following-sibling::level)"/>
  1291 	<xsl:variable name="translate-y">
  1292 		<xsl:choose>
  1293 			<xsl:when test="@levels or not(collection/@level)"><xsl:value-of select="$y"/></xsl:when>
  1294 			<xsl:otherwise>0</xsl:otherwise>
  1295 		</xsl:choose>
  1296 	</xsl:variable>
  1298 	<g id="{@id}">
  1299 		<xsl:call-template name="my-class"/>
  1300 		<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="detail-stuff"><xsl:with-param name="s" select="'mouseover'"/></xsl:apply-templates>
  1301 		<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="filter"/>	
  1302 		<xsl:attribute name="transform">translate( <xsl:value-of select="concat($x,' ',$translate-y)"/>)</xsl:attribute>
  1303 		<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="animate-color"/>
  1304         <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="multi-color"/>		
  1305 		<rect class="{name()}" x="0" width="{@width}" height="{$h}" y="{$y - $translate-y }">
  1306 			<xsl:call-template name="styles"/>
  1307 		</rect>		
  1309 		<xsl:variable name="overlay"><xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="overlay-styles"/></xsl:variable>
  1310 		<xsl:variable name="cur" select="."/>
  1311 		<xsl:for-each select="exslt:node-set($overlay)/*">
  1312 			<rect x="0" width="{$cur/@width}" height="{$h}" y="{$y - $translate-y }" style="{.}"/>
  1313 		</xsl:for-each>
  1314 		<xsl:variable name="middle" select="not(collection|package) or (ancestor::SystemDefinition[@detail='package' and not(@levels='show')] and not(package))"/>
  1316 		<xsl:variable name="text-off"> <!--  middle-align if not showing children -->
  1317 			<xsl:choose>
  1318 				<xsl:when test="$middle"><xsl:value-of select="$h *0.5"/></xsl:when>
  1319 				<xsl:otherwise>0</xsl:otherwise>
  1320 			</xsl:choose>
  1321 		</xsl:variable>
  1322 		<xsl:variable name="padding" select="sum(@ipad) + number($h - @height &gt; 2 * $groupDy)  * 2 * $groupDy * (1 - count(@ipad))"/>
  1323 			<!-- use @ipad or 2groupdy if h is significantly bigger then @height  -->
  1324 		<!-- label goes here -->
  1325 		<xsl:call-template name="linkable-content">
  1326 			<xsl:with-param name="show">
  1327 				<text text-anchor="middle" class="package" width="{@width}" x="{@width div 2}" y="{ $y + $h - $text-off   - $translate-y - 1 }">
  1328 					<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="detail-stuff"><xsl:with-param name="s" select="'text'"/></xsl:apply-templates>
  1329 						<!--  centre-align if not showing children -->				
  1330 					<xsl:if test="$middle">
  1331 							<xsl:attribute name="dy">0.375em</xsl:attribute>
  1332 							<xsl:attribute name="height"><xsl:value-of select="@height"/></xsl:attribute>
  1333 					</xsl:if>
  1334 					<xsl:variable name="txt"><xsl:call-template name="name-value"/></xsl:variable>
  1335 					<xsl:variable name="level-h" select="count(meta[@rel='model-levels']/level) *  ($mHeight + $groupDy) - $groupDy + $padding"/>  
  1336 					<xsl:choose>
  1337 						<!-- the $cSize * string-length($txt) * 0.25 assumes 4 chars per component-width is a good
  1338 							determinant of the amount of pkg text that can fit in a given width. This fails, of course, when
  1339 							the font or font size changes via CSS, something that can't be resolved here at all, however
  1340 							it's not a bad failsafe condition, since it just puts text where there is the most room for it
  1341 							It just might look funny if the font is smaller than expected and there'd be plenty of room for
  1342 							it at the bottom.
