1 <project name="com.symbian.sdb" default="all" basedir="."> |
2 |
3 |
4 <!--properties...--> |
5 <!-- The epoc.build property specifies the temp location for build files |
6 In the TCL build this will have been specified as a unique location |
7 and so this value will be ignored. |
8 NOTE: Do not use this directly - use build.dir instead --> |
9 <property name="epoc.build" value="${basedir}" /> |
10 |
11 <!-- The tools.rel property specifies the releease location for binaries |
12 In the TCL build this will have been specified as a unique location |
13 and so this value will be ignored --> |
14 <property name="tools.rel" value="${basedir}\rel" /> |
15 |
16 <!-- Add a new level of indirection to the build to location so we can |
17 ensure that we can delete the directory as we don't have permission |
18 to delect epoc.build --> |
19 <property name="build.dir" value="${epoc.build}\target"/> |
20 |
21 <property name="lib.dir" location="${basedir}/lib"/> |
22 |
23 <property name="shared.lib.dir" location="${tools.rel}/java/lib"/> |
24 |
25 <!-- These directories for monty --> |
26 <property name="monty.dir" value="${basedir}/monty" /> |
27 <property name="monty.output" value="${monty.dir}/output" /> |
28 <property name="monty.working.dir" value="${monty.dir}/testdir" /> |
29 |
30 <!-- source code directories for src and test code --> |
31 <property name="src.dir" value="${basedir}\src" /> |
32 <property name="test.src.dir" value="${basedir}\tests" /> |
33 |
34 <!-- This directory will store junit reports--> |
35 <property name="junit.reports.dir" value="${build.dir}\reports\junit"/> |
36 |
37 <!-- destination directories for built classes --> |
38 <property name="app.build.dir" value="${build.dir}\application-classes" /> |
39 <property name="test.build.dir" value="${build.dir}\test-classes" /> |
40 <property name="test.temp.dir" value="${build.dir}\test-temp" /> |
41 |
42 <!-- directory in which we construt releaseable distros --> |
43 <property name="dist.win.dir" value="${build.dir}\dist_win" /> |
44 <property name="dist.lin.dir" value="${build.dir}\dist_lin" /> |
45 |
46 <property name="deploy.location" value="\sdb-creator" /> |
47 <property name="deploy.location_lib" value="${deploy.location}\lib" /> |
48 <property name="deploy.location_ced" value="${deploy.location}\ced" /> |
49 <property name="deploy.location_config" value="${deploy.location}\config" /> |
50 |
51 <!-- log dir |
52 Note due to the command structure in SDB Creator we can't overwrite the |
53 default log dir for tests so it will still be written to the source tree--> |
54 |
55 <property name="log.dir" value="${basedir}\logs" /> |
56 |
57 <!-- Location for ced binaries --> |
58 <property name="ced.dir.win" location="${dist.win.dir}/sdb-creator/ced/" /> |
59 <property name="ced.dir.lin" location="${dist.lin.dir}/sdb-creator/ced/" /> |
60 |
61 <property name="ced.dev.dir" location="${basedir}/ced/" /> |
62 |
63 <property name="cedbin.dir" location="${basedir}\cedbin\" /> |
64 |
65 <property name="jar" value="${dist.win.dir}/sdb-creator/lib\sdb.jar" /> |
66 |
67 <property name="mainifest.common.path" value="dbmsjdbc.jar serializer.jar log4j-1.2.14.jar antlr-3.1.jar commons-cli-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar google-collect-snapshot-20080820.jar parser.jar asm-3.1.jar commons-io-1.4.jar commons-logging.jar spring.jar xalan.jar xercesImpl.jar xml-apis.jar tools_vcard4j.jar commons-codec-1.3.jar" /> |
68 |
69 <!-- Load emulators configuration - used for emulator testing --> |
70 <property file="${user.home}/userConfig.properties" /> |
71 <property file="testdata/projectConfig.properties" /> |
72 |
73 <!-- List of variables to replace when configuring SDB --> |
74 <filterset id="project.variables"> |
