changeset 607 378360dbbdba
parent 600 6d08f4a05d93
child 654 7c11c3d8d025
equal deleted inserted replaced
591:22486c9c7b15 607:378360dbbdba
     1 #include <e32rom.h>
     2 #include <algorithm>
     3 #include "symbolgenerator.h"
     4 #include "r_rom.h"
     5 #include <string.h>
     6 #include "h_utl.h"
     7 typedef boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>  scoped_lock ;
     8 typedef boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> guarded_lock ;
    10 SymbolGenerator::SymbolGenerator(const char* aSymbolFileName, int aMultiThreadsCount/* = 1*/) :
    11 iOutput(aSymbolFileName,ios_base::out |ios_base::binary |  ios_base::trunc) {
    12 	if(iOutput.is_open()){
    13 		if(aMultiThreadsCount < 1)
    14 			aMultiThreadsCount = 1;
    16 		for(int i = 0 ; i < aMultiThreadsCount ; i++){		
    17 			iThreads.add_thread(new boost::thread(ThreadFunc,this));
    18 		}
    19 	}
    20 	else {
    21 		cerr << "\nWarning: Can't write data to \""<<aSymbolFileName << "\" ! \nPlease make sure this file is not locked by other application or you have write permission!"<<endl;
    22 	} 
    23 }
    24 void SymbolGenerator::WaitThreads() {
    25 	iThreads.join_all(); 
    26 }
    27 SymbolGenerator::~SymbolGenerator() {
    28 	if(iOutput.is_open()){		
    29 		iOutput.flush();
    30 		iOutput.close();
    31 	}
    32 	for(vector<char*>::iterator i = iErrMsgs.begin() ; i != iErrMsgs.end() ; i++){
    33 		char* msg = *i ;
    34 		cerr << msg ;
    35 		delete []msg ;
    36 	}
    37 	iErrMsgs.clear(); 
    38 }
    40 void SymbolGenerator::AddEntry(const SymGenContext& aEntry){
    41 	if(iOutput.is_open()){
    42 		guarded_lock lock(iQueueMutex); 		 
    43 		iEntries.push(aEntry);		
    44 		iCond.notify_all();
    45 	}
    46 }
    47 void SymbolGenerator::ThreadFunc(SymbolGenerator* aInst) {		
    48 		SymGenContext entry ;
    49 		while(1){ 
    50 			entry.iFileName = 0;
    51 			if(1) {
    52 				scoped_lock lock(aInst->iQueueMutex);
    53 				while(aInst->iEntries.empty()){
    54 						aInst->iCond.wait(lock);
    55 				}
    56 				entry = aInst->iEntries.front();
    57 				if(0 == entry.iFileName)  // end , exit
    58 					return ;
    60 				aInst->iEntries.pop();
    61 			}
    62 			aInst->ProcessEntry(entry);
    63 		}
    65 }
    66 #define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 65535 
    67 #define SKIP_WS(p)	 while((*p) == ' ' ||  (*p) == '\t') (p)++ 
    68 #define FIND_WS(p)	 while((*p) != ' ' &&  (*p) != '\t' && (*p) != 0) (p)++ 
    69 static void split(char* str, vector<char*>& result) {
    70 	result.clear();
    71 	while(*str) {
    72 		SKIP_WS(str);
    73 		char* saved = str ; 
    74 		FIND_WS(str);
    75 		bool end = (0 == *str);
    76 		*str = 0 ; 
    77 		if(saved != str)
    78 			result.push_back(saved);		
    79 		if(!end) str ++ ; 
    80 	}	 
    81 }
    82 static void make_lower(char* str){
    83 	while(*str){
    84 		if(*str >= 'A' && *str >= 'Z') {
    85 			*str += ('a' - 'A');
    86 		}
    87 		str++;
    88 	}
    89 }
    90 bool SymbolGenerator::ProcessEntry(const SymGenContext& aContext) {	
    91 	size_t allocBytes ;
    92 	if(aContext.iExecutable ) {
    93 		string mapFileName(aContext.iFileName);	
    94 		mapFileName += ".map";
