1 # Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
2 # All rights reserved. |
3 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available |
4 # under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0" |
5 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available |
6 # at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". |
7 # |
8 # Initial Contributors: |
9 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
10 # |
11 # Contributors: |
12 # |
13 # Description: |
14 # |
15 |
16 ########################################################################################### |
17 # CBR Tools handling |
18 # |
19 !define RELTOOLSKEY "SOFTWARE\Symbian\Release Tools" |
20 !define CBRTOOLSKEY "SOFTWARE\Symbian\Symbian CBR Tools" |
21 !define PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" |
22 |
24 |
25 !macro CBRToolsNSISManualUninstall inVersion inPath |
26 SetShellVarContext current |
27 RMDir /r "$SMPROGRAMS\Symbian CBR Tools\${inVersion}" |
28 RMDir "$SMPROGRAMS\Symbian CBR Tools" ; delete if empty |
29 RMDir /r "${inPath}" |
30 DeleteRegKey HKLM "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}\Symbian CBR Tools ${inVersion}" |
31 DeleteRegKey HKLM "${CBRTOOLSKEY}\${inVersion}" |
32 DeleteRegKey /ifempty HKLM "${CBRTOOLSKEY}" |
33 Push "${inPath}" |
34 !insertmacro PathTypeRmvFromEnvVar "path" "${inPath}" "" |
35 !insertmacro SetShellVarCtxt |
36 !macroend |
37 |
38 |
39 !macro CBRToolsISManualUninstall inVersion inPath inUninstallKey |
40 RMDir /r "$SMPROGRAMS\Symbian OS Release Tools\" |
41 RMDir /r "${inPath}" |
42 ${If} "${inUninstallKey}" != "" |
43 DeleteRegKey HKLM "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}\${inUninstallKey}" |
44 ${EndIf} |
45 DeleteRegKey HKLM "${RELTOOLSKEY}\${inVersion}" |
46 DeleteRegKey /ifempty HKLM "${RELTOOLSKEY}" |
47 DeleteRegKey /ifempty HKLM "SOFTWARE\Symbian" |
48 Push "${inPath}" |
49 !insertmacro PathTypeRmvFromEnvVar "path" "${inPath}" "" |
50 !macroend |
51 |
52 |
53 Function CBRToolsPreConfigureFunction |
54 exch $0 |
55 push $1 # counter |
56 push $2 # version |
57 push $3 # uninstall string |
58 push $4 |
59 push $5 |
60 |
61 push $6 |
62 |
63 push $R0 # $ReplaceVer |
64 push $R1 # $ReplaceKey |
65 |
66 push $R2 # nsis installations found |
67 push $R3 # install shield installations found |
68 StrCpy $CBRUNINSTALL "no" |
69 StrCpy $5 1 |
70 SectionGetFlags $0 $R0 |
71 IntOp $R0 $R0 & ${SF_SELECTED} |
72 ${If} $R0 == ${SF_SELECTED} |
73 |
74 StrCpy $R0 "Following CBR Tools version(s) are already installed: " |
75 StrCpy $R1 "" |
76 StrCpy $R2 "" |
77 StrCpy $R3 "" |
78 StrCpy $6 "" |
79 StrCpy $1 0 |
80 loop: #check if there is install shield installation |
81 EnumRegKey $2 HKLM "${RELTOOLSKEY}" $1 |
82 StrCmp $2 "" checkNsis |
83 IntOp $1 $1 + 1 |
84 readregstr $3 HKLM "${RELTOOLSKEY}\$2" "Path" |
