changeset 607 378360dbbdba
parent 600 6d08f4a05d93
equal deleted inserted replaced
591:22486c9c7b15 607:378360dbbdba
     1 #
     2 # Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 # All rights reserved.
     4 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 # under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 # at the URL "".
     8 #
     9 # Initial Contributors:
    10 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 #
    12 # Contributors:
    13 #
    14 # Description:
    15 #
    16 #! perl
    18 # This script builds ROMs which are specified in a supplied XML file
    19 # To use this script \epoc32\tools\buildrom must be installed on the drive
    20 # with \epoc32\tools in the path
    22 # Note: The TargetBoard attribute is no longer used but is still needed because of the structure of this script!
    24 use strict;
    25 use XML::Simple;
    26 use Getopt::Long;
    27 use Cwd;
    28 use Cwd 'abs_path';
    29 use File::Copy;
    30 use File::Path;
    32 # Get command line arguments
    33 my ($romspec, $boards, $roms, $logdir, $buildnum, $publish, $help, $version) = ProcessCommandLine();
    35 Usage() if ($help);
    36 Version() if ($version);
    38 die "Romspec xml file must be specified using the -romspec option\n" if (!$romspec);
    40 # Construct arrays of boards and roms if they were specified
    41 my @boards = split /,/, $boards if ($boards);
    42 my @roms = split /,/, $roms if ($roms);
    44 # Use the XML::Simple module to parse the romspec and pass the result
    45 # into the $Roms hash reference
    46 my $xml = new XML::Simple;
    47 my $Roms = $xml->XMLin($romspec);
    49 my $RomList = %$Roms->{'Rom'};
    51 my $RomBuildStage = 1;
    53 foreach my $rom (sort keys %$RomList)
    54 {
    55     my $board = $RomList->{$rom}->{'TargetBoard'};
    56     if( (@boards == 0 and @roms == 0) or grep $rom, @roms or grep $board, @boards)
    57     {
    58         BuildRom($RomBuildStage, $RomList, $rom, $logdir, $buildnum ,$publish);
    59         $RomBuildStage++;
    60     }
    61 }
    63 #####################################################
    64 #### Run buildrom on the specified ROM using ########
    65 #### info from the romspec.xml               ########
    66 #####################################################
    67 sub BuildRom
    68 {
    69     my $Stage = shift;  # BuildRom stage
    70     my $RomList = shift;  # Hash of the romspec.xml
    71     my $rom = shift;   # Rom to be built
    72     my $logdir = shift;  # logs directory
    73     my $buildnum = shift;  # build number
    74     my $publish = shift;   # Publish Location
    75     my $type = $ENV{Type}; # type of Build Master or Release
    76     my $builddir = $ENV{BuildDir}; # Build Directory
    77     my $Epocroot = $ENV{EPOCROOT}; # EpocRoot;
    78     my $InFileList="";  # i.e. Platsec, Techview, obyfiles
    79     my $XmlFileList="";
    80     my $MacroList="";   # for the buildrom -D option
    81     my $TargetBoard = $RomList->{$rom}->{'TargetBoard'};
    82     my $ImageFile = " -o".$RomList->{$rom}->{'ImageFile'}->{'name'}; # for the buildrom -o option
    84     # Construct the list of InFiles to pass to buildrom
    85     my $InFiles = %$RomList->{$rom}->{'InFile'};
    86     foreach my $infile (sort keys %$InFiles)
    87     {
    88         if ($infile eq "name")
    89         {
    90             $InFileList = " ".$InFiles->{'name'} unless (lc($InFiles->{'name'}) eq lc($TargetBoard));
    91         }
    92         else
    93         {
    94             $InFileList .= " ".$infile unless(lc($infile) eq lc($TargetBoard));
    95         }
    96     }
    97     my $RomXmlFlag='-f';
    98     my $XmlFiles = %$RomList->{$rom}->{'XMLFile'};
    99     foreach my $XmlFlags (keys %$XmlFiles)
   100     {
   101         if ($XmlFlags eq "flag")
   102         {
   103           $RomXmlFlag= $XmlFiles->{'flag'};
   104         }
   105     }
   106     foreach my $XmlFile (keys %$XmlFiles)
   107     {
   108         if ($XmlFile eq "name")
   109         {
   110             $XmlFileList = "$RomXmlFlag"."$Epocroot"."epoc32\\rom\\include\\".$XmlFiles->{'name'};
   111         }
   112         else
   113         {
   114             $XmlFileList .= "$RomXmlFlag"."$Epocroot"."epoc32\\rom\\include\\".$XmlFile unless(lc($XmlFile) eq lc($TargetBoard));
   115         }
   116     }
   118     # Get the ROM macro if one is defined
   119     if ( defined $RomList->{$rom}->{'Macro'} )
   120     {
   121         if (defined $RomList->{$rom}->{'Macro'}->{'name'} )
   122         {
   123             if ( $RomList->{$rom}->{'Macro'}->{'value'} ne "" )
   124             {
   125                 $MacroList = " -D".$RomList->{$rom}->{'Macro'}->{'name'}."=".$RomList->{$rom}->{'Macro'}->{'value'};
   126             }
   127             else
   128             {
   129                 $MacroList = " -D".$RomList->{$rom}->{'Macro'}->{'name'};
   130             }
   131         }
   132         else
   133         {
   134             my $Macros = %$RomList->{$rom}->{'Macro'};
   135             foreach my $macro (keys %$Macros)
   136             {
   137                 if ( $Macros->{$macro}->{'value'} ne "" )
   138                 {
   139                     $MacroList .= " -D".$macro."=".$Macros->{$macro}->{'value'};
   140                 }
   141                 else
   142                 {
   143                     $MacroList .= " -D".$macro;
   144                 }
   145             }
   146         }
   147     }
   149     # Call buildrom