75 <filter token="EMULATOR_CONFIG_XML_LOCATION" value="${test.emulatorsConfigurationXMLLocation}" /> |
76 </filterset> |
77 |
78 <!-- Distribution Zip --> |
79 <property name="sdb.zip" location="${tools.rel}\sdb.zip"/> |
80 <property name="sdb.tar" location="${tools.rel}\sdb.tar"/> |
81 <property name="sdb.tar.gz" location="${tools.rel}\sdb.tar.gz"/> |
82 <property name="sdb_instr.zip" location="${jars.instr.dir}\sdb_instr.zip"/> |
83 |
84 <!-- Compiler settings --> |
85 <property name="javacFailOnError" value="true" /> |
86 <property name="javacDebugInfo" value="on" /> |
87 <property name="javacVerbose" value="false" /> |
88 <property name="logExtension" value=".log" /> |
89 <property name="compilerArg" value="" /> |
90 <property name="javacSource" value="1.5" /> |
91 <property name="javacTarget" value="1.5" /> |
92 |
93 <path id="path_bootclasspath"> |
94 <fileset dir="${java.home}/lib"> |
95 <include name="*.jar" /> |
96 </fileset> |
97 </path> |
98 |
99 <condition property="isWindows"> |
100 <os family="windows" /> |
101 </condition> |
102 |
103 <condition property="isLinux"> |
104 <os family="unix" /> |
105 </condition> |
106 |
107 <path id="sdb_lib_classpath"> |
108 <fileset dir="${lib.dir}"> |
109 <include name="*.jar" /> |
110 <exclude name="sqlitejdbc-v053-native.jar" if="isWindows"/> |
111 <exclude name="sqlitejdbc-v033.jar" if="isLinux"/> |
112 </fileset> |
113 <fileset dir="${shared.lib.dir}"> |
114 <include name="*.jar"/> |
115 </fileset> |
116 </path> |
117 |
118 <property name="bootclasspath" refid="path_bootclasspath" /> |
119 <property name="bundleJavacSource" value="${javacSource}" /> |
120 <property name="bundleJavacTarget" value="${javacTarget}" /> |
121 <property name="bundleBootClasspath" value="${bootclasspath}" /> |
122 |
123 <!-- all does not include emu tests to maintain BaC with existing build configs --> |
124 <target name="all" depends="clean, copy-properties-files, panopticode.metrics, build.src, pmd, create.distros.seperate, monty" /> |
125 |
126 <target name="short.build" depends="clean, build.src, build.test, test.unit" /> |
127 |
128 <target name="build.release" depends="clean, build.src, build.test, create.distros.seperate" /> |
129 <target name="build.release.win" depends="clean, build.src, build.test, create.distros.win" /> |
130 <target name="build.release.lin" depends="clean, build.src, build.test, create.distros.lin" /> |
131 |
132 <target name="build.and.all.test" depends="clean, build.src, build.test, test.all" /> |
133 <target name="build.and.unit.test" depends="clean, build.src, build.test, test.unit" /> |
134 <target name="build.and.integration.test" depends="clean, build.src, build.test, test.int" /> |
135 <target name="build.and.emulator.test" depends="clean, build.src, build.test, test.emulator" /> |
136 |
137 <!-- ================================= |
138 target: clean |
139 |
140 - This target is mandatory for the Symbian buid process. |
141 - Please clean up all generated files during the build proccess. |
142 - Used by "abld clean" and "abld reallyclean". |
143 ================================= --> |
144 <target name="clean" description="Cleans the build using abld clean"> |
145 |
146 <delete dir="${build.dir}" /> |
147 <delete failonerror="false" file="${sdb.zip}" /> |
148 <delete failonerror="false" file="${sdb.tar}" /> |
149 <delete failonerror="false" file="${sdb.tar.gz}" /> |
150 <delete failonerror="false" dir="${monty.output}" /> |
151 <delete dir="${log.dir}" /> |
152 </target> |
153 |
154 <target name="panopticode.metrics"> |
155 <ant antfile="${basedir}/panopticode-build.xml" target="metrics" /> |
156 </target> |
157 |
158 <!-- This builds all the source code (exc test code) and puts it into |
159 ${build.dir} using the compiler settings defined above --> |
