changeset 0 044383f39525
child 590 360bd6b35136
child 606 30b30f9da0b7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:044383f39525
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 * @internalComponent * @released
    16 * Rofsbuild mainfile to generate both rofs and data drive image.
    17 *
    18 */
    21 #include <string.h>
    22 #include <stdlib.h>
    23 #include <f32file.h>
    24 #include "e32image.h"
    25 #include "h_utl.h"
    26 #include "h_ver.h"
    27 #include "r_obey.h"
    28 #include "r_driveimage.h"
    29 #include "r_driveutl.h"
    30 #include "r_coreimage.h"
    31 #include "parameterfileprocessor.h"
    32 #include "r_smrimage.h"
    34 static const TInt RofsbuildMajorVersion=2;
    35 static const TInt RofsbuildMinorVersion=6;
    36 static const TInt RofsbuildPatchVersion=5;
    37 static TBool SizeSummary=EFalse;
    38 static TPrintType SizeWhere=EAlways;
    40 static TInt gHeaderType=1;			// EPOC header
    41 static TInt MAXIMUM_THREADS = 128;
    42 static TInt DEFAULT_THREADS = 8;
    43 ECompression gCompress=ECompressionUnknown;
    44 TUint  gCompressionMethod=0;
    45 TBool gFastCompress = EFalse;
    46 TInt gThreadNum = 0;
    47 TInt gCPUNum = 0;
    48 char* g_pCharCPUNum = NULL;
    49 TInt gCodePagingOverride = -1;
    50 TInt gDataPagingOverride = -1;
    51 TInt gLogLevel = 0;	// Information is logged based on logging level.
    52 					// The default is 0. So all the existing logs are generated as if gLogLevel = 0.
    53 					// If any extra information required, the log level must be appropriately supplied.
    54 					// Currrently, file details in ROM (like, file name in ROM & host, file size, whether 
    55 					// the file is hidden etc) are logged when gLogLevel >= LOG_LEVEL_FILE_DETAILS.
    57 TBool gUseCoreImage=EFalse; // command line option for using core image file
    58 char* gImageFilename=NULL;	// instead of obey file
    59 TBool gEnableStdPathWarning=EFalse;// for in-correct destination path warning(executables).
    60 TBool gLowMem=EFalse;
    62 extern TBool gDriveImage;		// to Support data drive image.
    63 TText* gDriveFilename=NULL;		// input drive oby filename.
    65 string filename;				// to store oby filename passed to Rofsbuild.
    66 TBool reallyHelp=EFalse;	
    68 TBool gSmrImage = EFalse;
    69 TText* gSmrFileName = NULL;
    71 void PrintVersion()
    72 	{
    73 		Print(EAlways,"\nROFSBUILD - Rofs/Datadrive image builder");
    74 		Print(EAlways, " V%d.%d.%d\n", RofsbuildMajorVersion, RofsbuildMinorVersion, RofsbuildPatchVersion);
    75 		Print(EAlways,Copyright);
    76 	}
    78 char HelpText[] = 
    79 	"Syntax: ROFSBUILD [options] obeyfilename(Rofs)\n"
    80 	"Option: -v verbose,  -?,  -s[log|screen|both] size summary\n"
    81 	"        -d<bitmask> set trace mask (DEB build only)\n"
    82 	"        -compress   compress executable files where possible\n"
    83 	"        -fastcompress  compress files with faster bytepair and tradeoff of compress ratio\n"
    84 	"        -j<digit> do the main job with <digit> threads\n"
    85 	"        -compressionmethod none|inflate|bytepair to set the compression\n"
    86 	"              none     uncompress the image.\n"
    87 	"              inflate  compress the image.\n"
    88 	"              bytepair compress the image.\n"
    89 	"        -coreimage <core image file>\n"
    90 	"        -datadrive=<drive obyfile1>,<drive obyfile2>,... for driveimage creation\n"
    91 	"              user can also input rofs oby file if required to generate both.\n"
    92 	"        -smr=<SMR obyfile1>,<SMR obyfile2>,... for SMR partition creation\n"
    93 	"        -loglevel<level>  level of information to log (valid levels are 0,1,2).\n"//Tools like Visual ROM builder need the host/ROM filenames, size & if the file is hidden.
