changeset 3 e7e0ae78773e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/configurationengine/source/scripts/	Tue Aug 10 14:29:28 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description: 
+import os.path
+import sys
+import logging
+from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
+import cone_common
+from cone.public import api
+from conesub_merge import get_active_root_if_necessary
+VERSION = '1.0'
+logger    = logging.getLogger('cone')
+def find_variant_layers(source_config):
+    """
+    Find all layers in the configuration that contain custvariant* in
+    their path name and return a list containing source->target mappings.
+    @param target_config: The target configuration object.
+    @param new_name: The new name to replace custvariant* in the
+        target path name with.
+    @return: A list of (source_layer, target_layer) tuples.
+    """
+    import re
+    pattern = re.compile(r'.*/(custvariant[^/]*)/.*')
+    result = []
+    for src in source_config.list_configurations():
+        m = pattern.match(src)
+        if m:
+            result.append(src)
+    return result
+def get_metadatas_as_convertprojectml(configuration_root):
+    """
+    Creates lines for convertprojectml file from metadata items and also adds
+    version info to correct place. 
+    @param configuration_root: Configuration root object which contains metadatas.
+    @return: A list of metadata lines for convertprojectml.
+    """
+    metadatas = configuration_root.get_meta()
+    metadata_line = []
+    for metadata in metadatas:
+        if metadata.ns == "" or metadata.ns == "":
+            if metadata.tag == 'release':
+                metadata_line.append("<" + metadata.tag + ">${convertproject.versioninfo}</" + metadata.tag + ">")
+            elif metadata.tag == 'version':
+                metadata_line.append("<" + metadata.tag + ">001</" + metadata.tag + ">")
+            else:
+                metadata_line.append("<" + metadata.tag + ">" + metadata.value + "</" + metadata.tag + ">")
+        if metadata.ns == "":
+            if metadata.attrs['name'] == 'sw_version':
+                metadata_line.append('<cv:configuration-property name="' + metadata.attrs['name'] + '" value="${convertproject.versioninfo}" />')
+            else:
+                metadata_line.append('<cv:configuration-property name="' + metadata.attrs['name'] + '" value="' + metadata.attrs['value'] + '" />')
+    return metadata_line
+def get_layerlist_as_convertprojectml(configuration_root):
+    """
+    Creates lines for convertprojectml file from layer items in configurtion root
+    @param configuration_root: Configuration root object
+    @return: A list of layer lines for convertprojectml.
+    """
+    layer_line = []
+    layer_list = configuration_root.list_configurations()
+    for layer_item in layer_list:
+        layer_line.append('<filter action="include_layer" data="' + layer_item + '"/>')
+    return layer_line
+def create_convertprojectml_file(conf_filename, conv_proj_filename, filepath,layerlist, metadatas, root_name):
+    """
+    Creates convertprojectml file for package
+    @param conf_filename: configuration root filename
+    @param conv_proj_filename: convertprojectml filename
+    @param filepath: path where file is created
+    @param layerlist: list of layers 
+    @param metadatas: list of metadatas
+    @param root_name: Name of configuration root
+    """
+    file_header = ['<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' + "\r\n", 
+                   '<convertprojectml xmlns="">' + "\r\n\r\n",
+                   '<targetProject path=""/>' + "\r\n",
+                   "\t" + '<layer path="">' + "\r\n",
+                   "\t\t" + '<file type="configuration_root" path="'+ conf_filename + '"']
+    #root_name can be empty so we need to check is there some content.
+    if root_name:
+        file_header.append(' configuration_name="' + root_name + '"')                 
+    file_header.append('>' + "\r\n")
+    file_footer = ["\t\t" + '</file>' + "\r\n",
+                   "\t" +'</layer>' + "\r\n",
+                   '</convertprojectml>'+ "\r\n"]
+    convert_file =  os.path.abspath(filepath + "/" + conv_proj_filename)
+    fh = open(convert_file,'wb')
+    fh.writelines(file_header)
+    fh.write("\t\t\t" + '<meta xmlns:cv="">' + "\r\n")
+    for meta_line in metadatas:
+        fh.write("\t\t\t\t" + meta_line + "\r\n")
+    fh.write("\t\t\t" + '</meta>' + "\r\n")
+    for layer_line in layerlist:
+        fh.write("\t\t\t" + layer_line + "\r\n")
+    fh.writelines(file_footer)
+    fh.close()
+def main(argv=sys.argv):
+    """ Pack (zip) the variant layers of a configuration. """
+    parser = OptionParser(version="%%prog %s" % VERSION)
+    parser.add_options(cone_common.COMMON_OPTIONS)
+    parser.add_option("-p", "--project",
+                       dest="project",
+                       help="Defines the location of current project. Default is the current working directory.",
+                       default=".",
+                       metavar="STORAGE")
+    group = OptionGroup(parser, "Packvariant options",
+                        "The packvariant action is intended for packing variant to a zip-file for integration purposes.")
