changeset 607 378360dbbdba
parent 602 3145852acc89
equal deleted inserted replaced
591:22486c9c7b15 607:378360dbbdba
     1 #!\bin\perl -w
     2 # Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 # All rights reserved.
     4 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 # under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 # at the URL "".
     8 #
     9 # Initial Contributors:
    10 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 #
    12 # Contributors:
    13 #
    14 # Description:
    15 # test script
    16 # 
    17 #
    19 use FindBin;
    20 use Cwd ('chdir','abs_path');
    22 my $cwd = abs_path($FindBin::Bin."\\..");
    23 chdir($cwd) or die "Couldn't change directory to $cwd\n";
    25 # Test cases
    26 #
    27 # Entry format: [parameters, [[pass regexps],[fail regexps]]]
    28 # 
    29 # [pass regexps] and [fail regexps] are lists of regular expressions, each
    30 # as a string. All pass regexps must match. No fail regexps may match.
    31 # If a line matches both, it is said to have passed (hence a generic failure
    32 # rule can be written to match any output which wasn't expected)
    33 my @testcases =
    34 	(
    35 	['-r fred -l beech' ,
    36 		[
    37 			['^ERROR: RealTimeBuild:.*srcpath must be given'],
    38 			['^ERROR: RealTimeBuild:']
    39 		]
    40 	],
    41 	['-s fred -l beech' ,
    42 		[
    43 			['^ERROR: RealTimeBuild:.*srcroot must be given'],
    44 			['^ERROR: RealTimeBuild:']
    45 		]
    46 	],
    47 	['-r fred -s src' ,
    48 		[
    49 			['^ERROR: RealTimeBuild:.*platform'],
    50 			['^ERROR: RealTimeBuild:']
    51 		]
    52 	],
    53 	['-d -r test -s source -p prefix -l fred -c test\options.txt -N' ,
    54 		[
    55 			[
    56 			'= spacey$',
    57 			'= whole$',
    58 			'^DUMMY: File test\\\\source\\\\fixer.mrp',
    59 			'^DUMMY: File test\\\\source\\\\DISTRIBUTION\\.POLICY',
    60 			'^DUMMY: File test\\\\source\\\\missing\\\\unowned'
    61 			],
    62 			[
    63 			'^DUMMY:.*is not specified in any \\.mrp file',
    64 			'does not include itself'
    65 			]
    66 		]
    67 	],
    68 	['-d -r test -s source -p prefix -l fred -c test\options.txt -m test\source\fixer.mrp' ,
    69 		[
    70 			[
    71 			'= spacey$',
    72 			'= whole$',
    73 			'= fixer$',
    74 			'WARNING: \[fixer\] Case of .test\\\\soUrce\\\\DIStribuTION.poliCY. does not match.* Should be test\\\\source\\\\DISTRIBUTION.POLICY$',
    75 			'WARNING: \[fixer\] Case of .test\\\\soUrce\\\\missing.* does not match.* Should be test\\\\source\\\\missing',
    76 			'source\\\\spacey\\\\spa cey.txt = spacey$',
    77 			],
    78 			[
    79 			'^DUMMY:.*is not specified in any \\.mrp file',
    80 			'does not include itself'
    81 			]
    82 		]
    83 	],
    84 	['-d -r test -s source -p prefix -l fred -f test\base.txt' ,
    85 		[
    86 			[
    87 			'= whole$',
    88 			'^DUMMY: File test\\\\source\\\\fixer\\.mrp',
    89 			'^DUMMY: File test\\\\source\\\\DISTRIBUTION\\.POLICY',
    90 			'^DUMMY: Directory test\\\\source\\\\missing',
    91 			'^DUMMY: File test\\\\source\\\\shared\\\\missing',
    92 			'^DUMMY: Directory test\\\\source\\\\spacey'
    93 			],
    94 			[
    95 			'^DUMMY:.*is not specified in any \\.mrp file',
    96 			'does not include itself'
    97 			]
    98 		]
    99 	],