85 StrCpy $R3 "1" |
86 StrCpy $R0 "$R0$\r$\nVersion $2 is already installed in $3." |
87 GoTo loop |
88 |
89 checkNsis: # check if there is NSIS installation |
90 StrCpy $4 $1 |
91 StrCpy $1 0 |
92 loop1: |
93 EnumRegKey $2 HKLM "${CBRTOOLSKEY}" $1 |
94 StrCmp $2 "" done |
95 IntOp $1 $1 + 1 |
96 readregstr $3 HKLM "${CBRTOOLSKEY}\$2" "Path" |
97 StrCpy $R2 "$R2-$2-" |
98 StrCpy $R0 "$R0$\r$\nVersion $2 is already installed in $3." |
99 GoTo loop1 |
100 |
101 done: |
102 IntOp $1 $1 + $4 |
103 ${If} $1 > 0 |
104 |
105 ${If} $SILENT == "true" |
106 ${AndIf} $DIALOGS == "false" |
107 !insertmacro LogStopMessage "CBRTools (Release Tools) already installed. Stopping installation.\ |
108 $\r$\nPlease uninstall CBRTools (Rlease Tools) before continuing " "${OTHER_ERROR}" |
109 ${Else} |
110 MessageBox MB_YESNOCANCEL "$R0$\r$\n\ |
111 Do you want to uninstall previous installation(s) before continuing?" IDYES continue IDNO finish |
112 ${EndIf} |
113 |
114 cancel: |
115 StrCpy $5 0 |
116 GoTo finish |
117 |
118 |
119 continue: |
120 StrCpy $CBRUNINSTALL "yes" |
121 |
122 ${EndIf} |
123 finish: |
124 ${EndIf} |
125 StrCpy $0 "$5" |
126 pop $R3 |
127 pop $R2 |
128 pop $R1 |
129 pop $R0 |
130 pop $6 |
131 pop $5 |
132 pop $4 |
133 pop $3 |
134 pop $2 |
135 pop $1 |
136 exch $0 |
137 FunctionEnd |
138 |
139 Function CBRToolsPreviousUninstall |
140 exch $0 |
141 push $1 # counter |
142 push $2 # version |
143 push $3 # uninstall string |
144 push $4 |
145 push $5 |
146 |
147 push $6 |
148 |
149 push $R0 # $ReplaceVer |
150 push $R1 # $ReplaceKey |
151 |
152 push $R2 # nsis installations found |
153 push $R3 # install shield installations found |
154 |
155 ${If} $CBRUNINSTALL == "yes" |
156 #uninstall |
157 #Uninstall first all NSIS installations |
158 StrCpy $1 0 |
159 EnumRegKey $2 HKLM "${CBRTOOLSKEY}" $1 |
160 ${While} $2 != "" |
161 ReadRegStr $3 HKLM "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}\Symbian CBR Tools $2" "UninstallString" |
162 ReadRegStr $4 HKLM "${CBRTOOLSKEY}\$2" "Path" |
163 ${If} $3 == "" #no uninstaller found |
164 StrCpy $6 "error" |
165 ${Else} |
166 IfFileExists $3 +2 0 |
167 StrCpy $6 "error" |
168 ${EndIf} |
169 |
170 ${If} $SILENT == "false" |
171 ${OrIf} $DIALOGS == "true" |
172 Banner::show /NOUNLOAD /set 76 "Removing previous installation $2..." "Please wait." |
173 ${EndIf} |
174 IfFileExists "$4\reltools.ini" 0 +3 |
175 CreateDirectory "$TEMP\sitk\$2\" |
176 CopyFiles /SILENT "$4\reltools.ini" "$TEMP\sitk\$2\" |
177 ${If} $6 == "error" |
178 !insertmacro CBRToolsNSISManualUninstall "$2" "$4" |
179 ${Else} |
180 ClearErrors |
181 ExecWait '"$3" /S _?=$4\' ;$3: Uninstaller $4:installation path |
182 IfErrors +2 0 |
183 RMDir /r $4 ; delete installation folder |
184 ${EndIf} |
185 IfFileExists "$TEMP\sitk\$2\reltools.ini" 0 +4 |
186 CreateDirectory "$4" |