160 <target name="build.src" depends="if_unix, copy-properties-files" description="Build source code (excluding tests)"> |
161 |
162 <mkdir dir="${app.build.dir}" /> |
163 <mkdir dir="${tools.rel}/java/lib" /> |
164 <!-- compile the source code --> |
165 <javac destdir="${app.build.dir}" failonerror="${javacFailOnError}" verbose="${javacVerbose}" debug="${javacDebugInfo}" includeAntRuntime="no" bootclasspath="${bundleBootClasspath}" source="${bundleJavacSource}" target="${bundleJavacTarget}"> |
166 <classpath refid="sdb_lib_classpath" /> |
167 <src path="${src.dir}" /> |
168 <compilerarg value="-Xlint:unchecked" /> |
169 </javac> |
170 |
171 <copy todir="${app.build.dir}"> |
172 <fileset dir="${basedir}/src/"> |
173 </fileset> |
174 </copy> |
175 </target> |
176 |
177 <!-- Builds the test code into ${test.build.dir} --> |
178 <target name="build.test"> |
179 |
180 <mkdir dir="${test.build.dir}" /> |
181 <mkdir dir="${test.temp.dir}" /> |
182 |
183 <!-- compile the test code --> |
184 <javac destdir="${test.build.dir}" failonerror="${javacFailOnError}" verbose="${javacVerbose}" debug="${javacDebugInfo}" includeAntRuntime="no" bootclasspath="${bundleBootClasspath}" source="${bundleJavacSource}" target="${bundleJavacTarget}"> |
185 <classpath> |
186 <path refid="sdb_lib_classpath" /> |
187 <pathelement location="${app.build.dir}" /> |
188 </classpath> |
189 <src path="${test.src.dir}" /> |
190 </javac> |
191 <copy todir="${test.build.dir}" file="${basedir}/tests/applicationContext-integration-tests.xml" /> |
192 <copy todir="${test.build.dir}" file="${basedir}/tests/project.properties" /> |
193 </target> |
194 |
195 <target name="run.unit.tests" if="unit.test"> |
196 <junit printsummary="withOutAndErr" fork="yes" forkmode="perBatch" haltonfailure="no" failureproperty="junit.failed"> |
197 <classpath> |
198 <path refid="test.classpath" /> |
199 <path refid="sdb_lib_classpath" /> |
200 </classpath> |
201 <sysproperty key="tempdir" value="${test.temp.dir}" /> |
202 <formatter type="xml" /> |
203 <formatter type="plain" /> |
204 <batchtest todir="${junit.reports.dir}"> |
205 <fileset dir="${test.src.dir}"> |
206 <include name="**/*Test.java" /> |
207 <exclude name="**/*IntegrationTest*.java" /> |
208 <exclude name="**/*EmulatorTest*.java" /> |
209 <exclude name="**/DbmsTest.java" /> |
210 <exclude name="**/FieldContainerTest.java" /> |
211 <exclude name="**/TemplateManagerTest.java" /> |
212 <exclude name="**/TemplateMapperTest.java" /> |
213 <exclude name="**/CEDProcessFactoryTest.java" /> |
214 </fileset> |
215 </batchtest> |
216 <jvmarg value="-javaagent:${basedir}/lib/jmockit.jar" /> |
217 </junit> |
218 |
219 <junit printsummary="withOutAndErr" fork="yes" haltonfailure="no" failureproperty="junit.failed"> |
220 <classpath> |
221 <path refid="test.classpath" /> |
222 <path refid="sdb_lib_classpath" /> |
223 </classpath> |
224 <sysproperty key="tempdir" value="${test.temp.dir}" /> |
225 <formatter type="xml" /> |
226 <formatter type="plain" /> |
227 <batchtest todir="${junit.reports.dir}"> |
228 <fileset dir="${test.src.dir}"> |
229 <include name="**/DbmsTest.java" /> |
230 <include name="**/FieldContainerTest.java" /> |
231 <include name="**/TemplateManagerTest.java" /> |
232 <include name="**/TemplateMapperTest.java" /> |
233 <include name="**/CEDProcessFactoryTest.java" /> |
234 </fileset> |
235 </batchtest> |
236 <jvmarg value="-javaagent:${basedir}/lib/jmockit.jar" /> |
237 </junit> |
238 |
239 <antcall target="create.junit.report" /> |
240 <fail message="Unit test failure" if="junit.failed" /> |
241 |
242 </target> |
243 |
244 |
245 <target name="run.integration.tests" if="integration.test"> |
246 <junit printsummary="withOutAndErr" fork="yes" haltonfailure="no" failureproperty="junit.failed"> |
