changeset 0 044383f39525
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:044383f39525
     1 // Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Message Implementation Operations for elf2e32 tool
    15 // @internalComponent
    16 // @released
    17 // 
    18 //
    21 #include "messageimplementation.h"
    22 #include "errorhandler.h"
    23 #include<iostream>
    24 #include<stdarg.h>
    25 #include<string>
    26 #include <stdio.h>
    28 using std::endl;
    29 using std::cout;
    30 typedef std::string String;
    32 char *errorMssgPrefix="elf2e32 : Error: E";
    33 char *warnMssgPrefix="elf2e32 : Warning: W";
    34 char *infoMssgPrefix="elf2e32 : Information: I";
    35 char *colSpace=": ";
    37 enum MessageArraySize{MAX=66};
    39 //Messages stored required for the program
    40 struct EnglishMessage MessageArray[MAX]=
    41 {
    42 	{FILEOPENERROR,"Could not open file : %s."},
    43 	{FILEREADERROR,"Could not read file : %s."},
    44 	{FILEWRITEERROR,"Could not write file : %s."},
    45 	{ELFMAGICERROR,"Invalid ELF magic in file : %s."},
    46 	{ELFCLASSERROR,"ELF file %s is not 32 bit."},
    47 	{ELFABIVERSIONERROR,"ELF file %s is not BPABI conformant."},
    48 	{ELFLEERROR,"ELF file %s is not Little Endian."},
    49 	{ELFARMERROR,"ELF file %s does not target ARM."},
    50 	{ELFEXECUTABLEERROR,"ELF file %s is neither executable (ET_EXEC) or shared (ET_DYN)."},
    51 	{ELFSHSTRINDEXERROR,"Error in ELF Section Header String Index : %s."},
    52 	{NAMELIBRARYNOTCORRECT,"Name or Library not supplied correctly : %s[Line No=%d][%s]"},
    53 	{ORDINALSEQUENCEERROR,"Ordinal number is not in sequence : %s[Line No=%d][%s]."},
    54 	{ARGUMENTNAMEERROR,"Argument %s is not correct."},
    55 	{OPTIONNAMEERROR,"Option %s is Unrecognized."},
    56 	{NOARGUMENTERROR,"Missing arguments for option : %s."},
    57 	{OPTIONPREFIXERROR,"Option %s is neither preceedded by '-' nor '--'."},
    58 	{NOREQUIREDOPTIONERROR,"Missing options : %s."},
    59 	{NOFILENAMEERROR,"Missing argument for option : %s."},
    60 	{INVALIDARGUMENTERROR,"Argument '%s' not permitted for option %s."},
    61 	{HUFFMANBUFFEROVERFLOWERROR,"Huffman buffer overflow during E32Image compression."},
    62 	{HUFFMANTOOMANYCODESERROR,"Too many Huffman codes during E32Image compression."},
    63 	{HUFFMANINVALIDCODINGERROR,"Invalid Huffman coding during E32Image compression."},
    64 	{CAPABILITYALLINVERSIONERROR,"-ALL not a valid capability."},
    65 	{CAPABILITYNONEINVERSIONERROR,"+NONE not a valid capability."},
    66 	{UNRECOGNISEDCAPABILITYERROR,"Unrecognized capability : %s."},
    67 	{NOSTATICSYMBOLSERROR,"ELF File %s contains no static symbols."},
    68 	{DLLHASINITIALISEDDATAERROR,"ELF File %s contains initialized writable data."},
    69 	{DLLHASUNINITIALISEDDATAERROR,"ELF File %s contains uninitialized writable data."},
    70 	{ENTRYPOINTCORRUPTERROR,"ELF File %s has corrupt entry point."},
    71 	{ENTRYPOINTNOTSUPPORTEDERROR,"ELF File %s has unsupported entry point type."},
    72 	{EXCEPTIONDESCRIPTOROUTSIDEROERROR,"ELF File %s has invalid exception descriptor."},
    73 	{NOEXCEPTIONDESCRIPTORERROR,"ELF File %s has no exception descriptor."},
