author terytkon
Thu, 11 Mar 2010 17:04:37 +0200
changeset 0 2e8eeb919028
child 3 e7e0ae78773e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Adding EPL version of configurationengine.

# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description: 
import re
import logging
import xml.parsers.expat
    from cElementTree import ElementTree
except ImportError:
        from elementtree import ElementTree
    except ImportError:
            from xml.etree import cElementTree as ElementTree
        except ImportError:
            from xml.etree import ElementTree

""" cone specific imports """
from cone.public import persistence, exceptions, api, utils, container
from cone.confml import model

INCLUDE_NAMESPACES       = ["",""]
XLINK_NAMESPACES         = [""]
CV_NAMESPACE             = {"": "cv"}
MODEL                    = model

def dumps(obj, indent=True):
    etree = ConfmlWriter().dumps(obj)
    if indent:
    return ElementTree.tostring(etree)

def loads(xml):
    return ConfmlReader().loads(xml)

class ConfmlWriter(persistence.ConeWriter):
    def dumps(self, obj):
        @param obj: The object 
        """ Make sure that the object is mapped to an object in this model """
        mobj = obj._get_mapper('confml').map_object(obj)
        writer = get_writer_for_class(mobj.__class__.__name__)
        return writer.dumps(obj)

class ConfmlReader(persistence.ConeReader):
    def loads(self, xmlstr):
        @param xml: The xml which to read. reads only the first object. 
        reader = get_reader_for_elem("configuration")
        etree = utils.etree.fromstring(xmlstr)
        return reader.loads(etree)

class ConfigurationWriter(ConfmlWriter):
    Writes a single Configuration project confml file.
    def supported_class(cls, classname):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports writing
        of the given class name
        if classname=="Configuration" or \
           classname=="ConfmlConfiguration" :
            return True
            return False

    def __init__(self):
        self.configuration_namespace = CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACES[0]
        self.include_namespace       = INCLUDE_NAMESPACES[0]
        self.xlink_namespace         = XLINK_NAMESPACES[0]
        self.schema_namespace        = SCHEMA_NAMESPACES[0]
    def dumps(self,obj,indent=True):
        elem = ElementTree.Element("configuration")
        if self.configuration_namespace:
        if self.include_namespace:
        if self.include_namespace:
        if self.schema_namespace:
        for child in obj._objects():
            """ Make sure that the object is mapped to an object in this model """
            mobj = child._get_mapper('confml').map_object(child)
            writer = get_writer_for_class(mobj.__class__.__name__)
            childelem = writer.dumps(child)
        return elem

class ConfigurationReader(ConfmlReader):
    Parses a single CPF configuration project root confml file. Parses the XInclude statements to 
    find out the layers inside the project
    def supported_elem(cls, elemname, parent=None):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports writing
        of the given elem name
        if elemname=="configuration":
            return True
            return False

    def __init__(self):
        self.configuration_namespaces  = CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACES
        self.include_namespaces        = INCLUDE_NAMESPACES
        self.schema_namespaces         = SCHEMA_NAMESPACES

    def loads(self, etree):
        configuration = model.ConfmlConfiguration("")
        configuration.set_name(etree.get("name") or 'unknown') 
        configuration.set_ref(etree.get("name") or 'unknown')
        for elem in etree.getchildren():
            # At the moment we ignore the namespace of elements
            (namespace,elemname) = get_elemname(elem.tag)
                reader = get_reader_for_elem(elemname)
                obj = reader.loads(elem)
                if obj:
            except exceptions.ConePersistenceError,e:
                logging.getLogger('cone').warning("Could not parse element %s. Exception: %s" % (elem,e))
        return configuration

class MetaWriter(ConfmlWriter):
    def supported_class(cls, classname):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports writing
        of the given class name
        if classname=="ConfmlMeta":
            return True
            return False

