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     1 #
     2 # Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 # All rights reserved.
     4 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 # under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 # at the URL "".
     8 #
     9 # Initial Contributors:
    10 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 #
    12 # Contributors:
    13 #
    14 # Description: 
    15 # raptor_cli module
    16 # This module represents a Command Line Interpreter (CLI) for Raptor.
    17 # The interface with Raptor is the GetArgs() function, which is called
    18 # by a raptor.Raptor object.
    19 #
    21 import re
    22 import types
    23 import raptor
    24 import os
    25 import sys
    26 import tempfile
    27 from raptor_utilities import getOSPlatform
    29 from optparse import OptionParser # for parsing command line parameters
    31 fullCommandOption = "--command"
    32 miniCommandOption = "--co"  # update this if another "co" option is added
    34 # raptor_cli module attributes
    36 parser = OptionParser(prog =,
    37 					  usage = """%prog [--help] [options] [variable=value] [target] ...
    39 Targets:
    41 BITMAP         Create bitmap files
    42 CLEAN          Remove built files and intermediates, but not exported files
    43 CLEANEXPORT    Remove exported files
    44 EXPORT         Copy exported files to destinations
    45 FINAL          Allow extension makefiles to execute final commands
    46 FREEZE         Freeze exported functions in a .DEF file
    47 LIBRARY        Create import libraries from frozen .DEF files
    48 LISTING        Create assembler listing files for source files
    49 REALLYCLEAN    Same as CLEAN but also remove exported files
    50 RESOURCE       Create resource files and AIFs
    51 ROMFILE        Create an IBY file to be included in a ROM
    52 TARGET         Create main executables
    53 WHAT           List all releaseable targets
    55 Examples:
    57 sbs -b my/group/bld.inf -c armv5        # build my component for target ARMV5
    58 sbs -b my/group/bld.inf -c armv5.test   # build my tests for target ARMV5
    60 sbs -c winscw CLEAN                     # clean emulator files
    61 sbs REALLYCLEAN                         # delete everything""")
    63 parser.add_option("-a","--sysdefbase",action="store",dest="sys_def_base",
    64 				help="Root directory for relative paths in the System Definition XML file.")
    66 parser.add_option("-b","--bldinf",action="append",dest="bld_inf_file",
    67 				help="Build information filename. Multiple -b options can be given.")
    69 parser.add_option("-c","--config",action="append",dest="config_name",
    70 				help="Configuration name to build. Multiple -c options can be given. The standard configs are all, armv5, armv7, default, tools, tools2 and winscw.")
    72 parser.add_option("--configpath", action="append",dest="config_list",
    73 				help="Append a list of paths to the default list of XML configuration folders. Use ';' as the separator on Windows, and ':' on Linux. Multiple --configpath options can be given.")
    75 parser.add_option("--check",action="store_true",dest="check",
    76 				help="Test for the existence of files created by the build, printing the ones which are missing. Do not build anything.")
    78 parser.add_option("--command",action="append",dest="command_file",
    79 				help="Provide a set of command-line options in a file.")
    81 parser.add_option("-d","--debug",action="store_true",dest="debugoutput",
    82 				help="Display information useful for debugging.")
    84 parser.add_option("-e","--engine",action="store",dest="make_engine",
    85 				help="Name of the make engine which runs the build.")
    87 parser.add_option("--export-only",action="store_true",dest="doExportOnly",
    88 				help="Generate exports only and do not create any make files.")
    90 parser.add_option("-f","--logfile",action="store",dest="logfile",
    91 				help="Name of the log file, or '-' for stdout.")
    93 parser.add_option("--filters",action="store",dest="filter_list",
    94 				help="Comma-separated list of names of the filters to use (case sensitive).")
    96 parser.add_option("-i","--ignore-os-detection",action="store_true",dest="ignore_os_detection",
    97 				help="Disables automatic application of OS variant based upon the OS version detected from each epoc32 tree.")
    99 parser.add_option("-j","--jobs",action="store",dest="number_of_jobs",
   100                 help="The maximum number of jobs that make should try and run in parallel (on a single machine).")
   102 parser.add_option("-k","--keepgoing",action="store_true",dest="keepgoing",
   103 				help="Continue building, even if some build commands fail.")
   105 parser.add_option("-l","--layer",action="append",dest="sys_def_layer",
   106                 help="Build a specific layer in the System Definition XML File. Multiple -l options can be given.")
   108 parser.add_option("-m","--makefile",action="store",dest="makefile",
   109 				help="Top-level makefile to be created.")