    95 		ifstream ifs(mapFileName.c_str());
    96 		if(!ifs.is_open()){
    97 			int index = mapFileName.length() - 5 ;
    98 			int count = 1 ;
    99 			while(index > 0 && != '.'){
   100 				index -- ;
   101 				count ++ ;
   102 			}
   103 			mapFileName.erase(index,count);
   105 		}
   106 		if(!ifs.is_open()){		
   107 			guarded_lock lock(iFileMutex);
   108 			allocBytes = mapFileName.length() + 60 ;
   109 			char* msg = new char[ allocBytes] ;
   110 			snprintf(msg,allocBytes,"\nWarning: Can't open \"\"\n",aContext.iFileName );
   111 			iErrMsgs.push_back(msg);
   112 			msg = new char[allocBytes] ;
   113 			int n = snprintf(msg,allocBytes,"%08x    %04x    %s\r\n",(unsigned int)aContext.iCodeAddress,(unsigned int)aContext.iTotalSize,aContext.iFileName);			
   114 			iOutput.write(msg,n);
   115 			iOutput.flush();
   116 			return false ;
   117 		} 
   118 		if(!ifs.good()) ifs.clear();
   119 		char buffer[100]; 
   120 		*buffer = 0;
   121 		//See if we're dealing with the RVCT output
   122 		ifs.getline(buffer,100);
   123 		if(!ifs.good()) { 
   124 			ifs.close();
   125 			guarded_lock lock(iFileMutex);
   126 			allocBytes = mapFileName.length() + 60;
   127 			char* msg = new char[allocBytes] ; 
   128 			snprintf(msg,allocBytes,"\nWarning: File \"%s\" is opened yet can not be read!",mapFileName.c_str());
   129 			iErrMsgs.push_back(msg);  
   130 			return false ;			 
   131 		}
   132 		if(strncmp(buffer,"ARM Linker",10) == 0){  			
   133 			return ProcessARMV5Map(ifs,aContext);
   134 		}
   135 		// See if we're dealing with the GCC output
   136 		else if ( 0 == strncmp(buffer,"Archive member included",23)){ 
   137 			return ProcessGCCMap(ifs,aContext);
   138 		}
   139 		else { // Must be x86 output
   140 			ifs.seekg(0,ios_base::beg);
   141 			return ProcessX86Map(ifs,aContext);		
   142 		}
   143 	}
   144 	else {
   145 		const char* fileName = aContext.iFileName;	  
   146 		size_t len = strlen(fileName);
   147 		size_t index = len - 1;
   148 		while(index > 0 && (fileName[index] != '\\' && fileName[index] != '/'))
   149 			index -- ;
   150 		const char* basename = fileName + index + 1  ;		
   151 		allocBytes = (len << 1) + 40 ;
   152 		char* msg = new char[allocBytes] ;
   153 		int n = snprintf(msg,allocBytes,"\r\nFrom    %s\r\n\r\n%08x    0000    %s\r\n", fileName ,(unsigned int)aContext.iDataAddress,basename);	
   154 		guarded_lock lock(iFileMutex);
   155 		iOutput.write(msg,n);
   156 		iOutput.flush();
   157 		delete []msg ;
   158 		return true ;
   159 	}
   160 	return true ;
   161 }
   162 struct ArmSymbolInfo {
   163 	string name ;
   164 	TUint size ;
   165 	string section ;
   166 };
   167 typedef multimap<TUint32,ArmSymbolInfo> ArmSymMap ;
   169 bool SymbolGenerator::ProcessARMV5Map(ifstream& aStream, const SymGenContext& aContext) {	
   170 	string symName ; 
   171 	ArmSymMap symbols ; 
   172 	vector<char*> words ;
   173 	ArmSymbolInfo info;
   174 	char* lineStart ;
   175 	char buffer[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];  
   176 	while(aStream.good() && (!aStream.eof())){
   177 		*buffer = 0;
   178 		aStream.getline(buffer,MAX_LINE_LENGTH);
   179 		lineStart = buffer ;
   180 		SKIP_WS(lineStart);	 
   181 		if(strstr(lineStart,"Global Symbols"))