247 <classpath> |
248 <path refid="test.classpath" /> |
249 <path refid="sdb_lib_classpath" /> |
250 </classpath> |
251 <sysproperty key="tempdir" value="${test.temp.dir}" /> |
252 <formatter type="xml" /> |
253 <formatter type="plain" /> |
254 <batchtest todir="${junit.reports.dir}"> |
255 <fileset dir="${test.src.dir}"> |
256 <include name="**/*IntegrationTest.java" /> |
257 </fileset> |
258 </batchtest> |
259 |
260 <jvmarg value="-javaagent:${basedir}/lib/jmockit.jar" /> |
261 </junit> |
262 |
263 <property name="report.required" value="${junit.failed}" /> |
264 <antcall target="create.reports" /> |
265 |
266 <fail message="Integration test failure" if="junit.failed" /> |
267 </target> |
268 |
269 <target name="run.emulator.tests" if="emulator.test"> |
270 <junit printsummary="withOutAndErr" fork="yes" haltonfailure="no" failureproperty="junit.failed"> |
271 <classpath> |
272 <path refid="test.classpath" /> |
273 <path refid="sdb_lib_classpath" /> |
274 </classpath> |
275 <sysproperty key="tempdir" value="${test.temp.dir}" /> |
276 <formatter type="xml" /> |
277 <formatter type="plain" /> |
278 <batchtest todir="${junit.reports.dir}"> |
279 <fileset dir="${test.src.dir}"> |
280 <include name="**/*EmulatorTest.java" /> |
281 </fileset> |
282 </batchtest> |
283 |
284 <jvmarg value="-javaagent:${basedir}/lib/jmockit.jar" /> |
285 </junit> |
286 |
287 <property name="report.required" value="${junit.failed}" /> |
288 <antcall target="create.reports" /> |
289 |
290 <fail message="Emulator test failure" if="junit.failed" /> |
291 </target> |
292 |
293 <target name="test.all"> |
294 <property name="unit.test" value="true" /> |
295 <property name="integration.test" value="true" /> |
296 <property name="emulator.test" value="true" /> |
297 <antcall target="run.tests" /> |
298 </target> |
299 |
300 <target name="test.exEmu"> |
301 <property name="unit.test" value="true" /> |
302 <property name="integration.test" value="true" /> |
303 <antcall target="run.tests" /> |
304 </target> |
305 |
306 <target name="test.unit"> |
307 <property name="unit.test" value="true" /> |
308 <antcall target="run.tests" /> |
309 </target> |
310 |
311 <target name="test.int"> |
312 <property name="integration.test" value="true" /> |
313 <antcall target="run.tests" /> |
314 </target> |
315 |
316 <target name="test.emulator"> |
317 <property name="emulator.test" value="true" /> |
318 <antcall target="run.tests" /> |
319 </target> |
320 |
321 <!-- runs the junit tests and generates the reports --> |
322 <target name="run.tests"> |
323 |
324 <path id="test.classpath"> |
325 <pathelement path="${test.build.dir}" /> |
326 <pathelement path="${app.build.dir}" /> |
327 </path> |
328 |
329 <mkdir dir="${junit.reports.dir}" /> |
330 |
331 <antcall target="run.unit.tests" inheritrefs="true" inheritall="true" /> |
332 |
333 <antcall target="run.integration.tests" inheritrefs="true" inheritall="true" /> |
334 |
335 <antcall target="run.emulator.tests" inheritrefs="true" inheritall="true" /> |
336 |
337 <property name="report.required" value="true" /> |
338 <antcall target="create.reports" /> |
339 |
340 </target> |
341 |
342 <path id="pmd.classpath"> |
343 <pathelement location="${build}" /> |
344 <fileset dir="${basedir}/lib/"> |
345 <include name="*.jar" /> |
346 </fileset> |
347 </path> |
348 |
349 <taskdef name="pmd" classname="net.sourceforge.pmd.ant.PMDTask" classpathref="pmd.classpath" /> |
350 |
351 <target name="pmd"> |
352 <mkdir dir="${reports.dir}" /> |
353 <pmd rulesetfiles="rulesets/favorites.xml" minimumPriority="2" failOnRuleViolation="true"> |
354 <formatter type="net.sourceforge.pmd.renderers.HTMLRenderer" toFile="${reports.dir}\pmd_report.html" /> |
355 <fileset dir="${src.dir}"> |