    def dumps(self, obj):
        @param obj: The Configuration object 
        elem = ElementTree.Element("meta")
        for metaproperty in obj:
            prefix = CV_NAMESPACE.get(metaproperty.ns, "")
            if prefix != "":
                #Including namespace to metadata element as well            
                elem.set(("xmlns:%s" % prefix), metaproperty.ns)
                childelem = ElementTree.Element(prefix + ":" + metaproperty.tag)
                childelem = ElementTree.Element(metaproperty.tag)
            if metaproperty.value != None:
                childelem.text = metaproperty.value
            for attr in metaproperty.attrs:
                childelem.set(attr, metaproperty.attrs[attr])
        return elem

class MetaReader(ConfmlReader):
    def supported_elem(cls, elemname, parent=None):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports reading
        of the given elem name
        if elemname=="meta":
            return True
            return False

    def loads(self,etree):
        metaelem = model.ConfmlMeta()
        for elem in etree.getchildren():            
            (namespace,elemname) = get_elemname(elem.tag)
            attributes = {}
            for key in elem.keys():
                attributes[key] = elem.get(key)
            metaprop = model.ConfmlMetaProperty(elemname, elem.text, namespace, attrs=attributes)
        return metaelem

class DescWriter(ConfmlWriter):
    def supported_class(cls, classname):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports writing
        of the given class name
        if classname=="ConfmlDescription":
            return True
            return False

    def dumps(self, obj):
        @param obj: The Configuration object 
        elem = ElementTree.Element('desc')
        elem.text = obj.text
        return elem

class DescReader(ConfmlReader):
    def supported_elem(cls, elemname, parent=None):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlReader supports reading
        of the given elem name
        if elemname=="desc":
            return True
            return False

    def loads(self,elem):
        desc = model.ConfmlDescription(elem.text)
        return desc

class ConfigurationProxyWriter(ConfmlWriter):
    def supported_class(cls, classname):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports writing
        of the given class name
        if classname=="ConfigurationProxy":
            return True
            return False

    def dumps(self, obj):
        @param obj: The Configuration object 
        elem = self.to_include(obj.path)
        return elem

    def to_include(self,include):
        elem = ElementTree.Element("xi:include",{"href":include})
        return elem 

class ConfigurationProxyReader(ConfmlReader):
    def supported_elem(cls, elemname, parent=None):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports reading
        of the given elem name
        if elemname=="include":
            return True
            return False

    def loads(self, elem):
        @param elem: The xml include elem
        return api.ConfigurationProxy(self.parse_include(elem))

    def parse_include(self,include):
        #print "Found include %s" % include.get('href').replace('#/','')
        return include.get('href').replace('#/','')

class FeatureWriter(ConfmlWriter):
    def supported_class(cls, classname):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports writing
        of the given class name
        if classname=="ConfmlFeature" or \
            return True
            return False

    def dumps(self, obj):
        @param obj: The Configuration object 
        elem = ElementTree.Element('feature', 
                                   {'ref' : obj.get_ref(),
                                    'name' : obj.get_name()})
        if obj.get_type():
            elem.set('type', obj.get_type())
        for child in obj._objects():
            """ Make sure that the object is mapped to an object in this model """
            mobj = child._get_mapper('confml').map_object(child)
            writer = get_writer_for_class(mobj.__class__.__name__)
            childelem = writer.dumps(child)
            if childelem != None:
        return elem

class FeatureReader(ConfmlReader):
    def supported_elem(cls, elemname, parent=None):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports reading
        of the given elem name
        if elemname=="feature":
            return True
            return False

    def loads(self, elem):
        @param elem: The xml include elem
        type = elem.get('type')
        if type == 'sequence':
            feature = api.FeatureSequence(elem.get('ref'))
            feature = model.ConfmlFeature(elem.get('ref'))
        if elem.get('name'):
        for elem in elem.getchildren():
            # At the moment we ignore the namespace of elements
            (namespace,elemname) = get_elemname(elem.tag)
                reader = get_reader_for_elem(elemname)
                obj = reader.loads(elem)
            except exceptions.ConePersistenceError,e:
                logging.getLogger('cone').warning("Could not parse element %s. Exception: %s" % (elem,e))
        return feature

