changeset 0 044383f39525
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:044383f39525
     1 // Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // e32tools\petran\Szip\encode.cpp
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #include "huffman.h"
    19 #include "panic.h"
    20 #include <e32base.h>
    21 #include "h_utl.h"
    22 #include <assert.h>
    23 #include "farray.h"
    24 #include <stdlib.h>
    26 void User::Invariant()
    27 	{
    28 	fprintf(stderr, "User::Invariant() called\n");
    29 	exit(1);
    30 	}
    32 // local definitions used for Huffman code generation
    33 typedef TUint16 THuff;		/** @internal */
    34 const THuff KLeaf=0x8000;	/** @internal */
    35 struct TNode
    36 /** @internal */
    37 	{
    38 	TUint iCount;
    39 	THuff iLeft;
    40 	THuff iRight;
    41 	};
    43 void HuffmanLengthsL(TUint32* aLengths,const TNode* aNodes,TInt aNode,TInt aLen)
    44 /** recursive function to calculate the code lengths from the node tree
    46 	@internal
    47 */
    48 	{
    49 	if (++aLen>Huffman::KMaxCodeLength)
    50 		Panic(EHuffmanBufferOverflow);
    52 	const TNode& node=aNodes[aNode];
    53 	TUint x=node.iLeft;
    54 	if (x&KLeaf)
    55 		aLengths[x&~KLeaf]=aLen;
    56 	else
    57 		HuffmanLengthsL(aLengths,aNodes,x,aLen);
    58 	x=node.iRight;
    59 	if (x&KLeaf)
    60 		aLengths[x&~KLeaf]=aLen;
    61 	else
    62 		HuffmanLengthsL(aLengths,aNodes,x,aLen);
    63 	}
    65 void InsertInOrder(TNode* aNodes, TInt aSize, TUint aCount, TInt aVal)
    66 /**	Insert the {aCount,aValue} pair into the already sorted array of nodes
    68 	@internal
    69 */
    70 	{
    71 	// Uses Insertion sort following a binary search...
    72 	TInt l=0, r=aSize;
    73 	while (l < r)
    74 		{
    75 		TInt m = (l+r) >> 1;
    76 		if (aNodes[m].iCount<aCount)
    77 			r=m;
    78 		else
    79 			l=m+1;
    80 		}
    81 	HMem::Copy(aNodes+l+1,aNodes+l,sizeof(TNode)*(aSize-l));
    82 	aNodes[l].iCount=aCount;
    83 	aNodes[l].iRight=TUint16(aVal);
    84 	}
    86 void Huffman::HuffmanL(const TUint32 aFrequency[],TInt aNumCodes,TUint32 aHuffman[])
    87 /** Generate a Huffman code
    89 	This generates a Huffman code for a given set of code frequencies. The output
    90 	is a table of code lengths which can be used to build canonincal encoding tables
    91 	or decoding trees for use with the TBitInput and TBitOutput classes.
    93 	Entries in the table with a frequency of zero will have a zero code length
    94 	and thus no associated huffman encoding. If each such symbol should have a
    95 	maximum length encoding, they must be given at least a frequency of 1.
    97 	For an alphabet of n symbols, this algorithm has a transient memory overhead
    98 	of 8n, and a time complexity of O(n*log(n)).
