changeset 607 378360dbbdba
parent 600 6d08f4a05d93
equal deleted inserted replaced
591:22486c9c7b15 607:378360dbbdba
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 * @internalComponent * @released
    16 * configpaging mainfile to do configpaging in buildrom.
    17 *
    18 */
    20 #include <boost/regex.hpp>
    21 #include <string>
    22 #include <iostream>
    23 #include <map>
    24 #include <vector>
    25 #include <fstream>
    26 #include <malloc.h>
    28 using namespace std;
    29 using namespace boost ;
    31 typedef const char* const_str ;
    33 static const string NULL_STRING("");
    34 static const char CONSTANT_UNPAGED[] = "unpaged";
    35 static const char CONSTANT_PAGED[] = "paged";
    36 static const char CONSTANT_UNPAGEDCODE[] = "unpagedcode";
    37 static const char CONSTANT_PAGEDCODE[]	= "pagedcode";
    38 static const char CONSTANT_UNPAGEDDATA[] = "unpageddata";
    39 static const char CONSTANT_PAGEDDATA[] = "pageddata";
    40 #ifdef WIN32 
    41 static const char CONSTANT_CONFIG_PATH[] = "epoc32\\rom\\configpaging\\";
    42 static string epocroot("\\");
    43 static const char SLASH_CHAR = '\\';
    44 #else
    45 #include <strings.h>
    46 #define strnicmp strncasecmp
    47 #define _alloca alloca
    48 static const char CONSTANT_CONFIG_PATH[] = "epoc32/rom/configpaging/";
    49 static string epocroot("/");
    50 static const char SLASH_CHAR = '/';
    51 #endif 
    52 static const char CONSTANT_CONFIG_FILE[] = "configpaging.cfg" ;
    53 #define is_undef(s)		(0 == s.length())
    54 static const int MAJOR_VERSION = 1;
    55 static const int MINOR_VERSION = 2;
    56 static const int BUILD_NUMBER  = 0;
    57 static const char COPYRIGHT[]="Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation.";
    58 struct ListElement{  
    59 	const_str code ;
    60 	const_str data ;	 
    61 }; 
    64 static string configlist ;
    65 static regex e0("^(file|data|dll|secondary)(=|\\s+)",regex::perl|regex::icase);
    66 static regex e1("^(code|data)?pagingoverride=(.*)\\s*",regex::perl);
    67 static regex e2("^(un)?paged(code|data)?(\\s+(un)?paged(code|data)?)?:",regex::perl);
    68 static regex e3("^include\\s*\"(.*)\"",regex::perl);
    69 static regex e4("(\\S+)(\\s+(un)?paged(code|data)?(\\s+(un)?paged(code|data)?)?)?",regex::perl);
    70 static regex e5("\\b(un)?paged(data)?\\b\\s*$",regex::perl|regex::icase);
    71 static regex e6("\\b(un)?paged(code)?\\b\\s*$",regex::perl|regex::icase); 
    72 static regex e7("\\b(un)?paged(code|data)?\\b",regex::perl|regex::icase); 
    73 //static regex e8("tool=|\\s+)",regex::perl|regex::icase);
    77 static bool is_obystatement(const char* aLine) {	 
    78 	if(!strnicmp(aLine,"file",4)|| !strnicmp(aLine,"data",4))
    79 		aLine += 4 ;
    80 	else if(!strnicmp(aLine,"dll",3))
    81 		aLine += 3;
    82 	else if(!strnicmp(aLine,"secondary",9))
    83 		aLine += 9 ;
    84 	else
    85 		return false ;
    87 	return (*aLine =='=' || *aLine == ' '|| *aLine == '\t');
    89 }
    90 static void trim(string& aStr){
    92 	char* data = const_cast<char*>(;
    93 	int length = aStr.length();
    94 	int firstIndex = 0 ;
    95 	int lastIndex = length - 1;
    96 	// remove ending blanks	
    97 	while(lastIndex >= 0 && (data[lastIndex] == ' ' || data[lastIndex] == '\t')){
    98 		lastIndex -- ;
    99 	}
   101 	// remove heading blanks	