class OptionWriter(ConfmlWriter):
    def supported_class(cls, classname):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports writing
        of the given class name
        if classname=="Option":
            return True
            return False

    def dumps(self, obj):
        @param obj: The Option object 
        objdict = {}
        if obj.get_name() is not None: objdict['name'] = obj.get_name()
        if obj.get_value() is not None: objdict['value'] = obj.get_value()
        if is not None: objdict['map'] =
        if obj.relevant is not None: objdict['relevant'] = obj.relevant
        elem = ElementTree.Element('option', objdict)
        return elem

class OptionReader(ConfmlReader):
    def supported_elem(cls, elemname, parent=None):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports reading
        of the given elem name
        if elemname=="option":
            return True
            return False

    def loads(self, elem):
        @param elem: The xml include elem
        name = elem.get('name')
        value = elem.get('value')
        optmap = elem.get('map')
        if value == None and optmap == None:
            logging.getLogger('cone').warning("Encountered option with no value")
            option = None
            option = api.Option(name, value, map=optmap, relevant=elem.get('relevant'))
        return option

class IconWriter(ConfmlWriter):
    def supported_class(cls, classname):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports writing
        of the given class name
        if classname=="ConfmlIcon":
            return True
            return False

    def dumps(self, obj):
        @param obj: The Option object 
        elem = ElementTree.Element('icon', 
                                   {'xlink:href' : obj.href})
        return elem

class IconReader(ConfmlReader):
    def supported_elem(cls, elemname, parent=None):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports reading
        of the given elem name
        if elemname=="icon":
            return True
            return False

    def loads(self, elem):
        @param elem: The xml include elem
        href = elem.get('{%s}href' % XLINK_NAMESPACES[0])
        obj = model.ConfmlIcon(href)
        return obj

class PropertyWriter(ConfmlWriter):
    def supported_class(cls, classname):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports writing
        of the given class name
        if classname=="ConfmlProperty":
            return True
            return False

    def dumps(self, obj):
        @param obj: The Option object 
        elem = ElementTree.Element('property')
        if != None:
        if obj.value != None:
            elem.set('value', obj.value)
        if obj.unit != None:
            elem.set('unit', obj.unit)
        return elem

class PropertyReader(ConfmlReader):
    def supported_elem(cls, elemname, parent=None):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports reading
        of the given elem name
        if elemname=="property":
            return True
            return False

    def loads(self, elem):
        @param elem: The xml include elem
        option = model.ConfmlProperty(name=elem.get('name'),value=elem.get('value'), unit=elem.get('unit'))
        return option

class XmlSchemaFacetWriter(ConfmlWriter):
    MAPPING = {'ConfmlLength'       : 'xs:length',
               'ConfmlMinLength'    : 'xs:minLength',
               'ConfmlMaxLength'    : 'xs:maxLength',
               'ConfmlMinInclusive' : 'xs:minInclusive',
               'ConfmlMaxInclusive' : 'xs:maxInclusive',
               'ConfmlMinExclusive' : 'xs:minExclusive',
               'ConfmlMaxExclusive' : 'xs:maxExclusive',
               'ConfmlPattern'      : 'xs:pattern',
               'ConfmlTotalDigits'  : 'xs:totalDigits'}
    def supported_class(cls, classname):
        return classname in cls.MAPPING
    def dumps(self, obj):
        @param obj: The facet object 
        classname = obj.__class__.__name__
        elem = ElementTree.Element(self.MAPPING[classname])
        if obj.value != None:
            elem.set('value', str(obj.value))
        return elem