    74 	{NEEDSECTIONVIEWERROR,"ELF File %s has no section headers."},
    75 	{DSONOTFOUNDERROR,"DSO %s not found."},
    76 	{UNDEFINEDSYMBOLERROR,"Undefined Symbol %s found in ELF File %s."},
    77 	{SYMBOLMISSINGFROMELFERROR,"Symbol %s Missing from ELF File : %s."},
    78 	{MEMORYALLOCATIONERROR,"Memory allocation failure : %s."},
    79 	{E32IMAGEERROR,"Not able to write E32 Image file."},
    80 	{INVALIDINVOCATIONERROR,"Invalid invocation of elf2e32."},
    81 	{TARGETTYPENOTSPECIFIEDERROR,"Target Type Not Specified."},
    82 	{UNSUPPORTEDTARGETTYPEERROR,"Unsupported Target Type '%s'."},
    83 	{INDEXNOMESSAGEERROR,"There is no message for the message index[%d]."},
    84 	{INDEXNOTREQUIREDERROR,"Message index[%d] not required in message file."},
    85 	{INDEXNOTFOUNDERROR,"Message index [%d] not found in message file"},
    86 	{NOMESSAGEFILEERROR,"There is no message file."},
    87 	{ENTRYPOINTNOTSETERROR,"Entry point is not set for %s."},
    88 	{UNDEFINEDENTRYPOINTERROR,"Entry point and Text segment base both 0, can't tell if entry point set for %s."},
    89 	{ORDINALNOTANUMBER,"Ordinal not a Number : %s[Line No=%d][%s]."},
    90 	{UNRECOGNIZEDTOKEN,"Unrecognized Token : %s[Line No=%d][%s]."},
    91 	{NONAMEMISSING,"NONAME Missing : %s[Line No=%d][%s]."},
    92 	{EXPORTSEXPECTED,"EXPORTS expected before first export entry : %s[Line No=%d][%s]."},
    93 	{ATRATEMISSING,"@ Missing : %s[Line No=%d][%s]."},
    94 	{SYSDEFSMISMATCHERROR,"Symbol %s passed through '--sysdef' option is not at the specified ordinal in the DEF file %s."},
    95 	{SYSDEFERROR,"Ordinal number is not provided as input to the option: %s"},
    96 	{INVALIDE32IMAGEERROR,"%s is not a valid E32Image file."},
    97 	{HUFFMANBUFFERUNDERFLOWERROR,"Huffman buffer underflow on deflate."},
    98 	{HUFFMANINCONSISTENTSIZEERROR,"Inconsistent sizes discovered during uncompression."},
    99 	{MULTIPLESYSDEFERROR, "Multiple system definitions passed to %s should be separated by ';'"},
   100 	{SYSDEFNOSYMBOLERROR, "Symbol Name is not provided as input to the option: %s"},
   101 	{VALUEIGNOREDWARNING, "Value passed to '%s' is ignored"},
   102 	{ELFFILEERROR,"Error while processing the ELF file %s."},
   103 	{SYMBOLCOUNTMISMATCHERROR, "Symbol count provided by DT_ARM_SYMTABSZ is not same as that in the Hash Table in %s"},
   104 	{POSTLINKERERROR,"Fatal Error in Postlinker"},
   105 	{BYTEPAIRINCONSISTENTSIZEERROR, "Inconsistent sizes discovered during Byte pair uncompression." },
   106 	{ILLEGALEXPORTFROMDATASEGMENT,"'%s' : '%s' Import relocation does not refer to code segment."},
   107 	{VALIDATIONERROR,"Image failed validation"}
   108 };
   110 /**
   111 Constructor to reset the logging option flag.
   113 @internalComponent
   114 @released
   115 */
   116 MessageImplementation::MessageImplementation()
   117 {
   118     iLogging = false;
   119 }
   121 /**
   122 Destructor to close log file if logging is enabled and to clear the messaged.
   123 @internalComponent
   124 @released
   125 */
   126 MessageImplementation::~MessageImplementation()
   127 {
   128     if(iLogging)
   129     {
   130 		fclose(iLogPtr);
   131     }
   132 	iMessage.clear();
