author terytkon
Fri, 12 Mar 2010 08:30:17 +0200
changeset 2 87cfa131b535
parent 0 2e8eeb919028
child 3 e7e0ae78773e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixed the licence header on two files that the epl:ling script missed for some reason.

# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description: 

import os
import re
import StringIO
import tokenize
import inspect
import traceback
import logging
import imghdr
import api
import mimetypes
import exceptions

import _etree_wrapper
etree = _etree_wrapper.ElementTreeWrapper()

class resourceref(object):
    Class container for set of resource reference related functions
    def filter_resources(cls, resources, regexp):
        Filter out all resources that do not match the given regexp
        @return a array of resources that match the given resource
        test = re.compile(regexp, re.IGNORECASE)
        return [r for r in resources if]
    def neg_filter_resources(cls, resources, regexp):
        Filter out all resources that do match the given regexp
        @return a array of resources that dont match the given resource
        test = re.compile(regexp, re.IGNORECASE)
        return [r for r in resources if not]

    def insert_begin_slash(cls, ref):
        if not ref.startswith('/'): 
            return '/' + ref
        return ref
    def remove_begin_slash(cls, ref):
        if ref.startswith('/'): 
            return ref.replace('/', '', 1)
        return ref

    def remove_end(self, path, str):
            (ret, sep, rest) = path.partition(str)
            return ret
        except ValueError:
            return path

    def add_end_slash(cls, ref):
        if not ref.endswith('/'): 
            return ref+'/'
        return ref
    def remove_end_slash(cls, ref):
        if ref.endswith('/'): 
            return ref[:-1]
        return ref
    def norm(cls, ref):
        Normalize the reference to common cone form. 
        1. Always with forward slashes 
        2. no beginning slash
        3. no end slash
        @return: A normalized reference string
        # Do not modify emtpy string at all
        if not ref == '':
            normref = os.path.normpath(ref)
            normref = normref.replace('\\','/').replace('"','').replace('//','/')
            normref = ref
        return normref
    def replace_dir(cls, ref, frompart, topart):
        Replace a part of directory beginning from ref.
        @param ref: the resource reference
        @param frompart: the part of directory name to be replaced
        @param topart: the partial name which replaces the frompart
        @return: a refenence with forward slashes
        # Normalize all paths and replace the name with string replace
        normref = cls.norm(ref)
        normfrom = cls.norm(frompart)
        normto = cls.norm(topart)
        # Add the end slash to from and to as it should be a dir (if not empty)
        if normto != "": normto = cls.add_end_slash(normto)
        if normfrom != "": normfrom = cls.add_end_slash(normfrom)
        if normref != "": normref = cls.add_end_slash(normref)
        retref = cls.norm(normref.replace(normfrom, normto, 1))
        if retref  != "": retref = cls.remove_end_slash(retref)
        return retref

    def join_refs(cls, refs):
        join a list of dotted references together with dots
        1. ignore empty refs
        2. no dot include begin dot
        3. no dot include end dot
        @param refs: a list of references
        @return: A normalized dotted reference
        # Create a copy of references without any empty strings
        import posixpath
        paramdict = {}
        retref = posixpath.join(*refs)
        #retref = "/".join([ref for ref in refs if ref != ''])
        #subs = re.sub('/+', '/', retref)
        return retref

    def split_ref(cls, ref):
        Replace a part of directory beginning from ref.
        @param ref: the resource reference
        @return: a list of path elems
        return [r for r in ref.split('/') if r]
    def psplit_ref(cls, ref):
        pop split that splits the last element of the array 
        1. empty ref returns an empty list
        @param ref: a resource references string (e.g. aaa/bbb/ccc.txt)
        @return: A tuple of references (with given param ('aaa/bbb','ccc.txt')
        refs = ref.rsplit('/', 1)
        return ("".join(refs[0:-1]), refs[-1])

