changeset 0 2e8eeb919028
child 3 e7e0ae78773e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/configurationengine/source/scripts/	Thu Mar 11 17:04:37 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description: 
+import os
+import logging
+import codecs
+from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
+import cone_common
+from cone.public import api, plugin, utils, exceptions, container
+VERSION = '1.0'
+logger = logging.getLogger('cone')
+elems = {
+'Type': 0,
+'Name': 1,
+'ParentFolderName': 2,
+'URL': 3,
+'AccessPoint': 4,
+'UserName': 5,
+'Password': 6,
+'ReadOnly': 7,
+'FactoryItem': 8,
+'ContextId': 9,
+'Preferred': 10 
+    }
+def main():
+    parser = OptionParser(version="%%prog %s" % VERSION)
+    parser.add_option("-c", "--configuration",\
+                        dest="configuration",\
+                        help="defines the name of the configuration for the action",\
+                        metavar="CONFIG")
+    parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose",\
+                      dest="verbose",\
+                      help="Print error,warning and information on system out. \
+                      Possible choises: Default is 3.\
+                                     NONE          0.\
+                                     CRITICAL      1\
+                                     ERROR         2\
+                                     WARNING       3\
+                                     INFO          4\
+                                     DEBUG         5\
+                                     ",\
+                      default=3,\
+                      metavar="LEVEL")
+    parser.add_option("-p", "--project",\
+                       dest="project",\
+                       help="defines the location of current project. Default is the current working directory.",\
+                       default=".",\
+                       metavar="STORAGE")
+    bgroup = OptionGroup(parser, 'Import browser bookmarks options',
+                    'The import_browserbookmarks functionality is meant to import browser bookmarks to a given configuration.')
+    bgroup.add_option("-i", "--input",\
+                   dest="input",\
+                   type="string",
+                   help="input BrowserBookmarks file for the importing.",
+                   metavar="FILE",\
+                   default=None)
+    layers = None
+    current = None
+    parser.add_option_group(bgroup)
+    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+    api.get_console_logger().setLevel(cone_common.get_log_level(options.verbose))
+    if not options.input:
+        parser.error("Input file must be given!")
+'Open file %s.' % options.input)
+    current = api.Project(,"a"))
+    active_root = current.get_storage().get_active_configuration()
+    if not options.configuration:
+        if active_root == "":
+            parser.error("configuration must be given")
+        else:
+            logging.getLogger('cone').info('No configuration given! Using active root configuration %s' % active_root)
+            options.configuration = active_root
+    config  = current.get_configuration(options.configuration)
+    dview = config.get_default_view()
+    bookmarkfea = dview.get_feature('BookmarkItems.BookmarkItem')
+    inputfile =,encoding="utf16")
+    firstelem = True
+    for line in inputfile.readlines():
+        # skip comments 
+        data = line.split('#',1)
+        dataelem = data[0]
+        dataelem = dataelem.strip()
+        dataelem = dataelem.rstrip('\n')
+        if dataelem != "":       
+            # Split the datarow in to data elems 
+            #print "DATAELEM: %s!" % dataelem
+            dataelems = dataelem.split(',')
+            print "Elem found %s" % str(dataelems[elems['Name']])
+            # Build the new data sequence
+            browserseq = []
+            for feaname in bookmarkfea.list_features():
+                try:
+                    browserseq.append(str(dataelems[elems[feaname]]))
+                except IndexError:
+                    pass
+            print browserseq
+            if firstelem:
+                bookmarkfea.add_sequence(browserseq, policy=container.REPLACE)                  
+                data = bookmarkfea.get_data()[-1]
+                data._get_data().policy = 'replace'
+                firstelem = False
+            else:
+                bookmarkfea.add_sequence(browserseq, policy=container.APPEND)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()