class XmlSchemaFacetReader(ConfmlReader):
    MAPPING = {'length'       : model.ConfmlLength,
               'minLength'    : model.ConfmlMinLength,
               'maxLength'    : model.ConfmlMaxLength,
               'minInclusive' : model.ConfmlMinInclusive,
               'maxInclusive' : model.ConfmlMaxInclusive,
               'minExclusive' : model.ConfmlMinExclusive,
               'maxExclusive' : model.ConfmlMaxExclusive,
               'pattern'      : model.ConfmlPattern,
               'totalDigits'  : model.ConfmlTotalDigits}
    def supported_elem(cls, elemname, parent=None):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports reading
        of the given elem name
        return elemname in cls.MAPPING
    def loads(self, elem):
        @param elem: The XML schema facet element
        elem_name = utils.xml.split_tag_namespace(elem.tag)[1]
        facet_class = self.MAPPING[elem_name]
        obj = facet_class(elem.get('value'))
        return obj

class DataWriter(ConfmlWriter):
    def supported_class(cls, classname):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports writing
        of the given class name
        if classname=="Data":
            return True
        if classname=="DataContainer":
            return True
            return False

    def dumps(self, obj):
        @param obj: The Data object 
        # Create a data hierarchy of the 
        elem = ElementTree.Element(obj.get_ref())
        if hasattr(obj,'get_value') and obj.get_value() and not obj.get_map():
            elem.text = obj.get_value()
        elif hasattr(obj,'get_map') and obj.get_map():
            elem.set('map', obj.get_map())
        if hasattr(obj,'template') and obj.template == True:
        if hasattr(obj,'policy') and obj.policy != '':
        for child in obj._objects():
            writer = DataWriter()
            childelem = writer.dumps(child)
            if childelem != None:
        return elem

class DataReader(ConfmlReader):
    def supported_elem(cls, elemname, parent=None):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports reading
        of the given elem name
        if elemname=="data":
            return True
            return False

    def loads(self, elem):
        @param elem: The xml include elem
        (namespace,elemname) = get_elemname(elem.tag)
        obj = api.DataContainer(elemname, container=True)
        for elem in elem.getchildren():
                reader = ElemReader(attr='data')
                childobj = reader.loads(elem)
            except exceptions.ConePersistenceError,e:
                logging.getLogger('cone').warning("Could not parse element %s. Exception: %s" % (elem,e))
        return obj

class ViewWriter(ConfmlWriter):
    def supported_class(cls, classname):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports writing
        of the given class name
        if classname=="View" or \
            return True
            return False

    def dumps(self, obj):
        @param obj: The Configuration object 
        elem = ElementTree.Element('view', 
                                   {'id' : obj.get_ref(),
                                    'name' : obj.get_name()})
        for child in obj._objects():
            """ Make sure that the object is mapped to an object in this model """
            mobj = child._get_mapper('confml').map_object(child)
            writer = get_writer_for_class(mobj.__class__.__name__)
            childelem = writer.dumps(child)
            if childelem != None:
        return elem

class ViewReader(ConfmlReader):
    def supported_elem(cls, elemname, parent=None):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports reading
        of the given elem name
        if elemname=="view":
            return True
            return False

    def loads(self, elem):
        @param elem: The xml include elem
        vid = elem.get('id')
        name = elem.get('name')
        view = model.ConfmlView(name, id=vid)
        for elem in elem.getchildren():
            # At the moment we ignore the namespace of elements
            (namespace,elemname) = get_elemname(elem.tag)
                reader = get_reader_for_elem(elemname)
                obj = reader.loads(elem)
            except exceptions.ConePersistenceError,e:
                logging.getLogger('cone').warning("Could not parse element %s. Exception: %s" % (elem,e))
        return view

class GroupWriter(ConfmlWriter):
    def supported_class(cls, classname):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports writing
        of the given class name
        if classname=="Group" or classname=="ConfmlGroup":
            return True
            return False

