changeset 655 3f65fd25dfd4
equal deleted inserted replaced
649:02d78c9f018e 655:3f65fd25dfd4
     1 # Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 # All rights reserved.
     3 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 # under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 # at the URL "".
     7 #
     8 # Initial Contributors:
     9 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 #
    11 # Contributors:
    12 #
    13 # Description:
    14 #
    16 # summarise an automated build log
    17 use strict;
    18 use Getopt::Long;
    19 use HTML::Entities;
    20 use Carp;
    21 use FindBin;		# for FindBin::Bin
    23 # Add the directory contain this perl script into the path to find modules
    24 use lib $FindBin::Bin;
    25 use Scanlog;
    27 # For Date calculations
    28 use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib"; # For running in source
    29 use lib "$FindBin::Bin/build/lib"; # For running in epoc32\tools
    30 use Date::Manip;
    32 # Set TimeZone because Date:Manip needs it set and then tell it to IGNORE the TimeZone
    33 &Date_Init("TZ=GMT","ConvTZ=IGNORE");
    35 # Variables
    36 my $line;
    37 my $iSlurp;
    38 my $PhaseStartTime;
    39 my %Phases;
    40 my %Components;
    41 my %Commands;
    42 my $component;
    43 my $command;
    44 my $phase;
    45 my $match_phase='';
    46 my %errors;
    47 my %warnings;
    48 my %remarks;
    49 my %migrationNotes;
    50 my %AdvisoryNotes;
    51 my %CmdErrors;
    52 my %CmdWarnings;
    53 my %CmdRemarks;
    54 my %CmdMigrationNotes;
    55 my %CmdAdvisoryNotes;
    56 my %missing;
    57 my %not_built;
    58 my $starttime;
    59 my $duration;
    60 my $warningcount;
    61 my $errorcount;
    62 my $remarkcount;
    63 my $migrationNoteCount;
    64 my $AdvisoryNoteCount;
    65 my ($iStatus, $iName);
    66 my %htmlColours=(
    67 "errors" =>"#ff0000",
    68 "warnings" =>"#fff000",
    69 "remarks" =>"#ffccff",
    70 "migrationNotes" =>"#ffcc99",
    71 "AdvisoryNotes" => "#ffa500"
    72 );
    73 # Hires Timer Variables
    74 my %HiResComponents;
    75 my %HiResCommands;
    76 my $HiResStartTime;
    77 my $HiResErrorFlag; #True if one of the Clients has not reported HiRes timing info
    79 my $Dsec;
    81 # History Variables
    82 my ($hostname) = "N/A";
    83 my ($EndTime);
    85 # Main section
    87 my ($iOutput, $iTitle, $iVerbose, $iDiff, $iWhat, $iHistory, $iClass, @iLogs) =&ProcessCommandLine();
    89 # Open Output file
    90   open (HTML, ">$iOutput") or die "Couldn't open $iOutput for writing: $!\n";
    92 # Open Diff file if specified
    93 if ($iDiff ne '')
    94 {
    95   open (DIFF, ">$iDiff") or die "Couldn't open $iDiff for writing: $!\n";
    96 }
    98 # Print HTML Header
    99 &PrintHTMLHeader($iTitle);
   102 # Parse each log File
   103 foreach my $iLog (@iLogs) # parses through all logs 
   104 {
   105   # Open the Log file for reading
   106   unless (open (LOG, "< $iLog"))
   107     {   # On error, warn rather than die. Then record a "pseudo-error", which will appear in summary output file.
   108         $line = "Couldn't open $iLog for reading: $!";
   109         warn "$line\n";
   110         $command = 'HTMLScanLog';
   111         $component = 'Log Summaries';
   112         $Commands{$command} = 0;            # Need to define these! So assume zero seconds 
   113         $HiResCommands{$command} = 0;       # duration for each of four variables.
   114         $Components{$component} = 0;        # The fact the relevant time(s) are defined
   115         $HiResComponents{$component} = 0;   # triggers inclusion in the applicable table. 