+    group.add_option("-c", "--configuration",
+                        dest="configuration",
+                        help="Name of the configuration wanted to be packed.",
+                        metavar="CONFIG")
+    group.add_option("-r", "--remote",
+                        dest="remote",
+                        help="Defines a location and a name of remote storage (ZIP)",
+                        metavar="STORAGE")
+    group.add_option("-l", "--convert-location",
+                        dest="convertlocation",
+                        help="Defines a location of convertprojectml file."
+                        "Default location is <PROJECT>/convertpluginlayer/implml/",
+                        default="/convertpluginlayer/implml/")
+    parser.add_option_group(group)
+    (options, _) = parser.parse_args(argv)
+    cone_common.handle_common_options(options)
+    # Check the passed options
+    if not options.remote:      parser.error("Target where variant package is placed must be given")
+    if not options.configuration:  parser.error("Configuration root to be packed must be given")
+    try:
+        target_storage =,'w', username=options.username, password=options.password)
+        target_project = api.Project(target_storage)
+        source_storage =,'r', username=options.username, password=options.password)
+        if not os.path.isdir(source_storage.get_path()):
+            print "ERROR: --Project must be a directory. Terminating the program."
+            sys.exit(1)
+        source_project = api.Project(source_storage)
+        source_config = get_active_root_if_necessary(source_project, options.configuration, 'source')
+        source_config = source_project.get_configuration(source_config)
+        fname, _ = os.path.splitext(options.configuration)
+        conv_project_filename =  fname + ".convertprojectml"
+        print "Packing configuration: %s" % options.configuration
+        print "Source project: %s" % options.project
+        print "Target project: %s" % options.remote
+        # Adding all files in layers
+        layer_list = find_variant_layers(source_config)
+        for add_layer in layer_list:
+            layer_config = source_project.get_configuration(add_layer)
+            layer = layer_config.get_layer()
+            path_part = layer.path + "/"
+            target_project.import_configuration(layer_config)
+            resource_list = layer_config.layer.list_all_resources(recurse=True)
+            for single_resource in resource_list:
+                parsed_path = path_part + single_resource
+                if source_storage.is_resource(parsed_path):
+          "Adding file: %s" % parsed_path)
+                    target_storage.import_resources([parsed_path], source_storage)
+                if source_storage.is_folder(path_part + single_resource):
+          "Adding folder: %s" % parsed_path)
+                    target_storage.create_folder(parsed_path)
+        layer_list = get_layerlist_as_convertprojectml(source_config)
+        metadata_list = get_metadatas_as_convertprojectml(source_config)
+        if not source_storage.is_folder(os.path.normpath(options.convertlocation + "/")):
+            source_storage.create_folder(os.path.normpath(options.convertlocation + "/"))
+        create_convertprojectml_file(options.configuration,
+                                     conv_project_filename,
+                                     options.project + "/"+ options.convertlocation + "/" ,
+                                     layer_list,
+                                     metadata_list,
+                                     source_config.get_name())
+        target_storage.import_resources([os.path.normpath(options.convertlocation + "/" +conv_project_filename)], source_storage) 
+    except Exception ,e:
+        print "Could not create Zip archive: %s" % e
+        sys.exit(2)
+    try:
+        source_project.close()
+        target_project.close()
+        conv_path = (os.path.normpath(options.project + "/" + options.convertlocation + "/"))
+        conv_file_path = (os.path.normpath(conv_path + "/" + conv_project_filename))
+        os.remove(conv_file_path)
+        os.removedirs(conv_path)
+    except:
+        pass  
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()