   102 	while((firstIndex < lastIndex ) && (data[firstIndex] == ' ' || data[firstIndex] == '\t')){
   103 		firstIndex ++ ;
   104 	}	
   105 	lastIndex++ ;
   106 	if(lastIndex < length){
   107 		aStr.erase(lastIndex,length - lastIndex);
   108 	}
   109 	if(firstIndex > 0){
   110 		aStr.erase(0,firstIndex);
   111 	}
   112 }
   113 static void make_lower(char* aStr,size_t aLength){
   115 	for(size_t i = 0 ; i < aLength ; i++){
   116 		if(aStr[i] >= 'A' && aStr[i] <= 'Z')
   117 			aStr[i] |= 0x20 ;
   118 	}
   119 }
   120 static bool readConfigFile(const_str& aCodePagingRef, const_str& aDataPagingRef,
   121 		map<string,ListElement>& aListRef, const_str aFileName ) {
   122 	ifstream is(aFileName, ios_base::binary | ios_base::in);
   123 	if(!is.is_open()){
   124 		cerr<< "Can not open \""<< aFileName << "\" for reading.\n";
   125 		return false ;
   126 	}
   127 	const_str filecodepaging = "";
   128 	const_str filedatapaging = "";
   129 	match_results<string::const_iterator> what;
   131 	is.seekg(0,ios::end);
   132 	size_t size = is.tellg();
   133 	is.seekg(0,ios::beg);
   135 	char *buf = new char[size + 1];
   137 	buf[size] = '\n' ;
   139 	char* end = buf + size ;
   140 	char* lineStart = buf ;
   141 	int lfcr ;
   142 	string line ;
   144 	while(lineStart < end ){
   145 		// trim left ;
   146 		while(*lineStart == ' ' || *lineStart == '\t' ){
   147 			lineStart++ ;
   148 		}
   149 		char* lineEnd = lineStart;
   150 		while(*lineEnd != '\r' && *lineEnd != '\n'){
   151 			lineEnd++ ;
   152 		}
   153 		if(*lineEnd == '\r' && lineEnd[1] == '\n')
   154 			lfcr = 2 ;
   155 		else
   156 			lfcr = 1 ;
   158 		*lineEnd = 0 ;
   159 		// empty line or comment
   160 		if(lineEnd == lineStart || *lineStart == '#' ){
   161 			lineStart = lineEnd + lfcr ;
   162 			continue ;
   163 		}
   164 		size_t lenOfLine = lineEnd - lineStart;
   165 		make_lower(lineStart,lenOfLine);
   166 		line.assign(lineStart,lenOfLine);
   168 		if(regex_search(line, what, e1)){
   169 			string r1 = what[1].str();
   170 			string r2 = what[2].str(); 
   171 			if(is_undef(r1)){ //if ($1 eq undef)
   172 				if(r2 == "defaultpaged"){
   173 					aCodePagingRef = CONSTANT_PAGED ;
   174 				} else if(r2 == "defaultunpaged"){
   175 					aCodePagingRef = CONSTANT_UNPAGED ;
   176 					aDataPagingRef = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
   177 				}else{
   178 					cerr << "Configpaging Warning: invalid pagingoverride setting: "<< r2 <<"\n" ;
   179 				}
   180 			}else if(r1 == "code"){
   181 				if(r2 == "defaultpaged"){
   182 					aCodePagingRef = CONSTANT_PAGED ; 
   183 				} else if(r2 == "defaultunpaged"){
   184 					aCodePagingRef = CONSTANT_UNPAGED ; 
   185 				}else{
   186 					cerr << "Configpaging Warning: invalid codepagingoverride setting: "<< r2 <<"\n" ;
   187 				}
   188 			}
   189 			else if(r1 == "data" ){
   190 				if(r2 == "defaultpaged"){
   191 					aDataPagingRef = CONSTANT_PAGED ; 
   192 				} else if(r2 == "defaultunpaged"){
   193 					aDataPagingRef = CONSTANT_UNPAGED ; 
   194 				}else{
   195 					cerr << "Configpaging Warning: invalid datapagingoverride setting: "<< r2 <<"\n" ;
   196 				}
   197 			}
   198 		}// check e1
   199 		else if(regex_search(line, what, e2)){
   200 			string r1 = what[1].str();
   201 			string r2 = what[2].str();	
   202 			string r3 = what[3].str();	
   203 			string r4 = what[4].str();	
