changeset 607 378360dbbdba
parent 599 fa7a3cc6effd
equal deleted inserted replaced
591:22486c9c7b15 607:378360dbbdba
     1 # Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 # All rights reserved.
     3 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 # under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 # at the URL "".
     7 #
     8 # Initial Contributors:
     9 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 #
    11 # Contributors:
    12 #
    13 # Description:
    14 # Wrapper to support the EPOC AIF Compiler
    15 # 
    16 #
    19 use FindBin;		# for FindBin::Bin
    20 use File::Copy;		# for copy()
    21 use Cwd;		# for cwd
    22 use File::Basename;	# for basename()
    24 my $PerlBinPath;	# fully qualified pathname of the directory containing this script
    25 my $curdrive="x";	    	# will be initialised when first needed
    27 # establish the path to the Perl binaries
    28 BEGIN {
    29 	require 5.005_03;		# check user has a version of perl that will cope
    30 	$PerlBinPath = $FindBin::Bin;	# X:/epoc32/tools
    31 	$PerlBinPath =~ s/\//\\/g;	# X:\epoc32\tools
    32 }
    33 use lib $PerlBinPath;
    34 use E32Variant;         # for variant specific macros
    35 use Pathutl;
    36 use Preprocessor;
    38 sub print_usage
    39 	{
    40 #........1.........2.........3.........4.........5.........6.........7.....
    41 	print <<USAGE_EOF;
    43 Usage:
    44   epocaif [options] srcfile [-o outputfile] [-t tmpdir] [-b "bmps" | -m mbm] [-l "TargetPath:CWD"]
    47 The available options are
    49    -Ixxx  -- C++ preprocessor arguments
    50    -o	  -- output AIF file name including path
    51    -t	  -- tempory directory for intermediate files
    52    -b	  -- list of bitmaps Eg., "-b/c8\\location\\bmp1 /c8\\location\\bmp2.."
    53    -m	  -- compiled MBM file (alternative to -b)
    54    -l	  -- if specified, captures all source to \\epoc32\\localisation\\...
    56 The aif resource file is then passed through the C++ preprocessor, using any 
    57 specified preprocessor arguments, and then compiled with RCOMP.EXE to 
    58 generate a compiled resource.
    59 The -m or -b option is used to generate a suitable MBM file, if required.
    60 The MBM and the compiled resource are then combined to produce an AIF file.
    63 USAGE_EOF
    64 	}
    66 #-------------------------------------------------------
    67 # Process commandline arguments
    68 #
    69 # Can't use the Getopt package because it doesn't like the -D and -I style options
    70 #
    71 my $sourcefile="";
    72 my $opt_o="";
    73 my $opt_h="";	
    74 my $tmpdir="";
    75 my $opt_v=1;
    76 my $opt_b="";
    77 my $opt_l="";
    78 my $opt_m="";
    79 my $TrgPath;
    80 my $xipaif=1;
    82 my $exe = &PreprocessorToUseExe();
    83 my $cpp_spec= "$exe -undef -C ";	    # preserve comments
    85 my $errors = 0;
    86 while (@ARGV)
    87 	{
    88 	my $arg = shift @ARGV;
    90 	if ($arg =~ /^-I-$/)
    91 		{
    92 		$cpp_spec .= "-I- ";
    93 		next;
    94 		}