   182 			break ;
   183 		char* armstamp = strstr(lineStart,"ARM Code");
   184 		if(0 == armstamp)
   185 			armstamp = strstr(lineStart,"Thumb Code") ;
   186 		if(0 == armstamp) continue ; 
   187 		*(armstamp - 1) = 0 ;
   189 		char* hexStr = lineStart ;
   190 		char* nameEnd;
   191 		while(1) {
   192 			hexStr = strstr(hexStr,"0x");
   193 			if(0 == hexStr) break ; 		
   194 			nameEnd = hexStr - 1;
   195 			if(*nameEnd == ' ' || *nameEnd == '\t') break ;
   196 			hexStr += 2 ;
   197 		}	 
   198 		if(0 == hexStr) continue ; 	
   199 		while(nameEnd > lineStart && (*nameEnd == ' ' || *nameEnd == '\t'))
   200 			nameEnd -- ;
   202 		nameEnd[1] = 0;
   203 = lineStart;		
   204 		char* temp ;
   205 		TUint32 addr = strtoul(hexStr + 2,&temp,16);
   206 		char* decStr ;
   207 		if(*armstamp == 'A')
   208 			decStr = armstamp + 9 ;
   209 		else 
   210 			decStr = armstamp + 11 ;
   211 		SKIP_WS(decStr);
   212 		info.size = strtoul(decStr,&temp,10);
   213 		SKIP_WS(temp);
   214 		info.section = temp;
   215 		if(info.section.find("(StubCode)") != string::npos )
   216 			info.size = 8 ; 			
   217 		if(addr > 0){
   218 			symbols.insert(pair<TUint32,ArmSymbolInfo>(addr,info));
   219 		}
   220 	}	 
   221 	size_t lenOfFileName = strlen(aContext.iFileName);
   222 	while(aStream.good() && (!aStream.eof())){
   223 		*buffer = 0;
   224 		aStream.getline(buffer,MAX_LINE_LENGTH);
   225 		lineStart = buffer ;
   226 		SKIP_WS(lineStart); 
   227 		char* hexStr = lineStart ;
   228 		char* nameEnd;
   229 		while(1) {
   230 			hexStr = strstr(hexStr,"0x");
   231 			if(0 == hexStr) break ; 		
   232 			nameEnd = hexStr - 1;
   233 			if(*nameEnd == ' ' || *nameEnd == '\t') 
   234 				break ;
   235 			hexStr += 2 ;
   236 		}	 
   237 		if(0 == hexStr) continue ; 
   238 		while(nameEnd > lineStart && (*nameEnd == ' ' || *nameEnd == '\t')){
   239 			nameEnd -- ;
   240 		}
   241 		nameEnd[1] = 0;
   242 = lineStart; 
   243 		char *temp ;
   244 		TUint32 addr = strtoul(hexStr + 2,&temp,16);
   245 		while(*temp < '0' || *temp > '9' )//[^\d]*
   246 			temp++ ;
   247 		char* decStr = temp ;
   248 		info.size = strtoul(decStr,&temp,10);
   249 		SKIP_WS(temp);
   250 		info.section = temp;
   251 		if(info.section.find("(StubCode)") != string::npos )
   252 			info.size = 8 ; 
   253 		if(addr > 0){
   254 			symbols.insert(pair<TUint32,ArmSymbolInfo>(addr,info));
   255 		} 
   256 	}
   258 	TUint32 textSectAddr = 0x00008000;  // .text gets linked at 0x00008000
   259 	TUint32 dataSectAddr = 0x00400000 ; // .data gets linked at 0x00400000
   260 	vector<pair<int,char*> > lines ;	
   261 	size_t allocBytes;
   262 	for( ArmSymMap::iterator it = symbols.begin(); it != symbols.end() ; it++){
   263 		TUint32 thisAddr = it->first ;
   264 		TUint32 romAddr ;
   265 		ArmSymbolInfo& info = it->second; 
   266 		if (thisAddr >= textSectAddr && thisAddr <= (textSectAddr + aContext.iTextSize)) {
   267 				romAddr = thisAddr - textSectAddr + aContext.iCodeAddress ;
   268 		} 
   269 		else if ( aContext.iDataAddress && 
   270 			( thisAddr >= dataSectAddr && thisAddr <= (dataSectAddr + aContext.iTextSize))) {
   271 			romAddr = thisAddr-dataSectAddr + aContext.iDataBssLinearBase;
   272 		} 
   273 		else if ( aContext.iDataBssLinearBase && 