    94 	"        -wstdpath   warn if destination path provided for a file is not the standard path\n"
    95 	"        -argfile=<FileName>   specify argument-file name containing list of command-line arguments\n"
    96 	"        -lowmem     use memory-mapped file for image build to reduce physical memory consumption\n";
    98 char ReallyHelpText[] =
    99 	"Log Level:\n"
   100 	"        0  produce the default logs\n"
   101 	"        1  produce file detail logs in addition to the default logs\n"
   102 	"        2  logs e32 header attributes in addition to the level 1 details\n";
   104 void processParamfile(string aFileName);
   106 /**
   107 Process the command line arguments and prints the helpful message if none are supplied.
   108 @param argc    - No. of argument.
   109 @param *argv[] - Arguments value.
   110 */ 
   111 void processCommandLine(int argc, char *argv[], TBool paramFileFlag=EFalse)
   112 {
   113 	// If "-argfile" option is passed to rofsbuild, then process the parameters
   114 	// specified in parameter-file first and then the options passed from the 
   115 	// command-line.
   116 	string ParamFileArg("-ARGFILE=");	
   117 	if(paramFileFlag == EFalse)
   118 	{	
   119 		for (int count=1; count<argc; count++)
   120 		{
   121 			string paramFile;
   122 			strupr(argv[count]);
   123 			if(strncmp(argv[count],ParamFileArg.c_str(),ParamFileArg.length())==0)
   124 			{
   125 				paramFile.assign(&argv[count][ParamFileArg.length()]);									
   126 				processParamfile(paramFile);
   127 			}
   128 		}
   129 	}	
   131 	int i=1;
   132 	while (i<argc)
   133 		{
   134 		strupr(argv[i]);
   135 		if ((argv[i][0] == '-') || (argv[i][0] == '/'))
   136 			{ // switch
   137 			if (argv[i][1] == 'V')
   138 				H.iVerbose = ETrue;
   139 			else if(strncmp (argv[i], "-SMR=", 5) == 0)
   140 			{
   141 				if(argv[i][5])
   142 				{
   143 					gSmrImage = ETrue;
   144 					gSmrFileName = (TText*)strdup(&argv[i][5]);
   145 				}
   146 				else
   147 				{
   148 					Print (EError, "SMR obey file is missing\n");
   149 				}
   150 			}
   151 			else if (argv[i][1] == 'S')
   152 				{
   153 				SizeSummary=ETrue;
   154 				if (argv[i][2] == 'L')
   155 					SizeWhere=ELog;
   156 				if (argv[i][2] == 'S')
   157 					SizeWhere=EScreen;
   158 				}
   159 			else if (strncmp(argv[i],ParamFileArg.c_str(),ParamFileArg.length())==0)
   160 				{
   161 					if (paramFileFlag)
   162 					{
   163 						String paramFile;
   164 						paramFile.assign(&argv[i][ParamFileArg.length()]);		
   165 						processParamfile(paramFile);
   166 					}
   167 					else
   168 					{
   169 						i++;
   170 						continue;
   171 					}
   172 				}
   173 			else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-COMPRESS")==0)
   174 				{
   175 				gCompress=ECompressionCompress;
   176 				gCompressionMethod = KUidCompressionDeflate;
   177 				}
   178 			else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-FASTCOMPRESS")==0)
   179 				{
   180 				gFastCompress=ETrue;
   181 				}
   182 			else if (strncmp(argv[i], "-J",2)==0)
   183 				{
   184 					if(argv[i][2])
   185 						gThreadNum = atoi(&argv[i][2]);
   186 					else
   187 						{
   188 						printf("WARNING: The option should be like '-j4'.\n");
   189 						gThreadNum = 0;
   190 						}
   191 					if(gThreadNum <= 0 || gThreadNum > MAXIMUM_THREADS)
   192 						{
   193 						if(gCPUNum > 0 && gCPUNum <= MAXIMUM_THREADS)
   194 							{
   195 							printf("WARNING: The number of concurrent jobs set by -j should be between 1 and 128. And the number of processors %d will be used as the number of concurrent jobs.\n", gCPUNum);
   196 							gThreadNum = gCPUNum;
   197 							}
   198 						else if(g_pCharCPUNum)
   199 							{
   200 							printf("WARNING: The number of concurrent jobs set by -j should be between 1 and 128. And the NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS is invalid, so the default value %d will be used.\n", DEFAULT_THREADS);
   201 							gThreadNum = DEFAULT_THREADS;
   202 							}
   203 						else
   204 							{
   205 							printf("WARNING: The number of concurrent jobs set by -j should be between 1 and 128. And the NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS is not available, so the default value %d will be used.\n", DEFAULT_THREADS);
   206 							gThreadNum = DEFAULT_THREADS;
   207 							}