    95 	if ($arg =~ /^-I(.*)$/)
    96 		{
    97 		$cpp_spec .= "-I ";
    98 		if ($1 eq "")
    99 		    {
   100 		    $arg = shift @ARGV;
   101 		    }
   102 		else
   103 		    {
   104 		    $arg = $1;
   105 		    }
   106 		$cpp_spec .= quoted_path($arg)." ";
   107 		next;
   108 		}
   109 	if ($arg =~ /^-v$/)
   110 		{
   111 		$opt_v =1;
   112 		next;
   113 		}
   114 	if ($arg =~ /^-o(.*)$/)
   115 		{
   116 		$opt_o =$1;
   117 		$TrgPath = $opt_o;
   118 		next;
   119 		}
   121 	if ($arg =~ /^-t(.*)\\?$/)
   122 		{
   123 		$tmpdir =$1;
   124 		next;
   125 		}
   126 	if ($arg =~ /^-b(.*)$/)
   127 		{
   128 		$opt_b =$1;
   129 		next;
   130 		}	
   131 	if ($arg =~ /^-m(.*)$/)
   132 		{
   133 		$opt_m =$1;
   134 		next;
   135 		}	
   136 	if ($arg =~ /^-l(.*)$/)
   137 		{
   138 		$opt_l =$1;
   139 		next;
   140 		}	
   142 	if ($arg =~ /^-/)
   143 		{
   144 		print "Unknown arg: $arg\n";
   145 		$errors++;
   146 		next;
   147 		}
   148 	$sourcefile=$arg;
   149 	}
   151 if ($opt_m ne "" && $opt_b ne "")
   152 	{
   153 	print "Can't specify both -m and -b\n";
   154 	$errors++;
   155 	}
   156 if ($errors || $sourcefile eq "")
   157 	{
   158 	print_usage();
   159 	exit 1;
   160 	}
   162 my $rss_base = basename($sourcefile);
   163 my ($rssfile) = split(/\./, $rss_base);	    # remove extension
   164 my $rpp_name = "$tmpdir\\$rssfile.rpp";
   165 my $outputfile="$tmpdir\\AIF.RSC";	
   166 my $headerfile=$opt_h;
   168 if ($opt_v)
   169 	{
   170 	print "* Source file:   $sourcefile\n";
   171 	print "* Resource file: $outputfile\n" if ($outputfile ne "");
   172 	}
   174 $opt_o = "-o\"$outputfile\"" if ($outputfile ne "");
   175 $opt_h = "-h\"$headerfile\"" if ($headerfile ne "");
   178 #-------------------------------------------------------
   179 # Run the preprocessor
   180 #
   182 my $variantMacroHRHFile = Variant_GetMacroHRHFile();
   183 if($variantMacroHRHFile){
   184     my $variantFilePath = Path_Split('Path',$variantMacroHRHFile);
   185     chop ( $variantFilePath );
   186     $cpp_spec .= " -I \"" . &Path_RltToWork($variantFilePath) . "\" -include " . &Path_RltToWork($variantMacroHRHFile) . " "; 
   187 }
   189 $cpp_spec .= "-I $PerlBinPath\\..\\include ";	# extra path to support shared tools
   190 $cpp_spec .= "-D_UNICODE ";
   192 $cpp_spec .= quoted_path($sourcefile) ." -o ". quoted_path($rpp_name);
   194 print "* $cpp_spec\n" if ($opt_v);
   195 system($cpp_spec);
   197 my $cpp_status = $?;
   198 die "* cpp failed\n" if ($cpp_status != 0);
   201 #-------------------------------------------------------
   202 # Copy source to epoc32\localisation
   203 #
   205 if ($opt_l ne "")
   206 {
   207 use lockit_info;
   208 	my ($rssfile, $FileType) = split(/\./, basename($TrgPath));
   209 	&Lockit_SrcFile($rssfile, $rpp_name, $opt_l, $FileType, $opt_b);
   210 }
   212 #-------------------------------------------------------
   213 # Merge rls strings to rpp
   214 #
   215 &Merge_rls_string($rpp_name);
   217 #-------------------------------------------------------