   100 	@param "const TUint32 aFrequency[]" The table of code frequencies
   101 	@param "TInt aNumCodes" The number of codes in the table
   102 	@param "TUint32 aHuffman[]" The table for the output code-length table. This must be
   103 		the same size as the frequency table, and can safely be the same table
   105 	@leave "KErrNoMemory" If memory used for code generation cannot be allocated
   107   	@panic "USER ???" If the number of codes exceeds Huffman::KMaxCodes
   108 */
   109 	{
   110 	if(TUint(aNumCodes)>TUint(KMaxCodes))
   111 		Panic(EHuffmanTooManyCodes);
   113 	// Sort the values into decreasing order of frequency
   114 	//
   115 	TNode* nodes = new TNode[aNumCodes];
   116 	if(nodes==NULL)
   117 		Panic(EHuffmanOutOfMemory);
   119 	TInt lCount=0;
   121 	for (TInt ii=0;ii<aNumCodes;++ii)
   122 		{
   123 		TInt c=aFrequency[ii];
   124 		if (c!=0)
   125 			InsertInOrder(nodes,lCount++,c,ii|KLeaf);
   126 		}
   128 	// default code length is zero
   129 	HMem::FillZ(aHuffman,aNumCodes*sizeof(TUint32));
   131 	if (lCount==0)
   132 		{
   133 		// no codes with frequency>0. No code has a length
   134 		}
   135 	else if (lCount==1)
   136 		{
   137 		// special case for a single value (always encode as "0")
   138 		aHuffman[nodes[0].iRight&~KLeaf]=1;
   139 		}
   140 	else
   141 		{
   142 		// Huffman algorithm: pair off least frequent nodes and reorder
   143 		//
   144 		do
   145 			{
   146 			--lCount;
   147 			TUint c=nodes[lCount].iCount + nodes[lCount-1].iCount;
   148 			nodes[lCount].iLeft=nodes[lCount-1].iRight;
   149 			// re-order the leaves now to reflect new combined frequency 'c'
   150 			InsertInOrder(nodes,lCount-1,c,lCount);
   151 			} while (lCount>1);
   152 		// generate code lengths in aHuffman[]
   153 		HuffmanLengthsL(aHuffman,nodes,1,0);
   154 		}
   156 	delete [] nodes;
   158 	if(!IsValid(aHuffman,aNumCodes))
   159 		Panic(EHuffmanInvalidCoding);
   160 	}
   162 TBool Huffman::IsValid(const TUint32 aHuffman[],TInt aNumCodes)
   163 /** Validate a Huffman encoding
   165 	This verifies that a Huffman coding described by the code lengths is valid.
   166 	In particular, it ensures that no code exceeds the maximum length and
   167 	that it is possible to generate a canonical coding for the specified lengths.
   169 	@param "const TUint32 aHuffman[]" The table of code lengths as generated by Huffman::HuffmanL()
   170 	@param "TInt aNumCodes" The number of codes in the table
   172 	@return True if the code is valid, otherwise false
   173 */
   174 	{
   175 	// The code is valid if one of the following holds:
   176 	// (a) the code exactly fills the 'code space'
   177 	// (b) there is only a single symbol with code length 1
   178 	// (c) there are no encoded symbols
   179 	//
   180 	TUint remain=1<<KMaxCodeLength;
   181 	TInt totlen=0;
   182 	for (const TUint32* p=aHuffman+aNumCodes; p>aHuffman;)
   183 		{
   184 		TInt len=*--p;
   185 		if (len>0)
   186 			{
   187 			totlen+=len;
   188 			if (len>KMaxCodeLength)
   189 				return EFalse;
   190 			TUint c=1<<(KMaxCodeLength-len);
   191 			if (c>remain)
   192 				return EFalse;
   193 			remain-=c;
   194 			}
   195 		}
   197 	return remain==0 || totlen<=1;
   198 	}
   200 void Huffman::Encoding(const TUint32 aHuffman[],TInt aNumCodes,TUint32 aEncodeTable[])
   201 /** Create a canonical Huffman encoding table
   203 	This generates the huffman codes used by TBitOutput::HuffmanL() to write huffman
   204 	encoded data. The input is table of code lengths, as generated by Huffman::HuffmanL()
   205 	and must represent a valid huffman code.
   207 	@param "const TUint32 aHuffman[]" The table of code lengths as generated by Huffman::HuffmanL()
   208 	@param "TInt aNumCodes" The number of codes in the table
   209 	@param "TUint32 aEncodeTable[]" The table for the output huffman codes. This must be
   210 		the same size as the code-length table, and can safely be the same table
   212 	@panic "USER ???" If the provided code is not a valid Huffman coding
   214 	@see IsValid()
   215 	@see HuffmanL()
   216 */