   100 	['-d -r test -s nowt -l fred -m test\naughty.mrp' ,
   101 		[
   102 			[
   103 			'nothing_important.* doesn\'t exist',
   104 			'No \.mrp files claim any source',
   105 			'naughty\.mrp.*does not include itself'
   106 			],
   107 			['^DUMMY:.*is not specified in any \\.mrp file']
   108 		]
   109 	],
   110 	['-r test -s source -l fred -m test\not_present.mrp' ,
   111 		[
   112 			['^ERROR: RealTimeBuild:.*not_present\\.mrp.*does not exist'],
   113 			[]
   114 		]
   115 	],
   116 	['-r test -s source -l fred -m test\duffer.mrp',
   117 		[
   118 			['^ERROR: RealTimeBuild:.*not a valid command.*test\\\\duffer\\.mrp'],
   119 			['= duffer$']
   120 		]
   121 	],
   122 	['-d -r test -s source -p prefix -l fred -f test\base.txt',
   123 		[
   124 			[
   125 			'^WARNING:.*Case of \'.*complete.mrp\' does not match.* Should be.*source.*$',
   126 			'^WARNING:.*Case of \'.*whole.mrp\' does not match.* Should be.*whole.whole.*$',
   127 			],
   128 			['^WARNING:.*Case of .* does not match.* Should be.*$']
   129 		]
   130 	],
   131 	['-d -r test -s source -p prefix -l fred -m test\bincase.mrp',
   132 		[
   133 			[
   134 			'^REMARK:.*\\\\epoc32\\\\thisOneIsnt should be lower case',
   135 			'^REMARK:.*\\\\epoc32\\\\andNorIs\/thisone should be lower case',
   136 			'^REMARK:.*\\\\epoc32\\\\thisonesNot should be lower case',
   137 			'^REMARK:.*\\\\epoc32\\\\norThis\\\\one should be lower case'
   138 			],
   139 			['^REMARK:.*should be lower case.*$']
   140 		]
   141 	]
   142 	);
   144 my $passes = 0;
   145 my $tests = 0;
   147 foreach my $testcase (@testcases)
   148 	{
   149 	my $cmd = " ".$testcase->[0];
   150 	print "\nRunning $cmd\n";
   151 	my @output = `perl $cmd 2>&1`;
   152 	my @passregexps = @{$testcase->[1]->[0]};
   153 	my @failregexps = @{$testcase->[1]->[1]};
   155 	my $testpass = -1; # (unset)
   157 	foreach my $line (@output)
   158 		{
   159 		chomp ($line);
   160 		my $pass = 0;
   161 		my $fail = 0;
   163 		foreach my $passregexp (@passregexps)
   164 			{
   165 			if ($line =~ /$passregexp/)
   166 				{
   167 				$pass = 1;
   169 				# Remove rule from list
   170 				@passregexps = grep($_ ne $passregexp, @passregexps);
   171 				}
   172 			}
   174 		if (!$pass)
   175 			{
   176 			foreach my $failregexp (@failregexps)
   177 				{
   178 				if ($line =~ /$failregexp/)
   179 					{
   180 					$fail = 1;
   181 					}
   182 				}
   183 			}
   185 		if ($pass)
   186 			{
   187 			print "GOOD:$line\n";
   188 			if ($testpass == -1)
   189 				{
   190 				$testpass = 1; # Passed (so far)
   191 				}
   192 			}
   193 		elsif ($fail)
   194 			{
   195 			print "BAD:$line\n";
   196 			$testpass = 0; # Failed
   197 			}
   198 		else { print "OKEH:$line\n"; }
   199 		}
   201 	if ($testpass == 1)
   202 		{
   203 		if ((scalar @passregexps) == 0)
   204 			{
   205 			print "*** PASS\n";
   206 			$passes ++;
   207 			}
   208 		else
   209 			{
   210 			print "*** FAIL - tests not matched:\n> ";
   211 			print join("\n> ", @passregexps)."\n";
   212 			}
   213 		}
   214 	elsif ($testpass == 0)
   215 		{
   216 		print "*** FAIL - hard fail\n";
   217 		}
   218 	else
   219 		{
   220 		print "*** FAIL - no tests matched\n";
   221 		}
   223 	$tests ++;
   224 	}
   226 print "*** Out of $tests tests, $passes passed\n";