   218 # Run the resource compiler
   219 #
   221 my $rcomp_spec = "rcomp -u ";
   222 $rcomp_spec .= "-:$tmpdir\\_dump_of_resource_ "; # causes Rcomp to dump each resource (uncompressed and unpadded) in $tmpdir\\_dump_of_resource_1, $tmpdir\\_dump_of_resource_2, etc
   223 $rcomp_spec .= "$opt_o $opt_h -s\"$rpp_name\" -i\"$sourcefile\"";
   225 print "* $rcomp_spec\n" if ($opt_v);
   226 system($rcomp_spec);
   227 if ($? != 0)
   228 	{
   229 	print "* RCOMP failed - deleting output files\n";
   230 	unlink $outputfile if ($outputfile ne "");
   231 	unlink $headerfile if ($headerfile ne "");
   232 	exit 1;
   233 	}
   234 print "* deleting $rpp_name\n" if ($opt_v);
   235 unlink $rpp_name;
   237 #-------------------------------------------------------
   238 # Run bmconv, if needed
   239 #
   241 if ($opt_b ne "")
   242 	{
   243 	print "* bmconv /q $tmpdir\\AIF.MBM $opt_b\n" if ($opt_v);
   244 	system("bmconv /q $tmpdir\\AIF.MBM $opt_b");
   245 	if ($? != 0)
   246 		{
   247 		print "* BMCONV failed\n";
   248 		exit 1;
   249 		}
   250 	print "* bmconv /q /s $tmpdir\\AIF_XIP.MBM $opt_b\n" if ($opt_v);
   251 	system("bmconv /q /s $tmpdir\\AIF_xip.MBM $opt_b");
   253 	if ($? != 0)
   254 		{
   255 		print "* BMCONV failed\n";
   256 		exit 1;
   257 		}
   258 	}
   259 elsif ($opt_m ne "")
   260 	{
   261 	print "* copy $opt_m $tmpdir\\AIF.MBM\n" if ($opt_v); 
   262 	copy($opt_m, "$tmpdir\\AIF.MBM");
   263 	# no xip file genarated 
   264 	$xipaif=0;
   265 	}
   266 else
   267 	{
   268 	# no bitmap specified - this is legitimate
   269 	unlink("$tmpdir\\AIF.MBM");
   270 	unlink("$tmpdir\\AIF_xip.MBM");
   271 	}
   273 #-------------------------------------------------------
   274 # Get the from UID from the first four bytes of "$tmpdir\\_dump_of_resource_1"
   275 #
   277 open(DUMP_OF_RESOURCE_1, "< $tmpdir\\_dump_of_resource_1") or die("* Can't open dump file\n");
   278 binmode(DUMP_OF_RESOURCE_1);
   279 my $data;
   280 my $numberOfBytesRead=read(DUMP_OF_RESOURCE_1, $data, 4);
   281 defined($numberOfBytesRead) or die("* Can't read from dump file\n");
   282 ($numberOfBytesRead>=4) or die("* Dump file too short\n");
   283 my $uid=(unpack('V', $data))[0];
   284 undef($data);
   285 undef($numberOfBytesRead);
   286 close(DUMP_OF_RESOURCE_1) or die("* Can't close dump file\n");
   288 #-------------------------------------------------------
   289 # Produce the AIF file from the RSC and MBM files
   290 #
   292 my $uidcrc = "uidcrc.exe 0x101fb032 0 ".sprintf('0x%08x', $uid)." $tmpdir\\out.aif";
   293 my $uidcrc_xip = "uidcrc.exe 0x101fb032 0 ".sprintf('0x%08x', $uid)." $tmpdir\\out_xip.aif";
   295 print "* $uidcrc\n" if ($opt_v);
   296 system($uidcrc);
   297 if ($? != 0)
   298 	{
   299 	print "* UIDCRC failed\n";
   300 	exit 1;
   301 	}
   302 if ($xipaif ne 0)
   303 	{	
   304 	print "* $uidcrc\n" if ($opt_v);
   305 	system($uidcrc_xip);
   306 	if ($? != 0)
   307 		{
   308 		print "* UIDCRC failed\n";
   309 		exit 1;
   310 		}
   311 	}
