changeset 0 044383f39525
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:044383f39525
     1 #
     2 # Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 # All rights reserved.
     4 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 # under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 # at the URL "".
     8 #
     9 # Initial Contributors:
    10 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 #
    12 # Contributors:
    13 #
    14 # Description: 
    15 #
    17 use strict;
    18 use warnings;
    19 use Cwd;		# for cwd
    20 use FindBin;		# for FindBin::Bin
    21 use File::Copy;		# for copy()
    23 my $curdrive="x";	    	# will be initialised when first needed
    24 my $PerlBinPath;	# fully qualified pathname of the directory containing this script
    26 # establish the path to the Perl binaries
    27 BEGIN {
    28 	require 5.005_03;		# check user has a version of perl that will cope
    29 	$PerlBinPath = $FindBin::Bin;	# X:/epoc32/tools
    30 	$PerlBinPath =~ s/\//\\/g;	# X:\epoc32\tools
    31 }
    32 use lib $PerlBinPath;
    34 print "$PerlBinPath\n";
    36 open EPOCRC_INPUT, "epocrc_input.txt";
    37 if(!(-d "test-data"))
    38 {
    39 	mkdir("test-data") || die "Cannot mkdir test-data: $!";
    40 }
    41 my $file_line;
    42 my $state = 0;
    43 my $line_number = 0;
    44 my $rss_number="";
    45 my $expected_stdout_file = "";
    46 my $expected_stderr_file = "";
    47 my $rls_file;
    48 my $rss_file;
    49 my @extra_args;
    51 while($file_line = <EPOCRC_INPUT>)
    52 {
    53 	$line_number++;
    54 	if($state == 0)
    55 	{
    56 		if($file_line=~/^\s*\+\+\+\+\s*$/)
    57 		{ $state = 1;	next; 
    58 		}
    59 		elsif($file_line=~/^\s*$/)
    60 		{ next; # do nothing as blank line
    61 		}
    62 		else 
    63 		{ 	print "Error on line number $line_number.\n";
    64 			exit(1); 
    65 		}
    66 	}
    67 	if($state == 1)
    68 	{
    69 		if($file_line=~/^\s*\*{4}Number:\s*(\d+)\s*$/)
    70 		{ $state = 2;	
    71 			$rss_number = "$1";
    72 			if(!(-d  "$PerlBinPath\\test-data\\$rss_number"))
    73 			{
    74 				mkdir "$PerlBinPath\\test-data\\$rss_number";
    75 			}
    76 			next; 
    77 		}
    78 		elsif($file_line=~/^\s*$/)
    79 		{ next; # do nothing as blank line
    80 		}
    81 		else 
    82 		{ 	print "Error on line number $line_number.\n";
    83 			exit(1);
    84 		}
    85 	}
    86 	if($state == 2)
    87 	{
    88 		if($file_line=~/^\s*\*{4}Extra args:(.*)$/)
    89 		{	
    90 			$state = 3;
    91 			if($1 ne "")
    92 			{
    93 				push @extra_args, $1;
    94 			}
    95 			else
    96 			{
    97 				push @extra_args, "";
    98 			}
    99 			next;
   100 		}
   101 	}
   102 	if($state == 3)
   103 	{
   104 		if($file_line=~/^\s*\*{4}Expected stdout:\s*$/)
   105 		{ 
   106 			$state = 4;
   107 			close RLS_FILE;
   108 			$expected_stdout_file = "$PerlBinPath\\test-data\\$rss_number\\expected.stdout";
   109 			open STDOUT_FILE, ">$expected_stdout_file";
   110 			next; 
   111 		}
   112 		elsif($file_line=~/^\s*$/)
   113 		{ 
   114 			next; # do nothing as blank line
   115 		}
   116 		else 
   117 		{ 	
   118 			print "Error on line number $line_number.\n";
