changeset 7 3c36c452f013
parent 6 5b32dc297d05
child 8 a2e65c705db8
--- a/sysmodellibs/sysmodelgen/src/common/	Wed Oct 13 14:00:36 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,467 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description:
-package DepConstants;
-use FindBin;
-use lib $FindBin::Bin;
-use strict;
-use Cwd;
-# -------------------------------------------------------
-# 	Data stores, etc
-# -------------------------------------------------------
-my $KDataDirectory = $FindBin::Bin."deptoolkit_data";
-sub DataDirectory     { return $KDataDirectory; }
-my $KDataFile = $FindBin::Bin."deptoolkit_data"; # this is the default value, to be used if the user hasn't specified a value
-sub DataFile     { return $KDataFile; }
-# -------------------------------------------------------
-# 	Html and icons files:
-# -------------------------------------------------------
-my $KIconsSourceDirectory = $FindBin::Bin."/../resources/html/icons";
-sub IconsSource() { return $KIconsSourceDirectory; }
-my $KZoomInIcon = "dep_zoom_in.gif";
-my $KZoomInDisabledIcon = "dep_zoom_in_disabled.gif";
-my $KTopOfPageIcon = "dep_top_of_page.gif";
-my $KSeperatorIcon = "dep_separator.gif";
-my $KArrowIcon = "dep_arrow.gif";
-my $KAtSignIcon = "dep_at_sign.gif";
-my $KHierarchyIcon = "dep_hierarchy.gif";
-my $KSysDefIcon = "dep_sysdef.gif";
-my $KLayerIcon = "dep_layer.gif";
-my $KBlockIcon = "dep_block.gif";
-my $KSubBlockIcon = "dep_sub_block.gif";
-my $KCollectionIcon = "dep_collection.gif";
-my $KComponentIcon = "dep_component.gif";
-my $KExeIcon = "dep_exe.gif";
-my $KWarningIcon = "dep_warning.gif";
-sub ZoomInIcon() { return $KZoomInIcon; }
-sub ZoomInDisabledIcon() { return $KZoomInDisabledIcon; }
-sub TopOfPageIcon() { return $KTopOfPageIcon; }
-sub SeperatorIcon() { return $KSeperatorIcon; }
-sub ArrowIcon() { return $KArrowIcon; }
-sub AtSignIcon() { return $KAtSignIcon; }
-sub HierarchyIcon() { return $KHierarchyIcon; }
-sub SysDefIcon() { return $KSysDefIcon; }
-sub LayerIcon() { return $KLayerIcon; }
-sub BlockIcon() { return $KBlockIcon; }
-sub SubBlockIcon() { return $KSubBlockIcon; }
-sub CollectionIcon() { return $KCollectionIcon; }
-sub ComponentIcon() { return $KComponentIcon; }
-sub ExeIcon() { return $KExeIcon; }
-sub WarningIcon() {return $KWarningIcon; }
-# Following methods contsruct the HTML image tags using the source directory
-# (For output files, use the ImgHtml() by passing the /icons directory file names)
-sub ZoomInImgHtml()
-	{
-	my $hrefRelativeDepth = $_[0] ? $_[0] : 0;
-	return RelativeImgHtml($hrefRelativeDepth, "icons/$KZoomInIcon", 'Causal details of relationship');
-	}
-sub ZoomInDisabledImgHtml()
-	{
-	my $hrefRelativeDepth = $_[0] ? $_[0] : 0;
-	return RelativeImgHtml($hrefRelativeDepth, "icons/$KZoomInDisabledIcon", 'Manual dependency: no details available');
-	}
-sub TopOfPageImgHtml()
-	{
-	my $hrefRelativeDepth = $_[0] ? $_[0] : 0;
-	return RelativeImgHtml($hrefRelativeDepth, "icons/$KTopOfPageIcon", 'Top', "\#_top");
-	}
-sub SeperatorImgHtml()
-	{
-	my $hrefRelativeDepth = $_[0] ? $_[0] : 0;
-	return RelativeImgHtml($hrefRelativeDepth, "icons/$KSeperatorIcon");
-	}
-sub ArrowImgHtml()
-	{
-	my $hrefRelativeDepth = $_[0] ? $_[0] : 0;
-	return RelativeImgHtml($hrefRelativeDepth, "icons/$KArrowIcon");
-	}
