author terytkon
Thu, 11 Mar 2010 18:20:56 +0200 (2010-03-11)
changeset 1 b538b70cbe51
permissions -rw-r--r--
Move rest of the swconfigmdw package components to oss repository. -Changed sfl licences to epl.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<abbrev name="Application Architecture" abbrev="App. Arch."/>
<abbrev name="Content Handling Framework" abbrev="Content Handling Frmwk."/>
<abbrev name="File Converter Framework" abbrev="File Cnvrter. Frmwk."/>
<abbrev name="Content Access Framework for DRM" abbrev="Content Access Frmwrk. for DRM"/>
<abbrev name="MIME Recognition Framework" abbrev="MIME Recog&#xad;nizer Frmwk."/>
<abbrev name="Web Recognisers" abbrev="Web Recog&#xad;nisers"/>
<abbrev name="OMA SyncML Framework" abbrev="OMA SyncML Frmwrk."/>
<abbrev name="Device Management Framework" abbrev="Dev Man Frmwk."/>
<abbrev name="Device Management Framework Config" abbrev="Dev Man Frmwk. Config"/>
<abbrev name="Device Management Adaptors" abbrev="Dev Man Adaptors"/>
<abbrev name="Device Management Adaptors Config" abbrev="Dev Man Adaptors Config"/>
<abbrev name="Client Provisioning Framework" abbrev="Client Provision&#xad;ing Frmwk."/>
<abbrev name="Client Provisioning Framework Config" abbrev="Client Provision&#xad;ing Frmwk. Config"/>
<abbrev name="Client Provisioning Adaptors" abbrev="Client Provision&#xad;ing Adaptors"/>
<abbrev name="Client Provisioning Adaptors Config" abbrev="Client Provision&#xad;ing Adaptors Config"/>
<abbrev name="HTTP Transport Framework" abbrev="HTTP Trans. Frmwk."/>
<abbrev name="WAP Push Framework" abbrev="WAP Push Frmwk."/>
<abbrev name="BIO Messaging Framework" abbrev="BIO Msg. Frmwk."/>
<abbrev name="Message Store" abbrev="Msg. Store"/>
<abbrev name="Message Server and Store" abbrev="Msg. Server &amp; Store"/>
<abbrev name="Scheduled Send MTM" abbrev="Sched. Send MTM"/>
<abbrev name="SIP Framework" abbrev="SIP Frmwk."/>
<abbrev name="SIP Connection Provider Plugins" abbrev="SIP Connect. Provider Plugins"/>
<abbrev name="Agenda Versit Plugin" abbrev="vCal Plugin"/>
<abbrev name="Backup Restore Notification" abbrev="Backup Restore Notifica&#xad;tion"/>
<abbrev name="Chinese Calendar Converter" abbrev="Chinese Calendar Cnvter."/>
<abbrev name="Other File Converter Plugins" abbrev="Other File Cnvter. Plugins"/>
<abbrev name="File Converter Plugins" abbrev="File Cnvter. Plugins"/>
<abbrev name="vCard and vCal" abbrev="vCard &amp;vCal"/>
<abbrev name="Application Utilities" abbrev="Applica&#xad;tion Utilities"/>
<abbrev name="Central Repository" abbrev="Central Repos&#xad;itory"/>
<abbrev name="Character Encoding and Conversion Framework" abbrev="Char. Encode. Conv. Frmwk."/>
<abbrev name="Character Encoding and Conversion Plugins" abbrev="Char. Encode. Conv. Plugins"/>
<abbrev name="Cryptography Library" abbrev="Crypto. Library"/>