   116         do_error($iLog);
   117         next;
   118     }
   119   # Chop $iLog just to the filename
   120   $iLog =~ s/^.*\\//;
   122   # Process the logs
   123   &ProcessLog($iLog);
   124   close LOG;
   125 }
   127 &PrintResults($iTitle);
   129 # Print HTML Footer
   130 &PrintHTMLFooter();
   132 # Handle the History file
   133 if (defined $iHistory)
   134 {
   135   # Work out the class
   136   my ($mclass) = "N/A";
   137   open (MC, "< $iClass");
   138   while (<MC>)
   139   {
   140     chomp;
   141     my (@columns) = split(/,/);
   142     $mclass = $columns[0] if ($columns[1] eq $hostname);
   143   }
   144   close (MC);
   146   # Open and Lock the csv file
   147   open(FH, "+< $iHistory")                or die "can't open $iHistory: $!";
   148   flock(FH, 2)                        or die "can't flock iHistory: $!";
   149   # Read the file
   150   # Reader the headers
   151   my $cline = <FH>;
   152   chomp($cline);
   153   my (@headers) = split(/,/,$cline);
   154   # Read the data
   155   my (@csvdata);
   156   @csvdata = <FH>;
   157   # Return to the begining
   158   seek(FH,0,0)                        or die "Seeking: $!";
   159   # Print the old and new data
   160   # Work if new headers are needed
   161   # Use LowRes component names because they are always available
   162   foreach my $component (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %Components)
   163 	{
   164     my $compexist = 0;
   165     # Itterate through the header array to see if it already exists
   166     foreach my $header (@headers)
   167     {
   168       if ($component eq $header)
   169       {
   170         $compexist = 1;
   171       }
   172     }
   173     # This component not found in the headers
   174     # put the new header at the end of the header array
   175     push @headers, $component if ($compexist == 0);
   176   }
   177   # Print the headers back out
   178   print FH join(',',@headers)."\n";
   179   # Print the original data
   180   print FH @csvdata;
   181   # Print the new data
   182   foreach my $header (@headers)
   183   {
   184     if ($header eq 'Machine Class')
   185     {
   186       print FH "$mclass";
   187     } elsif ($header eq 'Machine Name') {
   188       print FH "$hostname";
   189     } elsif ($header eq 'Title') {
   190       print FH "$iTitle";
   191     } elsif ($header eq 'End Time') {
   192       print FH "$EndTime";
   193     } elsif ($header eq 'Total Time') {
   194       print FH &ConvertSeconds($duration);
   195     } else {
   196       # If there is a complete set of HiRes data then use that instead of the LowRes data
   197       if ((defined %HiResComponents) && !$HiResErrorFlag)
   198       {
   199         if (exists $HiResComponents{$header})
   200         {
   201           print FH &ConvertSeconds($HiResComponents{$header});
   202         } else {
   203           print FH "";
   204         }
   205       } else {
   206         if (exists $Components{$header})
   207         {
   208           print FH &ConvertSeconds($Components{$header});
   209         } else {
   210           print FH "";
   211         }
   212       }
   213     }
   214     # Print the , for next entry
   215     print FH ",";
   216   }
   217   # End the entry
   218   print FH "\n";
   220   # truncate just in case the file is shorter
   221   truncate(FH,tell(FH))               or die "Truncating: $!";
   222   close(FH)                           or die "Closing: $!";
   223 }
   225 # DiffLog
   226 #
   227 # Inputs
   228 #
   229 # Outputs
   230 #
   231 # Description
   232 # This function Outputs lines to the diff log
   233 sub DiffLog()
   234 {
   235     # Write the line to diff file if specified and not a line with Build Time dependent infomation
   236     if ($iDiff ne '')
   237     {
   238        # Check the line for Build Time dependent infomation
   239        unless (($line =~ /^=== .+ started/) || ($line =~ /^=== .+ finished/) || ($line =~ /^---/) || ($line =~ /^\+\+/))
   240        {
   241           print DIFF $line;
   242        }
   243     }
   244 }
   247 # ProcessLog
   248 #
   249 # Inputs
   250 # $iLog - Logfile name
   251 #
   252 # Outputs
   253 #
   254 # Description
   255 # This function processes the commandline
   256 sub ProcessLog()
   257 {
   258   my ($iLog) = @_;
   259   print "Processing: $iLog\n";
   261   while ($line=<LOG>)
   262     {
   263     &DiffLog;
   265     # Hostname is
   266     # capture the hostname if available
   267     if ($line =~ /^Hostname is (.*)$/)
   268     {
   269       $hostname = $1;
   270     }
   272     # ===-------------------------------------------------
   273     # === Stage=1
   274     # ===-------------------------------------------------
   275     # === Stage=1 started Wed Apr 30 23:09:38 2003
   277     if ($line =~ /^===------/)
   278     {
   279       $line=<LOG>;
   280           &DiffLog;
   281       $line=<LOG>;
   282           &DiffLog;
   283       $line = <LOG>;
   284           &DiffLog;
   285       $line =~ /^=== (.+) started (.*)/;
   286       $phase = $1;
   287       $PhaseStartTime =$2;
   288       $match_phase=$phase;
   289       $match_phase=~s-\\-\\\\-go;
   290       next;
   291     }
   293     # === bldfiles finished Sat Jul 24 01:38:56 1999.
