changeset 1 b538b70cbe51
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:2e8eeb919028 1:b538b70cbe51
     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     2 <shapes xmlns:s="">
     4 <s:defs>
     5 <s:style type="text/css">
     6 rect.layer {
     7 	stroke: red;
     8 	fill: #9f9;
     9 }
    10 </s:style>
    11 </s:defs>
    13 	<!-- borders to use for OSD components -->
    14 	<!-- bracket, function or axis notation not allowed in use. Can only use blah/blah/@blah form -->
    15 	<borders match="component" use="s12/@osd" label="Sched 12 Category">
    16 		<border type="box" label="hi there"/>
    17 		<border value="OS" type="box-clipLT" label="Optional Symbian"/>
    18 		<border value="CS" type="box-clipLB" label="Common Symbian"/>
    19 		<border rule=".='CR' " type="box-clipRB" label="Common Replace­able"/>
    20 		<border value="OR" viewBox="0 0 20 20" label="Optional Replace­able">
    21   			<s:path d="M 0 0 L 0 20 L 20 20 L 20 5 L 15 0 z" stroke="black"/>
    22   		</border>	
    23 		<border value="T-R" type="box-clipAll" label="Refer­ence/Test"/>
    24 	</borders>
    26 	<patterns> <!--  these are NOT mutually exclusive: all that apply are used. But they do appear in order with the first to match "under" the later ones-->
    27 		<overlay rule="s12/@ref='true' or @ref='true'" label="Reference Compo­nent">
    28 			<!-- diagonal line pattern -->
    29 			<s:linearGradient spreadMethod="repeat" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="0%" x2="15%" y1="0%" y2="15%">
    30 				<s:stop offset="0%" stop-opacity="0" stop-color="white"/>
    31 				<s:stop offset="20%" stop-color="green" stop-opacity="1"/>
    32 				<s:stop offset="40%" stop-opacity="0" stop-color="white"/>
    33 				<s:stop offset="100%" stop-opacity="0" stop-color="white"/>
    34 			</s:linearGradient>
    35 		</overlay>		
    36 		<overlay type="radial-grad" rule="@introduced = //systemModel/@ver" label="New in {@ver}"/>
    37 	</patterns>
    39 	<styles>
    40 		<style>stroke-width: 0.4</style>
    41 		<style rule="@plugin='true'" label="Plugin Compo­nent">stroke-width: 2</style>
    42 	</styles>
    43 	<styles show-unused="yes">
    44 		<style rule="not(unit|package|prebuilt)" label="No build info">stroke-dasharray: 2,3; </style>
    45 	</styles> 
    47 	<styles match="module" label="Module">
    48 		<style rule="not(*/unit)">stroke-width: 5; stroke-dasharray: 2,3; </style>
    49 	</styles> 
    53   <colors type="highlight" match="*">
    54 	 	<color color="orange" rule="@action" label="Changed for {@revision}"/>
    55 	 	<color color="black" rule="count(unit|package) &gt; 1" label="Multiple versions"/>
    56   </colors>
    57   <colors type="text-highlight" match="collection">
    58 	 	<color color="blue" rule="count(component) = 4" label="Four Compo&#xad;nents"/>
    59   </colors>
    61 	<!--	<color default="grey" match="@ts" label="Technology Streams" />-->
    63   <colors type="background" default="grey" match="component" use="s12/@osd" label="Sched 12 Category">
    64           <color color="#77f" rule="../../package and not(../../unit|../../prebuilt)" label="Data component"/>
    65           <color color="orange" rule="not(../../unit|../../prebuilt|../../package)" label="Empty"/>
    66           <color color="yellow" value="OS" label="Optional Symbian"/>
    67           <color color="red" value="T-R" label="Test/Reference"/>
    68           <color color="#333" value="foo" label="Not used"/>          
    69           <color color="#8f8fbd" value="CR" label="Common Replaceable"/>
    70           <color color="#00ffff" value="OR" label="Optional Replaceable"/>
    71           <color color="#c0d9d9" value="CS" label="Common Symbian"/>
    72   </colors>
    75   <colors type="background" match="module" label="Collection levels" use="@level">
    76           <color color="skyblue" value="config" label="Data components"/>
    77           <color color="green" value="utilities" label="Utilities"/>
    78   </colors>
    80   <colors type="background" match="block|subblock" label="Levels" use="string-length(@levels) - string-length(translate(@levels,' ',''))">
    81           <color color="yellow" value="2" label="Three levels"/>
    82           <color color="red" value="3" label="Four levels"/>
    83   </colors>
    86 	<!-- these can also go in the model.xml in a legend element -->
    87 	<examples>
    88 		<cmp color="Common Replaceable" color-highlight="Changed for {@revision}">Plug-in</cmp>
    89 		<cmp overlay="Reference Compo­nent" border="Common Symbian">Reference</cmp>
    90 		<cmp overlay="New in {@ver}">New {@ver}</cmp>
    91 		<cmp style="No build info">No build info</cmp>
    92 	</examples>
    94 <!-- stuff without rule is the fallback option (used only if others are not used) -->
    95 </shapes>