   314 open(OUT_AIF, ">> $tmpdir\\out.aif") or die("* Can't open temporary file\n");
   315 binmode(OUT_AIF);
   317 if ($xipaif ne 0)
   318 	{
   319 	open(OUTXIP_AIF, ">> $tmpdir\\out_xip.aif") or die("* Can't open temporary file\n");
   320 	binmode(OUTXIP_AIF);
   321 	}
   323 print "* Writing length of the RSC-block\n" if ($opt_v);
   324 my $lengthOfRscBlock=-s("$tmpdir\\aif.rsc");
   325 my $numberOfPaddingBytes=(4-($lengthOfRscBlock%4))%4;
   326 print(OUT_AIF pack('V', $lengthOfRscBlock));
   327 if ($xipaif ne 0)
   328 	{
   329 	print(OUTXIP_AIF pack('V', $lengthOfRscBlock));
   330 	}
   331 print "* Appending the RSC-block\n" if ($opt_v);
   332 &appendFile(\*OUT_AIF, "$tmpdir\\aif.rsc");
   333 if ($xipaif ne 0)
   334 	{
   335 	&appendFile(\*OUTXIP_AIF, "$tmpdir\\aif.rsc");
   336 	}
   337 # append any necessary padding bytes so that the file-offset of the start of the MBM-block is a multiple of 4-bytes
   338 print(OUT_AIF ('_' x $numberOfPaddingBytes));
   339 if ($xipaif ne 0)
   340 	{
   341 	print(OUTXIP_AIF ('_' x $numberOfPaddingBytes));
   342 	}
   343 if (-e("$tmpdir\\aif.mbm"))
   344 	{
   345 	print "* Appending the MBM-block\n" if ($opt_v);
   346 	&appendFile(\*OUT_AIF, "$tmpdir\\aif.mbm");
   347 	}
   348 if (-e("$tmpdir\\aif_xip.mbm"))
   349 	{
   350 	print "* Appending the XIPMBM-block\n" if ($opt_v);
   351 	&appendFile(\*OUTXIP_AIF, "$tmpdir\\aif_xip.mbm");
   352 	}
   354 close(OUT_AIF) or die("* Can't close temporary file\n");
   355 if ($xipaif ne 0)
   356 	{
   357 	close(OUTXIP_AIF) or die("* Can't close temporary file\n");
   358 	}
   359 print "* copy $tmpdir\\out.aif $TrgPath\n" if ($opt_v);
   360 copy("$tmpdir\\out.aif", "$TrgPath");
   361 if ($xipaif ne 0)
   362 	{
   363 	my $basepath = &Path_Split('Path', $TrgPath);
   364 	my $ext=&Path_Split('Ext',  $TrgPath);
   365 	my $basename = basename($TrgPath, $ext);
   366 	my $xip="_xip";
   367 	print "* copy $tmpdir\\out_xip.aif $basepath$basename$xip$ext\n" if ($opt_v);
   368 	copy("$tmpdir\\out_xip.aif", "$basepath$basename$xip$ext");
   369 	}
   370 unlink("$tmpdir\\_dump_of_resource_*");
   371 unlink("$tmpdir\\aif.rsc");
   372 unlink("$tmpdir\\aif.mbm");
   373 unlink("$tmpdir\\out.aif");
   374 unlink("$tmpdir\\aif_xip.mbm");
   375 unlink("$tmpdir\\out_xip.aif");
   376 exit 0;
   378 #-------------------------------------------------------
   379 # Subroutine: convert path into something acceptable to CPP.EXE
   380 #
   382 sub quoted_path
   383     {
   384     my ($arg) = @_;
   385     return "\"$arg\"" if ($arg !~ /^\\[^\\]/);	# not an absolute path
   386     if ($curdrive eq "x")
   387 		{
   388 		$curdrive="";
   389 		$curdrive=$1 if (cwd =~ /^(.:)/);	
   390 		}
   391     return "\"$curdrive$arg\"";
   392     }
   394 #-------------------------------------------------------
   395 # Subroutine: Merge the rls strings in the rpp file specified
   396 #
   397 sub Merge_rls_string
   398 	{
   399 	my ($rppfile) = @_;
   401 	my $line;
   402 	my $StringId;
   403 	my $key;
   404 	my $value;