   294     if ($line =~ /^=== $match_phase finished (.*)/)
   295     {
   296       my ($TempTime) = $1;
   297       # Calculate the difference in Date/Time and Total up for Phase
   298       $Phases{$phase} += &DiffDateTime($PhaseStartTime, $TempTime) ;
   299       # The check to see if phase end is later than current EndTime
   300       my $err;
   301       # The first time a phase end is seen set $EndTime
   302       if (!defined $EndTime)
   303       {
   304         $EndTime = $TempTime;
   305       } else {
   306         # Check the delta to previous EndTime value is positive
   307         # Need due to multiple log file processing might not be in time order
   308         my ($delta) = &DateCalc($EndTime,$TempTime,\$err);
   309         die "Date Manip error" if ($err);
   310         # If the delta starts with a + symbol $TempTime is later or the same as the last EndTime so set the new EndTime.
   311         if ($delta =~ /^\+/)
   312         {
   313           $EndTime = $TempTime;
   314         }
   315       }
   316       next;
   317     }
   320     # === resource == gdtran 036
   322     if ($line =~ /=== $match_phase == (.*)$/)
   323     {
   324       $component = $1;
   325       next;
   326     }
   328     # Find Command
   329     # -- bldmake bldfiles -keepgoing
   330     if ($line =~ /^-- (.*)/)
   331     {
   332       $command = $1;
   333       next;
   334     }
   336     # Find the Command's Start time
   337     # ++ Started at Sat May 03 21:09:07 2003
   338     if ($line =~ /^\+\+ Started at (.*)/)
   339     {
   340       $starttime = $1;
   341       next;
   342     }
   344     # Find the Command's End time
   345     # ++ Started at Sat May 03 21:09:07 2003
   346     if ($line =~ /^\+\+ Finished at (.*)/)
   347     {
   348       # Calculate the difference in Date/Time and Total up for Command
   349       $Dsec = &DiffDateTime($starttime, $1);
   350       $Commands{$command} += $Dsec;
   351       # Calculate the difference in Date/Time and Total up for Component
   352       $Components{$component} += $Dsec;
   353       next;
   354     }
   356     # Act on a HiRes Timer unavailable statement in the log
   357     # +++ HiRes Time Unavailable
   358     if (($line =~ /^\+\+\+ HiRes Time Unavailable/) && !$HiResErrorFlag)
   359     {
   360       $HiResErrorFlag = 1;
   361           print "Warning one of the clients is not sending HiRes timer Data\n";
   362           print "No HiRes timings will be available\n";
   363           print "Reverting to LowRes timing Data\n";
   364       # Clear out Current HiRes Data
   365       undef %HiResCommands;
   366       undef %HiResComponents;
   367       next;
   368     }
   371     # Find the Command's HiRes Start time
   372     # +++ HiRes Start 1051993130.602050
   373     if (($line =~ /^\+\+\+ HiRes Start (\S+)/) && !$HiResErrorFlag)
   374     {
   375       $HiResStartTime = $1;
   376       next;
   377     }
   379     # Find the Command's HiRes End time
   380     # +++ HiRes End 1051993193.829650
   381     if (($line =~ /^\+\+\+ HiRes End (\S+)/) && !$HiResErrorFlag)
   382     {
   383       # Calculate the difference in Date/Time and Total up for Command
   384       $HiResCommands{$command} += ($1 - $HiResStartTime);
   385       # Calculate the difference in Date/Time and Total up for Component
   386       $HiResComponents{$component} += ($1 - $HiResStartTime);
   387       next;
   388     }
   390     # Lines to Ignore
   391     ($iStatus) =&Scanlog::CheckForIgnore($line);
   392     if($iStatus)
   393     {
   394       next;
   395     }
   397     # Advisory Notes
   398     ($iStatus) =&Scanlog::CheckForAdvisoryNotes($line);
   399     if ($iStatus)
   400     {
   401        do_AdvisoryNotes($iLog);
   402        do_slurp($iSlurp);
   403       next;
   404     }
   406     # Migration Notes
   407     ($iStatus) = &Scanlog::CheckForMigrationNotes($line);
   408     if ($iStatus)
   409       {