-sub AtSignImgHtml()
-	{
-	my $hrefRelativeDepth = $_[0] ? $_[0] : 0;
-	return RelativeImgHtml($hrefRelativeDepth, "icons/$KAtSignIcon", 'is located at');
-	}
-sub HierarchyImgHtml()
-	{
-	my $hrefRelativeDepth = $_[0] ? $_[0] : 0;
-	return RelativeImgHtml($hrefRelativeDepth, "icons/$KHierarchyIcon", "System Model Hierarchy");
-	}
-sub SysDefImgHtml()
-	{
-	my $hrefRelativeDepth = $_[0] ? $_[0] : 0;
-	return RelativeImgHtml($hrefRelativeDepth, "icons/$KSysDefIcon");
-	}
-sub LayerImgHtml()
-	{
-	my $hrefRelativeDepth = $_[0] ? $_[0] : 0;
-	return RelativeImgHtml($hrefRelativeDepth, "icons/$KLayerIcon", "Layer");
-	}
-sub BlockImgHtml()
-	{
-	my $hrefRelativeDepth = $_[0] ? $_[0] : 0;
-	return RelativeImgHtml($hrefRelativeDepth, "icons/$KBlockIcon", "Block");
-	}
-sub SubBlockImgHtml()
-	{
-	my $hrefRelativeDepth = $_[0] ? $_[0] : 0;
-	return RelativeImgHtml($hrefRelativeDepth, "icons/$KSubBlockIcon", "Sub-block");
-	}
-sub CollectionImgHtml()
-	{
-	my $hrefRelativeDepth = $_[0] ? $_[0] : 0;
-	return RelativeImgHtml($hrefRelativeDepth, "icons/$KCollectionIcon", "Collection");
-	}
-sub ComponentImgHtml()
-	{
-	my $hrefRelativeDepth = $_[0] ? $_[0] : 0;
-	return RelativeImgHtml($hrefRelativeDepth, "icons/$KComponentIcon", "Component");
-	}
-sub ExeImgHtml()
-	{
-	my $hrefRelativeDepth = $_[0] ? $_[0] : 0;
-	return RelativeImgHtml($hrefRelativeDepth, "icons/$KExeIcon", "Executable");
-	}
-sub WarningImgHtml()
-	{
-	my $hrefRelativeDepth = $_[0] ? $_[0] : 0;
-	return RelativeImgHtml($hrefRelativeDepth, "icons/$KWarningIcon", "Warning");
-	}
-# Genric:
-sub RelativeImgHtml()
-	{
-	my $hrefRelativeDepth = shift;
-	my $img = shift; # image file
-	my $alt = shift; # tool tip text
-	my $url = shift; # if a url is given, turn it into a href
-    my $relativeDirText = ""; # where the main index file is.
-	$relativeDirText = "../" x $hrefRelativeDepth if defined $hrefRelativeDepth;
-    $relativeDirText =~ s@\/$@@; # now remove the trailing slash
-    $img = $relativeDirText."/".$img;
-    return ImgHtml($img, $alt, $url);
-	}
-sub ImgHtml()
-	{
-	my $img = shift; # image file
-	my $alt = shift; # tool tip text
-	my $url = shift; # if a url is given, turn it into a href
-	my $imgHtml = "";
-	return $imgHtml if $img eq "";
-	$imgHtml .= "<a href='$url'>" if $url;
-	$imgHtml .= "<img src='$img'";
-	$imgHtml .= " alt='$alt'" if $alt; # optional
-	$imgHtml .= " border = '0'>";
-	$imgHtml .= "</a>" if $url;
-	return $imgHtml;
-	}
-# -------------------------------------------------------
-# 	Homepage and other files:
-# -------------------------------------------------------
-my $KHtmlSourceDirectory = $FindBin::Bin."/../resources/html";
-sub HtmlSourceDirectory() { return $KHtmlSourceDirectory; }
-my $KHomepageFileName = "index.html";
-my $KHomepage = $KHtmlSourceDirectory."/".$KHomepageFileName;
-sub HomepageFileName() { return $KHomepageFileName; }
-sub Homepage() { return $KHomepage; }
-my $KSysModelHtmlName = "sysmodel.html";
-sub SysModelHtmlName() { return $KSysModelHtmlName; }
-my @KAuxiliaryHtmlFiles = ("metrics.html", "model_criteria.html",  "user_guide.html", "coupling.pdf");
-sub AuxiliaryHtmlFiles() { return @KAuxiliaryHtmlFiles; }
-my $KCssStylesheetFileName = "dep.css";
-my $KCssStylesheet = $FindBin::Bin."/../resources/html/css/".$KCssStylesheetFileName;
