author Bob Rosenberg <>
Wed, 13 Oct 2010 16:21:25 +0100
changeset 7 3c36c452f013
parent 3 e7e0ae78773e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Version 2.0 release of System Model Generator, which draws 3.x syntax system definition files

.. _cone-api-howto:

How to use cone APIs

The ConE public usage is described here with few common use cases as HowTo guides. 

* See `Cone API epydoc <../epydoc/index.html>`_ for reference guide of api functions.

How to open a Configuration project

* See reference of `Project class <../epydoc/cone.public.api.Project-class.html>`_

To open a project with ConE the api offers a Storage and Project classes. The Storage is the storage 
agostic implemenetation for cpf/zip, filestorage and soon also a webstorage. To access anything in ConE 
you must a project open. 

.. code-block:: python 

    from cone.public import api,exceptions
    The Storage access can be given as a extra parameter. It can have values r=read|w=write|a=append. 
    The default Storage access is read, which will fail if the storage does not exist.
    The method will try which of the storage implementations can open that particular path.
    So for example the path can be 
    'foo/bar'  => Opened with FileStorage
    'test.cpf' => Opened with ZipStorage
    '' => Opened with ZipStorage 
    """ Open a storage to current path and give it to the project. """
    prj = api.Project('.'))
    """ Create a new storage to a cpf file and give it to the project. """
    prj = api.Project('test.cpf', 'w'))

How to access and manipulate Configurations

* See reference of `Configuration class <../epydoc/cone.public.api.Configuration-class.html>`_

A Configuration normally is presented inside the Configuration project as a .confml file. So when you
are accessing configurations your are actually accessing confml files. The project offers funtionality to 
get,add, remove configurations, which acts on root configurations inside the given project.

How to List configuration's

.. code-block:: python 

    from cone.public import api,exceptions
    """ Create a storage to current path and give it to the project """
    prj = api.Project('.'))
    """ list and print all root configurations  """
    configlist = prj.list_configurations()
    for config in configlist:
        print config

How to Open configuration

.. code-block:: python 

    from cone.public import api,exceptions
    """ Create a storage to current path and give it to the project """
    prj = api.Project('.'))
    """ open a with name """
    get_configuration raises a NotFound exception if the given configuration resource 
    is not found from Storage
        myconfig = prj.get_configuration('myconfig.confml')
    except exceptions.NotFound:
        print "myconfml is not found from project!"

How to remove Configuration

To remove a Configuration call  ``remove_configuration`` method of Configuration.

.. code-block:: python

    myconfig = prj.get_configuration('myconfig.confml')
    """ finally save and close project """

How to include a one Configuration to an other Configuration

To include a one Configuration to an other call ``include_configuration()`` method of Configuration and pass the filename of Configuration as a parameter.

.. code-block:: python

    myconfig = prj.get_configuration('myconfig.confml')

How to set / write metadata to a Configuration root file

The metadata element is currently confml model specific, so you need to import the confml.model to enable metadata writing.
The ConfmlMeta element is desinged so that it can contain several ConfmlMetaProperty elements, each of which can be in 
different xml namespaces.

.. code-block:: python

    from cone.public import api
    from cone.confml import model
    store  =".","w")
    prj = api.Project(store)
    config = prj.create_configuration("test_meta.confml")
    prop1 = model.ConfmlMetaProperty("test", 'testing string')
    prop2 = model.ConfmlMetaProperty("testName", 'testing string2', \
                                     "", \
                                     attrs={"name":"name1", "value": "value1"})            
    prop3 = model.ConfmlMetaProperty("configuration-property", None, \
                                     "", \
                                     attrs={"name":"sw_version", "value": "1.0.0"})            
    metaelem = model.ConfmlMeta([prop1, prop2, prop3])
    config.meta = metaelem

The output file *test_meta.confml* should look like this..

.. code-block:: xml

    <configuration name="test_meta_confml" xmlns="" ...>
      <meta xmlns:cv="">
        <test>testing string</test>
        <cv:testName name="name1" value="value1">testing string2</cv:testName>
        <cv:configuration-property name="sw_version" value="1.0.0" />

Feature Access and manipulation
* See reference of `Feature class <../epydoc/cone.public.api.Feature-class.html>`_

How to add a Feature to Configuration

To add a Feature to Configuration ``add_feature()`` method can be used.

.. code-block:: python

    conf = api.Configuration("myconf.confml")

How to add a child Feature to Feature

Childs can be added under Feature by ``add_feature()`` method and passing the parent Feature as a second paremeter:

.. code-block:: python

    conf = api.Configuration("myconf.confml")

How to remove Feature from Configuration

Features can be removed from Configuration by a following way:

.. code-block:: python

    conf1 = api.Configuration("myconf.confml")
    conf1.add_feature('feature1.feature12') # Add feature to Configuration
    conf1.remove_feature('feature1.feature12') # and then remove it
    """ finally save and close project """

Feature acces via Views 
* See reference of `View class <../epydoc/cone.public.api.View-class.html>`_
* See reference of `Group class <../epydoc/cone.public.api.Group-class.html>`_
* See reference of `FeatureLink class <../epydoc/cone.public.api.FeatureLink-class.html>`_

How to get a Feature from Configuration

Features can be accessed through View:

.. code-block:: python

    from cone.public import api
    """ Create a storage to current path and give it to the project """
    prj = api.Project('.'))
    """ open the first configuration from the list """
    firstconfig = prj.get_configuration(configlist[0])
    """ get default view of first configuration """
    default_view = firstconfig.get_default_view()
    """ fetch example_feature1 from default view """
    feature = default_view.get_feature('example_feature1')

Feature can be accessed also by a property:

.. code-block:: python

    from cone.public import api
    """ Create a storage to current path and give it to the project """
    prj = api.Project('.'))
    """ open the first configuration from the list """
    firstconfig = prj.get_configuration(configlist[0])
    """ get default view of first configuration """
    default_view = firstconfig.get_default_view()
    """ fetch example_feature1 from default view """
    feature = default_view.example_feature1

How to list all Features inside a certain View

All Features can listed by calling ``list_all_features()`` method of View. Default view returns always 
the view from the Root configuration point of view.

.. code-block:: python

    from cone.public import api
    """ Create a storage to current path and give it to the project """
    prj = api.Project('.'))
    """ open the first configuration from the list """
    firstconfig = prj.get_configuration(configlist[0])
    """ get default view of first configuration """
    default_view = firstconfig.get_default_view()
    """ get all features in list from default view """
    features = default_view.list_all_features()

All features can be listed also using some custom View:

.. code-block:: python

    from cone.public import api
    """ Create a storage to current path and give it to the project """
    prj = api.Project('.'))
    """ open the first configuration from the list """
    firstconfig = prj.get_configuration(configlist[0])
    """ get my_view view to first configuration """
    view = firstconfig.get_view("my_view")
    """ fetch example_feature1 from my_view view """
    features = view.list_all_features()

How to list Features inside a certain View

To list immediate Features found under the certain View can be done by calling ``list_features()`` method.

.. code-block:: python

    myconfig = api.Configuration("root.confml")
    view = myconfig.get_view("my_view")
    features = view.list_features()

How to list all Features inside a certain Configuration

To list all Features found under a certain Configuration can be done by calling ``list_all_features()`` method of Configuration.

.. code-block:: python

    from cone.public import api
    """ Create a storage to current path and give it to the project """
    prj = api.Project('.'))
    """ open the first configuration from the list """
    firstconfig = prj.get_configuration(configlist[0])
    """ get all features in list from configuration """
    features = firstconfig.list_all_features()

How to read a value for a specific Feature

The a value of specific Feature can be read by calling ``get_value()`` method or using value property.

.. code-block:: python

    value1 = my_feature1.get_value()
    value2 = my_feature2.value

How to read a possible options of selection Feature

To list possible options of selection Feature can be done by calling ``get_valueset()`` method of Feature.

.. code-block:: python

    feature = api.Feature('my_selection_feature',type='selection')
    feature.add_option('one', '1')
    feature.add_option('two', '2')
    value_set = feature.get_valueset()
    feature.get_option('1').get_name() #returns  'one'

How to read a type of specific Feature

To read a specific type on Feature ``get_type()`` method or type property can be used. 

.. code-block:: python

    feature = dview.get_feature('my_feature')
    feature.get_type() # returns type of the Feature
    feature.type # returns type of the Feature

How to set a value for a specific Feature

To set value for a specific Feature can be done by calling ``set_value()`` method or ``value`` property.

.. code-block:: python

    feature1 = dview.get_feature('my_feature1')
    feature2 = dview.get_feature('my_feature2')
    feature2.value = "my_value"
    """ finally save and close project """

How to Create a View

.. code-block:: python

    from cone.public import api
    from cone.confml import model
    store  =".","w")
    prj = api.Project(store)
    """ First create the configuration with two features """
    if prj.is_configuration("test_override.confml"):
        config = prj.get_configuration("test_override.confml")
        config = prj.create_configuration("test_override.confml")
    fea1 = config.create_feature("foo", name="foo name")
    fea2 = fea1.create_feature("bar", name="bar name")
    """ Create the view and group to it """
    view = config.create_view('testview')
    group = view.create_group('group1')
    Create a featurelink.
    Note! the featurelink now overrides the name attribute of the original feature.
    link = group.create_featurelink('foo', name="foo name overridden")
    """ override the description attribute of the view link """
    link.desc = "override desc"

How to Get a view and test attribute overrides
In this example we assume that the previous example was stored to a file *test_override.confml*.

.. code-block:: python

    from cone.public import api
    from cone.confml import model
    store  =".","w")
    prj = api.Project(store)
    config = prj.get_configuration("test_override.confml")
    """ get the view and a feature from it """
    view = config.get_view('testview')
    fea = view.get_feature('')
    """ assert that the feature attributes have been overridden in the view """ 
    assert(fea.has_attribute('minLength') == False)
    assert( == 'foo name')

Data access and manipulation
The data access inside a configuration is possible, but basically this can be avoided by manipulating the values 
of features, which actually modify the data elements inside the configuration.
However if direct data element access is needed, here's how you can do it.

How to add Data to Configuration

To add Data to Configuration can be done by calling ``add_data()`` method of Configuration: 

.. code-block:: python

    conf = api.Configuration("data.confml")
    conf.add_data(api.Data(ref='feature1', value=123))
    conf.add_data(api.Data(fqn='feature1.feature12', value="test"))
    """ finally save and close project """