   410       do_migrationNotes($iLog);
   411       next;
   412       }
   414     # Remarks
   415     ($iStatus, $iSlurp) =&Scanlog::CheckForRemarks($line);
   416     if ($iStatus)
   417     {
   418       do_remarks($iLog);
   419       do_slurp($iSlurp);
   420       next;
   421     }
   423     # Errors
   424     ($iStatus) =&Scanlog::CheckForErrors($line);
   425     if ($iStatus)
   426     {
   427       do_error($iLog);
   428       next;
   429     }
   432     # Warnings
   433     ($iStatus) =&Scanlog::CheckForWarnings($line);
   434     if ($iStatus)
   435     {
   436       do_warning($iLog);
   437       next;
   438     }
   441     # Things Not Built
   442     ($iStatus, $iName) =&Scanlog::CheckForNotBuilt($line);
   443     if ($iStatus)
   444     {
   445       do_error($iLog); # record these along with the errors
   446       $not_built{$iName} = "$component";
   447       next;
   448     }
   450     # Things missing
   451     ($iStatus, $iName) =&Scanlog::CheckForMissing($line);
   452     if ($iStatus)
   453     {
   454       do_error($iLog);
   455       $missing{$iName} += 1;
   456       next;
   457     }
   459 	}
   460 }
   463 # PrintResults
   464 #
   465 # Inputs
   466 # $iTitle (Title for Log file)
   467 #
   468 # Outputs
   469 #
   470 # Description
   471 # This function prints all the data as HTML
   472 sub PrintResults
   473 {
   474   my ($iTitle) = @_;
   476   my $title;
   478   # Print Heading of Log File
   479   my $heading ="Overall";
   480   print HTML qq{<h1>$iTitle</h1>\n};
   481   print HTML qq{<h2>$heading</h2>\n};
   483   # Calculate the total number of remarks messages
   484 	$remarkcount = 0;
   485 	foreach $component (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %remarks)
   486 		{
   487 		$remarkcount += scalar(@{$remarks{$component}});
   488 		}
   489   # Calculate the Total number of errors
   490   	$errorcount = 0;
   491 	foreach $component (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %errors)
   492 		{
   493 		$errorcount += scalar(@{$errors{$component}});
   494 		}
   495   # Calculate the total number of warnings
   496 	$warningcount = 0;
   497 	foreach $component (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %warnings)
   498 		{
   499 		$warningcount += scalar(@{$warnings{$component}});
   500 		}
   502   # Calculate the total number of migration notes
   503         $migrationNoteCount=0;
   504         foreach $component (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %migrationNotes)
   505                 {
   506                 $migrationNoteCount += scalar(@{$migrationNotes{$component}});
   507                 }
   509   # Calculate the total number of Advisory notes
   510         $AdvisoryNoteCount=0;
   511         foreach $component (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %AdvisoryNotes)
   512                 {
   513                 $AdvisoryNoteCount += scalar(@{$AdvisoryNotes{$component}});
   514                 }
   516   # Calculate the Total Duration from Phase Data
   517 	$duration = 0;
   518 	foreach $phase (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %Phases)
   519 		{
   520 		  $duration += $Phases{$phase};
   521 		}
   522   # Start the Table
   523   &StartHTMLTable();
   525   # Print the Totals
   526   &HTMLTableRow($heading,"Total", $duration, $errorcount, $warningcount, $AdvisoryNoteCount, $remarkcount, $migrationNoteCount);
   528   # End the Table
   529   print HTML qq{</table>\n};
   533   # By Component
   534   print HTML qq{<h2>By Component</h2>\n};
   536   # Start the Table
   537   $title="Component";
   538   &StartHTMLTable($title);
   540   # Print the by Component Data
   541   # If there is a complete set of HiRes data then use that instead of the LowRes data
   542   if ((defined %HiResComponents) && !$HiResErrorFlag)
   543   {
   544     foreach $component (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %HiResComponents)
   545 	{