   133 }
   135 /**
   136 Function to Get Message stored in map.
   138 @internalComponent
   139 @released
   141 @param aMessageIndex
   142 Index of the Message to be displayed
   143 @return Message string to be displayed
   144 */
   145 char * MessageImplementation::GetMessageString(int aMessageIndex)
   146 {
   147 	Map::iterator p;
   149 	if(iMessage.empty())
   150 	{
   151 		if(aMessageIndex <= MAX)
   152 		{
   153 			return MessageArray[aMessageIndex-1].message;
   154 		}
   155 		else
   156 		{
   157 			return NULL;
   158 		}
   159 	}
   160 	else
   161 	{
   162 		p=iMessage.find(aMessageIndex);
   163 		if(p == iMessage.end())
   164 		{
   165 			if(aMessageIndex <= MAX)
   166 			{
   167 				return MessageArray[aMessageIndex-1].message;
   168 			}
   169 			else
   170 			{
   171 				return NULL;
   172 			}
   173 		}
   175 		if(aMessageIndex <= MAX)
   176 		{
   177 			return p->second;
   178 		}
   179 		else
   180 		{
   181 			return NULL;
   182 		}
   183 	}
   184 }
   186 /**
   187 Function to display output and log message in log file if logging is enable.
   189 @internalComponent
   190 @released
   192 @param aString
   193 Message to be displayed
   194 */
   195 void MessageImplementation::Output(const char *aString)
   196 {
   198     if (iLogging)
   199     {
   200 		fputs(aString,iLogPtr);
   201 		fputs("\n",iLogPtr);
   202     }
   203 	cout << aString << endl;
   204 }
   206 /**
   207 Function to Get Message stored in map and to display the Message
   209 @internalComponent
   210 @released
   212 @param
   213 The type of the message, whether it is Error or Warning or Information.
   214 @param
   215 The index of the information and the corresponding arguments.
   216 */
   217 void MessageImplementation::ReportMessage(int aMessageType, int aMsgIndex,...)
   218 {
   219 	char *reportMessage, *ptr, *tmpMessage;
   220 	char intStr[16];
   221 	char mssgNo[MAXMSSGNOLENGTH];
   222 	int mssgIndex,k;
   224 	va_list ap;
   225 	va_start(ap,aMsgIndex);
   227 	reportMessage=GetMessageString(aMsgIndex);
   229 	if(reportMessage)
   230 	{
   231 		String message;
   232 		switch (aMessageType)
   233 		{
   234 			case ERROR:
   235 				message = errorMssgPrefix;
   236 				break;
   237 			case WARNING:
   238 				message = warnMssgPrefix;
   239 				break;
   240 			case INFORMATION:
   241 				message = infoMssgPrefix;
   242 				break;
   243 		}
   244 		mssgIndex = BASEMSSGNO + aMsgIndex;
   245 		sprintf(mssgNo,"%d",mssgIndex);
   246 		message += mssgNo;
   247 		message += colSpace;
   249 		ptr = strchr(reportMessage,'%');
   251 		while( ptr != NULL && (ptr[0]) == '%' )
   252 		{
   253 			tmpMessage=new char[ptr - reportMessage + 1];
   254 			strncpy(tmpMessage, reportMessage, ptr - reportMessage+1);
   255 			tmpMessage[ptr - reportMessage]='\0';
   256 			message += tmpMessage;
   257 			delete tmpMessage;
   258 			ptr++;
   259 			switch(ptr[0])
   260 			{
   261 				case 'd':
   262 					k = va_arg(ap, int);
   263 					sprintf(intStr,"%d",k);
   264 					message += intStr;
   265 					ptr++;
   266 					reportMessage = ptr;
   267 					break;
   268 				case 's':
   269 					message += va_arg(ap, char *);
   270 					ptr++;
   271 					reportMessage = ptr;
   272 					break;
   273 				case '%':
   274 					message += ptr[0];
   275 					reportMessage = ptr;
   276 				default:
   277 					break;
   278 			}
   279 			ptr=strchr(reportMessage,'%');
   280 		}
   281 		message += reportMessage;
   282 		Output(message.c_str());
   283 	}
   284 }
   286 /**
   287 Function to start logging.
   289 @internalComponent
   290 @released
   292 @param aFileName
   293 Name of the Log file
   294 */
   295 void MessageImplementation::StartLogging(char *aFileName)
   296 {
   297 	char logFile[1024];
   298 	FILE *fptr;
   300 	strcpy(logFile,aFileName);
   302 	// open file for log etc.
