changeset 1 b538b70cbe51
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sysmodellibs/sysmodelgen/installer/	Thu Mar 11 18:20:56 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+my $installScript = $ARGV[0] ? $ARGV[0] : "my_systemmodeltoolkit.nsi";
+my $productName = "SystemModelToolkit";
+my $productVersion = "1.1";
+my $depDir = ".."; # The location of Dep directory
+# all directory pathnames are relative to DepToolkit\Dep
+my @subDirsToInstall = ("src\\svg");
+my %individualFilesToInstall = ();
+my @filesToUnistall = (); # w.r.t the root of installation directory
+my @dirsToUnistall = (); # w.r.t the root of installation directory
+sub CreateInstallScript()
+	{
+	open (SCRIPT, ">$installScript") or die "Cannot open $installScript to write to: $!";
+	print SCRIPT Header();
+	print SCRIPT InstallationTextSection();
+	print SCRIPT Middle();
+	print SCRIPT UninstallationTextSection();
+	}
+sub InstallationTextSection()
+	{
+	my $text = "\n;--------------------------- INSTALL SECTION ---------------------------\nSection \"Install Files\" SEC01\n\n";
+	my $directory = "src\\svg";
+	# Copy the main script, into the root of installtion directory:
+	$text .= "  SetOutPath \"\$INSTDIR\"\n";
+	$text .= "  SetOverwrite try\n";
+	$text .= "  File \"$depDir\\$directory\\\"\n";
+	push @filesToUnistall, "";
+	$text .= "  File \"$depDir\\$directory\\distribution.policy\"\n";
+	push @filesToUnistall, "distribution.policy";
+	$text .= "\n";
+	# rest of the svg files' in SVG
+	$text .= "  SetOutPath \"\$INSTDIR\\svg\"\n";
+	$text .= "  SetOverwrite try\n";
+	opendir DIR, "$depDir\\$directory" or die "Directory $depDir\\$directory doesn't exist...\n";
+	my @files = readdir DIR;
+	closedir DIR;
+	foreach my $file (@files)
+		{
+		#next if $file =~ m/^\.+$/;
+		#next if -d $file; # no sub-directories need installing
+		#next if lc $file eq ""; # .pl script goes in the root of installation (covered above).
+		# only install the .pm, .xsl, .xml, .ini and .policy files
+		next if lc $file !~ m/\.xsl$/ and 
+				 lc $file !~ m/\.xml$/ and 
+				 lc $file !~ m/\.pm$/ and 
+				 lc $file !~ m/\.ini$/ and 
+				 lc $file !~ m/\.policy$/; 
+		$text .= "  File \"$depDir\\$directory\\$file\"\n";
+		push @filesToUnistall, "svg\\$file";
+		}
+	$text .= "\n";
+	push @dirsToUnistall, "svg";
+	# now copy the common files:
+	$directory = "src\\common";
+	$text .= "  SetOutPath \"\$INSTDIR\\common\"\n";
+	$text .= "  SetOverwrite try\n";
+	@files = ("", "", "", "distribution.policy");
+	foreach my $file (@files)
+		{
+		$text .= "  File \"$depDir\\$directory\\$file\"\n";
+		push @filesToUnistall, "common\\$file";
+		}
+	$text .= "\n";
+	push @dirsToUnistall, "common";
+	$directory = "resources\\installed\\Xalan";
+	$text .= "  SetOutPath \"\$INSTDIR\\resources\\installed\\Xalan\"\n";
+	$text .= "  SetOverwrite try\n";
+	opendir DIR, "$depDir\\$directory" or die "Directory $depDir\\$directory doesn't exist...\n";
+	my @files = readdir DIR;
+	closedir DIR;
+	foreach my $file (@files)
+		{
+		next if $file =~ m/^\.+$/;
+		next if -d $file; # no sub-directories need installing
+		$text .= "  File \"$depDir\\$directory\\$file\"\n";
+		push @filesToUnistall, "$directory\\$file";
+		}
+	$text .= "\n";
+	# now copy the common files:
+	$directory = "resources\\auxiliary";
+	$text .= "  SetOutPath \"\$INSTDIR\\resources\\auxiliary\"\n";
+	$text .= "  SetOverwrite try\n";
+	opendir DIR, "$depDir\\$directory" or die "Directory $depDir\\$directory doesn't exist...\n";
+	my @files = readdir DIR;
+	closedir DIR;
+	foreach my $file (@files)
+		{
+		next if $file =~ m/^\.+$/;
+		next if -d $file; # no sub-directories need installing
+		$text .= "  File \"$depDir\\$directory\\$file\"\n";