356 <include name="**/*.java" /> |
357 </fileset> |
358 |
359 </pmd> |
360 </target> |
361 |
362 <target name="publish.monty.results" if="publish.monty.results"> |
363 <copy todir="c:\CruiseControl_2_8\TMS_Results\SDB_WIP" failonerror="false" flatten="true"> |
364 <fileset dir="${basedir}/monty/output/"> |
365 <include name="**/*.csv" /> |
366 </fileset> |
367 </copy> |
368 </target> |
369 |
370 <target name="create.reports" if="report.required"> |
371 <antcall target="create.junit.report" /> |
372 </target> |
373 |
374 <target name="create.junit.report"> |
375 <junitreport todir="${junit.reports.dir}"> |
376 <fileset dir="${junit.reports.dir}"> |
377 <include name="TEST-*.xml" /> |
378 </fileset> |
379 <report format="frames" todir="${junit.reports.dir}" /> |
380 </junitreport> |
381 </target> |
382 |
383 <target name="create.jar"> |
384 <jar destfile="${jar.location}" basedir="${app.build.dir}"> |
385 <manifest> |
386 <attribute name="Main-Class" value="com.symbian.sdb.Application" /> |
387 <attribute name="Class-Path" value="${jar.classpath.list}" /> |
388 </manifest> |
389 </jar> |
390 </target> |
391 |
392 <!-- Generates the jar of all built classes (exc test code) into |
393 ${dist.win.dir}/SDB.jar --> |
394 <target name="create.distros.seperate"> |
395 <antcall target="create.distros.win" /> |
396 <antcall target="create.distros.lin" /> |
397 </target> |
398 |
399 <target name="create.distros.combinedinzip"> |
400 <antcall target="create.distros.lin" /> |
401 <antcall target="create.distros.win" /> |
402 </target> |
403 |
404 <target name="create.distros.win"> |
405 <!-- Create the windows jar --> |
406 <mkdir dir="${dist.win.dir}${deploy.location_lib}" /> |
407 <antcall target="create.jar"> |
408 <param name="jar.location" value="${dist.win.dir}${deploy.location_lib}\sdb.jar" /> |
409 <param name="jar.classpath.list" value="${mainifest.common.path} sqlitejdbc-v033.jar" /> |
410 </antcall> |
411 |
412 <filelist id="windows" dir="${lib.dir}"> |
413 <!--common--> |
414 <file name="serializer.jar" /> |
415 <file name="log4j-1.2.14.jar" /> |
416 <file name="dbmsjdbc.jar" /> |
417 <file name="commons-cli-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" /> |
418 <file name="antlr-3.1.jar" /> |
419 <file name="parser.jar" /> |
420 <file name="asm-3.1.jar " /> |
421 <file name="commons-io-1.4.jar" /> |
422 <file name="commons-logging.jar" /> |
423 <file name="commons-codec-1.3.jar" /> |
424 <file name="spring.jar" /> |
425 <file name="xalan.jar" /> |
426 <file name="xercesImpl.jar" /> |
427 <file name="xml-apis.jar" /> |
428 <file name="tools_vcard4j.jar" /> |
429 <file name="google-collect-snapshot-20080820.jar" /> |
430 <!--specific--> |
431 <file name="sqlitejdbc-v033.jar"/> |
432 <file name="sqlitejdbc.dll"/> |
433 <file name="libdbmsjdbc.dll"/> |
434 <file name="libsymport.dll"/> |
435 </filelist> |
436 |
437 <filelist id="commonlibs" dir="${shared.lib.dir}"> |
438 <!--common--> |
439 <file name="log4j-1.2.14.jar"/> |
440 <file name="commons-cli-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"/> |
441 <file name="xalan.jar"/> |
442 <file name="xercesImpl.jar"/> |
443 |
444 <!--specific--> |
445 <file name="sqlitejdbc-v033.jar"/> |
446 </filelist> |
447 |
448 <antcall target="setup.dist"> |
449 <param name="dist.dir" value="${dist.win.dir}"/> |
450 <param name="properties.file" value="${basedir}/config/sdb.rel.properties"/> |
451 <reference refid="windows" torefid="libs"/> |
452 <reference refid="commonlibs" torefid="commonlibs"/> |
453 </antcall> |
454 <copy todir="${dist.win.dir}" file="${basedir}/sdb.bat"/> |
455 |
456 <!-- if the linux build has happened bundle the tar --> |
457 <available file="${sdb.tar.gz}" type="file" property="gz.present"/> |
