changeset 0 2e8eeb919028
child 3 e7e0ae78773e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/configurationengine/source/scripts/	Thu Mar 11 17:04:37 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description: 
+import os
+import fnmatch
+import logging
+from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
+import cone_common
+from cone.public import api, plugin, utils, exceptions
+VERSION     = '1.0'
+DEFAULT_EXT = '.cpf'
+logger    = logging.getLogger('cone')
+DATA_NAME = 'confml/data.confml'
+def main():
+    parser = OptionParser(version="%%prog %s" % VERSION)
+    parser.add_options(cone_common.COMMON_OPTIONS)
+    parser.add_option("-c", "--configuration",
+                        dest="configs",
+                        action="append",
+                        help="Defines the name of the configuration for the action, can be "\
+                             "specified multiple times to include multiple configurations.",
+                        metavar="CONFIG",
+                        default=[])
+    parser.add_option("--config-wildcard",
+                      action="append",
+                      dest="config_wildcards",
+                      help="Wildcard pattern for including configurations, e.g. "\
+                           "product_langpack_*_root.confml",
+                      metavar="WILDCARD",
+                      default=[])
+    parser.add_option("--config-regex",
+                      action="append",
+                      dest="config_regexes",
+                      help="Regular expression for including configurations, e.g. "\
+                           "product_langpack_\\d{2}_root.confml",
+                      metavar="REGEX",
+                      default=[])
+    parser.add_option("-p", "--project",
+                       dest="project",
+                       help="defines the location of current project. Default is the "\
+                            "current working directory.",\
+                       default=".",
+                       metavar="STORAGE")
+    group = OptionGroup(parser, 'Export options',
+                        'The export action is intended for exporting configurations '\
+                        'from one project (storage) to another. A project can be a '\
+                        'folder, a CPF or ZIP file, or a Carbon web storage URL. '\
+                        # An ugly way to make newlines, someone should look into
+                        # sub-classing optparse.HelpFormatter... 
+                        '                                                                          '\
+                        'Two different ways of exporting are supported: '\
+                        '                                                                          '\
+                        '1. Exporting multiple configurations into one new project using --remote '\
+                        '                                                                          '\
+                        '2. Exporting configurations into a number of new projects using --export-dir')
+    group.add_option("-r", "--remote",
+                   dest="remote",
+                   help="Defines the location of remote storage. All configurations included using "\
+                        "--configuration, --config-wildcard and --config-regex are exported into "\
+                        "the storage. If the remote storage location is not given, the default "\
+                        "location is determined based on the first included source configuration name. "\
+                        "E.g. 'example.confml' would be exported into 'example.cpf'",
+                   metavar="STORAGE")
+    group.add_option("--export-dir",
+                     help="Defines the directory where each included configuration is exported "\
+                          "as a new project.",
+                     default=None)
+    group.add_option("--export-format",
+                     help="Defines the format into which projects are exported when using "\
+                          "--export-dir. Possible values are 'cpf' (the default) and 'dir'.",
+                     default=None)
+    group.add_option("-a","--add",
+                   dest="added",
+                   action="append",
+                   type="string",
+                   help="Adds a configuration layer to the given configuration as last element. "\
+                        "The add operation can be used several times in a single command and it "\
+                        "can create even an empty layer. "\
+                        "Example --add foo/root.confml --add bar/root-confml.",
+                   metavar="CONFIG",
+                   default=None)
+    group.add_option("--exclude-folders",
+                        dest="exclude_empty_folders",
+                        action="store_true",
+                        help="Excludes empty folders from export",
+                        default=False)
+    parser.add_option_group(group)
+    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+    cone_common.handle_common_options(options)
+    # Check options
+    if options.export_format and options.export_dir is None:
+        parser.error("--export-format can only be used in conjunction with --export-dir")
+    if options.export_dir and options.remote:
+        parser.error("--export-dir and --remote cannot be used at the same time")
+    if options.export_format and options.export_format.lower() not in ('dir', 'cpf'):
+        parser.error("Invalid export format '%s'" % options.export_format)
+    if options.export_dir and not (options.configs or options.config_wildcards or options.config_regexes):