  1343 							The ".../level[1]/@width != 0 and count(...) &gt; 1" means that if the first level has nothing in it,
  1344 							then there's plenty of room and no need for an inline label  
  1345 							The ($h - $level-h &lt; $mHeight)" bit means the same thing, except it takes into account that the 
  1346 							levels might not go all the way to the bottom of the pkg							 
  1347 						-->
  1348 						<xsl:when test="package"/> <!-- can't be inline -->
  1349 						<xsl:when test="@width &lt; $cSize * string-length($txt) * 0.25 and meta[@rel='model-levels']/level[1]/@width != 0 and count(meta[@rel='model-levels']/level) &gt; 1 and ($h - $level-h &lt; $mHeight)">
  1350 							<xsl:variable name="min-width">
  1351 								<xsl:for-each select="meta[@rel='model-levels']/level">
  1352 									<xsl:sort select="@width" order="ascending" data-type="number"/>
  1353 									<xsl:if test="position()=1"><xsl:value-of select="@width"/></xsl:if>
  1354 								</xsl:for-each>
  1355 							</xsl:variable>
  1356 							<xsl:if test="$min-width  = @width or @width - $min-width &gt; $inlineLabel and string-length($txt) &gt; 12">
  1357 								<xsl:call-template name="inline-label">
  1358 									<xsl:with-param name="y0" select="$y  - $translate-y "/>
  1359 								</xsl:call-template>
  1360 							</xsl:if>
  1361 						</xsl:when>
  1362 						<xsl:when test="$pkgLabelSize  &lt;= $h - $level-h "/>  <!--  plenty of room on bottom, no need for inline label -->
  1363 						<xsl:when test="ancestor::SystemDefinition[@detail='collection' or @detail='component' or @detail='layer']">
  1364 							<xsl:call-template name="inline-label">
  1365 								<xsl:with-param name="y0" select="$y  - $translate-y "/>
  1366 							</xsl:call-template>
  1367 						</xsl:when>
  1368 					</xsl:choose>
  1369 					<xsl:call-template name="display-name"/>
  1370 				</text>
  1371 			</xsl:with-param>
  1372 		</xsl:call-template>
  1376 		<g>
  1377 			<xsl:if test="$padding !=0"><xsl:attribute name="transform">translate(0 <xsl:value-of select="0.5* $padding"/>)</xsl:attribute></xsl:if>
  1378 			<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="detail-stuff"/>		
  1379 			<xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>	
  1380 		</g>
  1382 	</g>
  1383 </xsl:template>
  1385 <!-- print pkg levels if desired -->
  1386 <xsl:template match="package/meta[@rel='model-levels' and ancestor::SystemDefinition[@levels='show' and @detail='package']]" >
  1387 	<xsl:for-each select="level">
  1388 		<xsl:if test="@name">
  1389 			<text text-anchor="start" class="level" x="{$groupDx}" width="{../../@width - 2 * $groupDx}" y="{count(../../parent::package) *$groupDy + (last() - position()) * ($mHeight + $groupDy) }" dy="0.75em">
  1390 				<xsl:call-template name="display-name"/>
  1391 			</text>
  1392 		</xsl:if>
  1393 	</xsl:for-each>
  1394 </xsl:template>
  1396 <xsl:template match="package/meta[@rel='model-levels' and ancestor::SystemDefinition[@levels='expand']]">
  1397 	<xsl:for-each select="level">
  1398 		<xsl:if test="@name">
  1399 			<xsl:variable name="y" select="count(../../parent::package) * $groupDy + (last() - position()) * ($mHeight + $groupDy) + 0.5 * $mHeight"/>
  1400 			<text text-anchor="middle" class="level" x="{../../@width - $levelExpandName * 0.2 }" width="{$mMinWidth}" height="{$levelExpandName}" y="{$y}" transform="rotate(-90 {../../@width - $levelExpandName * 0.2 } {$y})" dy="0em">
  1401 				<xsl:call-template name="display-name"/>
  1402 			</text>
  1403 		</xsl:if>
  1404 	</xsl:for-each>
  1405 </xsl:template>
  1407 <xsl:template name="inline-label"><xsl:param name="y0"/>
  1408 	<xsl:variable name="thin-level">
  1409 		<xsl:for-each select="meta[@rel='model-levels']/level">
  1410 			<xsl:sort select="@width" order="ascending" data-type="number"/>