   119 			exit(1);
   120 		}
   121 	}
   122 	if($state == 4)
   123 	{
   124 		if($file_line=~/^\s*\*{4}Expected stderr:\s*$/)
   125 		{ $state = 5;	
   126 			close STDOUT_FILE;
   127 			$expected_stderr_file = "$PerlBinPath\\test-data\\$rss_number\\expected.stderr";
   128 			open STDERR_FILE, ">$expected_stderr_file";
   129 			next; 
   130 		}
   131 		else 
   132 		{ print STDOUT_FILE $file_line;
   133 		}
   134 	}
   135 	if($state == 5)
   136 	{
   137 		if($file_line=~/^\s*\*{4}rss data:\s*$/)
   138 		{ $state = 6;	
   139 			close STDERR_FILE;
   140 			$rss_file = "$PerlBinPath\\test-data\\$rss_number\\test$rss_number\.rss";
   141 			open RSS_FILE, ">$rss_file";
   142 			next; 
   143 		}
   144 		else 
   145 		{ print STDERR_FILE $file_line;
   146 		}
   147 	}
   148 	if($state == 6)
   149 	{
   150 		if($file_line=~/^\s*\*{4}rls data:\s*$/)
   151 		{ $state = 7;	
   152 			close RSS_FILE;
   153 			$rls_file = "$PerlBinPath\\test-data\\$rss_number\\test$rss_number\.rls";
   154 			open RLS_FILE, ">$rls_file";
   155 			next; 
   156 		}
   157 		else 
   158 		{ print RSS_FILE $file_line;
   159 		}
   160 	}	
   161 	if($state == 7)
   162 	{
   163 		if($file_line=~/^\s*----\s*$/)
   164 		{ $state = 0;	
   165 			close RLS_FILE;
   166 			next; 
   167 		}
   168 		else 
   169 		{ print RLS_FILE $file_line;
   170 		}
   171 	}
   172 }
   173 close RLS_FILE;
   177 if($state)
   178 { 
   179 	print "Error: end of file reached while still processing.\n";
   180 	exit(1);
   181 }
   183 my $test_directory = "$PerlBinPath\\test-data\\";
   184 my $rsc_directory = "$PerlBinPath\\rsc-files\\";
   186 print $test_directory . "\n";
   187 my $epocrc = "";
   188 opendir DH, $test_directory or die "Couldn't open the test directory: $!";
   189 my $folder;
   190 while ($folder = readdir(DH))
   191 {
   192 	if($folder ne "\." && $folder ne "\.\.")
   193 	{
   194 		print "\n---$folder---\n";
   195 		my $this_test_dir = "$test_directory$folder\\";
   196 		my $test_name = $this_test_dir. "test$folder.rss";
   197 		my $rcomp = "rcomp";
   199 		if(!(-e $test_name))
   200 		{
   201 			print "Skipping $test_name, cannot find file.\n";
   202 		}
   203 		else
   204 		{
   205 			my $file_line;	
   206 			open EPOCRC_TEST, ">epocrc.test";
   207 			print EPOCRC_TEST "RCOMP: $rcomp\n";
   208 			print EPOCRC_TEST "TEST-NUMBER: $folder\n";
   209 			print EPOCRC_TEST "TEST-DIR: $this_test_dir\n";
   210 			close EPOCRC_TEST;
   211 			$epocrc = "epocrc $test_name -o$this_test_dir" . "test$folder\.rsc -h$this_test_dir" . "test$folder\.rsg -t$this_test_dir -v -u -la -epocrc-test $extra_args[$folder-1]";
   212 			print "$epocrc\n";
   213 			system($epocrc);
   214 		}
   215 	}
   216 }
   219 # this stage will compare the stderr files of each test to check the output is as expected.
   220 # empty lines are ignored but the order in which the errors occur are kept to as these should be the same
   221 # in both files.
   222 opendir DH, $test_directory or die "Couldn't open the test directory: $!";
   223 print "\n\nComparing stderr files\n\n";
   224 while ($folder = readdir(DH))
   225 {
   226 	if($folder ne "\." && $folder ne "\.\.")
