Fix for bug when joining where ID prefixes would be added even if they use the default ID namespace
<stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns="" xmlns:set="">
<import href="validate-raw.xsl"/>
<output method="text"/>
<!-- for validating the generated temp XML file -->
<template match="SystemDefinition/release|SystemDefinition/styling|systemModel/legend-layer|systemModel/layer-group"/> <!-- in generated file -->
<template match="generator-color|generator-style"/> <!-- in generated file -->
<template match="systemModel/@*"/> <!-- any attributes ok-->
<template match="component/@* | collection/@* | block/@* | subblock/@* | layer/@*" priority="-4"/>
<template match="@abbrev|@align|component/@old_model|@*[starts-with(name(),'generat')]" mode="extra"/>