    def dumps(self, obj):
        @param obj: The Configuration object 
        elem = ElementTree.Element('group', 
                                   {'name' : obj.get_name()})
        for child in obj._objects():
            """ Make sure that the object is mapped to an object in this model """
            mobj = child._get_mapper('confml').map_object(child)
            writer = get_writer_for_class(mobj.__class__.__name__)
            childelem = writer.dumps(child)
            if childelem != None:
        return elem

class GroupReader(ConfmlReader):
    def supported_elem(cls, elemname, parent=None):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports reading
        of the given elem name
        if elemname=='group':
            return True
            return False

    def loads(self, elem):
        @param elem: The xml include elem
        gname = elem.get('name')
        gref = utils.resourceref.to_dref(gname).replace('.','_')
        group = model.ConfmlGroup(gref, name=gname)
        for elem in elem.getchildren():
            # At the moment we ignore the namespace of elements
            (namespace,elemname) = get_elemname(elem.tag)
                reader = get_reader_for_elem(elemname, 'group')
                obj = reader.loads(elem)
                if obj != None:
            except exceptions.ConePersistenceError,e:
                logging.getLogger('cone').warning("Could not parse element %s. Exception: %s" % (elem,e))
        return group

class GroupSettingWriter(ConfmlWriter):
    def supported_class(cls, classname):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports writing
        of the given class name
        if classname=="FeatureLink":
            return True
            return False

    def dumps(self, obj):
        @param obj: The Configuration object 
        ref = obj.fqr.replace('.','/')
        elem = ElementTree.Element('setting', 
                                   {'ref' : ref})
        return elem

class GroupSettingReader(ConfmlReader):
    def supported_elem(cls, elemname, parent=None):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports reading
        of the given elem name
        if elemname=='setting' and parent=='group':
            return True
            return False

    def loads(self, elem):
        @param elem: The xml include elem
        ref = elem.get('ref') or ''
        ref = ref.replace('/','.')
        return api.FeatureLink(ref)

class ConfmlSettingWriter(ConfmlWriter):
    def supported_class(cls, classname):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports writing
        of the given class name
        if classname=="ConfmlSetting" or \
           classname=="ConfmlStringSetting" or \
           classname=="ConfmlIntSetting" or \
           classname=="ConfmlRealSetting" or \
           classname=="ConfmlBooleanSetting" or \
           classname=="ConfmlSelectionSetting" or \
           classname=="ConfmlMultiSelectionSetting" or \
           classname=="ConfmlDateSetting" or \
           classname=="ConfmlTimeSetting" or \
           classname=="ConfmlDateTimeSetting" or \
           classname=="ConfmlDurationSetting" or \
           classname=="ConfmlFileSetting" or \
           classname=="ConfmlFolderSetting" or \
           classname=="FeatureSequence" or \
            return True
            return False

    def dumps(self, obj):
        @param obj: The Configuration object 
        elem = ElementTree.Element('setting', 
                                   {'ref' : obj.get_ref(),
                                    'name' : obj.get_name()})
        if obj.type:
            elem.set('type', obj.get_type())
        if hasattr(obj,'minOccurs'):
            elem.set('minOccurs', str(obj.minOccurs))
        if hasattr(obj,'maxOccurs'):
            elem.set('maxOccurs', str(obj.maxOccurs))
        if hasattr(obj,'readOnly') and obj.readOnly != None:
            elem.set('readOnly', str(obj.readOnly).lower())
        if hasattr(obj,'required') and obj.required != None:
            elem.set('required', str(obj.required).lower())
        if hasattr(obj,'constraint') and obj.constraint != None:
            elem.set('constraint', obj.constraint)
        if hasattr(obj,'relevant') and obj.relevant != None:
            elem.set('relevant', obj.relevant)
        if hasattr(obj,'mapKey') and obj.mapKey is not None:
            elem.set('mapKey', str(obj.mapKey))
        if hasattr(obj,'mapValue') and obj.mapValue is not None:
            elem.set('mapValue', str(obj.mapValue))
        for child in obj._objects():
            """ Make sure that the object is mapped to an object in this model """
            mobj = child._get_mapper('confml').map_object(child)
            writer = get_writer_for_class(mobj.__class__.__name__)
            childelem = writer.dumps(child)
            if childelem != None:
        return elem

