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+++ b/sysmodellibs/sysmodelgen/doc/sysmodel/SMG-Input-Files/Border-Style-XMLFile.html	Wed Oct 13 16:21:25 2010 +0100
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+<a name="borderstylesxml"></a><h1>Border Styles Values XML File</h1><div class="section">
+		The border styles values XML file is used to define the border styles
+		of system model items. The valid values for a border style can be any CSS property of
+		an SVG shape. 
+	  </p><p>
+		<b>Note</b>: For more information, see
+		<a href="">Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1
+		Specification</a>. 
+	  </p><p>
+		The CSS applies to the shape of the item and it can control the
+		stroke width, and dash pattern as well as the overall opacity. It cannot set
+		the stroke or text colors. 
+	  </p></div>
+<div class="section">
+<p>The Border Styles files use the common syntax for all <a href="Values-XML-index.html">Values XML files</a>. </p>
+<p>The <code>value</code> attribute can take any value valid for the <a href="">SVG <code>style</code> attribute</a>
+<div class="section">
+<div class="Example"><code class="xml">&lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;<br>&lt;values default="stroke-width: 0.4"&gt;
+<div class="indent">    &lt;item label="Plugin" value="stroke-width: 2"&gt;
+<div class="indent">        &lt;m ref="sdcarddrv"/&gt;
+<br>        &lt;m ref="audiodrv"/&gt;<br>    </div>    &lt;/item&gt;</div>&lt;/values&gt;</code></div>
+		The following figure shows the generated legend for the preceding
+		border styles values XML: 
+	  </p><div class="Figure">
+		<p class="Image"><a name=""><img src="borderstyleoutput.gif" alt=""  border="0"/></a></p><br clear="all"/>
+	  </div></div>
+<div class="section">
+<h2>See also</h2><p>
+		<a href="Colours-XMLFile.html#coloursxml">Colors Values XML File</a> 
+	  </p><p>
+		<a href="Patterns-XMLFile.html#patternsxml">Patterns Values XML File</a> 
+	  </p><p>
+		<a href="Border-Shapes-XMLFile.html#bordershapesxml">Border Shapes Values XML File</a> 
+	  </p></div>
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