   208 						}
   209 				}
   210 			else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-UNCOMPRESS")==0)
   211 				{
   212 				gCompress=ECompressionUncompress;
   213 				}
   214 			else if( strcmp(argv[i], "-COMPRESSIONMETHOD") == 0 )
   215 				{
   216 					// next argument should a be method
   217 					if( (i+1) >= argc || argv[i+1][0] == '-') 
   218 					{
   219 					Print (EError, "Missing compression method! Set it to default (no compression)!");
   220 					gCompressionMethod = 0;
   221 					}
   222 					else 
   223 					{
   224 					i++;
   225 					strupr(argv[i]);
   226 					if( strcmp(argv[i], "NONE") == 0)	
   227 						{
   228 						gCompress=ECompressionUncompress;
   229 						gCompressionMethod = 0;	
   230 						}
   231 					else if( strcmp(argv[i], "INFLATE") == 0)
   232 						{
   233 						gCompress=ECompressionCompress;
   234 						gCompressionMethod = KUidCompressionDeflate;	
   235 						}	
   236 					else if( strcmp(argv[i], "BYTEPAIR") == 0)
   237 						{
   238 						gCompress=ECompressionCompress;
   239 						gCompressionMethod = KUidCompressionBytePair;	
   240 						}
   241 					else
   242 						{
   243 						Print (EError, "Unknown compression method! Set it to default (no compression)!");
   244 						gCompress=ECompressionUnknown;
   245 						gCompressionMethod = 0;		
   246 						}
   247 					}
   249 				}
   250 			else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-COREIMAGE") ==0)
   251 				{
   252 					gUseCoreImage = ETrue;
   254 					// next argument should be image filename
   255 					if ((i+1 >= argc) || argv[i+1][0] == '-')
   256 						Print (EError, "Missing image file name");
   257 					else
   258 					{
   259 						i++;
   260 						gImageFilename = strdup(argv[i]);
   261 					}
   262 				}
   263 			else if (strncmp(argv[i], "-DATADRIVE=",11) ==0)
   264 				{  
   265 				   	if(argv[i][11])	
   266 						{
   267 						gDriveImage = ETrue; 
   268 						gDriveFilename = (TText*)strdup(&argv[i][11]);	
   269 						}
   270 					else
   271 						{
   272 						Print (EError, "Drive obey file is missing\n"); 
   273 						}
   274 				}
   275 			else if (argv[i][1] == '?')
   276 				{
   277 				reallyHelp=ETrue;
   278 				}
   279  			else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-WSTDPATH") ==0)		// Warn if destination path provided for a executables are incorrect as per platsec.		
   280  				{
   281  				gEnableStdPathWarning=ETrue;						
   282  				}
   284 			else if( strcmp(argv[i], "-LOGLEVEL") == 0)
   285 				{
   286 				// next argument should a be loglevel
   287 				if( (i+1) >= argc || argv[i+1][0] == '-')
   288 					{
   289 					Print (EError, "Missing loglevel!");
   290 					gLogLevel = DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL;
   291 					}
   292 				else
   293 					{
   294 					i++;
   295 					if (strcmp(argv[i], "2") == 0)
   297 					if (strcmp(argv[i], "1") == 0)
   298 						gLogLevel = LOG_LEVEL_FILE_DETAILS;
   299 					else if (strcmp(argv[i], "0") == 0)
   300 						gLogLevel = DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL;
   301 					else
   302 						Print(EError, "Only loglevel 0, 1 or 2 is allowed!");
   303 					}
   304 				}
   305 			else if( strcmp(argv[i], "-LOGLEVEL2") == 0)
   307 			else if( strcmp(argv[i], "-LOGLEVEL1") == 0)
   308 				gLogLevel = LOG_LEVEL_FILE_DETAILS;
   309 			else if( strcmp(argv[i], "-LOGLEVEL0") == 0)
   310 				gLogLevel = DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL;
   311 			else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-LOWMEM") == 0)
   312 				gLowMem = ETrue;
   313 			else 
   314 				cout << "Unrecognised option " << argv[i] << "\n";
   315 			}
   316 		else // Must be the obey filename
   317 			filename=argv[i];
   318 		i++;
   319 		}
   321 		if (paramFileFlag)
   322 		return;
   324 		if((gDriveImage == EFalse) && (gSmrImage ==  EFalse) && (filename.empty() || (gUseCoreImage && gImageFilename == NULL)))
   325 		{
   326 		PrintVersion();
   327 		cout << HelpText;
   328 		if (reallyHelp)
   329 			{
   330 			ObeyFileReader::KeywordHelp();
   331 			cout << ReallyHelpText;
   332 			}
   333 		else if (filename.empty())
   334 			{
   335 			Print(EError, "Obey filename is missing\n");
   336 			}
   337 		}	
   338 	}
   340 /**
   341 Function to process parameter-file. 
   343 @param aFileName parameter-file name.