<abbrev name="Media Device Framework" abbrev="Media Device Frmwk."/>
<abbrev name="Media Device Framework Plugins" abbrev="Media Device Frmwrk. Plugins"/>
<abbrev name="Plugin Framework" abbrev="Plugin Frmwk."/>
<abbrev name="Power and Memory Notification Service" abbrev="Power &amp; Mem&#xad;ory Notifica&#xad;tion Service"/>
<abbrev name="Power and Shutdown Management" abbrev="Pw. &amp;Shut. Manage&#xad;ment"/>
<abbrev name="XML Framework" abbrev="XML Frmwk."/>
<abbrev name="Zip Compression Library" abbrev="Zip Compres&#xad;sion Library"/>
<abbrev name="FAT Filename Conversion Plugins" abbrev="FAT file name Conv. Plugins"/>
<abbrev name="File System Plugins" abbrev="File Systems"/>
<abbrev name="LCDUI Plugin" abbrev="LCDUI plugin"/>
<abbrev name="Runtime Plugin" abbrev="Runtime plugin"/>
<abbrev name="Kernel Architecture 2" abbrev="Kernel Arch. 2"/>
<abbrev name="Flash Translation Layer" abbrev="Flash Trans&#xad;lation Layer"/>
<abbrev name="Ethernet Driver" abbrev="Ether. Driver"/>
<abbrev name="Bootstrap" abbrev="Boot&#xad;strap"/>
<abbrev name="Emulator" abbrev="Emu&#xad;lator"/>
<abbrev name="OMAP H2" abbrev="OMAP H2 Variant"/>
<abbrev name="OMAP H4" abbrev="OMAP H4 Variant"/>
<abbrev name="Peripheral Bus Controllers" abbrev="Periph. Bus Cntrllrs."/>
<abbrev name="Baseband Channel Adaptor" abbrev="Bsebnd Channel Adaptor Frmwk."/>
<abbrev name="Baseband Channel Adaptor for C32" abbrev="C32 BCA"/>
<abbrev name="Secondary PDP context UMTS Driver" abbrev="Secondary PDP UMTS Driver"/>
<abbrev name="Comms Database" abbrev="Comms Dbase."/>
<abbrev name="Comms Framework" abbrev="Comms Frmwk."/>
<abbrev name="Ethernet Over IR Packet Driver" abbrev="Ethernet Over IR Packet DRV"/>
<abbrev name="Ethernet Packet Driver" abbrev="Ethernet Packet DRV"/>
<abbrev name="PPP Compression Plugins" abbrev="PPP Compres&#xad;sion Plugins"/>
<abbrev name="QoS Framework PRT" abbrev="QOS Frmwk. PRT"/>
<abbrev name="TCP/IPv4/v6 PRT" abbrev="TCP/ IPv4/v6 PRT"/>
<abbrev name="Bluetooth PAN Profile" abbrev="Bluetooth PAN Profile"/>
<abbrev name="GPRS/UMTS QOS PRT" abbrev="GPRS/ UMTS QOS PRT"/>
<abbrev name="Network Controller" abbrev="Network Contrllr."/>
<abbrev name="Connection AGT" abbrev="Connec&#xad;tion AGT"/>
<abbrev name="Subconnection Parameters" abbrev="Subcon. Params."/>
<abbrev name="Bluetooth CSY" abbrev="Btooth.  CSY"/>
<abbrev name="Bluetooth Manager" abbrev="Btooth.  Manager"/>
<abbrev name="Bluetooth Protocol Client APIs" abbrev="Btooth. Protocol Client APIs"/>
<abbrev name="Bluetooth SDP" abbrev="Btooth.  SDP"/>
<abbrev name="Remote Control Framework" abbrev="Remote Control Frmwk."/>
<abbrev name="Bluetooth HCI" abbrev="Btooth. HCI"/>
<abbrev name="Bluetooth Stack PRT" abbrev="Btooth. Stack PRT"/>
<abbrev name="ETel CDMA" abbrev="Etel CDMA"/>
<abbrev name="ETel Multimode" abbrev="ETel Multi&#xad;mode"/>