-sub CssStylesheetFileName() { return $KCssStylesheetFileName; }
-sub CssStylesheet() { return $KCssStylesheet; }
-my $KInstallerImageFileName = "DepToolkitInstaller_main.jpg";
-my $KInstallerImage = $FindBin::Bin."/../resources/html/images/DepToolkitInstaller_main.jpg";
-sub InstallerImageFileName() { return $KInstallerImage; }
-sub InstallerImage() { return $KInstallerImage; }
-my $KCustomisationJavaScript = "custom.js";
-sub CustomisationJavaScript() { return $KCustomisationJavaScript; }
-# -------------------------------------------------------
-#	Misc constants:
-# -------------------------------------------------------
-# Relationship type between two items:
-use constant KDependency						=> 1;
-use constant KDependent							=> 2;
-# Dependency type between two items:
-use constant KStaticDependency					=> 1;
-use constant KDynamicDependency					=> 2;
-use constant KManualDependency					=> 3;
-# -------------------------------------------------------
-# -------------------------------------------------------
-use constant KErrorNone							=> 0;
-use constant KIncorrectSyntax					=> 1;
-use constant KFileDoesNotExist					=> 2;
-use constant KCannotOpenFile					=> 3;
-use constant KInvalidROMLog						=> 4;
-use constant KBinaryNotInROM					=> 5;
-use constant KNoBinariesInROM					=> 6;
-use constant KBinaryDoesNotExist				=> 7;
-use constant KMapFileDoesNotExist				=> 8;
-use constant KFailure							=> 9;
-# System_Definition.xml error codes:
-use constant KSysDefNotFound					=> 31;
-use constant KInvalidSysDefXML					=> 32;
-use constant KConfigurationNotFound				=> 33;
-# Graphing error codes:
-use constant KDotExeNotFound					=> 41;
-# HTML rendering error codes:
-# Codes for scripts and modules (starting at 100):
-use constant KStartOfScriptCodes				=> 100;
-use constant KUnknownModule						=> 100;
-use constant KModel								=> 101;
-use constant KFileMaps							=> 102;
-use constant KDepInfo							=> 103;
-use constant KDepInfoToLinkDeps					=> 104;
-use constant KDepInfoToHtml						=> 105;
-use constant KDepsTree							=> 106;
-use constant KModelEngine						=> 107;
-use constant KDepRendererCommon					=> 108;
-use constant KDepSummariesRenderer				=> 109;
-use constant KDepDetailsRenderer				=> 110;
-use constant KGenGraphs							=> 111;
-use constant KSysDefParser						=> 112;
-use constant KSysModelDepsGenerator				=> 113;
-use constant KDepsCommon						=> 114;
-use constant KDotDigraph						=> 115;
-# Logging severity levels:
-use constant ERROR 								=> 1;
-use constant WARNING							=> 2;
-use constant INFO 								=> 3;
-use constant VERBOSE							=> 4;
-# Script or module-level error codes (starting at 200):
-use constant KUnknownModuleError				=> 200;
-use constant KModelError						=> 201;
-use constant KFileMapsError						=> 202;
-use constant KDepInfoError						=> 203;
-use constant KDepInfoToLinkDepsError			=> 204;
-use constant KDepInfoToHtmlError				=> 205;
-use constant KDepsTreeError						=> 206;
-use constant KModelEngineError					=> 207;
-use constant KDepRendererCommonError			=> 208;
-use constant KDepSummariesRendererError			=> 209;
-use constant KDepDetailsRendererError			=> 210;
-use constant KGenGraphsError					=> 211;
-use constant KSysDefParserError					=> 212;
-use constant KSysModelDepsGeneratorError		=> 213;