+        parser.error("Use of --export-dir requires at least one configuration to be specified")
+    if options.export_dir and os.path.isfile(options.export_dir):
+        parser.error("Given export directory '%s' is a file")
+    # Open the project and find out the active configuration
+    project = api.Project(, "r"))
+    try:
+        active_root = project.get_storage().get_active_configuration()
+    except AttributeError:
+        active_root = None
+    # Collect the list of configurations specified from the command line
+    config_list = []
+    if options.configs or options.config_wildcards or options.config_regexes:
+        try:
+            config_list = cone_common.get_config_list_from_project(
+                project          = project,
+                configs          = options.configs,
+                config_wildcards = options.config_wildcards,
+                config_regexes   = options.config_regexes)
+        except cone_common.ConfigurationNotFoundError, e:
+            parser.error(str(e))
+    # Use the active configuration if no configurations are specifically given
+    if len(config_list) == 0:
+        if active_root is None:
+            parser.error("No configurations given and the project does not have an active root")
+        else:
+  'No configurations given! Using active root configuration %s' % active_root)
+            config_list = [active_root]
+    # Perform the export
+    if options.export_dir:
+        _export_to_dir(project       = project,
+                       export_dir    = options.export_dir,
+                       export_format = options.export_format or 'cpf',
+                       configs       = config_list,
+                       added_layers  = options.added,
+                       empty_folders = not options.exclude_empty_folders)
+    else:
+        _export_to_storage(project                 = project,
+                           remote_project_location = options.remote,
+                           configs                 = config_list,
+                           added_layers            = options.added,
+                           empty_folders           = not options.exclude_empty_folders)
+def _export_to_storage(project, remote_project_location, configs, added_layers, empty_folders):
+    assert len(configs) > 0
+    # If the remote storage is not given, determine it automatically based
+    # on the first specified configuration name
+    if not remote_project_location:
+        remotename, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(configs[0]))
+        remotename += DEFAULT_EXT
+'No remote storage given! Using source configuration name %s' % remotename)
+        remote_project_location = remotename
+    remote_project = api.Project(, "w"))
+    for config_path in configs:
+        config = project.get_configuration(config_path)
+        project.export_configuration(config,
+                           ,
+                                     empty_folders = empty_folders)
+        print "Export %s to %s done!" % (config_path, remote_project_location)
+    # Setting first as active configuration if there are more than one configuration defined.
+    configs = remote_project.list_configurations()
+    if len(configs):
+        try:
+            remote_project.get_storage().set_active_configuration(configs[0])
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
+    remote_project.close()
+    _add_layers(project, remote_project_location, added_layers, empty_folders)
+def _add_layers(source_project, remote_project_location, added_configs, empty_folders):
+    """
+    Add new configuration layers from source_project into 
+    """
+    if not added_configs:
+        return
+    target_project = api.Project(, "a"))
+    for target_config_name in target_project.list_configurations():
+        target_config = target_project.get_configuration(target_config_name)
+        for added_config_name in added_configs:
+            # Add layers only once
+            if not
+      'Adding configuration %s' % added_config_name)
+                if
+                    # The configuration exists in the source project, export it from there
+                    existing_config = source_project.get_configuration(added_config_name)
+                    source_project.export_configuration(existing_config,
+                                              ,
+                                                        empty_folders = empty_folders)
+                else:
+                    # The given configuration does not exist in the source project,
+                    # create a new empty layer
+          "Creating new layer %s." % added_config_name)
+                    new_config = target_project.create_configuration(added_config_name)
+                    new_config.create_configuration(DATA_NAME)
+            # Include the added configuration in the configuration root
+            target_config.include_configuration(utils.resourceref.norm(added_config_name))
+    target_project.close()
+def _export_to_dir(project, export_dir, export_format, configs, added_layers, empty_folders):
+    if not os.path.exists(export_dir):
+        os.makedirs(export_dir)
+    for config in configs:
+        remote_name, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(config))
+        if export_format.lower() == 'cpf':
+            remote_name += '.cpf'
+        elif export_format.lower() == 'dir':
+            remote_name += '/'
+        remote_name = os.path.join(export_dir, remote_name)
+        _export_to_storage(project, remote_name, [config], added_layers, empty_folders)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()