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Testing a Cluster to See if it is Correctly Configured
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The tests in this directory can be seen only as examples of how to test a cluster. They would have to be customised before use on any particular cluster.
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The tests here are aimed at:
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1) Testing that the configuration of each nodes and that services such as NIS,DNS and NTP are configured.
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This requires that logins for the current user work on all nodes.
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2) Checking that raptor-relevant software is installed and that the compiler can obtain licenses.
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3) Testing that PVM is installed and will run without crashing (solves a problem that has occurred in the past).
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4) Tests that PVM can run commands on all nodes.
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Typically one would run headtest.sh which performs the tests relating to items 1-3. It causes "nodetest.sh" to be run on all nodes.
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./headtest.sh node1 node2 node3
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pvmtest.sh can be used to check that pvm is working by running the compiler on each node via pvm.
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./pvmtest node1 node2 node3
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None of these tests is automatic - one must simply observe the output.