changeset 0 2e8eeb919028
child 3 e7e0ae78773e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/configurationengine/source/scripts/	Thu Mar 11 17:04:37 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description: 
+import os
+import sys
+import logging
+from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
+import codecs
+import cone_common
+import time
+from cone.public import api, plugin, utils, exceptions
+from time import gmtime, strftime
+import report_util
+ROOT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+VERSION = '1.0'
+log = logging.getLogger('cone')
+    'api': report_util.ReportShortcut(
+        os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'compare_api_report_template.html'),
+        'api_comparison.html',
+        'Report changes in feature definitions'),
+    'data': report_util.ReportShortcut(
+        os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'compare_data_report_template.html'),
+        'data_comparison.html',
+        'Report changes in data values'),
+    'crml_dc': report_util.ReportShortcut(
+        os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'crml_dc_report_template.html'),
+        'crml_dc_report.html',
+        'Report CRML data compatibility issues'),
+    'crml_dc_csv': report_util.ReportShortcut(
+        os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'crml_dc_report_template.csv'),
+        'crml_dc_report.csv',
+        'Report CRML data compatibility issues (CSV format)'),
+def main():
+    shortcut_container = report_util.ReportShortcutContainer(REPORT_SHORTCUTS,
+                                                             DEFAULT_SHORTCUT)
+    gset = cone_common.get_settings([os.path.join(ROOT_PATH,'conesub_compare.cfg')])
+    parser = OptionParser(version="%%prog %s" % VERSION)
+    parser.add_options(cone_common.COMMON_OPTIONS)
+    parser.add_option("-p", "--project",\
+                       dest="project",\
+                       help="defines the location of current project. Default is the current working directory.",\
+                       default=".",\
+                       metavar="STORAGE")
+    group = OptionGroup(parser, 'Compare options',
+                    'The generate function will create target files from a specific configuration.'\
+                    'The generate will always work with read-only mode of the project, so no changes are saved to project')
+    group.add_option("-s", "--sourceconfiguration",\
+                        dest="sourceconfiguration",\
+                        help="defines the name of the sourceconfiguration for the compare action. "\
+                             "The configuration is expected to be located current storage.",\
+                        metavar="CONFIG")
+    group.add_option("-t", "--targetconfiguration",\
+                        dest="targetconfiguration",\
+                        help="defines the name of the target configuration for the compare action. "\
+                             "The configuration can be located in the current storage or it the configuration"\
+                             "definition can contain a path to a storage. The storage definition is given as a path"\
+                             "before semicolon. e.g. x:\data\configproject;productx.confml, test.cpf;root.confml",\
+                        metavar="CONFIG")
+#    group.add_option("--compare-dict",\
+#                   dest="compare_dict",\
+#                   action="store",
+#                   type="string",
+#                   help="Compare elements as a dictionary",
+#                   metavar="DICT",\
+#                   default=None)
+    group.add_option("--report",\
+                   dest="report_file",\
+                   action="store",
+                   type="string",
+                   help="The file where the comparison report is written."\
+                        "By default this value is determined by the used "\
+                        "report type. Example: --report report.html.",
+                   metavar="FILE",\
+                   default=None)
+    group.add_option("--template",\
+                   dest="template",\
+                   action="store",
+                   type="string",
+                   help="Template used in a report generation. By default "\
+                        "this value is determined by the used report type. "\
+                        "Example: --template report_template.html.",
+                   metavar="FILE",\
+                   default=None)
+    group.add_option("--report-type",
+                   dest="report_type",
+                   action="store",
+                   type="string",
+                   help="The type of the report to generate. This is a convenience "\
+                        "switch for setting the used template.                     "\
+                        "Possible values:\n                                      "\
+                        + shortcut_container.get_shortcut_help_text(),
+                   metavar="TYPE",\
+                   default=None)
+    group.add_option("--impl-filter",\
+                   dest="impl_filter",\
+                   action="store",
+                   type="string",
+                   help="The pattern used for filtering implementations for the "\
+                        "comparison. See the switch --impl in action generate for "\
+                        "more info. ",
+                   metavar="PATTERN",\
+                   default=None)
+    start_time = time.time()
+    parser.add_option_group(group)
+    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+    cone_common.handle_common_options(options, settings=gset)
+    if not options.sourceconfiguration: parser.error("sourceconfiguration must be given")
+    if not options.targetconfiguration: parser.error("targetconfiguration must be given")
+    if options.report_type and options.template:
+        parser.error("both --report-type and --template supplied; use only one of them")
+    if not shortcut_container.is_valid_shortcut(options.report_type):
+        parser.error("Invalid report type: %s" % options.report_type)
+    template_file, report_file = shortcut_container.determine_template_and_report(
+        options.report_type,
+        options.template,
+        options.report_file,
+        'comparison')
+    action = CompareAction(options.project,
+                           options.sourceconfiguration,
+                           options.targetconfiguration,
+                           template    = template_file,
+                           report_file = report_file,
+                           impl_filter = options.impl_filter)
+    result = action.run_action()
+    resmap = {True: 0, False: 1}
+    sys.exit(resmap[result])
+class CompareAction(object):
+    def __init__(self, current, sourceconfig, targetconfig, **kwargs):
+        self.current = current
+        self.sourceconfig = sourceconfig
+        self.targetconfig = targetconfig
+        self.reportfile = kwargs.get("report_file", 'compare.html')
+        self.reporttemplate = kwargs.get('template', '')
+        self.columns = kwargs.get('columns', None)
+        self.impl_filter = kwargs.get('impl_filter',)
+    def run_action(self):
+        """
+        Run the action.