  1411 			<xsl:sort select="count(preceding-sibling::level)" order="ascending" data-type="number"/> <!-- to make sure it's at the lowest level if there is a choice -->
  1412 			<xsl:if test="position()=1"><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></xsl:if>
  1413 		</xsl:for-each>
  1414 	</xsl:variable>
  1415 	<xsl:variable name="lev" select="meta[@rel='model-levels']/level[@name=$thin-level or $thin-level='' and not(@name)]"/>
  1416 	<xsl:variable name="y" select="$y0 + count($lev/following-sibling::level) * ($mHeight +  $groupDy) + sum(@ipad) *0.5 "/>
  1417 	<xsl:attribute name="dy">0.375em</xsl:attribute>
  1418 	<xsl:attribute name="width"><xsl:value-of select="@width - $lev/@width"/></xsl:attribute>
  1419 	<xsl:attribute name="x"><xsl:value-of select="0.5 * (@width +  $lev/@width)"/></xsl:attribute> <!-- centre-aligned -->
  1420 	<xsl:attribute name="y"><xsl:value-of select="$y +  0.5 * $mHeight"/></xsl:attribute> <!-- middle-algined -->
  1421 </xsl:template>
  1425 <!--- sub-packages -->
  1427 <xsl:template match="package/package"  priority="2">
  1428 	<xsl:variable name="x">
  1429 		<xsl:call-template name="sum-list">
  1430 			<xsl:with-param name="list">
  1431 				<xsl:value-of select="sum(preceding-sibling::package/@width) + $groupDx * count(preceding-sibling::package)"/>
  1432 		<xsl:text> </xsl:text>
  1433 		<xsl:apply-templates mode="effective-width" select="preceding-sibling::collection[following-sibling::*[1][self::package]]">
  1434 			<xsl:with-param name="levels"><xsl:copy-of select="../meta[@rel='model-levels']/level"/></xsl:with-param>
  1435 		</xsl:apply-templates>
  1436 			</xsl:with-param>
  1437 		</xsl:call-template>
  1438 	</xsl:variable>
  1440 	<g id="{@id}" transform="translate({$x})">
  1441 		<xsl:call-template name="my-class"/>
  1442 		<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="filter"/>
  1443 		<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="detail-stuff"><xsl:with-param name="s" select="'mouseover'"/></xsl:apply-templates>		
  1444 		<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="animate-color"/>
  1445         <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="multi-color"/>		
  1446 		<rect class="{name()}" x="0" height="{@height}" width="{@width}" y ="0">
  1447 			<xsl:if test="not(collection) or ancestor::SystemDefinition/@detail=name()">
  1448 				<!-- to make room for the block label -->
  1449 				<xsl:attribute name="height"><xsl:value-of select="@height"/></xsl:attribute>
  1450 			</xsl:if>
  1451 			<xsl:call-template name="styles"/>
  1452 		</rect>
  1455 		<xsl:variable name="overlay"><xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="overlay-styles"/></xsl:variable>
  1456 		<xsl:variable name="cur" select="."/>
  1457 		<xsl:for-each select="exslt:node-set($overlay)/*">
  1458 			<rect x="0" height="{$cur/@height}" width="{$cur/@width}" y ="0" style="{.}">
  1459 				<xsl:if test="not($cur/collection) or $cur/ancestor::SystemDefinition/@detail=name($cur)">
  1460 					<!-- to make room for the block label -->
  1461 					<xsl:attribute name="height"><xsl:value-of select="$cur/@height"/></xsl:attribute>
  1462 				</xsl:if>
  1463 			</rect>
  1464 		</xsl:for-each>
  1465 		<xsl:call-template name="linkable-content">
  1466 			<xsl:with-param name="show">		
  1467 				<!-- default is for not showing detail, since it's easy to calculate -->
  1468 				<text text-anchor="middle" class="{name()}" dy="0.375em" x="{@width * 0.5}" width="{@width}" y="{0.5 * @height}">
  1469 					<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="detail-stuff"><xsl:with-param name="s" select="'text'"/></xsl:apply-templates>
  1470 						<xsl:if test="not(ancestor::SystemDefinition/@detail='package')">
  1471 							<xsl:call-template name="inline-label">
  1472 								<xsl:with-param name="y0" select="0"/>