   111 parser.add_option("--mo",action="append",dest="make_option",
   112 				help="Option that must be passed through to the make engine. Multiple --mo options can be given.")
   114 parser.add_option("-n","--nobuild",action="store_true",dest="nobuild",
   115 				help="Just create makefiles, do not build anything.")
   117 parser.add_option("--no-depend-include",action="store_true",dest="noDependInclude",
   118 				help="Do not include generated dependency files. This is only useful for extremely large non-incremental builds.")
   120 parser.add_option("-o","--orderlayers",action="store_true",dest="sys_def_order_layers",
   121 				help="Build layers in the System Definition XML file in the order listed or, if given, in the order of -l options.")
   123 parser.add_option("-p","--project",action="append",dest="project_name",
   124                 help="Build a specific project (mmp or extension) in the given bld.inf file. Multiple -p options can be given.")
   126 parser.add_option("-q","--quiet",action="store_true",dest="quiet",
   127 				help="Run quietly, not generating output messages.")
   129 parser.add_option("-s","--sysdef",action="store",dest="sys_def_file",
   130 				help="System Definition XML filename.")
   132 parser.add_option("--source-target",action="append",dest="source_target",
   133 				help="Build the listed source or resource file in isolation - do not perform any dependent processing. Multiple --source-target options can be given.")
   135 parser.add_option("-t","--tries",action="store",dest="tries",
   136 				help="How many times to run a command before recording an error. The default is 1. This is useful for builds where transient failures can occur.")
   138 parser.add_option("--toolcheck",action="store",dest="toolcheck",
   139 			help= \
   140 				"""Possible values are:
   141 				  "on"     -  Check the versions of tools that will be used in the build. Use cached results from previous builds to save time. This is the default.
   143   				  "off"    -  Do not check tool versions whatsoever.
   145 				  "forced" -  Check all tool versions. Don't use cached results.
   146 			""")
   147 parser.add_option("--pp",action="store",dest="parallel_parsing",
   148 				help="""Controls how metadata (e.g. bld.infs) are parsed in Parallel.
   149 					Possible values are:
   150 					"on"  - Parse bld.infs in parallel (should be faster on clusters/multicore machines)
   151 					"off" - Parse bld.infs serially 
   152 				     """)
   154 parser.add_option("-v","--version",action="store_true",dest="version",
   155 				help="Print the version number and exit.")
   157 parser.add_option("--what",action="store_true",dest="what",
   158 				help="Print out the names of the files created by the build. Do not build anything.")
   160 def GetArgs(Raptor, args):
   161 	"Process command line arguments for a Raptor object"
   162 	return DoRaptor(Raptor,args)
   164 def ReadCommandFile(filename, used):
   165 	if filename in used:
   166 		raise IOError("command file '%s' refers to itself" % filename)
   168 	args = []
   169 	try:
   170 		file = open(filename, "r")
   171 		for line in file.readlines():
   172 			args.extend(line.split())
   173 		file.close()
   174 	except:
   175 		raise IOError("couldn't read command file '%s'" % filename)
   177 	# expand any command files in the options we just read.
   178 	# making sure we don't get stuck in a loop.
   179 	usedPlusThis = used[:]
   180 	usedPlusThis.append(filename)
   181 	return ExpandCommandOptions(args, usedPlusThis)
   183 def ExpandCommandOptions(args, files = []):
   184 	"""recursively expand --command options."""
   185 	expanded = []
   186 	previousWasOpt = False
   188 	for a in args:
   189 		if previousWasOpt: # then this one is the filename
   190 			expanded.extend(ReadCommandFile(a, files))
   191 			previousWasOpt = False
   192 			continue
   194 		if a.startswith(miniCommandOption):
   195 			if "=" in a: # then this is opt=filename
   196 				opt = a.split("=")
   197 				if fullCommandOption.startswith(opt[0]):
   198 					expanded.extend(ReadCommandFile(opt[1], files))
   199 					continue
   200 			else: # the next one is the filename
   201 				if fullCommandOption.startswith(a):
   202 					previousWasOpt = True
   203 					continue
   205 		expanded.append(a) # an ordinary arg, nothing to do with command files
   207 	return expanded
   209 def DoRaptor(Raptor, args):
   210 	"Process raptor arguments"
   211 	#
   212 	# This should parse the args list and call methods on
   213 	# the Raptor object to store the appropriate data.
   215 	# Expand --command=file options, replacing them with the contents of the
   216 	# command file.