<abbrev name="ETel Server and Core" abbrev="ETel Server &amp; Core"/>
<abbrev name="Fax Client and Server" abbrev="Fax Client &amp; Server"/>
<abbrev name="Phonebook Sync" abbrev="Phone&#xad;book Sync"/>
<abbrev name="Bearer Abstraction Layer" abbrev="Bearer Abstrac&#xad;tion Layer"/>
<abbrev name="M-Router" abbrev="m-Router"/>
<abbrev name="C Standard Library" abbrev="C std. Library"/>
<abbrev name="Certificate and Key Management" abbrev="Cert. &amp; Key Manage&#xad;ment"/>
<abbrev name="Crypto Token Framework" abbrev="Crypto. Token Frmwk."/>
<abbrev name="Task Scheduler" abbrev="Task Sched&#xad;uler"/>
<abbrev name="Bit GDI" abbrev="Bit GDI"/>
<abbrev name="Font and Bitmap Server" abbrev="Font &amp;Bitmp. Server"/>
<abbrev name="FreeType Font Rasteriser" abbrev="FreeType Font Rster."/>
<abbrev name="Broadcast Tuner" abbrev="Broad&#xad;cast Tuner"/>
<abbrev name="Camera Framework" abbrev="Camera Frmwk."/>
<abbrev name="Image Conversion Library" abbrev="Image Conv. Library"/>
<abbrev name="Image Conversion Library Plugins" abbrev="Image Conv. Library Plugins"/>
<abbrev name="Multimedia Framework" abbrev="Multi&#xad;media Frmwk."/>
<abbrev name="Multimedia Framework Plugins" abbrev="Multi&#xad;media Frmwk. Plugins"/>
<abbrev name="OpenGL ES Framework" abbrev="OpenGL ES Frmwk."/>
<abbrev name="Control Environment" abbrev="Control Environ&#xad;ment"/>
<abbrev name="UI Look and Feel" abbrev="UI Look &amp;Feel"/>
<abbrev name="UIKON" abbrev="Uikon"/>
<abbrev name="Text Formatting" abbrev="Text Formatt&#xad;ing"/>
<abbrev name="OpenGL ES Implementation" abbrev="OpenGL ES Implemen&#xad;tation"/>
<abbrev name="HTML to RichText Converter" abbrev="HTML to RichText Cnvter."/>
<abbrev name="File Converter Plugins" abbrev="File Cnvter. Plugins"/>
<abbrev name="RichText to HTML Converter" abbrev="RichText to HTML Cnvter."/>
<abbrev name="Time Zone Server" abbrev="Timezone Server"/>
<abbrev name="Time Zone Compiler" abbrev="Timezone Compiler"/>
<abbrev name="Time Zone Database" abbrev="Timezone Database"/>
<abbrev name="Time Zone Localisation" abbrev="Timezone Locali&#xad;sation"/>
<abbrev name="POP3 and SMTP MTM" abbrev="POP3 &amp; SMTP MTMs"/>
<abbrev name="Front End Processor" abbrev="Front End Proces&#xad;sor"/>
<abbrev name="Integrator ARM1136 Core Module" abbrev="Integrtr. ARM1136 Core Module"/>
<abbrev name="Integrator ARM920 Core Module" abbrev="Integrtr. ARM920 Core Module"/>
<abbrev name="Integrator Core Modules" abbrev="Integrtr. Core Modules"/>
<abbrev name="Integrator Motherboard" abbrev="Integrtr. Mother&#xad;board"/>
<abbrev name="Integrator SSR NAND Logic Module" abbrev="Integrtr. SSR NAND Logic Module"/>
<abbrev name="Integrator XX600 Logic Module" abbrev="Integrtr. XX600 Logic Module"/>

<abbrev name="SIP Subconnection Provider" abbrev="SIP Subcon. Provider"/>