187 CopyFiles /SILENT "$TEMP\sitk\$2\reltools.ini" "$4" |
188 RMDir /r "$TEMP\sitk\$2\" |
189 ${If} $SILENT == "false" |
190 ${OrIf} $DIALOGS == "true" |
191 Banner::destroy |
192 ${EndIf} |
193 |
194 #IntOp $1 $1 + 1 |
195 EnumRegKey $2 HKLM "${CBRTOOLSKEY}" $1 |
196 ${EndWhile} |
197 |
198 loop: #check if there is install shield installation |
199 |
200 |
201 StrCpy $1 0 |
202 StrCpy $R3 0 |
203 EnumRegKey $2 HKLM "${RELTOOLSKEY}" $1 |
204 ${While} $2 != "" |
205 ReadRegStr $3 HKLM "${RELTOOLSKEY}\$2" "Path" |
206 |
207 CreateDirectory "$TEMP\sitk\InstallShield\$2\" |
208 IfFileExists "$3\reltools.ini" 0 +2 |
209 CopyFiles /SILENT "$3\reltools.ini" "$TEMP\sitk\InstallShield\$2\" |
210 FileOpen $4 "$TEMP\sitk\InstallShield\$2\dir.txt" "w" |
211 FileWrite $4 "$3" |
212 FileClose $4 |
213 StrCpy $R3 "1" |
214 IntOp $1 $1 + 1 |
215 EnumRegKey $2 HKLM "${RELTOOLSKEY}" $1 |
216 ${EndWhile} |
217 |
218 |
219 ${If} $R3 == "1" #Look for install shield installations to uninstall |
220 StrCpy $1 0 |
221 StrCpy $6 "" |
222 EnumRegKey $2 HKLM "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" $1 |
223 ${While} $2 != "" |
224 ReadRegStr $3 HKLM "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}\$2" "DisplayName" |
225 ${If} $3 == "Release Tools" |
226 ${ExitWhile} |
227 ${EndIf} |
228 IntOp $1 $1 + 1 |
229 EnumRegKey $2 HKLM "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}" $1 |
230 ${EndWhile} |
231 |
232 ${If} $2 == "" |
233 StrCpy $6 "error" |
234 ${ElseIf} $3 == "Release Tools" |
235 ReadRegStr $3 HKLM "${PRODUCT_UNINST_KEY}\$2" "UninstallString" |
236 ${If} $3 == "" |
237 StrCpy $6 "error" |
238 ${Else} |
239 MessageBox MB_OK "InstallShield will be launched, please select <remove> and follow the wizard" /SD IDOK |
240 ExecWait $3 |
241 ${EndIf} |
242 ${EndIf} |
243 |
244 FindFirst $0 $4 "$TEMP\sitk\InstallShield\*" |
245 ${While} $4 != "" |
246 ${If} $4 != "." |
247 ${AndIf} $4 != ".." |
248 IfFileExists "$TEMP\sitk\InstallShield\$4\dir.txt" 0 notfound |
249 |
250 FileOpen $3 "$TEMP\sitk\InstallShield\$4\dir.txt" "r" |
251 FileRead $3 $1 |
252 FileClose $3 |
253 |
254 ${If} $6 == "error" |
255 !insertmacro CBRToolsISManualUninstall "$4" "$1" "$2" |
256 ${EndIf} |
257 |
258 IfFileExists "$TEMP\sitk\InstallShield\$4\reltools.ini" 0 notfound |
259 CreateDirectory "$1" |
260 CopyFiles /SILENT "$TEMP\sitk\InstallShield\$4\reltools.ini" "$1" |
261 notfound: |
262 |
263 ${EndIf} |
264 FindNext $0 $4 |
265 ${EndWhile} |
266 FindClose $0 |
267 |
268 ${EndIf} |
269 #uninstal |
270 ${EndIF} |
271 |
272 pop $R3 |
273 pop $R2 |
274 pop $R1 |
275 pop $R0 |
276 pop $6 |
277 pop $5 |
278 pop $4 |
279 pop $3 |
280 pop $2 |
281 pop $1 |
282 pop $0 |
283 FunctionEnd |
284 |
285 !macro CBRToolsPreconfigure inSectionName |
286 push "${inSectionName}" |
287 call CBRToolsPreConfigureFunction |
288 !macroend |