   405 	my $StringToSubstitute;
   406 	my %ResourceString;
   408 	print "* merging text strings to $rppfile\n" if ($opt_v);
   410 	open NEWRPP, ">$" or die "* Can't write to $";
   411 	open RPP, "$rppfile" or die "* Can't open $rppfile";
   413 	while ($line = <RPP>) 	{
   414 		while (($StringId, $StringToSubstitute)=each %ResourceString)
   415 		{
   416 			$line=~s/\b$StringId\b/$StringToSubstitute/g if ($line !~ /^rls_string/);
   417 		}
   419 		# find quoted "" strings
   420 		if($line =~ /^rls_string\s+(\S+)\s+(.*$)/)
   421 		{
   422 			my $text = $2;
   423 			$key = $1;
   424 			$line=~s/(.*)/\/\/$1/;
   425 			my $substr_count = 0;
   426 			if(!exists $ResourceString{$key})
   427 			{
   428 			SUBSTR:	while (1)
   429 			{
   430 				# find quoted "" strings e.g. "hello"
   431 				if($text =~ /^(\s*\"(.*?\\.)*.*?\")/)		
   432 				{
   433 					$value = $1;
   434 					$text = $';
   435 					++$substr_count;
   436 				}
   438 				# find quoted '' strings. e.g. 'world'
   439 				elsif($text =~ /^(\s*\'(.*?\\.)*.*?\')/)			
   440 				{
   441 					$value = $1;
   442 					$text = $';
   443 					++$substr_count;
   444 				}
   446 				# find hex strings e.g. <0x34><0x45><0x65>
   447 				elsif($text =~ /^(\s*(<.*?>)+)/)		
   448 				{
   449 					$value = $1;
   450 					$text = $';
   451 					++$substr_count;
   452 				}
   454 				# find c comment e.g. /*hello world*/ (may exist between strings)
   455 				elsif($text =~ /^(\s*\/\*.*?\*\/)/)		
   456 				{
   457 					$text = $';
   458 					next SUBSTR; # ignore embedded comment
   459 				}
   461 				# find c++ comment e.g. //hello world (may exist after strings)
   462 				elsif($text =~ /^(\s*\/\/.*$)/)		
   463 				{
   464 					$text = $';
   465 					next SUBSTR; # ignore trailing comment
   466 				}
   468 				# exit search
   469 				else
   470 				{
   471 					if ($substr_count == 0)
   472 					{
   473 						warn("WARNING: rls_string $key either has incorrect syntax or no value\n");
   474 					}
   475 					last SUBSTR;
   476 				}
   477 			$ResourceString{$key} .= $value;
   478 			}
   479 		  	}
   480 		}
   481 		print NEWRPP $line;
   482 	}
   484 	close RPP;
   485 	close NEWRPP;
   486 	copy ("$", "$rppfile");
   487 	unlink ("$");
   488 	}
   490 #-------------------------------------------------------
   491 # Subroutine: Append a file into the open (binary) file already opened
   492 #
   493 sub appendFile
   494 	{
   495 	my $fileHandleOfTarget=shift;
   496 	my $fileNameOfSource=shift;
   497 	open(SOURCE, "< $fileNameOfSource") or die("* Can't open $fileNameOfSource\n");
   498 	binmode(SOURCE);
   499 	for (;;)
   500 		{
   501 		my $data;
   502 		my $numberOfBytesRead=read(SOURCE, $data, 1024);
   503 		defined($numberOfBytesRead) or die("* Can't read from $fileNameOfSource\n");
   504 		if ($numberOfBytesRead==0)
   505 			{
   506 			last;
   507 			}
   508 		print($fileHandleOfTarget $data);
   509 		}
   510 	close(SOURCE) or die("* Can't close $fileNameOfSource\n");
   511 	}