   204 			string r5 = what[5].str();   
   205 			filecodepaging = "";
   206 			filedatapaging = "";
   207 			if (is_undef(r1)) {
   208 				if (is_undef(r2)) {
   209 					filecodepaging = CONSTANT_PAGED;
   210 				}else if (r2 == "code") {
   211 					filecodepaging = CONSTANT_PAGED;
   212 				} else if(r2 == "data") {
   213 					filedatapaging = CONSTANT_PAGED;
   214 				} else {
   215 					cerr << "Configpaging Warning: unrecognized line: "<< lineStart << "\n";
   216 				}
   217 			} else if (r1 == "un"){
   218 				if (is_undef(r2)) { //$2 eq undef
   219 					filecodepaging = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
   220 					filedatapaging = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
   221 				}else if (r2 == "code") {
   222 					filecodepaging = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
   223 				} else if(r2 == "data") {
   224 					filedatapaging = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
   225 				} else {
   226 					cerr << "Configpaging Warning: unrecognized line: "<< lineStart << "\n";
   227 				}
   228 			} else {
   229 				cerr << "Configpaging Warning: unrecognized line: "<< lineStart << "\n";
   230 			}
   231 			if (r3.length() > 0){		//$3 ne undef
   232 				if (is_undef(r4)) {
   233 					if (is_undef(r5)) {
   234 						filecodepaging = CONSTANT_PAGED;
   235 					}else if (r5 == "code") {
   236 						filecodepaging = CONSTANT_PAGED;
   237 					} else if(r5 == "data") {
   238 						filedatapaging = CONSTANT_PAGED;
   239 					} else {
   240 						cerr << "Configpaging Warning: unrecognized line: "<< lineStart << "\n";
   241 					}
   242 				} else if (r4 == "un") {
   243 					if (is_undef(r5)) {
   244 						filecodepaging = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
   245 						filedatapaging = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
   246 					}else if (r5 == "code") {
   247 						filecodepaging = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
   248 					} else if(r5 == "data") {
   249 						filedatapaging = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
   250 					} else {
   251 						cerr << "Configpaging Warning: unrecognized line: "<< lineStart << "\n";
   252 					}
   253 				} else {
   254 					 cerr << "Configpaging Warning: unrecognized line: "<< lineStart << "\n";
   255 				}
   256 			}
   257 		}
   258 		else if(regex_search(line, what, e3)){
   259 			string filename = epocroot + CONSTANT_CONFIG_PATH;
   260 			filename += what[1].str();
   261 			readConfigFile(aCodePagingRef, aDataPagingRef, aListRef, filename.c_str()); 
   262 		}
   263 		else if(regex_search(line, what, e4)){
   264 			string r1 = what[1].str();
   265 			string r2 = what[2].str();	
   266 			string r3 = what[3].str();	
   267 			string r4 = what[4].str();	
   268 			string r5 = what[5].str();	
   269 			string r6 = what[6].str();	
   270 			string r7 = what[7].str(); 
   271 			ListElement element = {aCodePagingRef, aDataPagingRef};
   272 			if (is_undef(r2)){ //($2 eq undef){
   273 				if (0 != *filecodepaging){//filecodepaging ne "") 
   274 					element.code = filecodepaging;	//$element{code} = $filecodepaging;
   275 				}
   276 				if ( 0 != *filedatapaging){//$filedatapaging ne "") 
   277 = filedatapaging ;// = $filedatapaging;
   278 				}
   279 			} else {
   280 				if (is_undef(r4)){//$4 eq undef