   546       # Calculate the number errors,warnings,advisory notes and remarks
   547       my $totalerrors;
   548       my $totalwarnings;
   549       my $totalremarks;
   550       my $totalMigrationNotes;
   551       my $totalAdvisoryNotes;
   552       if (!defined $remarks{$component})
   553       {
   554         # No Remarks were recorded, set total to zero
   555         $totalremarks = 0;
   556       } else {
   557         $totalremarks = scalar(@{$remarks{$component}});
   558       }
   559       if (!defined $errors{$component})
   560       {
   561         # No errors were recorded, set total to zero
   562         $totalerrors = 0;
   563       } else {
   564         $totalerrors = scalar(@{$errors{$component}});
   565       }
   566       if (!defined $warnings{$component})
   567       {
   568         # No Warnings were recorded, set total to zero
   569         $totalwarnings = 0;
   570       } else {
   571         $totalwarnings = scalar(@{$warnings{$component}});
   572       }
   574       if (!defined $migrationNotes{$component})
   575         {
   576         # No MigrationNotes were recorded, set total to zero
   577         $totalMigrationNotes=0;
   578         }
   579       else
   580         {
   581         $totalMigrationNotes = scalar(@{$migrationNotes{$component}});
   582         }
   583       if (!defined $AdvisoryNotes{$component})
   584         {
   585         # No AdvisoryNotes were recorded, set total to zero
   586         $totalAdvisoryNotes=0;
   587         }
   588       else
   589         {
   590         $totalAdvisoryNotes = scalar(@{$AdvisoryNotes{$component}});
   591         }
   594       # Print the Table Row      
   595       &HTMLTableRow($title,$component, $HiResComponents{$component}, $totalerrors, $totalwarnings, $totalAdvisoryNotes, $totalremarks, $totalMigrationNotes);
   597 	}
   598   } else {
   599     foreach $component (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %Components)
   600 	{
   601       # Calculate the number errors,warnings,advisory notes and remarks
   602       my $totalerrors;
   603       my $totalwarnings;
   604       my $totalremarks;
   605       my $totalMigrationNotes;
   606       my $totalAdvisoryNotes;
   607       if (!defined $remarks{$component})
   608       {
   609         # No Remarks was recorded, set total to zero
   610         $totalremarks = 0;
   611       } else {
   612         $totalremarks = scalar(@{$remarks{$component}});
   613       }
   614       if (!defined $errors{$component})
   615       {
   616         # No errors were recorded, set total to zero
   617         $totalerrors = 0;
   618       } else {
   619         $totalerrors = scalar(@{$errors{$component}});
   620       }
   621       if (!defined $warnings{$component})
   622       {
   623         # No Warnings were recorded, set total to zero
   624         $totalwarnings = 0;
   625       } else {
   626         $totalwarnings = scalar(@{$warnings{$component}});
   627       }
   629       if (!defined $migrationNotes{$component})
   630         {
   631         # No MigrationNotes were recorded, set total to zero
   632         $totalMigrationNotes=0;
   633         }
   634       else
   635         {
   636         $totalMigrationNotes = scalar(@{$migrationNotes{$component}});
   637         }
   639       if (!defined $AdvisoryNotes{$component})
   640         {
   641         # No AdvisoryNotes were recorded, set total to zero
   642           $totalAdvisoryNotes=0;
   643           }
   644        else
   645           {
   646          $totalAdvisoryNotes = scalar(@{$AdvisoryNotes{$component}});
   647           }
   651       # Print the Table Row
   652 	  &HTMLTableRow($title,$component, $Components{$component}, $totalerrors, $totalwarnings, $totalAdvisoryNotes, $totalremarks, $totalMigrationNotes);
   653 	}
   654   }
   656   # End the Table
   657   print HTML qq{</table>\n};
   659   # By Command
   660   print HTML qq{<h2>By Command</h2>\n};