  1473 							</xsl:call-template>
  1474 						</xsl:if>
  1475 					<xsl:call-template name="display-name"/>
  1476 				</text>
  1477 			</xsl:with-param>
  1478 		</xsl:call-template>
  1479 		<g><xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="detail-stuff"/>
  1480 			<xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>
  1481 		</g>	
  1482 	</g>
  1483 </xsl:template>
  1486 <!-- ====== collections  ============= -->
  1488 <xsl:template match="collection">
  1489 <xsl:variable name="y" >
  1490 	<xsl:choose>
  1491 		<xsl:when test="ancestor::package/@levels or not(ancestor::layer/meta[@rel='model-levels'])">
  1492 			<!-- the positions come from the pkg only -->
  1493 			<xsl:value-of select="count(../meta[@rel='model-levels']/level[(current()[not(@level)] and not(@name)) or @name=current()/@level]/following-sibling::level) * ($mHeight +  $groupDy)"/> 
  1494 		</xsl:when>
  1495 		<xsl:otherwise>
  1496 			<!-- the positions come from the levels from the layer -->
  1497 			<xsl:variable name="lev" select="ancestor::layer/meta[@rel='model-levels']/level[(current()[not(@level)] and not(@name)) or @name=current()/@level]/following-sibling::level"/>
  1498 			<xsl:value-of select="sum($lev/@height) + $groupDy * count($lev)"/> 
  1499 		</xsl:otherwise>	
  1500 	</xsl:choose>
  1501 </xsl:variable>
  1503 	<xsl:variable name="on-level" select="preceding-sibling::collection[(current()[not(@level)] and not(@level)) or @level=current()/@level]"/>
  1506 <xsl:variable name="x">
  1507 	<xsl:choose>
  1508 		<xsl:when test="../package and not(preceding-sibling::package)">
  1509 			<!-- treat as if it's a normal collection-->
  1510 			<xsl:value-of  select="sum($on-level/@width) + $groupDx * count($on-level) "/>
  1511 		</xsl:when>
  1512 		<xsl:when test="../package">
  1513 			<xsl:call-template name="sum-list">
  1514 				<xsl:with-param name="list">	
  1515 					<xsl:value-of select="sum(preceding-sibling::package/@width) + $groupDx * count(preceding-sibling::package)"/>
  1516 					<xsl:text> </xsl:text>
  1517 					<xsl:apply-templates mode="effective-width" select="preceding-sibling::collection[following-sibling::*[1][self::package]]">
  1518 						<xsl:with-param name="levels"><xsl:apply-templates select=".." mode="levels"/></xsl:with-param>
  1519 					</xsl:apply-templates>
  1520 					<xsl:variable name="prev" select="preceding-sibling::collection[preceding-sibling::package[@id=current()/preceding-sibling::package[1]/@id]][@level = current()/@level or (not(@level) and not(current()/@level))]"/>
  1521 					<xsl:if test="$prev">
  1522 						<xsl:value-of select="concat(sum($prev/@width) + $groupDx * count($prev), ' ')"/>
  1523 					</xsl:if>
  1524 				</xsl:with-param>
  1525 			</xsl:call-template>
  1526 		</xsl:when>
  1527 		<xsl:otherwise>
  1528 		<xsl:value-of  select="sum($on-level/@width) + $groupDx * count($on-level) "/>
  1529 		</xsl:otherwise>
  1530 	</xsl:choose>
  1531 	</xsl:variable>
  1534 	<g id="{@id}" transform="translate({$x} {$y})"><xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="filter"/>
  1535 		<xsl:call-template name="my-class"/>
  1536 		<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="detail-stuff"><xsl:with-param name="s" select="'mouseover'"/></xsl:apply-templates>
  1537 		<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="animate-color"/>
  1538         <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="multi-color"/>
  1539 		<rect class="{name()}" x="0" y="0" height="{@height}" width="{@width}">
  1540 			<xsl:call-template name="styles"/>
  1541 		</rect>
  1542 		<xsl:variable name="overlay"><xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="overlay-styles"/></xsl:variable>
  1543 		<xsl:variable name="cur" select="."/>
  1544 		<xsl:for-each select="exslt:node-set($overlay)/*">
