author m2lahtel
Thu, 21 Oct 2010 16:36:53 +0300
changeset 5 d2c80f5cab53
parent 1 b538b70cbe51
permissions -rw-r--r--
Updated to version 1.2.14

This tests styles in the Shapes XML file
- specifying CSS: layers are filled in with colour #90f090 and have a red border
- dashed borders: "fake" components have dashed borders
- styling collections: java collections have thick dashed borders
- backwards compatibility: <style match="module"> works the same as <style match="collection">
- border highlighting: borders have back or orange glow outside of borders. 
- text highlighting on collections: Any collection with four components will have the label outlined in blue
- mixing rules and values for colours: colours based on OSD are values, the rest are rules
- Item background colours: some collections, blocks and subblocks have background colours


ini-output.svg has CoreOS colouring. Turning off the colouring turns on the alignment of the top two layers.

The order of the legend is different between ini-output.svg and model-output.svg. When using an ini file the legend order is arbitrary, while it can be controlled in the model.xml.