458 <antcall target="copy.tar.gz"/> |
459 |
460 <antcall target="zip.release"/> |
461 |
462 </target> |
463 |
464 <target name="copy.tar.gz" if="gz.present"> |
465 <copy failonerror="false" todir="${dist.win.dir}/sdb-creator/linux" file="${sdb.tar.gz}" /> |
466 </target> |
467 |
468 <target name="create.distros.lin"> |
469 |
470 <!-- Create the linux jar --> |
471 <mkdir dir="${dist.lin.dir}${deploy.location_lib}" /> |
472 <antcall target="create.jar"> |
473 <param name="jar.location" value="${dist.lin.dir}${deploy.location_lib}\sdb.jar" /> |
474 <param name="jar.classpath.list" value="${mainifest.common.path} sqlitejdbc-v053-native.jar" /> |
475 </antcall> |
476 |
477 <filelist id="linux" dir="${lib.dir}"> |
478 <!--common--> |
479 <file name="serializer.jar" /> |
480 <file name="dbmsjdbc.jar" /> |
481 <file name="antlr-3.1.jar" /> |
482 <file name="parser.jar" /> |
483 <file name="asm-3.1.jar " /> |
484 <file name="commons-io-1.4.jar" /> |
485 <file name="commons-logging.jar" /> |
486 <file name="commons-codec-1.3.jar" /> |
487 <file name="spring.jar" /> |
488 <file name="xalan.jar" /> |
489 <file name="xercesImpl.jar" /> |
490 <file name="xml-apis.jar" /> |
491 <file name="tools_vcard4j.jar" /> |
492 <file name="google-collect-snapshot-20080820.jar" /> |
493 <file name="commons-cli-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" /> |
494 <file name="log4j-1.2.14.jar" /> |
495 <!--specific--> |
496 <file name="libsqlite3.so" /> |
497 <file name="libsqlitejdbc.so" /> |
498 <file name="libdbmsjdbc.so" /> |
499 <file name="libsymport.so" /> |
500 </filelist> |
501 |
502 <filelist id="commonlibs" dir="${shared.lib.dir}"> |
503 <!--common--> |
504 <file name="log4j-1.2.14.jar"/> |
505 <file name="commons-cli-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"/> |
506 <file name="xalan.jar"/> |
507 <file name="xercesImpl.jar"/> |
508 |
509 <!--specific--> |
510 <file name="sqlitejdbc-v053-native.jar"/> |
511 </filelist> |
512 |
513 |
514 <antcall target="setup.dist"> |
515 <param name="dist.dir" value="${dist.lin.dir}" /> |
516 <param name="properties.file" value="${basedir}/config/sdb.linux.properties" /> |
517 <reference refid="linux" torefid="libs" /> |
518 <reference refid="commonlibs" torefid="commonlibs"/> |
519 </antcall> |
520 <copy todir="${dist.lin.dir}" file="${basedir}/sdb" /> |
521 |
522 <antcall target="gzip.release" /> |
523 </target> |
524 |
525 <target name="setup.dist"> |
526 <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}${deploy.location_lib}"/> |
527 |
528 <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}${deploy.location_lib}"/> |
529 <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}${deploy.location_config}"/> |
530 |
531 <copy todir="${dist.dir}${deploy.location_lib}" > |
532 <filelist refid="libs"/> |
533 <filelist refid="commonlibs"/> |
534 </copy> |
535 |
536 <copy tofile="${dist.dir}/sdb-creator/config/sdb.properties" file="${properties.file}" /> |
537 |
538 <copy todir="${dist.dir}${deploy.location_config}"> |
539 <fileset dir="${basedir}/config/"> |
540 <exclude name="*.properties" /> |
541 </fileset> |
542 </copy> |
543 </target> |
544 |
545 <!-- remove dependency on deploying CED in win depends="deploy.ced.win" --> |
546 <target name="zip.release"> |
547 <mkdir dir="${tools.rel}" /> |
548 <zip destfile="${sdb.zip}" update="true"> |
549 <zipfileset dir="${dist.win.dir}" /> |
550 </zip> |
551 </target> |
552 |
553 <!-- remove dependency on deploying CED in linux depends="deploy.ced.lin" --> |
554 <target name="gzip.release"> |
555 <mkdir dir="${tools.rel}" /> |
556 <tar destfile="${sdb.tar}"> |
557 <tarfileset dir="${dist.lin.dir}"> |
558 <exclude name="sdb" /> |
559 <exclude name="**/*.jar" /> |
560 <exclude name="**/*.exe" /> |
561 </tarfileset> |