+		push @filesToUnistall, "$directory\\$file";
+		}
+	$text .= "\n";
+	# remember all the resource directories for deletion:
+	push @dirsToUnistall, "resources\\installed\\Xalan";
+	push @dirsToUnistall, "resources\\installed";
+	push @dirsToUnistall, "resources\\auxiliary";
+	push @dirsToUnistall, "resources";
+	# finally the documentation:
+	$directory = "docs";
+	$text .= "  SetOutPath \"\$INSTDIR\\docs\"\n";
+	$text .= "  SetOverwrite try\n";
+	@files = ("Building the System Model.doc", "distribution.policy", "dep.css", "sample_drawsvg.ini", "SystemModelToolkitInstaller_main.jpg", "user_guide_system_model_toolkit.html");
+	foreach my $file (@files)
+		{
+		$text .= "  File \"$depDir\\$directory\\$file\"\n";
+		push @filesToUnistall, "docs\\$file";
+		}
+	$text .= "\n";
+	push @dirsToUnistall, "docs";
+	$text .= "\nSectionEnd\n;-------------------------------------------------------\n\n";
+	return $text;
+	}
+sub UninstallationTextSection()
+	{
+	my $text = "\n;--------------------------- UNISTALL SECTION ---------------------------\nSection Uninstall\n\n";
+	$text .= "  Delete \"\$INSTDIR\\uninst.exe\"\n";
+	foreach $file (@filesToUnistall)
+		{
+		$text .= "  Delete \"\$INSTDIR\\$file\"\n";
+		}
+	$text .= "\n";
+	foreach $directory (@dirsToUnistall)
+		{
+		$text .= "  RMDir \"\$INSTDIR\\$directory\"\n";
+		}
+	$text .= <<TEXT;
+  RMDir "\$INSTDIR"
+  SetAutoClose true
+	return $text;
+	}
+sub Header()
+	{
+	return <<TEXT;
+; Script generated by the HM NIS Edit Script Wizard.
+; HM NIS Edit Wizard helper defines
+!define PRODUCT_NAME "$productName"
+!define PRODUCT_VERSION "$productVersion"
+!define PRODUCT_PUBLISHER "Symbian Software Ltd"
+!define PRODUCT_WEB_SITE ""
+!define PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\\${PRODUCT_NAME}"
+; MUI 1.67 compatible ------
+!include "MUI.nsh"
+; MUI Settings
+!define MUI_ICON "\${NSISDIR}\\Contrib\\Graphics\\Icons\\modern-install-full.ico"
+!define MUI_UNICON "\${NSISDIR}\\Contrib\\Graphics\\Icons\\modern-uninstall-full.ico"
+; Welcome page
+!define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TEXT "This wizard will guide you through the installation of $productName $productVersion\\n\\nClick Next to continue..."
+!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
+; License page
+!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "license.txt"
+; Directory page
+!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY
+; Instfiles page
+!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
+; Finish page
+!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
+; Uninstaller pages
+; Language files
+!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
+; MUI end ------
+OutFile "SystemModelToolkitInstaller.exe"
+InstallDir "D:\\SystemModelToolkit"
+InstallDirRegKey HKLM "\${PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY}" ""
+ShowInstDetails show
+ShowUnInstDetails show
+	}
+sub Middle()
+	{
+	return <<TEXT;
+Section -Post
+  WriteUninstaller "\$INSTDIR\\uninst.exe"
+  WriteRegStr \${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "\${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "DisplayName" "\$(^Name)"
+  WriteRegStr \${PRODUCT_UNINST_ROOT_KEY} "\${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" "UninstallString" "\$INSTDIR\\uninst.exe"
+Function un.onUninstSuccess
+  HideWindow
+  MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK "\$(^Name) was successfully removed from your computer."
+Function un.onInit
+  MessageBox MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO|MB_DEFBUTTON2 "Are you sure you want to completely remove \$(^Name) and all of its components?" IDYES +2
+  Abort
+	}