-use constant KDepsCommonError					=> 214;
-use constant KDotDigraphError					=> 215;
-# Script or module-level warning codes (starting at 300):
-use constant KUnknownModuleWarning				=> 300;
-use constant KModelWarning						=> 301;
-use constant KFileMapsWarning					=> 302;
-use constant KDepInfoWarning					=> 303;
-use constant KDepInfoToLinkDepsWarning			=> 304;
-use constant KDepInfoToHtmlWarning				=> 305;
-use constant KDepsTreeWarning					=> 306;
-use constant KModelEngineWarning				=> 307;
-use constant KDepRendererCommonWarning			=> 308;
-use constant KDepSummariesRendererWarning		=> 309;
-use constant KDepDetailsRendererWarning			=> 310;
-use constant KGenGraphsWarning					=> 311;
-use constant KSysDefParserWarning				=> 312;
-use constant KSysModelDepsGeneratorWarning		=> 313;
-use constant KDepsCommonWarning					=> 314;
-use constant KDotDigraphWarning					=> 315;
-# Script or module-level info codes (starting at 400):
-use constant KUnknownModuleInfo					=> 400;
-use constant KModelInfo							=> 401;
-use constant KFileMapsInfo						=> 402;
-use constant KDepInfoInfo						=> 403;
-use constant KDepInfoToLinkDepsInfo				=> 404;
-use constant KDepInfoToHtmlInfo					=> 405;
-use constant KDepsTreeInfo						=> 406;
-use constant KModelEngineInfo					=> 407;
-use constant KDepRendererCommonInfo				=> 408;
-use constant KDepSummariesRendererInfo			=> 409;
-use constant KDepDetailsRendererInfo			=> 410;
-use constant KGenGraphsInfo						=> 411;
-use constant KSysDefParserInfo					=> 412;
-use constant KSysModelDepsGeneratorInfo			=> 413;
-use constant KDepsCommonInfo					=> 414;
-use constant KDotDigraphInfo					=> 415;
-my @KUnknownModuleCodes       		= (KUnknownModuleError, KUnknownModuleWarning, KUnknownModuleInfo);
-my @KModelCodes       				= (KModelError, KModelWarning, KModelInfo);
-my @KFileMapsCodes 					= (KFileMapsError, KFileMapsWarning, KFileMapsInfo);
-my @KDepInfoCodes 					= (KDepInfoError, KDepInfoWarning, KDepInfoInfo);
-my @KDepInfoToHtmlCodes 		 	= (KDepInfoToHtmlError, KDepInfoToHtmlWarning, KDepInfoToHtmlInfo);
-my @KDepInfoToLinkDepsCodes 		= (KDepInfoToLinkDepsError, KDepInfoToLinkDepsWarning, KDepInfoToLinkDepsInfo);
-my @KDepsTreeCodes       			= (KDepsTreeError, KDepsTreeWarning, KDepsTreeInfo);
-my @KModelEngineCodes				= (KModelEngineError, KModelEngineWarning, KModelEngineInfo);
-my @KDepRendererCommonCodes			= (KDepRendererCommonError, KDepRendererCommonWarning, KDepRendererCommonInfo);
-my @KDepSummariesRendererCodes     	= (KDepSummariesRendererError, KDepSummariesRendererWarning, KDepSummariesRendererInfo);
-my @KDepDetailsRendererCodes       	= (KDepDetailsRendererError, KDepDetailsRendererWarning, KDepDetailsRendererInfo);
-my @KGenGraphsCodes       			= (KGenGraphsError, KGenGraphsWarning, KGenGraphsInfo);
-my @KSysDefParserCodes       		= (KSysDefParserError, KSysDefParserWarning, KSysDefParserInfo);
-my @KSysModelDepsGeneratorCodes   	= (KSysModelDepsGeneratorError, KSysModelDepsGeneratorWarning, KSysModelDepsGeneratorInfo);
-my @KDepsCommonCodes   				= (KDepsCommonError, KDepsCommonWarning, KDepsCommonInfo);
-my @KDotDigraphCodes   				= (KDotDigraphError, KDotDigraphWarning, KDotDigraphInfo);
-sub ModuleErrorCodes()
-	{
-	my $moduleCode = shift;
-	--(my $level = shift); # decrement as it's an index into an array
