Version 2.0 release of System Model Generator, which draws 3.x syntax system definition files
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<abbrev name="PIM App Services" abbrev="PIM Application Services"/>
<abbrev name="Other App Services" abbrev="Other Application Services"/>
<abbrev name="Office App Engines" abbrev="Office Application Engines"/>
<abbrev name="Device Provisioning" abbrev="Device Management"/>
<abbrev name="PIM App Support" abbrev="PIM Application Support"/>
<abbrev name="Internet and Web Application Support" abbrev="Internet & Web App Support"/>
<abbrev name="Application Launch Services" abbrev="App. Launch Services"/>
<abbrev name="QoS Interface" abbrev="QOS Interface"/>
<abbrev name="Serial Comms and Short Link Services" abbrev="Serial Comms & Short Link Services"/>
<abbrev name="Multimedia and Graphics Services" abbrev="Multimedia & Graphics Services"/>
<abbrev name="Kernel Services and Hardware Interface" abbrev="Kernel Services & Hardware Interface"/>
<!--abbrev name="J2ME" abbrev="Java J2ME"/-->
<abbrev name="Localisation" abbrev="Localisation"/>
<abbrev name="Character Conversion Framework" abbrev="Character Conversion"/>
<abbrev name="UI Toolkit" abbrev="UI Support"/>
<abbrev name="Bluetooth and SMS Push" abbrev="Bluetooth & SMS Push"/>
<abbrev name="Telephony Reference Platform" abbrev="Telephony Ref. Platform"/>
<abbrev name="Graphics Device Interface" abbrev="Graphics Device Interface"/>
<abbrev name="User Side Hardware Abstraction" abbrev="User Side Hardware Abstrac- tion"/>
<abbrev name="Generic Open Libraries" abbrev="Generic Open Libs."/>
<abbrev name="System State Management" abbrev="State Management"/>
<abbrev name="Comms Process and Settings" abbrev="Comms Proc. & Settings"/>
<abbrev name="Baseband Adaptation Plugins" abbrev="Baseband Adaptation"/>
<abbrev name="Location Request Management" abbrev="Location Request Mgmt."/>
<abbrev name="Graphics Hardware Adaptation" abbrev="Graphics HW Adapt."/>
<abbrev name="Multimedia Hardware Adaptation" abbrev="Multimedia HW Adapt."/>
<abbrev name="Multimedia Hardware Adaptation Interfaces" abbrev="Multimedia HW Adapt."/>
<abbrev name="Open Environment Utilities" abbrev="Open Env. Utilities"/>
<abbrev name="Common Application Services" abbrev="Common App Services"/>
<abbrev name="Base Connection Providers" abbrev="Base Connection Providers"/>
<abbrev name="Shortlink Logical Device Drivers" abbrev="Shortlink LDD"/>