class ConfmlSettingReader(ConfmlReader):
    def supported_elem(cls, elemname, parent=None):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports reading
        of the given elem name
        if parent and not (parent=='feature' or parent=='setting'):
             return False
        if elemname=='setting':
            return True
            return False

    def loads(self, elem):
        @param elem: The xml include elem
        typedef = elem.get('type')
        if typedef == 'sequence':
            map_key = elem.get('mapKey')
            map_value = elem.get('mapValue')
            feature = model.ConfmlSequenceSetting(elem.get('ref'), mapKey=map_key, mapValue=map_value)
        elif typedef == 'int':
            feature = model.ConfmlIntSetting(elem.get('ref'))
        elif typedef == 'boolean':
            feature = model.ConfmlBooleanSetting(elem.get('ref'))
        elif typedef == 'selection':
            feature = model.ConfmlSelectionSetting(elem.get('ref'))
        elif typedef == 'multiSelection':
            feature = model.ConfmlMultiSelectionSetting(elem.get('ref'))
        elif typedef == 'string':
            feature = model.ConfmlStringSetting(elem.get('ref'))
        elif typedef == 'real':
            feature = model.ConfmlRealSetting(elem.get('ref'))
        elif typedef == 'file':
            feature = model.ConfmlFileSetting(elem.get('ref'))
        elif typedef == 'folder':
            feature = model.ConfmlFolderSetting(elem.get('ref'))
        elif typedef == 'date':
            feature = model.ConfmlDateSetting(elem.get('ref'))
        elif typedef == 'time':
            feature = model.ConfmlTimeSetting(elem.get('ref'))
        elif typedef == 'dateTime':
            feature = model.ConfmlDateTimeSetting(elem.get('ref'))
        elif typedef == 'duration':
            feature = model.ConfmlDurationSetting(elem.get('ref'))
            # Handle the default setting as int type
            feature = model.ConfmlSetting(elem.get('ref'), type=None)
        if elem.get('name'):
        if elem.get('minOccurs'):
            feature.minOccurs = int(elem.get('minOccurs'))
        if elem.get('maxOccurs'):
            feature.maxOccurs = int(elem.get('maxOccurs'))
        if elem.get('readOnly'):
            feature.readOnly = elem.get('readOnly') == 'true' or False
        if elem.get('required'):
            feature.required = elem.get('required') == 'true' or False
        if elem.get('constraint'):
            feature.constraint = elem.get('constraint')
        if elem.get('relevant'):
            feature.relevant = elem.get('relevant')
        for elem in elem.getchildren():
            # At the moment we ignore the namespace of elements
            (namespace,elemname) = get_elemname(elem.tag)
                reader = get_reader_for_elem(elemname)
                obj = reader.loads(elem)
                if obj != None:
                    logging.getLogger('cone').warning("Invalid child %s in %s" % (elem,
            except exceptions.ConePersistenceError,e:
                logging.getLogger('cone').warning("Could not parse element %s. Exception: %s" % (elem,e))
        return feature

class ConfmlLocalPathWriter(ConfmlWriter):
    def supported_class(cls, classname):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports writing
        of the given class name
        if classname=="ConfmlLocalPath":
            return True
            return False

    def dumps(self, obj):
        @param obj: The ConfmlLocalPath object 
        elem = ElementTree.Element('localPath')
        if obj.readOnly:
            elem.set('readOnly', unicode(obj.readOnly))
        return elem