<abbrev name="SIP Connection Provider" abbrev="SIP Connec&#xad;tion Provider"/>
<abbrev name="SIP Connection Plugins" abbrev="SIP Connec&#xad;tion Plugins"/>
<abbrev name="MTP File and Folder Provider" abbrev="MTP File &amp; Folder Provider"/>
<abbrev name="OMA SyncML Common Framework" abbrev="OMA SyncML Common Frmwk."/>
<abbrev name="Central Repository 2" abbrev="Central Repos&#xad;itory 2"/>
<abbrev name="Power, Memory and Disk Management" abbrev="Power &amp; Shutdown Manage&#xad;ment"/>
<abbrev name="Hardware Resources Manager" abbrev="Hardware Resource Manager"/>

<abbrev name="ROFS File System" abbrev="ROFS"/>
<abbrev name="USB Mass Storage File System" abbrev="USB Mass Storage FS"/>
<abbrev name="LFFS File System" abbrev="LFFS"/>
<abbrev name="NTFS File System" abbrev="NTFS"/>
<abbrev name="NAND Flash Translation Layer" abbrev="NAND Flash Trans&#xad;lation Layer"/>
<abbrev name="Inter-System Communication" abbrev="Inter-System Comms."/>
<abbrev name="Baseband Channel Adaptor for ISC" abbrev="ISC BCA"/>
<abbrev name="Connection Provider Plugin" abbrev="Connec&#xad;tion Provider Plugin"/>
<abbrev  name="HCI Framework" abbrev="HCI Frmwk."/>
<abbrev  name="CDMA WAP Protocol" abbrev="CDMA WAP PRT"/>
<abbrev  name="Etel CDMA" abbrev="ETel CDMA"/>
<abbrev  name="OpenVG Implementation" abbrev="OpenVG Implemen&#xad;tation"/>

<abbrev name="Imaging Frameworks" abbrev="Imaging Frmwks."/>
<abbrev name="EGL Implementation" abbrev="EGL Implemen&#xad;tation"/>
<abbrev name="iType Font Rasteriser" abbrev="iType Font Rster."/>
<abbrev name="Location Framework" abbrev="Location Frmwrk."/>
<abbrev name="MTP Framework" abbrev="MTP Frmwk."/>
<abbrev name="UTRACE" abbrev="UTrace"/>
<abbrev name="WLDDATABASEKIT" abbrev="World Database Kit"/>
<abbrev name="WLDTOOLS" abbrev="World Database Tools"/>
<abbrev name="CAF Recogniser Config" ref="true" abbrev="CAF Recog&#xad;niser Config"/>
<abbrev name="Integrator Unistore2 NAND Logic Module" ref="true" abbrev="Integrtr. Unistore2 NAND Logic Module"/>
<abbrev name="Integrator Panasonic Logic Module" ref="true" abbrev="Integrtr. Panasonic Logic Module"/>
<abbrev name="OMAP H4 Mini Environment Boot Loader" ref="true" abbrev="H4 Mini Env. Boot Loader"/>
<abbrev name="StrongArm 1100 ASSP"  ref="true" abbrev="Strong&#xad;Arm 1100 ASSP"/>
<abbrev name="Connectivity Services" abbrev="Connec&#xad;tivity Services"/>
<abbrev name="Connectivity Framework" abbrev="Connec&#xad;tivity Frmwk."/>
<abbrev name="Multimedia Validation Suite Integration Tests" abbrev="MVS Integration Tests"/>

<abbrev name="Device Management Integration Test" abbrev="Dev Man Integration Test"/>
<abbrev name="Event Broadcast" abbrev="Event Broad&#xad;cast"/>
<abbrev name="Speech Recognition Controller" abbrev="Speech Recog&#xad;nition Cntrllr."/>