   344 */
   345 void processParamfile(string aFileName)
   346 {
   347 	CParameterFileProcessor parameterFile(aFileName);
   349 	// Invoke fuction "ParameterFileProcessor" to process parameter-file.
   350 	if(parameterFile.ParameterFileProcessor())
   351 	{
   352 		TUint noOfParameters = parameterFile.GetNoOfArguments();
   353 		char** parameters = parameterFile.GetParameters();
   354 		TBool paramFileFlag=ETrue;
   356 		// Invoke function "processCommandLine" to process parameters read from parameter-file.
   357 		processCommandLine(noOfParameters,parameters,paramFileFlag);
   358 	}	
   359 }
   361 /**
   362 Main logic for data drive image creation. Called many types depending on no. of drive obey files.
   364 @param aobeyFileName - Drive obey file.
   365 @param alogfile      - log file name required for file system module.
   367 @return - returns the status, after processing the drive obey file.
   368 */ 
   369 TInt ProcessDataDriveMain(TText* aobeyFileName,TText* alogfile)
   370 	{
   372 	ObeyFileReader *reader=new ObeyFileReader(aobeyFileName);
   374 	if(!reader)
   375 		return KErrNoMemory;
   377 	if(!reader->Open())
   378     {
   379         if (reader)
   380         {
   381             delete reader;
   382         }
   383 		return KErrGeneral;
   384     }
   386 	TInt retstatus =0;		
   387 	CObeyFile* mainObeyFile=new CObeyFile(*reader);   
   388 	CDriveImage* userImage = 0; 
   390 	if(!mainObeyFile)
   391     {
   392         if (reader)
   393         {
   394             delete reader;
   395         }
   396 		return KErrNoMemory;
   397     }
   399 	// Process data drive image.
   400 	// let's clear the TRomNode::sDefaultInitialAttr first, 'cause data drive is different from rom image
   401 	TRomNode::sDefaultInitialAttr = 0; 
   402 	retstatus = mainObeyFile->ProcessDataDrive();
   403 	if (retstatus == KErrNone)
   404 		{
   405 		// Build a Data drive image using the description compiled into the CObeyFile object
   406 		userImage = new CDriveImage(mainObeyFile);
   407 		if(userImage)
   408 			{	
   409 			// Drive image creation.
   410 			retstatus = userImage->CreateImage(alogfile);
   411 			if(retstatus == KErrNone)
   412 				{
   413 				cout << "\nSuccessfully generated the Drive image : " << mainObeyFile->iDriveFileName << "\n";
   414 				}
   415 			else
   416 				{
   417 				cout << "\nFailed to generate the Image : " << mainObeyFile->iDriveFileName << "\n";
   418 				}
   420 			delete userImage;
   421 			userImage = 0;
   422 			}
   423 		else
   424 			{
   425 			retstatus = KErrNoMemory;
   426 			}
   427 		}
   428 	// restore
   429 	TRomNode::sDefaultInitialAttr = (TUint8)KEntryAttReadOnly;
   430 	cout << "\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n";
   432 	delete mainObeyFile;
   433 	delete reader;
   434 	return retstatus;
   435 	}
   437 TInt ProcessSmrImageMain(TText* aObeyFileName, TText* /* alogfile */)
   438 {
   439 	ObeyFileReader *reader = new ObeyFileReader(aObeyFileName);
   440 	if(!reader)
   441 		return KErrNoMemory;
   442 	if(!reader->Open())
   443     {
   444         if (reader)
   445         {
   446             delete reader;
   447         }
   448 		return KErrGeneral;
   449     }
   450 	TInt retstatus = 0;
   451 	CObeyFile* mainObeyFile = new CObeyFile(*reader);
   452 	CSmrImage* smrImage = 0;
   453 	if(!mainObeyFile)
   454     {
   455         if (reader)
   456         {
   457             delete reader;
   458         }
   459 		return KErrNoMemory;
   460     }
   462 	if(mainObeyFile->Process())
   463 	{
   464 		smrImage = new CSmrImage(mainObeyFile);
   465 		if(smrImage)
   466 		{
   467 			if((retstatus=smrImage->Initialise()) == KErrNone)
   468 			{
   469 				retstatus = smrImage->CreateImage();
   470 			}
   471 			if(retstatus == KErrNone)
   472 			{
   473 				cout << "\nSuccessfully generated the SMR image : " << smrImage->GetImageName().c_str() << "\n";
   474 			}
   475 			else
   476 			{
   477 				cout << "\nFailed to generate the Image : " << smrImage->GetImageName().c_str() << "\n";
   478 			}
   479 			delete smrImage;
   480 		}
   481 		else
   482 		{
   483 			retstatus = KErrNoMemory;
   484 		}
   485 	}
   486 	delete mainObeyFile;
   487 	delete reader;
   488 	return retstatus;
