changeset 3 e7e0ae78773e
parent 0 2e8eeb919028
--- a/configurationengine/source/plugins/common/ConeRulePlugin/ruleplugin/evals/	Fri Mar 12 08:30:17 2010 +0200
+++ b/configurationengine/source/plugins/common/ConeRulePlugin/ruleplugin/evals/	Tue Aug 10 14:29:28 2010 +0300
@@ -17,79 +17,79 @@
 import os
 def get_fixed_target_path(feature, setting):
-	type_ref = setting + '_type'
-	type = feature.get_feature(type_ref)
-	type_value = type.get_value()
-	ret = ""
-	if type_value == '1':
-		None
-	elif type_value == '2':
-		icon = feature.get_feature(setting + '_icon')
-		if icon != None:
-			ret = get_fixed_icon_target(icon)
-	else:
-		None
-	return ret
+    type_ref = setting + '_type'
+    type = feature.get_feature(type_ref)
+    type_value = type.get_value()
+    ret = ""
+    if type_value == '1':
+        None
+    elif type_value == '2':
+        icon = feature.get_feature(setting + '_icon')
+        if icon != None:
+            ret = get_fixed_icon_target(icon)
+    else:
+        None
+    return ret
 def get_fixed_icon_target(icon):
-	targetPath = icon.get_feature('targetPath').get_value()
-	localPath = icon.get_feature('localPath').get_value()
-	target = get_target_without_extension(targetPath)
-	extension = get_correct_extension(localPath)
-	fixed = ""
-	if extension != None:
-		if len(target) > 0 and len(extension) > 0:
-			fixed = target + extension
-	return fixed
+    targetPath = icon.get_feature('targetPath').get_value()
+    localPath = icon.get_feature('localPath').get_value()
+    target = get_target_without_extension(targetPath)
+    extension = get_correct_extension(localPath)
+    fixed = ""
+    if extension != None:
+        if len(target) > 0 and len(extension) > 0:
+            fixed = target + extension
+    return fixed
 def get_target_without_extension(targetPath):
-	(target,_) = os.path.splitext(targetPath)
-	return target
+    (target,_) = os.path.splitext(targetPath)
+    return target
 def get_correct_extension(localPath):
-	if localPath != None:
-		(_,extension) = os.path.splitext(localPath)
-		if extension == '.bmp':
-			return '.mbm'
-		elif extension == '.svg':
-			return '.mif'
-		else:
-			return extension
-	else:
-		return None
+    if localPath != None:
+        (_,extension) = os.path.splitext(localPath)
+        if extension == '.bmp':
+            return '.mbm'
+        elif extension == '.svg':
+            return '.mif'
+        else:
+            return extension
+    else:
+        return None
 def get_shortcut_string(feature, setting):
-	type_ref = setting + '_type'
-	type_value = feature.get_feature(type_ref).get_value()
-	ret = ""
-	if type_value == '1':
-		app_ref = setting + '_app'
-		application = feature.get_feature(app_ref).get_value()
-		ret = application
-	elif type_value == '2':
-		url = feature.get_feature(setting+'_URL').get_value()
-		title = feature.get_feature(setting+'_title').get_value()
+    type_ref = setting + '_type'
+    type_value = feature.get_feature(type_ref).get_value()
+    ret = ""
+    if type_value == '1':
+        app_ref = setting + '_app'
+        application = feature.get_feature(app_ref).get_value()
+        ret = application
+    elif type_value == '2':
+        url = feature.get_feature(setting+'_URL').get_value()
+        title = feature.get_feature(setting+'_title').get_value()
-		if title == None:
-			title = ""
-		else:
-			title = 'customtitle=' + title
-		icon = feature.get_feature(setting + '_icon')
-		image_path = icon.get_feature('targetPath').get_value()
-		icon_str = ""
-		if image_path != None and image_path != "":
-			icon_str = 'iconmifpath='
-			if image_path.endswith('.mif'): index = '16384'
-			else:                           index = '0'
-			icon_str = icon_str + image_path + ';' + index + '&'
-		ret = url + '?custom?' + icon_str + title
-	return ret
+        if title == None:
+            title = ""
+        else:
+            title = 'customtitle=' + title
+        icon = feature.get_feature(setting + '_icon')
+        image_path = icon.get_feature('targetPath').get_value()
+        icon_str = ""
+        if image_path != None and image_path != "":
+            icon_str = 'iconmifpath='
+            if image_path.endswith('.mif'): index = '16384'
+            else:                           index = '0'
+            icon_str = icon_str + image_path + ';' + index + '&'
+        ret = url + '?custom?' + icon_str + title
+    return ret
 #print get_shortcut_string('1', '2', '3')