   218 	non_ascii_error = "Non-ASCII character in argument or command file"
   220 	try:
   221 		expanded_args = ExpandCommandOptions(args)
   222 		for arg in expanded_args:
   223 			for c in arg:
   224 				if ord(c) > 127:
   225 					Raptor.Error(non_ascii_error)
   226 					return False
   227 	except IOError, e:
   228 		Raptor.Error(str(e))
   229 		return False
   230 	except UnicodeDecodeError:
   231 		Raptor.Error(non_ascii_error)
   232 		return False
   234 	# parse the full set of arguments
   235 	(options, leftover_args) = parser.parse_args(expanded_args)
   237 	# the leftover_args are either variable assignments of the form a=b
   238 	# or target names.
   239 	regex = re.compile("^(.+)=(.*)$")
   240 	for leftover in leftover_args:
   241 		assignment = regex.findall(leftover)
   242 		if len(assignment) > 0:
   243 			Raptor.SetEnv(assignment[0][0],assignment[0][1])
   244 		else:
   245 			Raptor.AddTarget(leftover)
   247 	# Define the dictionary of functions to be used.
   248 	# Attributes and function names can be added easily.
   249 	# The calling attribute should be the same
   250 	# as specified when creating the add_option
   251 	functions = {'config_name': Raptor.AddConfigName,
   252 				 'config_list':Raptor.AddConfigList,
   253 				 'sys_def_file' : Raptor.SetSysDefFile,
   254 				 'sys_def_base' : Raptor.SetSysDefBase,
   255 				 'sys_def_layer' : Raptor.AddSysDefLayer,
   256 				 'sys_def_order_layers' : Raptor.SetSysDefOrderLayers,
   257 				 'bld_inf_file' : Raptor.AddBuildInfoFile,
   258 				 'logfile' : Raptor.SetLogFileName,
   259 				 'makefile' : Raptor.SetTopMakefile,
   260 				 'quiet' : Raptor.RunQuietly,
   261 				 'debugoutput' : Raptor.SetDebugOutput,
   262 				 'doExportOnly' : Raptor.SetExportOnly,
   263 				 'keepgoing': Raptor.SetKeepGoing,
   264 				 'nobuild' : Raptor.SetNoBuild,
   265 				 'make_engine': Raptor.SetMakeEngine,
   266 				 'make_option': Raptor.AddMakeOption,
   267 				 'noDependInclude': Raptor.SetNoDependInclude,
   268 				 'number_of_jobs': Raptor.SetJobs,
   269 				 'project_name' :  Raptor.AddProject,
   270 				 'filter_list' : Raptor.FilterList,
   271 				 'ignore_os_detection': Raptor.IgnoreOsDetection,
   272 				 'check' :  Raptor.SetCheck,
   273 				 'what' :  Raptor.SetWhat,
   274 				 'tries' : Raptor.SetTries,
   275 				 'toolcheck' : Raptor.SetToolCheck,
   276 				 'source_target' : Raptor.AddSourceTarget,
   277 				 'command_file' : CommandFile,
   278 				'parallel_parsing' : Raptor.SetParallelParsing,
   279 			 	'version' : Raptor.PrintVersion
   280 				}
   282 	# Check if Quiet mode has been specified (otherwise we will make noise)
   283 	if parser.values.quiet:
   284 		Raptor.RunQuietly(True)
   286 	# some options imply that Raptor should exit immediately (e.g. --version)
   287 	keepGoing = True
   289 	if parser.values.version:
   290 		keepGoing = False
   292 	# Parse through the command line arguments passed, and call the
   293 	# corresponding function with the correct parameter.
   294 	# Since options is a OptParse.Value instance, it can be iterated over.
   295 	# This implementation helps avoid lengthy if-else statements
   296 	for opt in options.__dict__.items():
   297 		call_function = functions[str(opt[0])]
   298 		values = opt[1]
   299 		if not values:
   300 			pass
   301 		else:
   302 			if type(values) == types.ListType: # Check if the argument type is a list or a string. If list, then iterate through it and call the functions
   303 				for val in values:
   304 					keepGoing = (call_function(val) and keepGoing)
   305 			else:
   306 					keepGoing = (call_function(values) and keepGoing)
   308 	return keepGoing
   310 def CommandFile(file):
   311 	"this should never be called because we expand --command in this module."
   312 	print + ": error: command file '%s' was not expanded" % file
   313 	return False
   318 # end of the raptor_cli module