   217 	{
   218 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(IsValid(aHuffman,aNumCodes),Panic(EHuffmanInvalidCoding));
   220 	TFixedArray<TInt,KMaxCodeLength> lenCount;
   221 	lenCount.Reset();
   223 	TInt ii;
   224 	for (ii=0;ii<aNumCodes;++ii)
   225 		{
   226 		TInt len=aHuffman[ii]-1;
   227 		if (len>=0)
   228 			++lenCount[len];
   229 		}
   231 	TFixedArray<TUint,KMaxCodeLength> nextCode;
   232 	TUint code=0;
   233 	for (ii=0;ii<KMaxCodeLength;++ii)
   234 		{
   235 		code<<=1;
   236 		nextCode[ii]=code;
   237 		code+=lenCount[ii];
   238 		}
   240 	for (ii=0;ii<aNumCodes;++ii)
   241 		{
   242 		TInt len=aHuffman[ii];
   243 		if (len==0)
   244 			aEncodeTable[ii]=0;
   245 		else
   246 			{
   247 			aEncodeTable[ii] = (nextCode[len-1]<<(KMaxCodeLength-len))|(len<<KMaxCodeLength);
   248 			++nextCode[len-1];
   249 			}
   250 		}
   251 	}
   253 /** the encoding table for the externalised code
   254 	@internal
   255 */
   256 const TUint32 HuffmanEncoding[]=
   257 	{
   258 	0x10000000,
   259 	0x1c000000,
   260 	0x12000000,
   261 	0x1d000000,
   262 	0x26000000,
   263 	0x26800000,
   264 	0x2f000000,
   265 	0x37400000,
   266 	0x37600000,
   267 	0x37800000,
   268 	0x3fa00000,
   269 	0x3fb00000,
   270 	0x3fc00000,
   271 	0x3fd00000,
   272 	0x47e00000,
   273 	0x47e80000,
   274 	0x47f00000,
   275 	0x4ff80000,
   276 	0x57fc0000,
   277 	0x5ffe0000,
   278 	0x67ff0000,
   279 	0x77ff8000,
   280 	0x7fffa000,
   281 	0x7fffb000,
   282 	0x7fffc000,
   283 	0x7fffd000,
   284 	0x7fffe000,
   285 	0x87fff000,
   286 	0x87fff800
   287 	};
   289 void EncodeRunLengthL(TBitOutput& aOutput, TInt aLength)
   290 /** encode 0a as '0' and 0b as '1', return number of symbols created
   292 	@internal
   293 */
   294 	{
   295 	if (aLength>0)
   296 		{
   297 		EncodeRunLengthL(aOutput,(aLength-1)>>1);
   298 		aOutput.HuffmanL(HuffmanEncoding[1-(aLength&1)]);
   299 		}
   300 	}
   302 void Huffman::ExternalizeL(TBitOutput& aOutput,const TUint32 aHuffman[],TInt aNumCodes)
   303 /** Store a canonical huffman encoding in compact form
   305 	As the encoding is canonical, only the code lengths of each code needs to be saved.
   307 	Due to the nature of code length tables, these can usually be stored very compactly
   308 	by encoding the encoding itself, hence the use of the bit output stream.
   310 	@param "TBitOutput& aOutput" The output stream for the encoding
   311 	@param "const TUint32 aHuffman[]" The table of code lengths as generated by Huffman::HuffmanL()
   312 	@param "TInt aNumCodes" The number of huffman codes in the table
   314 	@leave "TBitOutput::HuffmanL()"
   315 */
   316 	{
   317 	// We assume that the code length table is generated by the huffman generator,
   318 	// in which case the maxmimum code length is 27 bits.
   319 	//
   320 	// We apply three transformations to the data:
   321 	// 1. the data goes through a move-to-front coder
   322 	// 2. apply a rle-0 coder which replace runs of '0' with streams of '0a' and '0b'
   323 	// 3. encode the result using a predefined (average) huffman coding
   324 	//
   325 	// This can be done in a single pass over the data, avoiding the need for additional
   326 	// memory.
   327 	//
   328 	// initialise the list for the MTF coder
   329 	TFixedArray<TUint8,Huffman::KMetaCodes> list;
   330 	TInt i;
   331 	for (i=0;i<list.Count();++i)
   332 		list[i]=TUint8(i);
   333 	TInt last=0;
   335 	TInt rl=0;
   336 	const TUint32* p32=aHuffman;
   337 	const TUint32* e32=p32+aNumCodes;
   338 	while (p32<e32)
   339 		{
   340 		TInt c=*p32++;
   341 		if (c==last)
   342 			++rl;	// repeat of last symbol
   343 		else
   344 			{
   345 			// encode run-length
   346 			EncodeRunLengthL(aOutput,rl);
   347 			rl=0;
   348 			// find code in MTF list
   349 			TInt j;
   350 			for (j=1;list[j]!=c;++j)
   351 				;
   352 			// store this code
   353 			aOutput.HuffmanL(HuffmanEncoding[j+1]);
   354 			// adjust list for MTF algorithm
   355 			while (--j>0)
   356 				list[j+1]=list[j];
   357 			list[1]=TUint8(last);
   358 			last=c;