   150         my $buildrom_command = "buildrom $InFileList $MacroList $XmlFileList $ImageFile 2>&1";
   151         my $gHiResTimer = 0;
   152         if (eval "require Time::HiRes;")
   153         {
   154             $gHiResTimer = 1;
   155         }
   156         else
   157         {
   158             print "Cannot load HiResTimer Module\n";
   159         }
   160         open TVROMLOG, ">> $logdir\\techviewroms$buildnum.log";
   161         print TVROMLOG "===------------------------------------------------\n";
   162         print TVROMLOG "-- Stage=$Stage\n";
   163         print TVROMLOG "===----------------------------------------------\n";
   164         print TVROMLOG "-- Stage=$Stage started ".localtime()."\n";
   165         print TVROMLOG "=== Stage=$Stage == Build $rom\n";
   166         print TVROMLOG "-- Stage=$Stage == $TargetBoard $InFileList\n";
   167         print TVROMLOG "-- $buildrom_command\n";
   168         print TVROMLOG "-- MetaromBuild Executed ID $Stage $buildrom_command \n";
   169         print TVROMLOG "++ Started at ".localtime()."\n";
   170         if ($gHiResTimer == 1)
   171         {
   172             print TVROMLOG "+++ HiRes Start ".Time::HiRes::time()."\n";
   173         }
   174         else
   175         {
   176             # Add the HiRes timer unavailable statement
   177             print TVROMLOG "+++ HiRes Time Unavailable\n";
   178         }
   179         my $command_output = `$buildrom_command`;
   180         print TVROMLOG $command_output;
   181         if ($?)
   182         {
   183             print TVROMLOG "ERROR: $buildrom_command returned an error code $?\n";
   184         }
   185         if (($command_output =~m/\d\sFile/g) and ($command_output!~/Failed/ig) and ($command_output!~/Unsucessful/ig))
   186         {
   187             print TVROMLOG "Rom Built Sucessfully\n";
   188         }
   189         else
   190         {
   191             print TVROMLOG "ERROR: $buildrom_command failed .Please check log techviewroms$buildnum.log for details\n";
   192         }
   193         if ($gHiResTimer == 1)
   194         {
   195             print TVROMLOG "+++ HiRes End ".Time::HiRes::time()."\n";
   196         }
   197         else
   198         {
   199             # Add the HiRes timer unavailable statement
   200             print TVROMLOG "+++ HiRes Time Unavailable\n";
   201         }
   202         print TVROMLOG "++ Finished at ".localtime()."\n";
   203         print TVROMLOG "=== Stage=$Stage finished ".localtime()."\n";
   204         close TVROMLOG;
   206         # Publishing of Logs and Roms#####################
   207         my $ImageFileXML = $ImageFile ;
   208         $ImageFileXML =~s/^\s-o//i;
   209         $ImageFileXML =~/(.*\d.techview)/;
   210         my $ImageFileXMLresult = $1;
   211         my $cwdir = abs_path ( $ENV { 'PWD' } );
   212         $cwdir =~s/\//\\/g;
   213         $rom =~ /(\w+).*/;
   214         my $data = $1;
   215         if(($publish ne ""))
   216         {
   217             if($rom =~ /(\w+).*/)
   218             {   
   219                 my $data = $1;
   220                 if(not -d "$publish\\$1")
   221                     {
   222                         mkpath "$publish\\$1" || die "ERROR: Cannot create $publish\\$1"; # If folder doesnt exist create it 
   223                     }
   224                     opendir(DIR, $cwdir) || die "can't opendir $cwdir: $!";
   225                     my @file_array =readdir(DIR);
   226                 foreach ($ImageFileXMLresult)
   227                 {
   228                     foreach my $ImageFileConcat (@file_array)
   229                     {
   230                         $ImageFileConcat =~/(.*\d.techview)/;
   231                         my  $Image = $1;
   233                         if ($ImageFileXMLresult eq $Image)
   234                         {
   235                             copy ("$cwdir\\$ImageFileConcat" , "$publish\\$data\\");# or die "Cannot copy file:$!";
   236                         }                   
   237                     }
   238                     closedir DIR;
   239                 }   
   240             }
   241         }
   242         else
   243         {
   244             print"Publish Option not used \n";
   245         }
   246 }
   248 ########################################
   249 ##### Process the command line #########
   250 ########################################
   251 sub ProcessCommandLine
   252 {
   253     my ($romspec, $boards, $roms, $publish, $help, $version);
   255     GetOptions('romspec=s' => \$romspec,
   256                'roms=s' => \$roms,
   257                'boards=s' => \$boards,
   258                'logdir=s' => \$logdir,
   259                'buildnum=s' => \$buildnum,
   260                'publish=s' => \$publish,
   261                'help' => \$help,
   262                'version' => \$version)|| die Usage();
   264     return ($romspec, $boards, $roms, $logdir, $buildnum, $publish, $help, $version);
   265 }
   268 sub Usage
   269 {
   270     print <<USAGE_EOF;
   272 Usage
   273 -----
   274 perl -romspec <romspec xml file> [options]
   276  When no options are specified, all ROMs specified in the romspec wil be built.
   278  Options:
   279     -logdir <path to logs directory>
   280     -buildnum <build number>
   281     -publish <location of path where rom logs will be published >
   282     -help
   283     -version
   285 USAGE_EOF
   286 exit 0;
   287 }
   289 sub Version
   290 {
   291     print <<VERSION_EOF;
   293 v1.0
   294 Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.
   297 exit 0;
   298 }