author m2lahtel
Thu, 21 Oct 2010 16:36:53 +0300
changeset 5 d2c80f5cab53
parent 3 e7e0ae78773e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Updated to version 1.2.14

# *-* coding: utf-8 *-*
# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# @author Teemu Rytkonen

import sys, os, shutil, unittest

from testautomation.base_testcase import BaseTestCase

ROOT_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
TEMP_DIR        = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'temp/crml_dc'))

if sys.platform == "win32":
    CONE_SCRIPT = "cone.cmd"
    CONE_SCRIPT = "cone"

def get_cmd(action='compare'):
    """Return the command used to run the ConE sub-action"""
    if 'CONE_PATH' in os.environ:
        CONE_CMD = os.path.join(os.environ['CONE_PATH'], CONE_SCRIPT)
        if not os.path.exists(CONE_CMD):
            raise RuntimeError("'%s' does not exist!" % CONE_CMD)
        return '"%s" %s' % (CONE_CMD, action)
        SOURCE_ROOT = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, '../../..'))
        assert os.path.split(SOURCE_ROOT)[1] == 'source'
        cmd = 'python "%s" %s' % (os.path.normpath(os.path.join(SOURCE_ROOT, 'scripts/')), action)
        return cmd

def get_crml_dc_testdata_dir():
    # If running from the working copy
    dir1 = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, '../ConeCRMLPlugin/CRMLPlugin/tests'))
    if os.path.isdir(dir1): return dir1
    # If running from standalone
    dir2 = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'testdata/compare/crml_dc'))
    if os.path.isdir(dir2): return dir2
    raise RuntimeError("CRML DC test data found neither in '%s' nor '%s'!" % (dir1, dir2))

class TestCompareAction(BaseTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        if not os.path.exists(TEMP_DIR):
    def _run_crml_dc_test(self, crml_file_name_without_extension, do_filtering=True):
        testdata_dir = get_crml_dc_testdata_dir()
        report_file = 'crml_dc_%s.csv' % crml_file_name_without_extension
        if do_filtering:
            impl_filter = '%s' % crml_file_name_without_extension
            impl_filter = '.*'
            source_project  = os.path.join(testdata_dir, 'comp_project_1'),
            source_conf     = 'root.confml',
            target_project  = os.path.join(testdata_dir, 'comp_project_2'),
            target_conf     = 'root.confml',
            report_type     = 'crml_dc_csv',
            report_file     = report_file,
            impl_filter     = impl_filter,
            check_against_expected_output = True)
    def test_crml_dc_00000001_simple_keys(self):        self._run_crml_dc_test('00000001_simple_keys')
    def test_crml_dc_00000002_bitmask_keys(self):       self._run_crml_dc_test('00000002_bitmask_keys')
    def test_crml_dc_00000003_key_ranges(self):         self._run_crml_dc_test('00000003_key_ranges')
    def test_crml_dc_00000004_key_type_changed(self):   self._run_crml_dc_test('00000004_key_type_changed')
    def test_crml_dc_00000005_repo_attrs_changed(self): self._run_crml_dc_test('00000005_repo_attrs_changed')
    def test_crml_dc_10000001_removed_repo(self):       self._run_crml_dc_test('10000001_removed_repo')
    def test_crml_dc_20000001_added_repo(self):         self._run_crml_dc_test('20000001_added_repo')
    def test_crml_dc_00000006_renamed_repo(self):       self._run_crml_dc_test('00000006_renamed_repo')
    def test_crml_dc_30000000_duplicate_repo(self):     self._run_crml_dc_test('30000000_duplicate_repo')
    def test_crml_dc_all(self):                         self._run_crml_dc_test('all', do_filtering=False)
    def test_crml_dc_html_report(self):
        testdata_dir = get_crml_dc_testdata_dir()
        # Ignore the portion of the data where the path to the target is shown
        ignore_patterns = [r'<tr>\s*<td>Target:</td>\s*<td>.*[\\,/]comp_project_2;root.confml</td>']
            source_project  = os.path.join(testdata_dir, 'comp_project_1'),
            source_conf     = 'root.confml',
            target_project  = os.path.join(testdata_dir, 'comp_project_2'),
            target_conf     = 'root.confml',
            report_type     = 'crml_dc',
            report_file     = 'crml_dc.html',
            check_against_expected_output = True,
            data_ignore_patterns = ignore_patterns)
    def _run_comparison_test(self, **kwargs):
        Run comparison test.
        @param source_project: The source project, relative to the test data directory or an
            absolute path.
        @param source_conf: The source configuration.
        @param target_project: The target project, relative to the test data directory
            If not given or None, the source project will be used also for this.
        @param target_conf: The target configuration.
        @param template: The template file used for the report, relative to the test data directory.
        @param report_type: The report type. Should not be used with the 'template' parameter.
        @param report_file: The location where the report is written. This will also be used as
            the name of the expected report file against which the actual report is checked.
        @param impl_filter: Implementation filter to use.
        @param check_against_expected_output: If True, the actual report is checked against an
            expected file with the same name. Otherwise it is just checked that the output
            file has been created and it contains something.
        @param data_ignore_patterns: List of regular expression patterns for ignoring some portions
            of the data when checking against expected output. The patterns are used to remove
            data portions before doing the actual comparison.
        # Get parameters
        # ---------------
        def get_project_absdir(project_dir):
            if os.path.isabs(project_dir):
                return project_dir
                return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(TESTDATA_DIR, project_dir))
        source_conf = kwargs['source_conf']
        target_conf = kwargs['target_conf']
        source_project = get_project_absdir(kwargs['source_project'])
        target_project = kwargs.get('target_project', None)
        if target_project != None:
            target_project = get_project_absdir(target_project)
            target_conf = target_project + ';' + target_conf
        template = kwargs.get('template', None)
        report_type = kwargs.get('report_type', None)
        if template and report_type:
            raise ValueError("Both 'template' and 'report_type' parameters given")
        elif not template and not report_type:
            raise ValueError("Neither 'template' not 'report_type' parameter given")
        elif template:
            template = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(TESTDATA_DIR, template))
        report_file = kwargs['report_file']
        check_against_expected_output = kwargs['check_against_expected_output']
        actual_report = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(TEMP_DIR, report_file))
        impl_filter = kwargs.get('impl_filter', None)
        # Generate output
        # ----------------
        if report_type:
            command = '%s -p "%s" -s "%s" -t "%s" --report-type "%s" --report "%s"' \
                % (get_cmd(), source_project, source_conf, target_conf, report_type, actual_report)
            command = '%s -p "%s" -s "%s" -t "%s" --template "%s" --report "%s"' \
                % (get_cmd(), source_project, source_conf, target_conf, template, actual_report)
        if impl_filter:
            command += ' --impl-filter "%s"' % impl_filter
        # Check output
        # -------------
        if check_against_expected_output:
            expected_report = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'testdata/crml_dc_expected', report_file))
            ignore_patterns = kwargs.get('data_ignore_patterns', [])
            self.assert_file_contents_equal(expected_report, actual_report, ignore_patterns)
if __name__ == '__main__':