   227 	{
   228 		print "\n---$folder---\n";
   229 		my $this_test_dir = "$test_directory$folder\\";
   230 		if(!(-e $this_test_dir . "expected.stderr"))
   231 		{
   232 			print "Could not find " . $this_test_dir . "expected.stderr\n";
   233 			next;
   234 		}
   235 		if(!(-e $this_test_dir . "rcomp.stderr"))
   236 		{
   237 			print "Could not find " . $this_test_dir . "rcomp.stderr\n";
   238 			next;
   239 		}	
   241 		# read in the lines from the expected output ignoring whitespace only lines
   242 		my @expected_values;
   243 		my $file_line;
   244 		open EXPECTED, $this_test_dir . "expected.stderr";
   245 		while($file_line = <EXPECTED>)
   246 		{
   247 			if($file_line!~/^\s*$/)
   248 			{
   249 				push @expected_values, $file_line;
   250 			}
   251 		}
   252 		close EXPECTED;
   254 		# read in the lines from the actual output ignoring whitespace only lines
   255 		my @actual_values;
   256 		open ACTUAL, $this_test_dir . "rcomp.stderr";
   257 		while($file_line = <ACTUAL>)
   258 		{
   259 			if($file_line!~/^\s*$/)
   260 			{
   261 				push @actual_values, $file_line;
   262 			}
   263 		}
   264 		close ACTUAL;
   266 		if((scalar @expected_values) != (scalar @actual_values))
   267 		{
   268 			print "In " . $this_test_dir . ", actual and expected stderr have different sizes\n";
   269 			next;
   270 		}
   271 		my $expected_file;
   272 		my $expected_line_number;
   273 		my $expected_type;
   274 		my $expected_warning_number;
   275 		my $expected_non_loc_warning;
   276 		my $actual_file;
   277 		my $actual_line_number;
   278 		my $actual_type;
   279 		my $actual_warning_number;
   280 		my $actual_non_loc_warning;
   282 		for( my $i = 0 ; $i < scalar @expected_values ; $i++)
   283 		{
   284 			$expected_file = "";
   285 			$expected_line_number = "";
   286 			$expected_type = "";
   287 			$expected_warning_number = "";
   288 			$expected_non_loc_warning = "";
   289 			$actual_file = "";
   290 			$actual_line_number = "";
   291 			$actual_type = "";
   292 			$actual_warning_number = "";
   293 			$actual_non_loc_warning = "";
   295 			if($expected_values[$i]=~/^\s*\S+(test-data\S+)\((\d+)\)\s*\:\s*(Warning:)\s*\((\d+)\).*$/)
   296 			{
   297 				$expected_file = $1;
   298 				$expected_line_number = $2;
   299 				$expected_type = $3;
   300 				$expected_warning_number = $4;
   301 			}
   302 			else
   303 			{
   304 				$expected_non_loc_warning = $expected_values[$i];
   305 			}
   306 			if($actual_values[$i]=~/^\s*\S+(test-data\S+)\((\d+)\)\s*\:\s*(Warning:)\s*\((\d+)\).*$/)
   307 			{
   308 				$actual_file = $1;
   309 				$actual_line_number = $2;
   310 				$actual_type = $3;
   311 				$actual_warning_number = $4;
   312 			}
   313 			else
   314 			{
   315 				$actual_non_loc_warning = $actual_values[$i];
   316 			}
   318 			if($actual_non_loc_warning ne "")
   319 			{
   320 				if(	$actual_non_loc_warning != $expected_non_loc_warning )
   321 				{
   322 					print "In " . $this_test_dir . ", $actual_non_loc_warning doesn't match $expected_non_loc_warning\n"; 
   324 				}
   325 			}
   326 			else
   327 			{
   328 				if( $actual_file ne $expected_file)
   329 				{
   330 					print "In " . $this_test_dir . ", $expected_values[$i] doens't have a matching file name.\n"; 
   331 					print "Actual: $actual_file, Expected: $expected_file\n";
   332 				}
   333 				elsif( $actual_line_number != $expected_line_number )
   334 				{
   335 					print "In " . $this_test_dir . ", $expected_values[$i] doens't have a matching line number.\n"; 
   336 				}
   337 				elsif( $actual_type ne $expected_type )
   338 				{
   339 					print "In " . $this_test_dir . ", $expected_values[$i] doens't have a matching warning type.\n"; 
   340 				}
   341 				elsif( $actual_warning_number ne $expected_warning_number )
   342 				{
   343 					print "In " . $this_test_dir . ", $expected_values[$i] doens't have a matching warning number.\n"; 
   344 				}
   345 			}
   346 		}
   347 	}
   348 }
   350 close DH;
   352 # this stage will compare the stdout files of each test to check the output is as expected.