   303 	if((fptr=fopen(logFile,"w"))==NULL)
   304 	{
   305 		ReportMessage(WARNING, FILEOPENERROR,aFileName);
   306 	}
   307 	else
   308 	{
   309 	    iLogging = true;
   310 		iLogPtr=fptr;
   311 	}
   312 }
   314 /**
   315 Function to Create Messages file.
   317 @internalComponent
   318 @released
   319 @param aFileName
   320 Name of the Message file to be dumped
   321 */
   322 void MessageImplementation::CreateMessageFile(char *aFileName)
   323 {
   324 	int i;
   325 	FILE *fptr;
   327 	// open file for writing messages.
   328 	if((fptr=fopen(aFileName,"w"))==NULL)
   329 	{
   330 		ReportMessage(WARNING, FILEOPENERROR,aFileName);
   331 	}
   332 	else
   333 	{
   334 		for(i=0;i<MAX;i++)
   335 		{
   336 			fprintf(fptr,"%d,%s\n",i+1,MessageArray[i].message);
   337 		}
   339 		fclose(fptr);
   340 	}
   342 }
   344 /**
   345 Function to put Message string in map which is stored in message file.
   346 If file is not available the put message in map from Message Array structure.
   348 @internalComponent
   349 @released
   351 @param aFileName
   352 Name of the Message file passed in
   353 */
   354 void MessageImplementation::InitializeMessages(char *aFileName)
   355 {
   356 	char index[16];
   357 	char *message, *errStr;
   358 	int i, lineLength;
   359 	int fileSize;
   360 	char *messageEntries, *lineToken;
   362 	FILE *fptr;
   364 	if(aFileName && (fptr=fopen(aFileName,"rb"))!=NULL)
   365 	{
   367 		iMessage.clear();
   368 		//Getting File size
   369 		fseek(fptr, 0, SEEK_END);
   370 		fileSize=ftell(fptr);
   371 		rewind(fptr);
   373 		messageEntries= new char[fileSize+2];
   375 		//Getting whole file in memory
   376 		fread(messageEntries, fileSize, 1, fptr);
   378 		//Adding ENTER at end
   379 		*(messageEntries+fileSize)='\n';
   380 		//Adding '\0' at end
   381 		*(messageEntries+fileSize+1)='\0';
   383 		fclose(fptr);
   385 		lineToken=strtok(messageEntries,"\n");
   386 		while(lineToken != NULL)
   387 		{
   388 			if( lineToken[0] == '\n' || lineToken[0] == '\r' )
   389 			{
   390 				lineToken=strtok(NULL,"\n");
   391 				continue;
   392 			}
   394 			lineLength=strlen(lineToken);
   396 			if( lineToken[strlen(lineToken)-1] == '\r' )
   397 			{
   398 				lineToken[strlen(lineToken)-1]='\0';
   399 			}
   401 			message=strchr(lineToken,',');
   402 			strncpy(index,lineToken,message-lineToken);
   403 			index[message-lineToken]='\0';
   404 			errStr = new char[strlen(message+1) + 1];
   405 			strcpy(errStr, (message+1));
   406 			iMessage.insert(std::pair<int,char*>(atoi(index),errStr));
   408 			lineToken=strtok(lineToken+lineLength+1,"\n");
   409 		}
   411 		delete messageEntries;
   413 	}
   414 	else
   415 	{
   416 		for(i=0;i<MAX;i++)
   417 		{
   418 			errStr = new char[strlen(MessageArray[i].message) + 1];
   419 			strcpy(errStr, MessageArray[i].message);
   420 			iMessage.insert(std::pair<int,char*>(MessageArray[i].index,errStr));
   421 		}
   422 	}
   423 }