   281 					if (is_undef(r3)) {//$3 eq undef
   282 						element.code = CONSTANT_PAGED; 
   283 					} else if (r3 == "un") {
   284 						element.code = CONSTANT_UNPAGED; 
   286 					}
   287 				} else if (r4 == "code") {
   288 					if (is_undef(r3)) {
   289 						element.code = CONSTANT_PAGED;
   290 					} else if (r3 == "un") {
   291 						element.code = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
   292 					}
   293 				} else if (r4 == "data") {
   294 					if (is_undef(r3)) {
   296 					} else if (r3 == "un") {
   298 					}
   299 				} else {
   300 					cerr << "Configpaging Warning: unrecognized attribute in line: "<< lineStart << "\n";
   301 				}
   302 				if (r5.length() > 0){//$5 ne undef
   303 					if (is_undef(r7)){ //$7 eq undef
   304 						if (is_undef(r6)) { //$6 eq undef
   305 							element.code = CONSTANT_PAGED; 
   306 						} else if (r6 == "un") {
   307 							element.code = CONSTANT_UNPAGED; 
   309 						}
   310 					} else if (r7 == "code") {
   311 						if (is_undef(r6)) {
   312 							element.code = CONSTANT_PAGED;
   313 						} else if (r6 == "un") {
   314 							element.code = CONSTANT_UNPAGED;
   315 						}
   316 					} else if (r7 == "data") {
   317 						if (is_undef(r6)) {
   319 						} else if (r6 == "un") {
   321 						}
   322 					} else {
   323 						cerr << "Configpaging Warning: unrecognized attribute in line: "<< lineStart << "\n";
   324 					}
   325 				}
   326 			}	
   327 			//$$listref{$1} = \%element;
   328 			aListRef.insert(pair<string,ListElement>(r1,element));
   329 		}
   330 		lineStart = lineEnd + lfcr ;
   331 	}
   333 	delete []buf ;
   334 	is.close(); 
   336 	return true ;
   337 }
   339 static bool match_icase(const string& a, const string& b){
   340 	int la = a.length();
   341 	int lb = b.length();
   342 	char *copyOfA = (char*)_alloca(la+2);
   343 	*copyOfA = ' ';
   344 	copyOfA++ ;
   345 	memcpy(copyOfA ,a.c_str(),la);
   346 	copyOfA[la] = 0;
   347 	char* end = &copyOfA[la];
   348 	make_lower(copyOfA,la);
   349 	while(copyOfA < end){
   350 		char *found = strstr(copyOfA,b.c_str()); 
   351 		if(0 == found)
   352 			return false ;
   353 		if((found[-1] == ' ' || found[-1] == '\\'|| found[-1] == '/'|| found[-1] == '\t' || found[-1] == '"'|| found[-1] == '=') &&
   354 					( found[lb] == ' '|| found[lb] == '\t' || found[lb] == '"'|| found[lb] == '\0'))
   355 			return true ;
   356 		copyOfA = found + lb ;		 
   357 	}
   359 	return false ;
   360 }
   362 static void configpaging_single(){
   364 	const_str codepaging="";
   365 	const_str datapaging="";
   366 	map<string, ListElement> list ;
   367 	vector<string> keys ;//my @keys;
   368     string line ;
   370 	cerr << "configpaging.exe: Modifying demand paging configuration using "<< configlist <<"\n";
   371 	readConfigFile(codepaging, datapaging, list, configlist.c_str());
   372 	match_results<string::const_iterator> what;
   373 	string codepagingadd ,datapagingadd ;
   374 	while(true){
   375 		getline(cin,line); 		 
   376 		if(cin.eof()) break ;
   377 		if(line == ":q") break ;
   378 		trim(line);
   379 		const char* lineData =;
   380 		if(*lineData == '#' ){
   381 			cout << lineData << "\n" ;
   382 			continue ;
   383 		}		 
   384 		int length = line.length();
   385 		if( length > 2){
   386 			//check rem 			