  1545 			<rect width="{$cur/@width}" height="{$cur/@height}" x="0" y="0" style="{.}"/>
  1546 		</xsl:for-each>
  1550 		<xsl:call-template name="linkable-content">
  1551 			<xsl:with-param name="show">
  1552 			<!-- dy=1em means top align, but leave a bit of space up there so the top of the text is not flush against the border
  1553 				The alternative would be set y to a fixed offset (like the 1.4 x-offset) and use dy="0.75em" to make the text be
  1554 				flush against this offset, but I suspect the 1em method will look better in a wider variety of fonts--> 
  1555 				<text  text-anchor="start" dy="1em" class="collection" y="0" x="1.4" width="{@width - 1.4}">
  1556 					<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="detail-stuff"><xsl:with-param name="s" select="'text'"/></xsl:apply-templates>
  1557 					<xsl:choose>
  1558 						<xsl:when test="not(component) or ancestor::SystemDefinition/@detail='collection' ">
  1559 							<xsl:attribute name='text-anchor'>middle</xsl:attribute>
  1560 							<xsl:attribute name='x'><xsl:value-of select="@width * 0.5"/></xsl:attribute>
  1561 							<xsl:attribute name='dy'>0.375em</xsl:attribute> <!-- middle align if no content -->
  1562 							<xsl:attribute name="y"><xsl:value-of select="@height * 0.5"/></xsl:attribute>
  1563 							<xsl:attribute name="height"><xsl:value-of select="@height"/></xsl:attribute>
  1564 						</xsl:when>
  1565 						<xsl:otherwise>
  1566 							<xsl:attribute name="height"><xsl:value-of select="@height - component/@height"/></xsl:attribute> <!--all children are the same size -->
  1567 						</xsl:otherwise>
  1568 					</xsl:choose>
  1569 					<xsl:call-template name="display-name"/>
  1570 				</text>
  1571 			</xsl:with-param>
  1572 		</xsl:call-template>
  1573 		<g transform="translate(0 {@height - $cSize})">
  1574 			<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="detail-stuff"/>
  1575 			<xsl:apply-templates select="*"/>
  1576 		</g>		
  1577 	</g>
  1578 </xsl:template>
  1581 <!-- ====== components  ============= -->
  1583 <xsl:template match="component|cmp">
  1584 	<xsl:param name="spacing" select="0"/>
  1585 	<!-- the bulk of the following is for cmp, not component -->
  1586 	<xsl:variable name="x-pos">
  1587 		<xsl:choose>
  1588 			<xsl:when test="self::cmp">
  1589 				<xsl:value-of select="sum(preceding-sibling::*/@width | preceding-sibling::*/@rpad | ../@label-width) "/>
  1590 			</xsl:when>
  1591 			<xsl:otherwise>
  1592 				<xsl:value-of select="sum(preceding-sibling::component/@width) "/>
  1593 			</xsl:otherwise>
  1594 		</xsl:choose>
  1595 	</xsl:variable>
  1596 	<g id="{@id}">
  1597 		<xsl:call-template name="my-class"/>
  1598 		<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="filter"/>
  1599 		<xsl:if test="parent::collection">
  1600 			<xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="animate-color"/>
  1601 	        <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="multi-color"/>			
  1602 		</xsl:if>
  1603 		<xsl:variable name="ref"><xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="shape"/></xsl:variable>
  1604 		<use width="{@width}" height="{@height}" x="{$x-pos}" y="0" xlink:href="{$ref}">
  1605 			<xsl:variable name="style"><xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="display-style"/></xsl:variable>
  1606 			<xsl:if test="string-length($style) &gt; 1">
  1607 				<xsl:attribute name="style"><xsl:value-of select="$style"/></xsl:attribute>
  1608 			</xsl:if>
  1609 		</use>
  1610 		<xsl:variable name="overlay"><xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="overlay-styles"/></xsl:variable>
  1611 		<xsl:variable name="cur" select="."/>
  1612 		<xsl:for-each select="exslt:node-set($overlay)/*">
  1613 			<use width="{$cur/@width}" height="{$cur/@height}" x="{$x-pos}" y="0" style="{.}" xlink:href="{$ref}"/>
