changeset 0 2e8eeb919028
child 3 e7e0ae78773e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/configurationengine/build-scripts/	Thu Mar 11 17:04:37 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description: 
+#   Script for building and installing ConE into a specified directory.
+import sys, os, shutil, subprocess, optparse
+import logging
+log = logging.getLogger()
+import utils
+ROOT_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+SOURCE_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, '../source'))
+assert os.path.isdir(SOURCE_ROOT)
+SCRIPTS_SOURCE_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, '../source/scripts'))
+assert os.path.isdir(SCRIPTS_SOURCE_ROOT)
+PLUGIN_SOURCE_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, '../source/plugins'))
+assert os.path.isdir(PLUGIN_SOURCE_ROOT)
+import plugin_utils
+# Temporary directory where ConE eggs are built into
+TEMP_CONE_EGG_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'install-temp/cone-eggs')
+# Temporary directory where dependency lib eggs are copied
+TEMP_LIB_EGG_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'install-temp/dep-eggs')
+class BuildFailedError(RuntimeError):
+    pass
+def find_cone_egg_sources(plugin_package):
+    """
+    Return a list of paths to the source directories to install.
+    """
+    paths = [SOURCE_ROOT,
+             SCRIPTS_SOURCE_ROOT]
+    plugin_paths = plugin_utils.find_plugin_sources_by_package(plugin_package)
+    paths.extend(plugin_paths)
+    log.debug("ConE egg source paths:\n%s" % '\n'.join(paths))
+    return paths
+def build_cone_eggs(source_paths):
+"Cleaning temporary ConE egg dir...")
+    utils.recreate_dir(TEMP_CONE_EGG_DIR)
+"Building ConE eggs...")
+    for source_path in source_paths:
+        ok = utils.build_egg(source_path, TEMP_CONE_EGG_DIR)
+        if not ok:
+            raise BuildFailedError()
+def retrieve_dep_eggs(plugin_package):
+"Cleaning temporary lib egg dir...")
+    utils.recreate_dir(TEMP_LIB_EGG_DIR)
+"Retrieving dependency eggs...")
+    def copy_eggs(source_dir):
+        log.debug("Copying eggs from '%s'..." % source_dir)
+        for name in os.listdir(source_dir):
+            if name.endswith('.egg'):
+                utils.copy_file(
+                    source_path = os.path.join(source_dir, name),
+                    target_path = TEMP_LIB_EGG_DIR)
+    dep_dirs_by_package = [(None, os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, '../dep-eggs'))]
+    dep_dirs_by_package.extend(plugin_utils.find_plugin_package_subpaths('dep-eggs', plugin_package))
+    for package_name, dep_dir in dep_dirs_by_package:
+        copy_eggs(dep_dir)
+def init_target_dir(target_dir, python_version):
+    BASE_DIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(target_dir, 'cone', python_version))
+    LIB_DIR     = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'lib')
+    SCRIPT_DIR  = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'scripts')
+    utils.recreate_dir(BASE_DIR)
+    utils.recreate_dir(LIB_DIR)
+    utils.recreate_dir(SCRIPT_DIR)
+    return LIB_DIR, SCRIPT_DIR
+def install_cone_eggs(target_dir, python_version):
+    """
+    Install ConE eggs into the given target directory.
+    """
+"Installing ConE eggs...")
+    LIB_DIR, SCRIPT_DIR = init_target_dir(target_dir, python_version)
+    # Collect the eggs to install
+    eggs = ['setuptools'] # Setuptools are needed also
+    for name in os.listdir(TEMP_CONE_EGG_DIR):
+        if name.endswith('.egg'):
+            eggs.append(TEMP_CONE_EGG_DIR + '/' + name)
+    # Run easy_install to install the eggs
+    for egg in eggs:
+        log.debug(egg)
+        if sys.platform == "win32":
+            platform_args = ["--always-copy"]
+        else:
+            platform_args = ["--no-deps"]
+        command = ['easy_install',
+                   '--allow-hosts None',
+                   '--find-links install-temp/dep-eggs',
+                   '--install-dir "%s"' % LIB_DIR,
+                   '--script-dir "%s"' % SCRIPT_DIR,
+                   '--site-dirs "%s"' % LIB_DIR]
+        command.extend(platform_args)
+        command.append('"' + egg + '"')
+        command = ' '.join(command)
+        log.debug(command)
+        ok = utils.run_command(command, env_overrides={'PYTHONPATH': LIB_DIR})
+        if not ok:
+            raise BuildFailedError()
+def develop_install_cone_sources(source_paths, target_dir, python_version):
+"Installing ConE sources in develop mode...")