-	return 0 if $moduleCode < KStartOfScriptCodes or $level < 0 or $level > 2;
-	return $KModelCodes[$level] 				if ($moduleCode == KModel);
-	return $KFileMapsCodes[$level] 				if ($moduleCode == KFileMaps);
-	return $KDepInfoCodes[$level] 				if ($moduleCode == KDepInfo);
-	return $KDepInfoToLinkDepsCodes[$level]		if ($moduleCode == KDepInfoToLinkDeps);
-	return $KDepInfoToHtmlCodes[$level] 		if ($moduleCode == KDepInfoToHtml);
-	return $KDepsTreeCodes[$level] 				if ($moduleCode == KDepsTree);
-	return $KModelEngineCodes[$level] 			if ($moduleCode == KModelEngine);
-	return $KDepRendererCommonCodes[$level] 	if ($moduleCode == KDepRendererCommon);
-	return $KDepSummariesRendererCodes[$level] 	if ($moduleCode == KDepSummariesRenderer);
-	return $KDepDetailsRendererCodes[$level] 	if ($moduleCode == KDepDetailsRenderer);
-	return $KGenGraphsCodes[$level] 			if ($moduleCode == KGenGraphs);
-	return $KSysDefParserCodes[$level] 			if ($moduleCode == KSysDefParser);
-	return $KSysModelDepsGeneratorCodes[$level] if ($moduleCode == KSysModelDepsGenerator);
-	return $KDepsCommonCodes[$level]			if ($moduleCode == KDepsCommon);
-	return $KDotDigraphCodes[$level]			if ($moduleCode == KDotDigraph);
-	return $KUnknownModuleCodes[$level];
-	}
-# Global Variables:
-my $NM          = "nm.exe";
-my $CPPFILT     = "c++filt.exe";
-my $PETRAN      = "petran.exe";
-my $ELFTRAN     = "elftran.exe";
-sub EPOCROOT    { return $EPOCROOT; } 
-sub NM          { return $NM; }
-sub CPPFILT     { return $CPPFILT; }
-sub PETRAN      { return $PETRAN; }
-sub ELFTRAN     { return $ELFTRAN; }
-# DOT (Graphing tool)
-my $KDOTDirectory = $FindBin::Bin."/../resources/installed/Dot";
-my $KDOT = $KDOTDirectory."/dot.exe -q";
-sub Dot     	{ return $KDOT." -q1"; }
-my $KNEATO = $KDOTDirectory."/neato.exe";
-sub Neato     	{ return $KNEATO; }
-# -------------------------------------------------------
-# 	Auxiliary files:
-# -------------------------------------------------------
-my $KAuxiliaryDirectory = $FindBin::Bin."/resources/auxiliary";
-my $KSystemModelColorsXmlFile = $KAuxiliaryDirectory."/system_model_colors.xml";
-my $KSystemModelExtraInfoXmlFile = $KAuxiliaryDirectory."/SystemInfo.xml";
-sub SystemModelColorsXmlFile()
-	{
-	my $colorsFile = $KSystemModelColorsXmlFile;
-	$colorsFile = $FindBin::Bin."/../../resources/auxiliary/system_model_colors.xml" if ! -e $colorsFile;
-	return $colorsFile;
-	}
-sub SystemModelXmlDataDir()
-	{
-	my $file = $KAuxiliaryDirectory;
-	$file = $FindBin::Bin."/../../resources/auxiliary" if ! -e $file;
-	return $file;
-	}
-# Xalan
-my $KXalanDirectory = $FindBin::Bin."/resources/installed/Xalan";
-my $KXalan = $KXalanDirectory."/xalan.exe";
-sub Xalan()
-	{
-	my $xalan = $KXalan;
-	$xalan = $FindBin::Bin."/../../resources/installed/Xalan/xalan.exe" if ! -e $xalan;
-	return $xalan;
-	}
-my $KSystemoModelSVG = $FindBin::Bin."/../temp/sysmodel.svg";
-sub SystemoModelSVG { return $KSystemoModelSVG; }
-# Gzip
-sub GzipCommand
-	{ # returns empty if gzip not in path
-	foreach my $dir (split(/;/,$ENV{'PATH'}))
-		{
-		$dir.="\\gzip.exe";
-		if(-e $dir) {return "gzip -9"}
-		}
-	return "";
-	}
-# Logging
-my $KLogDirectory = $FindBin::Bin."/../temp";
-my $KDepToolkitLogFile = $KLogDirectory."/log.txt";
-sub LogFile { return $KDepToolkitLogFile; }