  1614 		</xsl:for-each>
  1615 		<xsl:call-template name="linkable-content">
  1616 			<xsl:with-param name="show">
  1617 				<text text-anchor="middle" dy="0.375em"  class="component" y="{@height * 0.5 + 0.15}" width="{@width}" height="{@height}" x="{$x-pos + 0.5 * @width}">
  1618 					<xsl:call-template name="display-name"/>
  1619 				</text>
  1620 			</xsl:with-param>
  1621 		</xsl:call-template>
  1622 	</g>
  1623 </xsl:template>
  1626 <!-- ============ Detail options============ -->
  1628 <!-- don't show when not enough detail -->
  1629 <xsl:template match="component[not(ancestor::SystemDefinition[@detail='component' or not(@static='true' or @detail-type='fixed')]) ]" priority="9"/>
  1630 <xsl:template match="collection[  ancestor::SystemDefinition[(@detail='layer' or @detail='package') and (@static='true'  or @detail-type='fixed')] 	]" priority="9"/>
  1631 <xsl:template match="package[ancestor::SystemDefinition[@detail='layer'  and (@static='true'  or @detail-type='fixed')] ]" priority="9"/>
  1633 <xsl:template match="*[ancestor::SystemDefinition/@detail='component']" mode="detail-stuff" priority="9"/>
  1634 <xsl:template match="*" mode="detail-stuff" priority="-5"/>
  1636 <xsl:template match="*[ancestor::SystemDefinition/@static='true']" mode="detail-stuff" priority="7"/>
  1637 <xsl:template match="*[ancestor::SystemDefinition/@detail-type='fixed']" mode="detail-stuff" priority="8"/>
  1639 <xsl:template match="collection[ancestor::SystemDefinition/@detail!='collection'] | *[(ancestor::SystemDefinition/@detail='collection') and not(self::collection)]" mode="detail-stuff" priority="5"/>
  1641 <xsl:template match="collection|package[ancestor::SystemDefinition/@detail='package' and not(package)] | layer[ancestor::SystemDefinition/@detail=name()]" mode="detail-stuff">
  1642 	<xsl:param name="s" select="'content'"/>
  1643 	<xsl:choose>
  1644 		<xsl:when test="$s='mouseover'">
  1645 			<xsl:attribute name="onmouseover">on('<xsl:value-of select="name()"/>-content-<xsl:value-of select="@id"/>');off('<xsl:value-of select="name()"/>-label-<xsl:value-of select="@id"/>');</xsl:attribute>
  1646 			<xsl:attribute name="onmouseout">off('<xsl:value-of select="name()"/>-content-<xsl:value-of select="@id"/>');on('<xsl:value-of select="name()"/>-label-<xsl:value-of select="@id"/>');</xsl:attribute>
  1647 		</xsl:when>
  1648 		<xsl:when test="$s='text'">
  1649 			<xsl:attribute name="id"><xsl:value-of select="name()"/>-label-<xsl:value-of select="@id"/></xsl:attribute>
  1650 		</xsl:when>
  1651 		<xsl:otherwise>
  1652 			<xsl:attribute name="id"><xsl:value-of select="name()"/>-content-<xsl:value-of select="@id"/></xsl:attribute>
  1653 			<xsl:attribute name="visibility">hidden</xsl:attribute>
  1654 		</xsl:otherwise>
  1655 	</xsl:choose>
  1656 </xsl:template>
  1658 <xsl:template priority="8" match="package[package and ancestor::SystemDefinition/@detail='package']/collection" mode="detail-stuff"><xsl:param name="s" select="'content'"/>
  1659 	<xsl:if test="$s='mouseover'">
  1660 		<xsl:attribute name="id"><xsl:value-of select="name()"/>-content-<xsl:value-of select="@id"/></xsl:attribute>
  1661 		<xsl:attribute name="visibility">hidden</xsl:attribute>
  1662 	</xsl:if>
  1663 </xsl:template>
  1666 <xsl:template match="layer[ancestor::SystemDefinition/@detail=name() or not(package)]" mode="detail-stuff"><xsl:param name="s" select="'content'"/>
  1667 	<xsl:choose>
  1668 		<xsl:when test="$s='mouseover'">
  1669 			<xsl:attribute name="onmouseover">on('<xsl:value-of select="name()"/>-content-<xsl:value-of select="@id"/>')</xsl:attribute>
  1670 			<xsl:attribute name="onmouseout">off('<xsl:value-of select="name()"/>-content-<xsl:value-of select="@id"/>')</xsl:attribute>
  1671 		</xsl:when>
  1672 		<xsl:when test="$s!='text'">
