Version 2.0 release of System Model Generator, which draws 3.x syntax system definition files
ConE merge action
The merge functionality is meant to merge configurations/layers from a
remote project (defined with -r) to the current project (defined with
-p). Default value for the current project is the current working
directory. A project can be either a folder or a CPF/ZIP file.
There are two ways to use merge:
#. Merge a configuration root into another
#. Merge a specific source layer into a specific target layer
These translate to two use cases:
#. Merging an asset into an existing configuration project
#. Merging a variant data layer from an exported CPF back into the
configuration project
Examples for these two use cases are given below.
Files containing the used example data:
- :download:` <merge/>`
- :download:` <merge/>`
Merging an asset into configuration project
Say that we have a small configuration project that contains the configuration
interface and implementation of some component, and we want to merge this asset
as part of a configuration project, specifically into the ``assets/myassets/``
layer in the project. This can be done by using the layer -> layer merging
The image below shows what we want to accomplish. You can see that the
``assets/myassets/`` layer already contains asset1, and we want to merge asset2
there too.
.. image:: merge/asset_merge.png
We need to give ConE the layer root .confml files of the layers we want to
merge. To do this, run the following command:
> cone merge -p config_project --targetlayer assets/myassets/root.confml -r myasset2 --sourcelayer asset2/root.confml
Running action merge
Target project: config_project
Source project: myasset2
Target layer: assets/myassets/root.confml
Source layer: asset2/root.confml
Merging layers...
Copying asset2/confml/asset2.confml
Copying asset2/content/asset2_data/dummy.txt
Copying asset2/implml/asset2.templateml
Including confml/asset2.confml in layer root assets/myassets/root.confml
Now the ``assets/myassets`` layer in the configuration project contains also
the contents of asset2.
Merging a variant configuration into configuration project
Another use case is merging the variant data layer of an exported CPF back
into the configuration project. This is where the configuration root merge
comes in.
First, using the same example project as in the previous example, export a CPF
containing a variant data layer:
> cd config_project
config_project> cone export -c product_x_root.confml -r test.cpf --add variants/variant/root.confml
Running action export
Export product_x_root.confml to test.cpf done!
Now the CPF can be modified somehow, here we'll add the content files ``foo.txt``
and ``bar.txt``. After this we can merge it back into the project as a new
configuration root that contains also the variant data layer:
config_project> cone merge -c foobar.confml -r test.cpf --rename
Running action merge
Target project: .
Source project: test.cpf
Target config: foobar.confml
Source config: product_x_root.confml
Merging 1 layer(s)...
Merging variants/variant/root.confml -> variants/variant_foobar/root.confml
Copying variants/variant/confml/data.confml
Copying variants/variant/content/bar.txt
Copying variants/variant/content/foo.txt
Including confml/data.confml in layer root variants/variant_foobar/root.confml
The rename option tells ConE to rename the variant layer based on the given
configuration root name, so that the variant data layer becomes ``variants/variant_foobar/``.
So, now the project looks like this:
.. image:: merge/project_after_variant_layer_merge.png
Note that the default merge doesn't overwrite the layers, it only adds/replaces
files from the source layers. If the entire layer should be overwritten, the
option --merge-policy can be used to specify that layers should be entirely
overwritten. For example, if we remove ``foo.txt`` from the variant content
in the CPF and re-merge like this:
config_project> cone merge -c foobar.confml -r test.cpf --rename --merge-policy overwrite-layer
Running action merge
Target project: .
Source project: test.cpf
Target config: foobar.confml
Source config: product_x_root.confml
Merging 1 layer(s)...
Merging variants/variant/root.confml -> variants/variant_foobar/root.confml
Copying variants/variant/confml/data.confml
Copying variants/variant/content/bar.txt
Including confml/data.confml in layer root variants/variant_foobar/root.confml
Now ``variants/variant_foobar/content/`` contains only ``bar.txt``.
Options list
-c CONFIG, --configuration=CONFIG
defines the name of the target configuration for the
-p STORAGE, --project=STORAGE
defines the location of current project. Default is
the current working directory.
-r STORAGE, --remote=STORAGE
defines the location of remote storage
-s CONFIG, --sourceconfiguration=CONFIG
defines the name of the remote configuration inside
the remote storage for the merge action. Default is
the active root of the remote project.
Defines a specific layer to use as the layer to merge
from the remote project. Must be the layer root
(ConfML file).For example: --sourcelayer
Defines a specific layer (root) to use as the layer to
merge into the target project. Must be the layer root
(ConfML file).For example: --targetlayer
--rename defines that the merged layers need to be renamed
--all Defines that the entire configuration (all layers)
needs to be merged. This has no effect when merging
layers directly using --sourcelayer and --targetlayer.
-l LAYERS, --layer=LAYERS
Define the layers of the source configuration that are
included to merge action. The layer operation can be
used several times in a single command. Note that this
can only be used when merging configuration roots, not
specific layers using --sourcelayer and --targetlayer.
Example -l -1 --layer=-2, which would append a layers
-1 and -2 to the layers => layers = -1,-2
Specifies the merge policy to use when merging layers.
Possible values:
replace-add - Add/replace files from source layer, but
leave other files in the target as they are.
overwrite-layer - Overwrite the entire layer (remove
all previous content).