changeset 0 2e8eeb919028
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/configurationengine/source/cone/storage/	Thu Mar 11 17:04:37 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description: 
+from cone.public import persistence
+# list of namespaces supported. the first one in the list is always used in writing
+INCLUDE_NAMESPACES       = ["",""]
+class ConfigurationReader(persistence.ConeReader):
+    """
+    Parses a single CPF configuration project root confml file. Parses the XInclude statements to 
+    find out the layers inside the project
+    """ 
+    class_type = "Configuration"
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.configuration_namespaces = CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACES
+        self.include_namespaces       = INCLUDE_NAMESPACES
+    def fromstring(self, xml_as_string):
+        configuration = api.CompositeConfiguration(None)
+        etree = ElementTree.fromstring(xml_as_string)
+        configuration.desc = self.parse_desc(etree)
+        configuration.meta = self.parse_meta(etree)
+        configuration.set_name(self.parse_name(etree))
+        for inc in self.parse_includes(etree):
+            configuration.add_layer(inc)
+        return configuration
+    def parse_includes(self,etree):
+        include_elems = []
+        include_elems.extend(etree.getiterator("{%s}include" % self.include_namespaces[0]))
+        include_elems.extend(etree.getiterator("{%s}include" % self.include_namespaces[1]))
+        includes = []
+        for inc in include_elems:
+            includes.append(inc.get('href').replace('#/',''))
+        return includes
+    def parse_meta(self,etree):
+        meta_elem = etree.find("{%s}meta" % self.configuration_namespaces[0])
+        meta = {}
+        if meta_elem:      
+            # There must be a nicer way to do this!! :(
+            for elem in meta_elem.getiterator():
+                m = re.match("{.*}(?P<tagname>.*)",elem.tag)
+                if m and'tagname') != 'meta':
+                    meta['tagname')] = elem.text 
+        return meta
+    def parse_desc(self,etree):
+        desc = ""
+        desc_elem = etree.find("{%s}desc" % self.configuration_namespaces[0])
+        if desc_elem != None:
+            desc = desc_elem.text
+        return desc
+    def parse_name(self,etree):
+        return etree.get("name")
+class ConfigurationWriter(persistence.ConeWriter):
+    """
+    Parses a single CPF configuration project root confml file. Parses the XInclude statements to 
+    find out the layers inside the project
+    """ 
+    class_type = "Configuration"
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.configuration_namespace = CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACES[0]
+        self.include_namespace       = INCLUDE_NAMESPACES[0]
+    def tostring(self,configuration,indent=True):
+        root = ElementTree.Element("configuration")
+        root.set("xmlns",self.configuration_namespace)
+        root.set("xmlns:xi",self.include_namespace)
+        root.set("name",configuration.ref) 
+        root.append(self.to_desc(configuration.desc))
+        root.append(self.to_meta(configuration.meta))
+        for inc in configuration.list_layers():
+            root.append(self.to_include(inc))
+        if indent:
+            self.indent(root)
+        return ElementTree.tostring(root)
+    def to_desc(self,desc):
+        elem = ElementTree.Element("desc")
+        elem.text = desc
+        return elem 
+    def to_meta(self,meta):
+        elem = ElementTree.Element("meta")
+        for key in meta.keys():
+            selem = ElementTree.SubElement(elem,key)
+            selem.text = meta[key]
+        return elem 
+    def to_include(self,include):
+        elem = ElementTree.Element("xi:include")
+        elem.set("href",include)
+        return elem 