author Bob Rosenberg <>
Tue, 26 Oct 2010 10:43:50 +0100
changeset 8 a2e65c705db8
parent 0 2e8eeb919028
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug when joining where ID prefixes would be added even if they use the default ID namespace

 * ConE document generation
 * This ant build.xml will generate all ConE related documents
<project name="ConE generatedoc" default="doc-all">
	<!-- import common properties for this plugin -->
	<property file=""/>
	<property file=""/>
	<target name="doc-all" depends="epydoc, sphinx"/>
	<target name="init-generatedoc">
	  <mkdir dir="${document.output}"/>
	  <mkdir dir="${document.output}/epydoc"/>
	<target name="epydoc" depends="init-generatedoc">
		<exec executable="cmd">
            <arg line='/c "epydoc source/cone -o ${document.output}/epydoc --exclude tests"'/>

	<target name="sphinx" depends="init-generatedoc">
        <exec executable="cmd">
            <arg line='/c "sphinx-build -b html ./doc ${document.output}"'/>