+    LIB_DIR, SCRIPT_DIR = init_target_dir(target_dir, python_version)
+    orig_workdir = os.getcwd()
+    try:
+        for source_path in source_paths:
+            os.chdir(source_path)
+            command = ['python develop',
+                   '--allow-hosts None',
+                   '--find-links "%s"' % os.path.normpath(os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'install-temp/dep-eggs')),
+                   '--install-dir "%s"' % LIB_DIR,
+                   '--script-dir "%s"' % SCRIPT_DIR,
+                   '--site-dirs "%s"' % LIB_DIR,
+                   '--always-copy']
+            command = ' '.join(command)
+            log.debug(command)
+            ok = utils.run_command(command, env_overrides={'PYTHONPATH': LIB_DIR})
+            if not ok:
+                raise BuildFailedError()
+    finally:
+        os.chdir(orig_workdir)
+def perform_build(target_dir, plugin_package, install_type, python_version):
+"Target directory: %s" % target_dir)
+"Plug-in package:  %r" % plugin_package)
+"Python version:   %s" % python_version)
+    # Retrieve dependencies to the correct location
+    retrieve_dep_eggs(plugin_package)
+    # Find paths to the sources to install
+    source_paths = find_cone_egg_sources(plugin_package)
+"Creating install directory...")
+    if not os.path.exists(target_dir):
+        os.makedirs(target_dir)
+    if install_type == 'install':
+        build_cone_eggs(source_paths)
+        install_cone_eggs(target_dir, python_version)
+    else:
+        develop_install_cone_sources(source_paths, target_dir, python_version)
+    # Copy RELEASE.txt
+    utils.copy_file(
+        source_path = os.path.join(SOURCE_ROOT, '..', 'RELEASE.TXT'),
+        target_path = os.path.join(target_dir, 'cone', 'RELEASE.TXT'))
+    # Copy cone.cmd or, depending on the platform
+    if sys.platform == "win32":
+        filename = "cone.cmd"
+    else:
+        filename = ""
+"Copying %s" % filename)
+    utils.copy_file(
+        source_path = os.path.join(SOURCE_ROOT, filename),
+        target_path = target_dir)
+def main():
+    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+    parser.add_option("-t", "--target-dir",
+                      help="The directory where ConE is to be installed.")
+    parser.add_option("-p", "--plugin-package",\
+                      help="The plug-in package to include in the installation.",\
+                      default=None)
+    parser.add_option("-i", "--install-type",\
+                      help="The installation type, can be 'install' (the default) or 'develop'.",\
+                      default='install')
+    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+    if options.target_dir is None:
+        parser.error("Target directory must be given")
+    if options.install_type not in ('install', 'develop'):
+        parser.error("Invalid install type ('%s')" % options.install_type)
+    if not utils.run_command("python --help"):
+        log.critical("Could not run 'python'. Please make sure that you "\
+                     "have Python installed and in your path.")
+        return 1
+    if not utils.run_command("easy_install --help"):
+        log.critical("Could not run 'easy_install'. Please make sure that you "\
+                     "have setuptools installed and the Python scripts directory in your path.")
+        return 1
+    python_version = utils.get_python_version()
+    try:
+        perform_build(options.target_dir, options.plugin_package, options.install_type, python_version)
+    except BuildFailedError:
+        return 1
+    return 0
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    sys.exit(main())