   489 }
   491 /**
   492 Rofsbuild Main function, which creates both Rofs and Data drive image.
   494 @param argc    - No. of argument.
   495 @param *argv[] - Arguments value.
   497 @return - returns the status to caller.
   498 */ 
   499 TInt main(int argc, char *argv[])
   500 {
   501 	TInt r =0;	
   503 	g_pCharCPUNum = getenv("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS");
   504 	if(g_pCharCPUNum != NULL)
   505 		gCPUNum = atoi(g_pCharCPUNum);
   507  	processCommandLine(argc, argv);
   509  	TText *obeyFileName = NULL;	
   510  	if(!filename.empty())
   511  		obeyFileName=(TText*)filename.c_str();	
   513 	if ((obeyFileName==NULL) && (gDriveFilename==NULL) && (gSmrFileName == NULL))                   
   514 		return KErrGeneral;
   516 	if(gThreadNum == 0)
   517 	{
   518 		if(gCPUNum > 0 && gCPUNum <= MAXIMUM_THREADS)
   519 		{
   520 			printf("The number of processors (%d) is used as the number of concurrent jobs.\n", gCPUNum);
   521 			gThreadNum = gCPUNum;
   522 		}
   523 		else if(g_pCharCPUNum)
   524 		{
   525 			printf("WARNING: The NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS is invalid, and the default value %d will be used.\n", DEFAULT_THREADS);
   526 			gThreadNum = DEFAULT_THREADS;
   527 		}
   528 		else
   529 		{
   530 			printf("WARNING: The NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS is not available, and the default value %d will be used.\n", DEFAULT_THREADS);
   531 			gThreadNum = DEFAULT_THREADS;
   532 		}
   533 	}
   535 	// Process drive obey files.
   536 	if(gDriveImage)
   537 	{  
   538 		TText temp = 0;
   539 		TText *driveobeyFileName = gDriveFilename;
   541 		do
   542 		{
   543 			while(((temp = *gDriveFilename++) != ',') && (temp != 0));
   544 			*(--gDriveFilename)++ = 0;
   546 			if(*driveobeyFileName)
   547 			{	
   548 				TText* logfile = 0;
   549 				if(Getlogfile(driveobeyFileName,logfile)== KErrNone)
   550 				{
   551 					H.SetLogFile(logfile);	
   552 					PrintVersion();
   553 					GetLocalTime();
   554 					r = ProcessDataDriveMain(driveobeyFileName,logfile);   
   555 					H.CloseLogFile();
   556 					delete[] logfile;
   557 					if(r == KErrNoMemory)
   558 						return KErrNoMemory;
   559 				}
   560 				else
   561 				{
   562 					cout << "Error : Invalid obey file name : " << driveobeyFileName << "\n" ;   
   563 				}
   564 			}
   565 			driveobeyFileName = gDriveFilename;
   566 		}
   567 		while(temp != 0);   
   569 		gDriveImage=EFalse;
   570 	} 
   571 	if(gSmrImage)
   572 	{
   573 		TText temp = 0;
   574 		TText *smrImageObeyFileName = gSmrFileName;
   575 		do
   576 		{
   577 			while(((temp = *gSmrFileName++) != ',') && (temp != 0));
   578 			*(--gSmrFileName)++ = 0;
   579 			if(*smrImageObeyFileName)
   580 			{	
   581 				TText * logfile = 0;
   582 				if(Getlogfile(smrImageObeyFileName,logfile) == KErrNone)
   583 				{
   584 					H.SetLogFile(logfile);
   585 					PrintVersion();
   586 					GetLocalTime();
   587 					r = ProcessSmrImageMain(smrImageObeyFileName, logfile);
   588 					H.CloseLogFile();
   589 					delete[] logfile;
   590 					if(r == KErrNoMemory)
   591 						return KErrNoMemory;
   592 				}
   593 				else
   594 				{
   595 					cout << "Error: Invalid obey file name: " << smrImageObeyFileName << "\n";
   596 				}
   597 			}
   598 			smrImageObeyFileName = gSmrFileName;
   599 		}
   600 		while(temp != 0);
   601 		gSmrImage = EFalse;
   602 	}
   603 	// Process Rofs Obey files.