562 <tarfileset dir="${dist.lin.dir}" filemode="750"> |
563 <include name="**/*.jar" /> |
564 <include name="sdb" /> |
565 <include name="**/*.exe" /> |
566 </tarfileset> |
567 </tar> |
568 <gzip destfile="${sdb.tar.gz}" src="${sdb.tar}" /> |
569 <delete file="${sdb.tar}" /> |
570 </target> |
571 |
572 <!-- ================================= |
573 target: what |
574 |
575 - This target is mandatory for the Symbian buid process. |
576 - Please echo all created files, sperated by whitespace. |
577 - Used by "abld build -what". |
578 ================================= --> |
579 <target name="what" description="Prints out all releasables"> |
580 <available file="${sdb.zip}" type="file" property="zip.present" /> |
581 <antcall target="print.zip" /> |
582 <available file="${sdb.tar.gz}" type="file" property="gz.present" /> |
583 <antcall target="print.tar.gz" /> |
584 </target> |
585 |
586 <target name="print.tar.gz" if="gz.present"> |
587 <echo>${sdb.tar.gz}</echo> |
588 </target> |
589 |
590 <target name="print.zip" if="zip.present"> |
591 <echo>${sdb.zip}</echo> |
592 </target> |
593 |
594 <target name="deploy.ced.dev"> |
595 <delete dir="${ced.dev.dir}" /> |
596 |
597 <mkdir dir="${ced.dev.dir}\win\93\" /> |
598 <mkdir dir="${ced.dev.dir}\win\94\" /> |
599 <mkdir dir="${ced.dev.dir}\win\95\" /> |
600 <unzip src="${cedbin.dir}\win\93.zip" dest="${ced.dev.dir}\win\" /> |
601 <unzip src="${cedbin.dir}\win\94.zip" dest="${ced.dev.dir}\win\" /> |
602 <unzip src="${cedbin.dir}\win\95.zip" dest="${ced.dev.dir}\win\" /> |
603 |
604 <mkdir dir="${ced.dev.dir}\lin\93\" /> |
605 <mkdir dir="${ced.dev.dir}\lin\94\" /> |
606 <mkdir dir="${ced.dev.dir}\lin\95\" /> |
607 <unzip src="${cedbin.dir}\lin\93.zip" dest="${ced.dev.dir}\lin\" /> |
608 <unzip src="${cedbin.dir}\lin\94.zip" dest="${ced.dev.dir}\lin\" /> |
609 <unzip src="${cedbin.dir}\lin\95.zip" dest="${ced.dev.dir}\lin\" /> |
610 </target> |
611 |
612 <!-- =================================================================== --> |
613 <!-- The "copy-properties-files" target copies template properties and --> |
614 <!-- sets some envinroment specyfic values in it eg. emulator settings --> |
615 <!-- =================================================================== --> |
616 <target name="copy-properties-files" description="Copy property files"> |
617 <echo message="Generating properties" /> |
618 <copy tofile="tests/project.properties" file="templates/project_template.properties" overwrite="true"> |
619 <filterset refid="project.variables" /> |
620 </copy> |
621 </target> |
622 |
623 <target name="monty" depends="build.release.win"> |
624 <mkdir dir="${monty.working.dir}" /> |
625 <unzip src="${sdb.zip}" dest="${monty.working.dir}" /> |
626 <mkdir dir="${monty.output}" /> |
627 <exec executable="python.exe" resultproperty="monty.error.code" searchpath="true" dir="${monty.working.dir}"> |
628 <arg value="${basedir}/monty/monty.py"/> |
629 <arg value="-e"/> |
630 <arg value="${basedir}/monty/test_suite/sdb_smoke_test.csv"/> |
631 <arg value="-l"/> |
632 <arg value="${basedir}/monty/output"/> |
633 <arg value="-t"/> |
634 <arg value="${basedir}/monty"/> |
635 </exec> |
636 |
637 <fail message="Monty test failure. Exit code ${monty.error.code}"> |
638 <condition> |
639 <isfailure code="${monty.error.code}" /> |
640 </condition> |
641 </fail> |
642 </target> |
643 |
644 <target name="if_windows" if="isWindows"> |
645 <echo message="OS detected: Windows"/> |
646 </target> |
647 |
648 <target name="if_unix" if="isLinux"> |
649 <property name="sw.root" value="/opt/flag" /> |
650 <echo message="OS detected: Unix"/> |
651 <echo message="Make sure you have LD_LIBRARY_PATH envinroment variable set to ${basedir}/lib"/> |
652 </target> |
653 |
654 </project> |