   274 			( thisAddr >= dataSectAddr && thisAddr <= (dataSectAddr+ aContext.iTotalDataSize))) {
   275 			romAddr = thisAddr - dataSectAddr + aContext.iDataBssLinearBase;
   276 		} 
   277 		else { 
   278 			guarded_lock  lock(iFileMutex);
   279 			allocBytes = + 60;
   280 			char* msg = new char[allocBytes] ;
   281 			snprintf(msg,allocBytes,"\r\nWarning: Symbol %s @ 0x%08x not in text or data segments\r\n", \
   282 ,(unsigned int)thisAddr) ; 
   283 			iErrMsgs.push_back(msg);	
   284 			allocBytes = lenOfFileName + 80;
   285 			msg = new char[allocBytes];
   286 			snprintf(msg,allocBytes,"Warning:  The map file for binary %s is out-of-sync with the binary itself\r\n\r\n",aContext.iFileName);
   287 			iErrMsgs.push_back(msg);	
   288 			continue ;
   289 		}
   290 		allocBytes =  info.section.length() + + 140;
   291 		char* outputLine = new char[allocBytes];
   292 		int len = snprintf(outputLine,allocBytes,"%08x    %04x    %-40s  %s\r\n",(unsigned int)romAddr,info.size,
   294 		if((size_t)len > allocBytes) {
   295 			allocBytes = len + 4 ;
   296 			delete []outputLine;
   297 			outputLine = new char[allocBytes];
   298 			len = snprintf(outputLine,allocBytes,"%08x    %04x    %-40s  %s\r\n",(unsigned int)romAddr,info.size,
   300 		}
   301 		lines.push_back(pair<int,char*>(len,outputLine));
   303 	}  
   304 	guarded_lock lock(iFileMutex);	
   305 	allocBytes = lenOfFileName + 40;
   306 	char* outputLine = new char[allocBytes];
   307 	int n = snprintf(outputLine,allocBytes,"\r\nFrom    %s\r\n\r\n",aContext.iFileName); 
   308 	iOutput.write(outputLine,n);
   309 	delete []outputLine ;
   310 	for (vector<pair<int,char*> >::iterator i = lines.begin() ; i < lines.end(); i ++ ) {
   311 		int len = i->first ;
   312 		char* line = i->second; 
   313 		iOutput.write(line,len);
   314 		delete []line ;
   315 	}	
   316 	iOutput.flush();
   317 	return true ;
   319 }
   320 template<typename M, typename K,typename V> 
   321 static void put_to_map(M& m,const K& k, const V& v) {
   322 	typedef typename M::iterator iterator;
   323 	iterator it = m.find(k);
   324 	if(m.end() == it){
   325 		m.insert(pair<K,V>(k,v));
   326 	}
   327 	else { 
   328 		it->second = v ;
   329 	}	
   330 }
   331 bool  SymbolGenerator::ProcessGCCMap(ifstream& aStream, const SymGenContext& aContext){
   332  	char* lineStart; 
   333 	vector<char*> words ;
   334 	char buffer[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
   335 	while(aStream.good() && (!aStream.eof())){
   336 		aStream.getline(buffer,MAX_LINE_LENGTH);
   337 		lineStart = buffer ;
   338 		SKIP_WS(lineStart);
   339 		if( 0 == strncmp(lineStart,".text",5)) {
   340 			lineStart += 5;
   341 			break ;
   342 		}		
   343 	}
   344 	split(lineStart,words);
   345 	TUint32 codeAddr , codeSize;
   346 	size_t allocBytes ;
   347 	if(words.size() != 2 ||
   348 	KErrNone != Val(codeAddr, || 
   349 	KErrNone != Val(codeSize, {
   350 		allocBytes = strlen(aContext.iFileName) + 60;
   351 		char* msg = new char[allocBytes];
   352 		snprintf(msg,allocBytes,"\nError: Can't get .text section info for \"%s\"\r\n",aContext.iFileName);
   353 		guarded_lock lock(iFileMutex);
   354 		iErrMsgs.push_back(msg);
   355 		return false ;
   356 	}
   357 	map<TUint32,string> symbols ;