   604 	if(obeyFileName)
   605 	{
   607 		H.SetLogFile((unsigned char *)"ROFSBUILD.LOG");	
   608 		PrintVersion();
   610 		ObeyFileReader *reader=new ObeyFileReader(obeyFileName);
   611 		if (!reader->Open())
   612 			return KErrGeneral;
   614 		E32Rofs* RofsImage = 0;		// for image from obey file
   615 		CCoreImage *core= 0;		// for image from core image file
   616 		MRofsImage* imageInfo=0;
   617 		CObeyFile *mainObeyFile=new CObeyFile(*reader);
   619 		// need check if obey file has coreimage keyword
   620 		TText *file = mainObeyFile->ProcessCoreImage();
   621 		if (file)
   622 		{
   623 			// hase coreimage keyword but only use if command line option
   624 			// for coreimage not already selected
   625 			if (!gUseCoreImage)
   626 			{
   627 				gUseCoreImage = ETrue;
   628 				gImageFilename = (char *)file;
   629 			}
   630 		}
   632 		if (!gUseCoreImage)
   633 		{
   635 			r=mainObeyFile->ProcessRofs();
   636 			if (r==KErrNone)
   637 			{
   638 				// Build a ROFS image using the description compiled into the
   639 				// CObeyFile object
   641 				RofsImage = new E32Rofs( mainObeyFile );
   642 				if( !RofsImage )
   643 				{
   644 					return KErrNoMemory;
   645 				}
   647 				r = RofsImage->Create();
   648 				if( KErrNone == r )
   649 				{
   650 					if(SizeSummary)
   651 						RofsImage->DisplaySizes(SizeWhere);
   652 					RofsImage->WriteImage( gHeaderType );
   653 				}
   654 				imageInfo = RofsImage;
   655 				mainObeyFile->Release();
   656 			}
   657 			else if (r!=KErrNotFound)
   658 				return r;
   659 		}
   660 		else
   661 		{
   663 			// need to use core image
   664 			RCoreImageReader *reader = new RCoreImageReader(gImageFilename);
   665 			if (!reader)
   666 			{
   667 				return KErrNoMemory;
   668 			}
   669 			core= new CCoreImage(reader);
   670 			if (!core)
   671 			{
   672 				return KErrNoMemory;
   673 			}
   674 			r = core->ProcessImage();
   675 			if (r != KErrNone)
   676 				return r;
   677 			imageInfo = core;
   678 			mainObeyFile->SkipToExtension();
   680 		}
   682 		do 
   683 		{
   684 			CObeyFile* extensionObeyFile = 0;
   685 			E32Rofs* extensionRofs = 0;
   687 			extensionObeyFile = new CObeyFile(*reader);
   688 			r = extensionObeyFile->ProcessExtensionRofs(imageInfo);
   689 			if (r==KErrEof)
   690 			{
   691 				if(RofsImage)
   692 					delete RofsImage;
   693 				if(core)
   694 					delete core;
   695 				delete extensionObeyFile;
   696 				return KErrNone;
   697 			}
   698 			if (r!=KErrNone)
   699 				break;
   701 			extensionRofs = new E32Rofs(extensionObeyFile);
   702 			r=extensionRofs->CreateExtension(imageInfo);
   703 			if (r!=KErrNone)
   704 			{
   705 				delete extensionRofs;
   706 				delete extensionObeyFile;
   707 				break;
   708 			}
   709 			if(SizeSummary)
   710 				RofsImage->DisplaySizes(SizeWhere);
   711 			r=extensionRofs->WriteImage(0);		
   712 			delete extensionRofs;
   713 			delete extensionObeyFile;
   714 			extensionRofs = 0;
   715 			extensionObeyFile = 0;
   717 		}
   718 		while (r==KErrNone);
   720 		if(RofsImage) 
   721 			delete RofsImage;									
   722 		if(core)
   723 			delete core;
   724 		delete mainObeyFile;
   726 	}
   727 	return r;
   728 }//end of main.