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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/configurationengine/doc/api/public.rst	Thu Mar 11 17:04:37 2010 +0200
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+Public API
+Cone public API is the main interface of Cone.
+.. image:: cone_public_api.png
+.. module:: cone.public.api
+   :platform: Unix, Windows
+   :synopsis: Configuration interface.
+.. moduleauthor:: Teemu Rytkonen <>
+.. class:: ObjectContainer
+	ObjectContainer is a base class for all Configuration related elements. It is container class for a tree structure, 
+	where it can contain other ObjectContainer objects. So basically you can create B-tree type of hiararchy with it. 
+	The main functionality of ObjectContainer is that **all children of an object container are accessible as members** 
+	of the container.
+	.. _example_member_access:
+	Example of ObjectContainer member access:
+	``objcontainer.configuration.get_name()``
+	.. method:: _add(child)
+	Add a ObjectContainer instance to this object. Checks with internal function :meth:`__supported_type__` if the given 
+	child is a supported class for this object.
+	.. method:: _add_to_path(path,child)
+	Add a ObjectContainer instance to a specific node under this object. It creates any missing nodes between this object 
+	and the path. For example __add_to_path__("foo.fii", obj), would create two nodes (foo and under it fii) if they are 
+	missing (Uses internal :meth:`__default_class__` to retrieve the class which is created in this case). 
+	.. method:: _remove(path)
+	Remove a child from given path.
+	.. method:: _get(path)
+	get a child from given path.
+	.. method:: _list()
+	Get a list of names of immediate children of this ObjectContainer instance.
+	.. method:: _objects()
+	Get a list of immediate children objects of this ObjectContainer instance.
+	.. method:: _traverse(filters)
+	Get a list of children objects of this ObjectContainer instance, by filtering them with filters. This will cause a 
+	recursive _traverse method call to all children of the ObjectContainer.
+	.. method:: _path(toparent=None)
+	Return the path to this object up to the toparent object. When toparent=None this will 
+	return a full path to the object in the ObjectContainer hierarhcy.
+	.. method:: _supported_type(obj)
+	A method that is supposed to be overridden by the deriving classed if they need to change, which classes can be added 
+	under each class. 
+	Return True if the type of the obj is supported.
+	.. method:: _default_class(obj)
+	A method that is supposed to be overridden by the deriving classed if they need to change, what class is 
+	the default class that is created with __add_to_path__ when objects are missing.
+	Return a class.
+.. class:: Base
+	Base class for all :class:`~cone.public.api.Configuration` and its child objects. 
+	.. method:: get_ref()
+	return the ref of this object.
+	.. method:: get_namepace()
+	return the namespace of this object.
+.. class:: Project
+	Project is a container for Configuration's.
+.. class:: Configuration
+	ConE Configuration is the main interface for all configuration related activities. It is the main interface of ConE 
+	itself as ConE is eventually a python interface to a configuration project. 
+Configuration as a Container
+	The Configuration instance itself in ConE is actually just a container for a bunch of different elements. These elements can practically be any elements that exist in a 
+	Configuration Project. 
+	* :class:`~cone.public.api.Configuration` 
+	* :class:`~cone.public.api.View`
+	* :class:`~cone.public.api.Feature` 
+	* :class:`~cone.public.api.Resource` 
+	* :class:`~cone.public.plugin.Relation` 
+	* :class:`~cone.public.api.Data` 
+.. class:: Feature
+	Feature element is the base class for any Configurable item in a Configuration Project.
+.. class:: View
+	A :class:`~cone.public.api.Configuration` can contain one or more View elements, which basically can define different type of tree structure of Feature elements that exist in the Configuration.
+	A View element can contain :class:`~cone.public.api.Group` and :class:`FeaturePoxy` elements.
+.. class:: Group
+	Group element can be child element of a :class:`~View`. It can include other Groups and :class:`~FeaturePoxy` elements to define a View hierarhcy.
+.. class:: FeatureProxy
+	FeatureProxy element is a linking object inside View that has its own ref, name, etc but it basically just 
+	points to an actual :class:`Feature` instance.
+.. class:: Data
+	Data element defines a data value for a :class:`Feature` element. The Data elements can be defined in a 
+	:class:`Configuration` and single configurable :class:`Feature` can have multiple data definitions, in different 
+	configurations. The new definition always overrides the previous one. However the entire data definition hierarchy 
+	is stored and is available from the Cone API.
+.. class:: Storage
+	Storage offers platform and persistence independent interface to store :class:`Resource` elements (data files, 
+	configuration files, etc).
+.. class:: Resource
+	Resource is an instance of single storable element. Basically on normal filesystem this would be same as one file.