   359 			}
   360 		}
   361 	// encod any remaining run-length
   362 	EncodeRunLengthL(aOutput,rl);
   363 	}
   366 TBitOutput::TBitOutput()
   367 /** Construct a bit stream output object
   369 	Following construction the bit stream is ready for writing bits, but will first call
   370 	OverflowL() as the output buffer is 'full'. A derived class can detect this state as
   371 	Ptr() will return null.
   372 */
   373 	:iCode(0),iBits(-8),iPtr(0),iEnd(0)
   374 	{}
   376 TBitOutput::TBitOutput(TUint8* aBuf,TInt aSize)
   377 /** Construct a bit stream output object over a buffer
   379 	Data will be written to the buffer until it is full, at which point OverflowL() will
   380 	be called. This should handle the data and then can Set() again to reset the buffer
   381 	for further output.
   383 	@param "TUint8* aBuf" The buffer for output
   384 	@param "TInt aSize" The size of the buffer in bytes
   385 */
   386 	:iCode(0),iBits(-8),iPtr(aBuf),iEnd(aBuf+aSize)
   387 	{}
   389 void TBitOutput::HuffmanL(TUint aHuffCode)
   390 /** Write a huffman code
   392 	This expects a huffman code value as generated by Huffman::Encoding()
   394 	@param "TUint aHuffCode" The huffman code write to the stream
   396 	@leave "OverflowL()" If the output buffer is full, OverflowL() is called
   397 */
   398 	{
   399 	DoWriteL(aHuffCode<<(32-Huffman::KMaxCodeLength),aHuffCode>>Huffman::KMaxCodeLength);
   400 	}
   402 void TBitOutput::WriteL(TUint aValue,TInt aLength)
   403 /** Write an arbitrary integer value
   405 	Write an unsigned integer using the number of bits specified. Only
   406 	the low order bits of the value are written to the output, most
   407 	significant bit first.
   409 	@param "TUint aValue" The value to write to the stream
   410 	@param "TUint aLength" The number of bits to output
   412 	@leave "OverflowL()" If the output buffer is full, OverflowL() is called
   413 */
   414 	{
   415 	if (aLength)
   416 		DoWriteL(aValue<<=32-aLength,aLength);
   417 	}
   419 void TBitOutput::PadL(TUint aPadding)
   420 /** Pad the bitstream to the next byte boundary
   422 	Terminate the bitstream by padding the last byte with the requested value.
   423 	Following this operation the bitstream can continue to be used, the data will
   424 	start at the next byte.
   426 	@param "TUint aPadding" The bit value to pad the final byte with
   428 	@leave "OverflowL()" If the output buffer is full, OverflowL() is called
   429 */
   430 	{
   431 	if (iBits>-8)
   432 		WriteL(aPadding?0xffffffffu:0,-iBits);
   433 	}
   435 void TBitOutput::DoWriteL(TUint aBits,TInt aSize)
   436 /** Write the higher order bits to the stream
   438 	@internal
   439 */
   440 	{
   441 	if (aSize>25)
   442 		{
   443 		// cannot process >25 bits in a single pass
   444 		// so do the top 8 bits first
   445 		ASSERT(aSize<=32);
   446 		DoWriteL(aBits&0xff000000u,8);
   447 		aBits<<=8;
   448 		aSize-=8;
   449 		}
   451 	TInt bits=iBits;
   452 	TUint code=iCode|(aBits>>(bits+8));
   453 	bits+=aSize;
   454 	if (bits>=0)
   455 		{
   456 		TUint8* p=iPtr;
   457 		do
   458 			{
   459 			if (p==iEnd)
   460 				{
   461 				// run out of buffer space so invoke the overflow handler
   462 				iPtr=p;
   463 				OverflowL();
   464 				p=iPtr;
   465 				ASSERT(p!=iEnd);
   466 				}
   467 			*p++=TUint8(code>>24);
   468 			code<<=8;
   469 			bits-=8;
   470 			} while (bits>=0);
   471 		iPtr=p;
   472 		}
   473 	iCode=code;
   474 	iBits=bits;
   475 	}
   477 void TBitOutput::OverflowL()
   478 /** Handle a full output buffer
   480 	This virtual function is called when the output buffer is full. It should deal
   481 	with the data in the buffer before reseting the buffer using Set(), allowing
   482 	further data to be written.
   484 	A derived class can replace this to write the data to a file (for example)
   485 	before marking the buffer as empty.
   487 	@leave "KErrOverflow" The default implementation leaves
   488 */
   489 	{
   490 	Panic(EHuffmanBufferOverflow);
   491 	}