<abbrev name="Comms Database Shim" abbrev="Comms Dbase. Shim"/>
<abbrev name="Predictor Compression" abbrev="Predictor Compres&#xad;sion"/>
<abbrev name="Stac LZS Compression" abbrev="Stac LZS Compres&#xad;sion"/>
<abbrev name="QoS Framework Config" abbrev="QoS Frmwk. Config"/>
<abbrev name="Bluetooth HCI Proxy" abbrev="Btooth. HCI Proxy"/>
<abbrev name="Bluetooth HCI Implementation" abbrev="Btooth. HCI Impl."/>
<abbrev name="Bluetooth Notifiers" abbrev="Btooth. Notifiers"/>
<abbrev name="Bluetooth Configuration" abbrev="Btooth. Config"/>
<abbrev name="Bluetooth GAVDP" abbrev="Btooth. GAVDP"/>
<abbrev name="Bluetooth ROM" abbrev="Btooth. ROM"/>
<abbrev name="Bluetooth User" abbrev="Btooth. User"/>
<abbrev name="Bluetooth Common" abbrev="Btooth. Common"/>
<abbrev name="Bluetooth Common" abbrev="Btooth. Common"/>
<abbrev name="Bluetooth HCI Extension Interface" abbrev="Btooth. HCI Ext. Interface"/>
<abbrev name="MTP USB Transport" abbrev="MTP USB Trans&#xad;port"/>
<abbrev name="MTP PTP-IP Transport" abbrev="MTP PTP-IP Trans&#xad;port"/>     
<abbrev name="FM Transmitter Control" abbrev="FM Transmit. Control"/>	
<abbrev name="Graphics Data Resource Adaptation" abbrev="Graphics Data Resource Adapt."/>	
<abbrev name="Watcher Framework" abbrev="Watcher Frmwk."/>
<abbrev name="Strong Cryptography Library" abbrev="Strong Crypto. Library"/>
<abbrev name="Weak Cryptography Library" abbrev="Weak Crypto. Library"/>
<abbrev name="EAP Framework" abbrev="EAP Frmwk."/>
<abbrev name="Kernel Architecture 1" abbrev="Kernel Arch. 1"/>
<abbrev name="Board Support Packages" abbrev="Board Support Pckgs"/>
<abbrev name="PC Side Connection Manager" abbrev="PC Side Connec&#xad;tion Manager"/>	
<abbrev name="Multimedia Utility Library" abbrev="Multi&#xad;media Utility Library"/>
<abbrev name="Open Environment Core" abbrev="Open Environ&#xad;ment Core"/>
<abbrev name="Root Certificates" abbrev="Root Certif&#xad;icates"/>
<abbrev name="User-Side Hardware Abstraction" abbrev="User Side Hardware Abstrac&#xad;tion"/>
<abbrev name="MMS Configuration" abbrev="MMS Config."/>
<abbrev name="Number Formatting" abbrev="Number Format&#xad;ting"/>
<abbrev name="Trace Framework" abbrev="Trace Frmwk."/>
<abbrev name="File-based Certificate and Key Stores" abbrev="Cert. &amp; Key Stores"/>
<abbrev name="Secure Software Install SIS Tools" abbrev="SWI SIS Tools"/>          
<abbrev name="Graphics Composition Engine" abbrev="Graphics Composi&#xad;tion Eng."/>
<abbrev name="Composition Engine Adaptation" abbrev="Compo&#xad;sition Engine Adapt."/>
<abbrev name="Local Media Subsystem" abbrev="Local Media Sub&#xad;system"/>
<abbrev name="A-GPS Adaptation Module for SIRF" abbrev="A-GPS Adapt. Module for SIRF"/>
<abbrev name="URI Permission Services" abbrev="URI Permis&#xad;sion Services"/>