   387 			if((lineData[0] == 'R' || lineData[0] == 'r' ) && (lineData[1] == 'E' || lineData[1] == 'e' ) && (lineData[2] == 'M' || lineData[2] == 'm' )){
   388 				cout << lineData << "\n" ;
   389 				continue ;
   390 			}
   391 		}
   392 		codepagingadd = "";
   393 		datapagingadd = ""; 
   395 		if(is_obystatement(lineData)){
   396 			for( map<string,ListElement>::iterator it  = list.begin() ; it != list.end() ; it++){
   397 				if(match_icase(line,it->first) ){
   398 					if (it->second.code == CONSTANT_PAGED ){ 
   399 						codepagingadd += " " ;
   400 						codepagingadd += CONSTANT_PAGEDCODE;
   401 					} else if (it->second.code == CONSTANT_UNPAGED) {  
   402 						codepagingadd += " " ;
   403 						codepagingadd += CONSTANT_UNPAGEDCODE;
   404 					} 
   405 					if (it-> == CONSTANT_PAGED) {  
   406 						datapagingadd += " " ;
   407 						datapagingadd += CONSTANT_PAGEDDATA;
   408 					} else if  (it-> == CONSTANT_UNPAGED) {  
   409 						datapagingadd += " " ;
   410 						datapagingadd += CONSTANT_UNPAGEDDATA;
   411 					}
   412 					break ;
   413 				}
   414 			}//for 
   415 			if (codepagingadd.length() == 0 && 0 != *codepaging) {//!$codepagingadd and $codepaging
   416 				codepagingadd = " " ;
   417 				codepagingadd += codepaging ;
   418 				codepagingadd += "code";
   419 			}
   420 			if (datapagingadd.length() == 0 &&  0 != *datapaging) { //!$datapagingadd and $datapaging
   421 				datapagingadd = " " ;
   422 				datapagingadd += datapaging ;
   423 				datapagingadd += "data";
   424 					}
   425 			if (codepagingadd.length() > 0 && datapagingadd.length() == 0){ //$codepagingadd and !$datapagingadd
   426 				if (regex_search(line,what,e5)){  //$line =~ /\b(un)?paged(data)?\b\s*$/) { //$line =~ /\b(un)?paged(data)?\b\s*$/
   427 					datapagingadd = " " ;
   428 					if(what[1].length() > 0)
   429 					{
   430 						datapagingadd += what[1].str();
   431 						datapagingadd += "pageddata";
   432 					}
   433 				}
   434 			} else if (datapagingadd.length() > 0 && codepagingadd.length() == 0) {//$datapagingadd and !$codepagingadd
   435 				if (regex_search(line,what,e6)){
   436 					codepagingadd = " " ;
   437 					codepagingadd += what[1].str();
   438 					codepagingadd += "pagedcode";
   439 				}
   440 			}
   441 			if (datapagingadd.length() > 0 || datapagingadd.length() > 0) { // $datapagingadd or $datapagingadd
   442 				line = regex_replace(line,e7,NULL_STRING);
   443 			} 
   444 		}
   445 		cout << line << codepagingadd << datapagingadd  << "\n";
   447 	}
   448 }
   449 // 
   450 int main(int argc , char* argv[]) {
   452 	char* tmp = getenv("EPOCROOT"); 
   453 	if(tmp && *tmp)
   454 		epocroot = string(tmp);
   455 	char ch = - 1);
   456 	if(ch != '\\' && ch != '/')
   457 		epocroot += SLASH_CHAR;
   459 	if(argc > 1 ){
   460 		char* arg = argv[1];
   461 		if('-' == *arg && (arg[1] | 0x20) == 'v'){
   462 			cout << "configpaging - The paging configuration plugin for BUILDROM V" ;
   463 			cout << MAJOR_VERSION << "."<< MINOR_VERSION << "." << BUILD_NUMBER<< endl;			
   464 			cout << COPYRIGHT << endl << endl; 
   465 			return 0;
   466 		}
   467 		configlist = epocroot + CONSTANT_CONFIG_PATH; 
   468 		configlist += string(arg);
   469 	}
   470 	else{
   471 		configlist = epocroot + CONSTANT_CONFIG_PATH;
   472 		configlist += CONSTANT_CONFIG_FILE;
   473 	}
   474 	configpaging_single(); 	
   476 	return 0;
   477 }