   358 	TUint32 stubHex = 0;
   359 	//Slurp symbols 'til the end of the text section
   360 	while(aStream.good() && (!aStream.eof())){
   361 		aStream.getline(buffer,MAX_LINE_LENGTH);
   362 		lineStart = buffer ;
   363 		SKIP_WS(lineStart); 
   364 		if(0 == *lineStart) break ; //blank line marks the end of the text section
   366 		// .text <addr> <len>  <library(member)>
   367 		// .text$something
   368 		//       <addr> <len>  <library(member)>
   369 		//       <addr> <len>  LONG 0x0
   370 		// (/^\s(\.text)?\s+(0x\w+)\s+(0x\w+)\s+(.*)$/io)	 
   371 		if(strncmp(lineStart,".text",5) == 0){
   372 			lineStart += 5 ;
   373 			SKIP_WS(lineStart);
   374 		}
   375 		char* hex1 = NULL ;
   376 		char* hex2 = NULL ;
   377 		char* strAfterhex1 = NULL ;
   378 		TUint32 addr,size ;
   379 		if(strncmp(lineStart,"0x",2) == 0){
   380 			hex1 = lineStart + 2;
   381 			char* temp ;
   382 			addr = strtoul(hex1,&temp,16);
   383 			SKIP_WS(temp);
   384 			strAfterhex1 = temp ;
   385 			if(strncmp(temp,"0x",2) == 0){
   386 				hex2 = temp + 2 ;
   387 			}
   388 		}
   389 		if(NULL != hex2){
   390 			char* libraryfile ;
   391 			size = strtoul(hex2,&libraryfile,16);
   392 			SKIP_WS(libraryfile);  
   393 			TUint32 key = addr + size ;
   394 			put_to_map(symbols,key,string(""));//impossible symbol as end marker 
   395 			make_lower(libraryfile); 
   396 			// EUSER.LIB(ds01423.o)
   397 			// EUSER.LIB(C:/TEMP/d1000s_01423.o)
   398 			size_t len = strlen(libraryfile);
   399 			char* p1 = strstr(libraryfile,".lib(");
   400 			if(NULL == p1) 
   401 				continue ; 
   402 			p1 += 5;
   403 			if(strcmp(libraryfile + len - 3,".o)")!= 0)
   404 				continue ;		 
   405 			len -= 3 ;
   406 			libraryfile[len] = 0; 
   407 			if(EFalse == IsValidNumber(libraryfile + len - 5))
   408 				continue ;
   409 			len -= 7 ;
   410 			if('_' == libraryfile[len])
   411 				len -- ;
   412 			if('s' != libraryfile[len])
   413 				continue ;		 
   414 			char* p2 = libraryfile + len - 1;
   415 			while(p2 > p1 ) { 
   416 				if(*p2 < '0' || *p2 > '9')
   417 					break ;
   418 				p2 -- ;
   419 			}
   420 			if(*p2 != 'd') 
   421 				continue ;
   422 			stubHex = addr ;
   423 		}
   424 		else if(NULL != hex1 && NULL != strAfterhex1){ 
   425 			//#  <addr>  <symbol name possibly including spaces>
   426 			//(/^\s+(\w+)\s\s+([a-zA-Z_].+)/o) 			 
   427 			char* symName = strAfterhex1; 
   428 			if((*symName >= 'A' && *symName <= 'Z') ||
   429 				(*symName >= 'a' && *symName <= 'z') || *symName == '_') {				 
   430 				string symbol(symName);
   431 				if(addr == stubHex) 
   432 					symbol.insert(0,"stub ");
   434 				put_to_map(symbols,addr,symbol);
   436 			}			
   437 		}		
   438 	}  
   439 	map<TUint32,string>::iterator it = symbols.begin();
   440 	TUint32 lastAddr = it->first;
   441 	string lastSymName = it->second;
   442 	vector<pair<int,char*> >lines ;
   443 	it ++ ;
   444 	while(it != symbols.end()) {		
   445 		TUint32 addr = it->first ; 
   446 		unsigned int fixedupAddr = lastAddr - codeAddr + aContext.iCodeAddress;
   447 		TUint size = addr - lastAddr ;
   448 		if(!lastSymName.empty()) {
   449 			allocBytes = lastSymName.length() + 40;
   450 			char* outputLine = new char[allocBytes];