<abbrev name="Network Address and Port Translation" abbrev="Network Addr &amp; Port Trans&#xad;lation"/>
<abbrev name="Certificate Store" abbrev="Cert. Store"/>      
<abbrev name="System State Reference Plugins" abbrev="System State Ref. Plugins"/>

          <!--toolkit stuff follows -->
	<abbrev name="DUMMY" abbrev="Dummy"/>
	<abbrev name="E32TEST" abbrev="E32 Test"/>
	<abbrev name="E32UTILS" abbrev="E32 Utils"/>	  
	<abbrev name="BUILDSYSTEMTOOLS" abbrev="Build System Tools"/>
	<abbrev name="BURTESTSERVER" abbrev="BUR Test Server"/>
	<abbrev name="BCCOMPARATOR" abbrev="BC Compar&#xad;ator"/>
	<abbrev name="CBRTOOLS" abbrev="CBR Tools"/>
	<abbrev name="CHATSCRIPTS" abbrev="Chat Scripts"/>
	<abbrev name="DEPCHECK" abbrev="Dependency Checker"/>
	<abbrev name="DEPMODEL" abbrev="Depmodel"/>
	<abbrev name="DEVELOPERLIBRARY" abbrev="Developer Library"/>
	<abbrev name="E32TOOLS EKA2" abbrev="E32 Tools EKA2"/>
	<abbrev name="EVALID" abbrev="Evalid"/>
	<abbrev name="KITCOMPARATOR" abbrev="Kit Compar&#xad;ator"/>
	<abbrev name="PLATTEST" abbrev="Plat Test"/>

	<abbrev name="LEAVESCAN" abbrev="Leavescan"/>
	<abbrev name="PROGRAMCHECKER" abbrev="Program Checker"/>
	<abbrev name="RCOMP" abbrev="Rcomp"/>
	<abbrev name="REDISTRIBUTION" abbrev="Redistri&#xad;bution"/>
	<abbrev name="RESOURCE_HANDLER" abbrev="Resource Handler"/>
	<abbrev name="ROMKIT_EKA2" abbrev="ROMKIT EKA2"/>
	<abbrev name="MIGRATIONTOOL" abbrev="Migration Tool"/>
	<abbrev name="TESTDRIVER" abbrev="Test Driver"/>

	<abbrev name="SMOKETEST" abbrev="Smoketest"/>
	<abbrev name="STATAPI" abbrev="Stat API"/>

	<abbrev name="STAT_DESKTOP" abbrev="Stat Desktop"/>
	<abbrev name="TESTEXECUTE" abbrev="Test Execute"/>
	<abbrev name="TESTTOOLS_DESKTOP" abbrev="Testtools Desktop"/>
	<abbrev name="CINIDATA" abbrev="CINI Data"/>
	<abbrev name="AUTOTEST" abbrev="Autotest"/>
	<abbrev name="TESTCONFIGFILEPARSER" abbrev="Test Config File Parser"/>
	<abbrev name="KITSETUPAPP" abbrev="Kit Setup App"/>
	<abbrev name="NAVIGATION_PAGES" abbrev="Navigation Pages"/>
	<abbrev name="PRODUCTINSTALLER" abbrev="Product Installer"/>
	<abbrev name="REDISTRIBUTION_WINC_EKA2" abbrev="Redistri&#xad;bution WINC EKA2"/>
	<abbrev name="MAKEKEYS" abbrev="Make Keys"/>
	<abbrev name="CAPTOOLS" abbrev="Capability Tools"/>
	<abbrev name="STLPORT" abbrev="STL Port"/>
	<abbrev name="RUNPERL" abbrev="Run PERL"/>
	<abbrev name="BUILD-TOOLS" abbrev="Build Tools"/>
	<abbrev name="JAVALIBRARY" abbrev="Java Library"/>
	<abbrev name="ASSERTION" abbrev="Assertion"/>
	<abbrev name="ENUM" abbrev="Enum"/>
	<abbrev name="LOGGER" abbrev="Logger"/>
	<abbrev name="FILESYS" abbrev="Filesys"/>
	<abbrev name="ENVVAR" abbrev="Envvar"/>
	<abbrev name="INSTALLUTILS" abbrev="Install Utils"/>
	<abbrev name="MNEMONICFIX" abbrev="Mnemonic Fix"/>
	<abbrev name="PATHBROWSER" abbrev="Path Browser"/>
	<abbrev name="SHELLEXEC" abbrev="Shell Exec"/>