   662   # Start the Table
   663   $title="Command";
   664   &StartHTMLTable($title);
   666   # Print the by Command Data
   667   # If there is a complete set of HiRes data then use that instead of the LowRes data
   668   if ((defined %HiResCommands) && !$HiResErrorFlag)
   669   {
   670     foreach $command (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %HiResCommands)
   671 	{
   672       # Calculate the number errors, warnings, advisory notes and remarks
   673       my $totalerrors;
   674       my $totalwarnings;
   675       my $totalremarks;
   676       my $totalMigrationNotes;
   677       my $totalAdvisoryNotes;
   678       if (!defined $CmdRemarks{$command})
   679       {
   680         # No Remarks were recorded, set total to zero
   681         $totalremarks = 0;
   682       } else {
   683         $totalremarks = scalar(@{$CmdRemarks{$command}});
   684       }
   685       if (!defined $CmdErrors{$command})
   686       {
   687         # No errors were recorded, set total to zero
   688         $totalerrors = 0;
   689       } else {
   690         $totalerrors = scalar(@{$CmdErrors{$command}});
   691       }
   692       if (!defined $CmdWarnings{$command})
   693       {
   694         # No Warnings were recorded, set total to zero
   695         $totalwarnings = 0;
   696       } else {
   697         $totalwarnings = scalar(@{$CmdWarnings{$command}});
   698       }
   700       if (!defined $CmdMigrationNotes{$command})
   701         {
   702         # No MigrationNotes were recorded, set total to zero
   703         $totalMigrationNotes=0;
   704         }
   705       else
   706         {
   707         $totalMigrationNotes = scalar(@{$CmdMigrationNotes{$command}});
   708         }
   710       if (!defined $CmdAdvisoryNotes{$command})
   711         {
   712         # No AdvisoryNotes were recorded, set total to zero
   713         $totalAdvisoryNotes=0;
   714         }
   715       else
   716         {
   717         $totalAdvisoryNotes = scalar(@{$CmdAdvisoryNotes{$command}});
   718         }
   721       # Print the Table Row
   722 	  &HTMLTableRow($title,$command, $HiResCommands{$command}, $totalerrors, $totalwarnings, $totalAdvisoryNotes, $totalremarks, $totalMigrationNotes);
   723 	}
   724   } else {
   725     foreach $command (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %Commands)
   726     {
   727       # Calculate the number errors,warnings,advisory notes and remarks
   728       my $totalerrors;
   729       my $totalwarnings;
   730       my $totalremarks;
   731       my $totalMigrationNotes;
   732       my $totalAdvisoryNotes;
   734       if (!defined $CmdRemarks{$command})
   735       {
   736         # No Remarks were recorded, set total to zero
   737         $totalremarks = 0;
   738       } else {
   739         $totalremarks = scalar(@{$CmdRemarks{$command}});
   740       }
   741       if (!defined $CmdErrors{$command})
   742       {
   743         # No errors were recorded, set total to zero
   744         $totalerrors = 0;
   745       } else {
   746         $totalerrors = scalar(@{$CmdErrors{$command}});
   747       }
   748       if (!defined $CmdWarnings{$command})
   749       {
   750         # No Warnings were recorded, set total to zero
   751         $totalwarnings = 0;
   752       } else {
   753         $totalwarnings = scalar(@{$CmdWarnings{$command}});
   754       }
   756       if (!defined $CmdMigrationNotes{$command})
   757         {
   758         # No MigrationNotes were recorded, set total to zero
   759         $totalMigrationNotes=0;
   760         }
   761       else
   762         {
   763         $totalMigrationNotes = scalar(@{$CmdMigrationNotes{$command}});
   764         }
   766       if (!defined $CmdAdvisoryNotes{$command})
   767         {
   768         # No AdvisoryNotes were recorded, set total to zero
   769         $totalAdvisoryNotes=0;
   770         }
   771       else
   772         {