    def remove_ext(cls, ref):
        Remove file extension from ref 
        1. remove file extension
        @return: a reference. E.g. (foo/test.confml) => foo/test
        filenameparts = cls.get_filename(ref).rsplit('.', 1)
        path = cls.get_path(ref)
        if len(filenameparts)==2 and filenameparts[0] != "":
            return cls.join_refs([path, filenameparts[0]])
            return ref

    def get_ext(cls, ref):
        get file extension from ref 
        1. get file extension
        @return: a reference. E.g. (foo/test.confml) => confml
        if len(ref.rsplit('.', 1)) == 2: 
            return ref.rsplit('.', 1)[1]
            return ""

    def get_filename(cls, ref):
        get file name part from ref 
        1. get file extension
        @return: a reference. E.g. (foo/test.confml) => confml
        return ref.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]

    def get_path(cls, ref):
        get file name part from ref 
        1. get file extension
        @return: a reference. E.g. (foo/test.confml) => confml
        if len(ref.rsplit('/', 1)) == 2: 
            return ref.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
            return ""

    def to_dottedref(cls, ref):
        Convert a resource ref to dotted ref 
        1. remove file extension
        2. convert path delims to dots
        @return: a dotted reference. E.g. (foo/test.confml) => foo_test
        newref = cls.remove_ext(ref).replace('/', '_').replace(' ', '_')
        return dottedref.remove_begin_dot(newref)

    def to_objref(cls, ref):
        Convert a resource ref to dotted ref 
        1. remove file extension
        2. convert path delims to dots
        3. using double underscores for directory separation
        @return: a dotted reference. E.g. (foo/test.confml) => foo_test
        ref = ref.replace('/', '__')
        newref = ''
        first_token = True
            for toknum, tokval, spos, epos, _ in tokenize.generate_tokens(StringIO.StringIO(unicode(ref)).readline):
                if toknum == ENDMARKER:
                elif toknum == NAME:
                    newref += str(tokval)
                elif toknum == NUMBER:
                    # Add a character before the number token if the first token is a number
                    if first_token:
                        newref += '_'
                    # replace a possible dot in number .123
                    newref += str(tokval.replace('.','_'))
                elif toknum == STRING:
                    newref += str(tokval.replace('"', ''))
                    newref += '_'
                # After first round set the first token to false
                first_token = False
        except tokenize.TokenError:
        return newref
    def to_dref(cls, ref):
        Convert a resource ref to dotted ref 
        1. remove file extension
        2. convert path delims to dots
        @return: a dotted reference. E.g. (foo/test.confml) => foo.test
        return dottedref.remove_begin_dot(cls.remove_ext(ref).replace('/','.'))

    def to_hash(cls, ref):
        Convert a resource ref to to hash 32 bit integer
        return "%s" % hex(hash(ref))

class dottedref(object):
    Class container for set of dotted reference related functions
    def join_refs(cls, refs):
        join a list of dotted references together with dots
        1. ignore empty refs
        2. no dot include begin dot
        3. no dot include end dot
        @param refs: a list of references
        @return: A normalized dotted reference
        # Create a dotted reference without any empty strings
        return '.'.join([ref for ref in refs if ref.strip()])
    def split_ref(cls, ref):
        split a dotted references string to a list of ref elements
        1. empty ref returns an empty list
        @param ref: a dotted references string (e.g. aaa.bbb.ccc)
        @return: A list of references (with given param ['aaa','bbb','ccc']
        # list of reference parts without any empty strings
        return [r for r in ref.split('.') if r]
    def psplit_ref(cls, ref):
        pop split that splits the last element of the array 
        1. empty ref returns an empty list
        @param ref: a dotted references string (e.g. aaa.bbb.ccc)
        @return: A tuple of references (with given param ('aaa.bbb','ccc')
        refs = ref.rsplit('.', 1)
        return ("".join(refs[0:-1]), refs[-1])
    def remove_last(cls, ref):
        removes the last element of the ref 
        1. empty ref returns an empty list
        @param ref: a dotted references string (e.g. aaa.bbb.ccc)
        @return: A reference (with given param ('aaa.bbb')
        return ref.rsplit('.', 1)[0]