+        @return: True if successful, False if not.
+        """
+        currentprj = api.Project(,"r"))
+        targetprj = None
+        (targetproject,targetconf) = self.parse_target_configuration(self.targetconfig)
+        print "Compare %s <> %s in %s" % (self.sourceconfig, targetconf, targetproject)
+        if targetproject != '':
+            targetprj = api.Project(,"r"))
+        else:
+            # The comparison doesn't seem to work if the same project
+            #    object is used
+            #targetprj = currentprj
+            targetprj = api.Project(,"r"))
+        source = currentprj.get_configuration(self.sourceconfig)
+        target = targetprj.get_configuration(targetconf)
+        print "Writing report to %s" % self.reportfile
+        sourcedata = {}
+        targetdata = {}
+        sourcedata['name'] = self.sourceconfig
+        targetdata['name'] = self.targetconfig
+        sourcedata['features'] = self.get_feature_api_data(source)
+        targetdata['features'] = self.get_feature_api_data(target)
+        impl_comp_data_proxy = ImplComparisonDataProxy(source,
+                                                       target,
+                                                       self.impl_filter)
+        template_data = {'sourcedata': sourcedata,
+                         'targetdata': targetdata,
+                         'impl_data':  impl_comp_data_proxy}
+        result = report_util.generate_report(self.reporttemplate,
+                                             self.reportfile,
+                                             {'data': template_data})
+        print "Done."
+        return result
+    def parse_target_configuration(self,configpath):
+        """
+        return tuple (storage, configpath) from storagepath;root.confml.
+        returns ('', 'root.confml') from root.confml 
+        """
+        elems = configpath.rsplit(';',2)
+        if len(elems) > 1:
+            return (elems[0],elems[1])
+        else:
+            return ('',elems[0])
+    def get_feature_api_data(self,config):
+        # Traverse through all features in the api
+        # and construct the data rows
+        data = {}
+        for elem in config.get_default_view().get_features('**'):
+            data[elem.fqr] = elem._obj
+        return data
+class ImplComparisonDataProxy(object):
+    """
+    Proxy object for loading implementation comparison data on demand.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, sourceconfig, targetconfig, impl_filter):
+        self.sourceconfig = sourceconfig
+        self.targetconfig = targetconfig
+        if impl_filter is None: self.impl_filter = '.*'
+        else:                   self.impl_filter = impl_filter
+        self._flat_data = None
+    @property
+    def flat(self):
+        try:
+            if self._flat_data is None:
+                self._flat_data = self._get_flat_comparison_data()
+            return self._flat_data
+        except Exception, e:
+            utils.log_exception(log, 'Error retrieving ImplComparisonDataProxy.flat!')
+            raise
+    def _get_flat_comparison_data(self):
+        log.debug("Loading implementations for comparison (impl filter = '%s')..." % (self.impl_filter))
+        try:
+            source_impls = plugin.get_impl_set(self.sourceconfig, self.impl_filter)
+            target_impls = plugin.get_impl_set(self.targetconfig, self.impl_filter)
+        except Exception, e:
+            utils.log_exception(log, 'Failed to load implementations!')
+            raise
+        log.debug("%d impl(s) in source." % len(source_impls))
+        log.debug("%d impl(s) in target." % len(target_impls))
+        log.debug("Generating flat comparison results...")
+        result = source_impls.flat_compare(target_impls)
+        log.debug("Generated %d result row(s)" % len(result))
+        return result
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()