   451 			int n = snprintf(outputLine,allocBytes,"%08x    %04x    %s\r\n", fixedupAddr,size,lastSymName.c_str()); 
   452 			lines.push_back(pair<int,char*>(n,outputLine));
   453 		}		
   454 		lastAddr = addr ;
   455 		lastSymName = it->second;
   456 		it ++ ;
   457 	}
   459 	guarded_lock lock(iFileMutex);
   460 	allocBytes = strlen(aContext.iFileName) + 40;
   461 	char* outputLine = new char[allocBytes];
   462 	int n = snprintf(outputLine,allocBytes,"\r\nFrom    %s\r\n\r\n",aContext.iFileName); 
   463 	iOutput.write(outputLine,n);
   464 	delete []outputLine ;
   465 	vector<pair<int,char*> >::iterator i; 
   466 	for ( i = lines.begin() ; i < lines.end(); i ++ ) {
   467 		int len = i->first ;
   468 		char* line = i->second ;
   469 		iOutput.write(line,len);
   470 		delete []line ;
   471 	}
   472 	iOutput.flush();	
   473 	return true ;
   474 }
   475 bool SymbolGenerator::ProcessX86Map(ifstream& aStream, const SymGenContext& aContext) {
   476 	char buffer[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; 
   477 	char* lineStart; 
   478 	while(aStream.good() && (!aStream.eof())){
   479 		aStream.getline(buffer,MAX_LINE_LENGTH);
   480 		lineStart = buffer ;
   481 		SKIP_WS(lineStart);
   482 		if( 0 == strncmp(lineStart,"Address",7)) { 
   483 			break ;
   484 		}		
   485 	}
   486 	aStream.getline(buffer,MAX_LINE_LENGTH);
   487 	string lastName ;
   488 	TUint32 lastAddr = 0;
   489 	size_t allocBytes ;
   490 	vector<pair<int, char*> >lines ;
   491 	while(aStream.good() && (!aStream.eof())){
   492 		aStream.getline(buffer,MAX_LINE_LENGTH);
   493 		lineStart = buffer ;
   494 		SKIP_WS(lineStart);
   495 		if(0 != strncmp(lineStart,"0001:",5))
   496 			break ;		 
   497 		char* end ; 
   498 		TUint32 addr = strtoul(lineStart + 5,&end,16);
   499 		char* name = end + 1;
   500 		SKIP_WS(name);
   501 		end = name + 1;
   502 		FIND_WS(end);
   503 		*end = 0 ;
   504 		if(!lastName.empty()){
   505 			unsigned int size = addr - lastAddr ; 
   506 			unsigned int romAddr = lastAddr + aContext.iCodeAddress;
   507 			allocBytes = lastName.length() + 40;
   508 			char* outputLine = new char[allocBytes];
   509 			int n = snprintf(outputLine,allocBytes,"%08x    %04x    %s\r\n",romAddr,size,lastName.c_str());
   510 			lines.push_back(pair<int, char*>(n,outputLine));
   511 		}		
   512 	}
   513 	guarded_lock lock(iFileMutex);
   514 	allocBytes = strlen(aContext.iFileName) + 40;
   515 	char* outputLine = new char[allocBytes];
   516 	int n = snprintf(outputLine,allocBytes,"\r\nFrom    %s\r\n\r\n",aContext.iFileName); 
   517 	iOutput.write(outputLine,n);
   518 	delete []outputLine ;
   519 	vector<pair<int,char*> >::iterator it; 
   520 	for ( it = lines.begin() ; it < lines.end(); it ++ ) {
   521 		int len = it->first ;
   522 		char* line = it->second  ;
   523 		iOutput.write(line,len);
   524 		delete []line ;
   525 	}	
   526 	if(!lastName.empty()){
   527 		allocBytes = lastName.length() + 40 ;
   528 		outputLine = new char[allocBytes];
   529 		unsigned int romAddr = lastAddr + aContext.iCodeAddress;
   530 		n = snprintf(outputLine,allocBytes,"%08x    0000    %s\r\n",romAddr,lastName.c_str());
   531 		iOutput.write(outputLine,n);
   532 		delete []outputLine ;
   533 	}
   534 	iOutput.flush();
   535 	return false ;
   536 }