   353 # empty lines are ignored but the order in which the output occur are kept to as these should be the same
   354 # in both files.
   355 opendir DH, $test_directory or die "Couldn't open the test directory: $!";
   357 print "\n\nComparing stdout files\n\n";
   358 while ($folder = readdir(DH))
   359 {
   360 	if($folder ne "\." && $folder ne "\.\.")
   361 	{
   362 		print "\n---$folder---\n";
   363 		my $this_test_dir = "$test_directory$folder\\";
   364 		if(!(-e $this_test_dir . "expected.stdout"))
   365 		{
   366 			print "Could not find " . $this_test_dir . "expected.stdout\n";
   367 			next;
   368 		}
   369 		if(!(-e $this_test_dir . "rcomp.stdout"))
   370 		{
   371 			print "Could not find " . $this_test_dir . "rcomp.stdout\n";
   372 			next;
   373 		}	
   375 		# read in the lines from the expected output ignoring whitespace only lines
   376 		my @expected_values;
   377 		my $file_line;
   378 		open EXPECTED, $this_test_dir . "expected.stdout";
   379 		while($file_line = <EXPECTED>)
   380 		{
   381 			if($file_line=~/^uidcrc\.exe (0x\S{8}) (0x\S{8}) (0x\S{8}) .*test-data(.*)$/)
   382 			{
   383 				push @expected_values, "$1,$2,$3,$4";
   384 			}
   385 			elsif($file_line!~/^\s*$/)
   386 			{
   387 				push @expected_values, $file_line;
   388 			}
   389 		}
   390 		close EXPECTED;
   392 		# read in the lines from the actual output ignoring whitespace only lines
   393 		my @actual_values;
   394 		open ACTUAL, $this_test_dir . "rcomp.stdout";
   395 		while($file_line = <ACTUAL>)
   396 		{
   397 			if($file_line=~/^uidcrc\.exe (0x\S{8}) (0x\S{8}) (0x\S{8}) .*test-data(.*)$/)
   398 			{
   399 				push @actual_values, "$1,$2,$3,$4";
   400 			}
   401 			elsif($file_line!~/^\s*$/)
   402 			{
   403 				push @actual_values, $file_line;
   404 			}
   405 		}
   406 		close ACTUAL;
   408 		if((scalar @expected_values) != (scalar @actual_values))
   409 		{
   410 			print "In " . $this_test_dir . ", actual and expected stdout have different sizes\n";
   411 			next;
   412 		}
   414 		for( my $i = 0 ; $i < scalar @expected_values ; $i++)
   415 		{
   416 			if($expected_values[$i] ne $actual_values[$i])
   417 			{
   418 				print "stdout files differ\n";
   419 				next;
   420 			}
   421 		}
   422 	}
   423 }
   425 close DH;
   427 # this stage will compare the compiled files of each test to check the output is as expected.
   428 opendir DH, $test_directory or die "Couldn't open the test directory: $!";
   430 print "\n\nComparing compiled files\n\n";
   431 while ($folder = readdir(DH))
   432 {
   433 	if($folder ne "\." && $folder ne "\.\.")
   434 	{
   435 		print "\n---$folder---\n";
   436 		my $controlFile = $rsc_directory . "test$folder\.rsc";
   437 		my $producedFile = $test_directory . $folder . "\\test$folder\.rsc";
   438 		my $testOutput = `diff $controlFile $producedFile --binary -s`;
   439 		my $differOutput = "Binary files $controlFile and $producedFile differ\n";
   440 		my $identicalOutput = "Files $controlFile and $producedFile are identical\n";
   441 		if($testOutput eq $identicalOutput)
   442 		{
   443 			# do nothing, blank output implies success
   444 		}
   445 		elsif($testOutput eq $differOutput)
   446 		{
   447 			print "$testOutput";
   448 		}
   449 		else
   450 		{
   451 			print "Unrecognised output: $testOutput";
   452 		}
   453 	}
   454 }
   456 close DH;
   458 unlink "epocrc.test";