class ConfmlLocalPathReader(ConfmlReader):
    def supported_elem(cls, elemname, parent=None):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports reading
        of the given elem name
        if elemname=="localPath":
            return True
            return False

    def loads(self, elem):
        @param elem: The xml include elem
        return model.ConfmlLocalPath(readOnly=elem.get('readOnly'))

class ConfmlTargetPathWriter(ConfmlWriter):
    def supported_class(cls, classname):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports writing
        of the given class name
        if classname=="ConfmlTargetPath":
            return True
            return False

    def dumps(self, obj):
        @param obj: The ConfmlLocalPath object 
        elem = ElementTree.Element('targetPath')
        if obj.readOnly:
            elem.set('readOnly', unicode(obj.readOnly))
        return elem

class ConfmlTargetPathReader(ConfmlReader):
    def supported_elem(cls, elemname, parent=None):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports reading
        of the given elem name
        if elemname=="targetPath":
            return True
            return False

    def loads(self, elem):
        @param elem: The xml include elem
        return model.ConfmlTargetPath(readOnly=elem.get('readOnly'))

class DummyWriter(ConfmlWriter):
    Dummy writer is executed on ConE model elements that are not supposed to go to the confml file
    def supported_class(cls, classname):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports writing
        of the given class name
        if classname=="_FeatureProxy":
            return True
            return False

    def dumps(self, obj):
        return None

class RfsReader(ConfmlReader):
    def supported_elem(cls, elemname, parent=None):
        Class method to determine if this ConfmlWriter supports reading
        of the given elem name
        if elemname=="rfs":
            return True
            return False

    def loads(self, elem):
        @param elem: The xml include elem
        (namespace,elemname) = get_elemname(elem.tag)
        obj = api.DataContainer(elemname, container=True)
        for elem in elem.getchildren():
                reader = ElemReader(attr='rfs')
                childobj = reader.loads(elem)
            except exceptions.ConePersistenceError,e:
                logging.getLogger('cone').warning("Could not parse element %s. Exception: %s" % (elem,e))
        return obj

class ElemReader(ConfmlReader):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.template = kwargs.get('template',False)
        self.attr = kwargs.get('attr',None)
        self.args = kwargs

    def loads(self, elem):
        @param elem: The xml include elem
        (namespace,elemname) = get_elemname(elem.tag)
        datavalue = None
        if len(list(elem)) == 0:
            datavalue = elem.text
        datatemplate = elem.get('template') == 'true' or self.template
        dataextensionpolicy = elem.get('extensionPolicy') or ''
        datamap = elem.get('map')
        obj = api.Data(ref=elemname,value=datavalue, template=datatemplate, attr=self.attr,policy=dataextensionpolicy,map=datamap)
        for elem in elem.getchildren():
                reader = ElemReader(**self.args)
                childobj = reader.loads(elem)
            except exceptions.ConePersistenceError,e:
                logging.getLogger('cone').warning("Could not parse element %s. Exception: %s" % (elem,e))
        return obj

namespace_pattern = re.compile("{(.*)}(.*)")
nonamespace_pattern = re.compile("(.*)")

def get_elemname(tag):
    ns = namespace_pattern.match(tag)
    nn = nonamespace_pattern.match(tag)
    if ns:
        namespace =
        elemname =
        return (namespace,elemname)
    elif nn:
        namespace = ""
        elemname =
        return (namespace,elemname)
        raise exceptions.ParseError("Could not parse tag %s" % tag)

def get_reader_for_elem(elemname, parent=None):
    for reader in ConfmlReader.__subclasses__():
        if reader.supported_elem(elemname,parent):
            return reader()
    raise exceptions.ConePersistenceError("No reader for given elem %s under %s found!" % (elemname, parent))

def get_writer_for_class(classname):
    for writer in ConfmlWriter.__subclasses__():
        if writer.supported_class(classname):
            return writer ()
    raise exceptions.ConePersistenceError("No writer for given class found! %s" % classname)