    def get_last(cls, ref):
        returns the last element of the ref 
        1. empty ref returns an empty string
        @param ref: a dotted references string (e.g. aaa.bbb.ccc)
        @return: A reference (with given param ('ccc')
        return ref.rsplit('.', 1)[-1]

    def get_name(cls, ref):
        returns the last element of the ref 
        1. empty ref returns an empty string
        @param ref: a dotted references string (e.g. aaa.bbb.ccc)
        @return: A reference (with given param ('ccc')
        if re.match('^(.*)\[.*\]$', ref):
            return re.match('^(.*)\[.*\]$', ref).group(1)
            return ref

    def get_index(cls, ref):
        returns the last element of the ref 
        1. empty ref returns an empty string
        @param ref: a dotted references string (e.g. aaa.bbb.ccc)
        @return: A reference (with given param ('ccc')
        if re.match('^.*\[(\d+)\]$', ref):
            return int( re.match('^.*\[(\d+)\]$', ref).group(1) )
            return None

    def remove_begin_dot(cls, ref):
        removes all the dots from the begin of the ref 
        @param ref: a dotted references string (e.g. .aaa.bbb.ccc)
        @return: A reference (with given param ('aaa.bbb.ccc')
        return ref.lstrip('.')

    def ref2filter(cls, ref):
        elems = []
        for refelem in dottedref.split_ref(ref):
            if refelem == "**":
        return "\\.".join(elems)+"$"
def extract_delimited_tokens(string, delimiters=('${', '}')):
    Return a list of all tokens delimited by the given strings in the given string.
    This function returns basically the first row of the result of
    extract_delimited_token_tuples(), with duplicates removed.
    >>> dottedref.extract_refs("test1 ${my.ref1} test2 ${ my.ref1 } ${my.ref2}")
    ['my.ref1', 'my.ref2']
    ref_tuples = extract_delimited_token_tuples(string, delimiters)
    return distinct_array([ref for ref, raw_ref in ref_tuples])

def extract_delimited_token_tuples(string, delimiters=('${', '}')):
    Extract a list of (token, raw_token) tuples from the given string.
    'token' is the the token extracted from the string and trimmed (surrounding
    whitespace removed), and raw_token is the unmodified match from the
    string, which can be used for replacing.
    >>> dottedref.extract_ref_tuples("test1 ${my.ref1} test2 ${ my.ref1 } ${my.ref2}")
    [('my.ref1', '${my.ref1}'), ('my.ref1', '${ my.ref1 }'), ('my.ref2', '${my.ref2}')]
    pattern = '%s.*?%s' % (re.escape(delimiters[0]), re.escape(delimiters[1]))
    matches = distinct_array(re.findall(pattern, string, re.DOTALL))
    result = []
    for match in matches:
        ref = match[len(delimiters[0]):-len(delimiters[1])].strip()
        result.append((ref, match))
    return result

def expand_delimited_tokens(string, expander_func, delimiters=('${', '}')):
    Expand all tokens in the given string using the given expander function.
    @param string: The string to expand.
    @param expander_func: The function used for expanding. Should take two parameters:
        1 - The token to expand.
        2 - The index of the token in the string.
    @param delimiters: Tuple specifying the delimiters for tokens.
    @return: The expanded string.
    # Collect a dictionary of token-entry pairs
    class Entry(object):
    tokens = {}
    for index, (token, raw_token) in enumerate(extract_delimited_token_tuples(string, delimiters)):
        if token not in tokens:
            entry = Entry()
            entry.index = index
            entry.raw_tokens = []
            entry.value = unicode(expander_func(token, index))
            tokens[token] = entry
            entry = tokens[token]
    # Replace all tokens with the expanded values
    result = string
    for entry in tokens.itervalues():
        for raw_token in entry.raw_tokens:
            result = result.replace(raw_token, entry.value)
    return result

