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Configuring Logging
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* Will be initiated by the ANT Listener.
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* Logging will starts whenever build starts.
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* Helium logging framework offers you to configure the ant logging system for different stages of builds.
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* You can log the build process into seperate ant log files for each stage.
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* You can configure the log system to log different level of information (ex: debug, vebose, error).
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The configuration:
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We can configure the stages for which helium should log the build process.
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* Stages
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* Stages are like preparation, compilation, postbuild etc.. for which we need to log build process.
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* Stages will have attributes for start and end targets.
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* Stages will specify from which target we need log the build process and at which target we need to end logging build process.
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.. csv-table::
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:header: "Attribute", "Description", "Required"
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"id", "Name of Stage (preparation, compilation)","Yes"
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"starttarget", "Name of target to start logging.","Yes"
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"endtarget", "Name of target to end logging.","Yes"
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* Stagerecord
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* Will record/log the build process from start target to end target mentioned in the Stage type.
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* Need provide attributes like output log file, loglevel.
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* Supports passwordfilterset datatype. If we need to filter any passwords from specific stage log files.
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.. csv-table::
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:header: "Attribute", "Description", "Required"
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"id", "ID for stage record entry.", "Yes"
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"defaultoutput", "File to record main ant log file" "Yes (should not have stagerefid attribute if stage record has defaultoutput)"
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"stagerefid", "Stage reference ID. Exactly as given in the Stage", "Yes"
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"output", "File to record the build process.", "Yes"
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"loglevel", "Loglevel to record type of information. ex: debug, info, vebose", "No, Default it will be info"
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"append", "To append the logging into existing file.", "No, Default it will be false"
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.. code-block:: xml
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<hlm:stage id="preparation" starttarget="prep" endtarget="prep"/>
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<hlm:stage id="compilation" starttarget="compile-main" endtarget="compile-main"/>
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<hlm:stagerecord id="stage.default" defaultoutput="${build.log.dir}/${build.id}_main.ant.log" loglevel="info" append="true"/>
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<hlm:stagerecord id="stage.preparation" stagerefid="preparation" output="${build.log.dir}/${build.id}_prep.ant.log" loglevel="info" append="true"/>
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<hlm:stagerecord id="stage.compilation" stagerefid="compilation" output="${build.log.dir}/${build.id}_compile.ant.log" loglevel="info" append="true"/>
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logreplace Task (hlm:logreplace)
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* LogReplace task will filter out the string from stage logging files.
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* If we need to filter out any user passwords and specific word which should n't be logged can passed to stage logging through this task.
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* Specified string will be filtered out from all the stages logging files.
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* It will not be filtered our by hlm:record task. To filter out the same need to passed to hlm:record task through recorderfilterset or recordfilter.
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This example will filter out unix password value from all the stage logging files.
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.. code-block:: xml
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<hlm:logreplace regexp="${unix.password}"/>
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Record Task (hlm:record)
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* Behaviour is same ANT record task with some addon features.
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* Filerts the logging messages which are passed through the filters to hlm:record task.
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* Will stops the logging happening by listener for any stages and resumes to stage logging once hlm:record task finishes.
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Below example
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* Will sets one recoderfilteset.
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* Will record the given target/tasks into ${build.id}_stagetest.log file by filtering the regexp mentioned in the recorderfilterset and recordfilter.
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.. code-block:: xml
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<hlm:recordfilterset id="recordfilter.config">
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<hlm:recordfilter category="info" regexp="ERROR" />
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<hlm:record name="${build.log.dir}/${build.id}_stagetest.log" action="start" loglevel="info">
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<hlm:recordfilterset refid="recordfilter.config"/>
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<hlm:recordfilter category="unix" regexp="${unix.password}" />
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... Call tasks you would like to record the output ...
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<hlm:record name="${build.log.dir}/${build.id}_stagetest.log" action="stop" append="true" />
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