Fixed the licence header on two files that the epl:ling script missed for some reason.
# Log File Settings
sdb.log.file.enabled = true
sdb.log.file.format = %-5p [%-20.20C{1}] %-8r %4L - %m%n
sdb.log.file.path = logs/sdb.log
sdb.log.file.level = DEBUG
# Console Log Settings
sdb.log.console.format = %-5p %m%n
sdb.log.console.level = INFO
#Default name of the created database
#Relative paths are assumed relative to SDB working directory
sdb.dbname = sdb.db
#JDBC dll location
#Relative paths are assumed relative to SDB installation directory
org.sqlite.lib.path = lib
com.symbian.dbms.lib.path = lib
#Contacts configuration files
#Relative paths are assumed relative to SDB installation directory
sdb.contacts.configuration = config/contacts.xml
sdb.contacts.configuration.locale = config/contacts_locale_en_gb.xml
#Location of CED binaries
#Relative paths are assumed relative to SDB installation directory
sdb.ced.location = comms database creator