def expand_refs_by_default_view(string, default_view, delimiters=('${', '}'), default_value_for_missing=''):
    Convenience function for expanding the refs in a string using setting values.
    @param default_value_for_missing: The default value used if a setting for
        a reference cannot be found.
    @return: The expanded string.
    def expand(ref, index):
            return default_view.get_feature(ref).get_original_value()
        except exceptions.NotFound:
            logging.getLogger('cone').error("Feature '%s' not found" % ref)
            return default_value_for_missing
    return expand_delimited_tokens(string, expand, delimiters)

def distinct_array(arr):
    newarray = []
    for val in arr:
            # test to see whether the value already is in thearray
        except ValueError:
    return newarray

def list_files(path):    
    Get an array of files in a folder
    retarray = []
    # Walk through all files in the layer
    path = os.path.abspath(path)
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
        for name in files:
            entry = os.path.join(root, name)
            entry = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(entry))
            if os.path.isfile(entry):
    return retarray

def all_subclasses(classname):
    @return: A list of all subclasses of classname
    subclasses = classname.__subclasses__()
    # Create copy of the subclasses list for the iteration, 
    # so that added items are not recursed again
    for subclass in classname.__subclasses__():
        subclasses += all_subclasses(subclass)
    return subclasses

def pathmatch(pattern, refpath):
    Check for matching pattern for a ref path
    filter = dottedref.ref2filter(pattern)
    return re.match(filter, refpath) != None

def filter(obj, filters):
    for filter in filters:
        if not filter(obj):
            return False
    return True

def get_list(elem):
    if not isinstance(elem, list):
        return [elem]
        return elem

def add_list(elem, add):
    retlist = get_list(elem)
    return retlist

def prepend_list(elem, prepend):
    retlist = get_list(elem)
    retlist.insert(0, prepend)
    return retlist

def is_list(elem):
    return isinstance(elem, list)

def get_class(modelinstance, classinstance):
    Get the actual model specific implementation class for a classinstance
    for attr in dir(modelinstance):
        modelclass = getattr(modelinstance, attr)
        if inspect.isclass(modelclass): 
            if issubclass(modelclass, classinstance):
                return modelclass
    return classinstance

class DataMapRef(object):
    Utility class for handling map attributes in data section
    def get_feature_ref(cls, map):
        index = map.find("@")
        if index != -1:
            parts = map.split("@")
            return parts[0][:-1]
            return None
    def get_key_value(cls, map):
        index = map.find("@")
        if index != -1:
            parts = map.split("@")
            key = parts[1][:-1]
            keys = key.split("=")
            value = keys[1].strip()
            return value[1:-1]
            return None

class xml(object):
    Class container for set of XML-related helper functions.
    def split_tag_namespace(cls, xml_tag):
        Split the given XML tag into a (namespace, tag) tuple.
        >>> ReaderBase._split_tag_namespace("test")
        (None, 'test')
        >>> ReaderBase._split_tag_namespace("{}test")
        ('', 'test')
        if xml_tag.startswith('{'):
            parts = xml_tag[1:].split('}')
            return (parts[0], parts[1])
            return (None, xml_tag)

def log_exception(logger, msg, msg_level=logging.ERROR, traceback_level=logging.DEBUG):
    Log an exception so that the given message and the exception's
    traceback are logged separately with the given log levels.
    The purpose is to print minimal information to the user when running
    the CLI (default level for STDOUT logging is WARNING), but the traceback
    should still be available in the log file (which uses the level DEBUG
    by default).
    Note that this function should be only used in an exception handler.
    logger.log(msg_level, msg)
    logger.log(traceback_level, traceback.format_exc())

def make_content_info(resource, data):
    Factory for ContentInfo
    cnt_inf = None
    if resource != None:
        guessed_type = mimetypes.guess_type(resource.get_path())
        mimetype = None
        mimesubtype = None
        if guessed_type != None:
            mimetype, mimesubtype = guessed_type[0].split('/') 
        if mimetype == 'image' and mimesubtype == 'x-ms-bmp':
            cnt_inf = api.BmpImageContentInfo(resource, data)
            cnt_inf = api.ContentInfo(mimetype, mimesubtype)
    return cnt_inf