	<abbrev name="SWINGWORKER" abbrev="Swing Worker"/>
	<abbrev name="TESTCASERUNNER" abbrev="Test Case Runner"/>
	<abbrev name="TOOLBARPANEL" abbrev="Toolbar Panel"/>
	<abbrev name="JAVAHELP" abbrev="Java Help"/>
	<abbrev name="LANGCONFIG" abbrev="Language Config"/>
	<abbrev name="MBMCODEC" abbrev="MBM Codec"/>
	<abbrev name="SDKINFO" abbrev="SDK Info"/>
	<abbrev name="CSHLPCMP_GUI" abbrev="CSHLPCMP GUI"/>
	<abbrev name="SDKPKG-MANAGER" abbrev="SDK Package Manager"/>
	<abbrev name="SDKPKG-TOOLS" abbrev="SDK Package Tools"/>
	<abbrev name="EMULATOR_LAUNCHER" abbrev="Emulator Launcher"/>
	<abbrev name="PKGMGRGUI" abbrev="Mackage Manager GUI"/>
	<abbrev name="LAUNCH" abbrev="Launch"/>
	<abbrev name="TOOLS_STUBS" abbrev="Tools Stubs"/>
	<abbrev name="CWPLUGINS" abbrev="CodeWarrior Plugins"/>
	<abbrev name="BSPBUILDER" abbrev="BSP Builder"/>

<abbrev name="ALP2CSH" abbrev="ALP to CSH"/>
	<abbrev name="CJPEG" abbrev="CJpeg"/>
	<abbrev name="CSHLPCMP_FRONTEND" abbrev="CSHLPCMP Frontend"/>
	<abbrev name="PERLLIBRARY" abbrev="PERL Library"/>
	<abbrev name="RTF2PTML" abbrev="RTF to PTML"/>
	<abbrev name="SPLASH" abbrev="Splash"/>

	<abbrev name="CONTACUI" abbrev="Contacts UI"/>
	<abbrev name="AGENDA" abbrev="Agenda UI"/>
	<abbrev name="AUDIO" abbrev="Audio"/>
	<abbrev name="CONTACTS" abbrev="Contacts"/>
	<abbrev name="SYNCMLAPP" abbrev="Syncml App"/>
	<abbrev name="HELP" abbrev="Help"/>
	<abbrev name="TIMEW" abbrev="TimeW"/>
	<abbrev name="SECUI" abbrev="SEC UI"/>
	<abbrev name="BLUETOOTHUI" abbrev="Bluetooth UI"/>
	<abbrev name="PHONEUI" abbrev="Phone UI"/>
	<abbrev name="IAPSTATUSAPP" abbrev="IAP Status App"/>
	<abbrev name="CONNECTUI" abbrev="Connect UI"/>
	<abbrev name="USBUI" abbrev="USB UI"/>
	<abbrev name="MESSAGINGUI" abbrev="Messaging UI"/>
	<abbrev name="AGENTNOTIFIER" abbrev="Agent Notifier"/>
	<abbrev name="VPNUI" abbrev="VPN UI"/>
	<abbrev name="STAT_DEVICE" abbrev="Stat Device"/>

	<abbrev name="RESOURCE_HANDLER_UI" abbrev="Resource Handler UI"/>
	<abbrev name="EXTRAS" abbrev="Extras"/>
	<abbrev name="STATUSPANE" abbrev="Status Pane"/>
	<abbrev name="SHELL" abbrev="Shell"/>
	<abbrev name="STARTUP" abbrev="Startup"/>
	<abbrev name="FEPSETUP" abbrev="FEP Setup"/>
	<abbrev name="CCTLCOLSCHEME" abbrev="CCTLCOL Scheme"/>
	<abbrev name="SOUNDSETUP" abbrev="Sound Setup"/>
	<abbrev name="KEYCLICKREF" abbrev="Key Click Ref"/>
	<abbrev name="ETHER AGT" abbrev="Ether AGT"/>
	<abbrev name="GDITOOLS" abbrev="GDI Tools"/>
	<abbrev name="INTEGRATIONTEST" abbrev="Integration Test"/>
	<abbrev name="MSG TEST" abbrev="Messaging Test"/>
	<abbrev name="MSG URLHANDLER" abbrev="Messaging URL Handler"/>
	<abbrev name="SYSTEMMONITOR" abbrev="System Monitor"/>
	<abbrev name="TEMPLATE_EKA2" abbrev="Template EKA2"/>
	<abbrev name="TESTTOOLS_UTILITIES" abbrev="Testtools Utilities"/>