  1673 			<xsl:attribute name="id"><xsl:value-of select="name()"/>-content-<xsl:value-of select="@id"/></xsl:attribute>
  1674 			<xsl:attribute name="visibility">hidden</xsl:attribute>
  1675 		</xsl:when>
  1676 	</xsl:choose>
  1677 </xsl:template>
  1678 <xsl:template match="*[ancestor::systemModel/@detail='layer' and not(self::layer)]" mode="detail-stuff"/>
  1681 <xsl:template name="navctrl">	
  1682  <g id="Zoom" onload="resized()">
  1683  <set attributeType="CSS" attributeName="opacity"  to="0.8"  fill="freeze" begin="Zoom.mouseover"/>
  1684  <set attributeType="CSS" attributeName="opacity"  to="0.8"  fill="freeze" begin="Zoomin.mouseover"/>
  1685  <set attributeType="CSS" attributeName="opacity"  to="0.8"  fill="freeze" begin="Zoomout.mouseover"/>
  1686   <animate attributeType="CSS" attributeName="opacity" from="0.8" to="0" fill="freeze" dur="0.5s" begin="10s"/>
  1687   <animate attributeType="CSS" attributeName="opacity"  from="0.8" to="0"  fill="freeze" dur="0.2s" begin="Zoom.mouseout" />
  1688   <animate attributeType="CSS" attributeName="opacity"  from="0.8" to="1"  fill="freeze" dur="0.5s" begin="0.3s" />
  1690  <path d="M0,0 l15,0 l0,30 a 7.5,7.5 18 0,1 -15, 0Z" fill="rgb(0,102,153)" opacity="0.8"/>
  1691  <g onclick="zoom(1.25)">
  1692  	<path d="M7.5,4.5 l0,3 m1.5,-1.5 l-3,0" stroke="yellow" stroke-width="1" pointer-events="none" />
  1693  	<circle id="Zoomin" r="4.5" cx="7.5" cy="6" fill="url(#Patternoutgrad)">
  1694  		<set attributeType="XML" attributeName="fill" to="url(#Patterningrad)" fill="freeze" begin="Zoomin.mouseover" />
  1695  		<set attributeType="XML" attributeName="fill" to="url(#Patternoutgrad)" fill="freeze" begin="Zoomin.mouseout" />
  1696  	</circle>
  1697  </g>
  1698  <g onclick="zoom(0.8)">
  1699  	<path d="M5.5,18 l4,0" stroke="yellow" stroke-width="1" pointer-events="none" />
  1700  	<circle r="4.5" cx="7.5" cy="18" fill="url(#Patternoutgrad)" id="Zoomout">
  1701  		<set attributeType="XML" attributeName="fill" to="url(#Patterningrad)" fill="freeze" begin="Zoomout.mouseover" />
  1702  		<set attributeType="XML" attributeName="fill" to="url(#Patternoutgrad)" fill="freeze" begin="Zoomout.mouseout" />
  1703  	</circle>
  1704  </g>
  1705  <path id="MoveUp" d="M7.5,25  l1.5,3 l-3,0 Z" fill-opacity="0.2" stroke-opacity="0.7" stroke-linejoin="round" fill="white" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.4" onmousedown="repeatpan(0,20)" onmouseup="endpanning()">
  1706  		<set attributeType="XML" attributeName="stroke" to="yellow" end="MoveUp.mouseout" begin="MoveUp.mouseover" />
  1707  	</path>
  1708  	<path id="MoveDown" d="M6,33  l3,0 l-1.5,3 Z" fill-opacity="0.2" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-opacity="0.7" fill="white" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.4" onmousedown="repeatpan(0,-20)" onmouseup="endpanning()">
  1709  		<set attributeType="XML" attributeName="stroke" to="yellow" end="MoveDown.mouseout" begin="MoveDown.mouseover" />
  1710  	</path>
  1711  	<path id="MoveRight" d="M10,29  l3,1.5 l-3,1.5 Z" fill-opacity="0.2" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-opacity="0.7" fill="white" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.4" onmousedown="repeatpan(-20,0)" onmouseup="endpanning()">
  1712  		<set attributeType="XML" attributeName="stroke" to="yellow" end="MoveRight.mouseout" begin="MoveRight.mouseover" />
  1713  	</path>
  1714  	<path id="MoveLeft" d="M5,29  l0,3 l-3,-1.5 Z" fill-opacity="0.2" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-opacity="0.7" fill="white" stroke="white" stroke-width="0.4" onmousedown="repeatpan(20,0)" onmouseup="endpanning()">
  1715  		<set attributeType="XML" attributeName="stroke" to="yellow" end="MoveLeft.mouseout" begin="MoveLeft.mouseover" />
  1716  	</path>
  1717  	</g>
  1718 </xsl:template>
  1721 <xsl:include href="draw-model.xsl"/>
  1722 </xsl:stylesheet>