   773         $totalAdvisoryNotes = scalar(@{$CmdAdvisoryNotes{$command}});
   774         }
   776       # Print the Table Row
   777       &HTMLTableRow($title,$command, $Commands{$command}, $totalerrors, $totalwarnings, $totalAdvisoryNotes, $totalremarks, $totalMigrationNotes);
   778     }
   779   }
   781   # End the Table
   782   print HTML qq{</table>\n};
   784   # Print Things Missing
   785   if (scalar %missing)
   786 	{
   787 	my $count = scalar keys %missing;
   788 	print HTML qq{<h2>Things Missing ($count)</h2>\n};
   789 	print HTML "Don't know how to make...\n";
   790 	foreach my $file (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %missing)
   791 		{
   792 		printf HTML "%d\t%s</BR>\n", $missing{$file}, $file;
   793 		}
   794 	}
   795   print HTML qq{</BR>\n};
   797   # Print Things Not Built
   798   if (scalar %not_built)
   799 	{
   800 	my $count = scalar keys %not_built;
   801 	print HTML qq{<h2>Things Not Built ($count)</h2>\n};
   802 	foreach my $file (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %not_built)
   803 		{
   804 		print HTML "MISSING: $file ($not_built{$file})</BR>\n";
   805 		}
   806 	}
   809   # Print the Actual Errors by Component
   810   if ($iVerbose > 0)
   811   {
   812     # Only Print the header if there are some errors
   813     if (scalar(keys %errors))
   814     {
   815       print HTML qq{<h2><a name="errorsByOverall_Total">Error Details by Component</a></h2>\n};
   816 	  foreach $component (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %errors)
   817 		{
   818 			my ($HTML) = $component;
   819 			$HTML =~ s/\s+$//;
   820 			encode_entities($HTML);
   821 			my $count = scalar @{$errors{$component}};
   822 			print HTML qq{<h3><a name="errorsByComponent_$HTML">$HTML</a> ($count)</h3>\n};
   823 			foreach $line (@{$errors{$component}})
   824 				{
   825 				encode_entities($line);
   826 				print HTML $line.qq{</BR>};
   827 				}
   828 			print HTML qq{</BR>\n};
   829 		}
   830     }
   831   }
   833   # Print the Actual Warning by Component
   834   if ($iVerbose > 1)
   835   {
   836     # Only Print the header if there are some warnings
   837     if (scalar(keys %warnings))
   838     {
   839       print HTML qq{<h2><a name="warningsByOverall_Total">Warning Details by Component</a></h2>\n};
   840       foreach $component (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %warnings)
   841         {
   842           my ($HTML) = $component;
   843           $HTML =~ s/\s+$//;
   844           encode_entities($HTML);
   845 		  my $count = scalar @{$warnings{$component}};
   846           print HTML qq{<h3><a name="warningsByComponent_$HTML">$HTML</a> ($count)</h3>\n};
   847           foreach $line (@{$warnings{$component}})
   848             {
   849             encode_entities($line);
   850             print HTML $line.qq{</BR>};
   851             }
   852           print HTML qq{</BR>\n};
   853         }
   854     }
   855   }
   857   # Print the Actual Advisory Notes by Component
   858   if ($iVerbose > 1)
   859   {
   860     # Only Print the header if there are some warnings
   861     if (scalar(keys %AdvisoryNotes))
   862     {
   863       print HTML qq{<h2><a name="AdvisoryNotesByOverall_Total">Advisory Note Details by Component</a></h2>\n};
   864       foreach $component (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %AdvisoryNotes)
   865         {
   866           my ($HTML) = $component;
   867           $HTML =~ s/\s+$//;
   868           encode_entities($HTML);
   869 		     my $count = scalar @{$AdvisoryNotes{$component}};
   870           print HTML qq{<h3><a name="AdvisoryNotesByComponent_$HTML">$HTML</a> ($count)</h3>\n};
   871           foreach $line (@{$AdvisoryNotes{$component}})
   872             {
   873             encode_entities($line);
   874             print HTML $line.qq{</BR>};
   875             }
   876           print HTML qq{</BR>\n};
   877         }
   878     }
   879   }  
   881   # Print the Actual Remarks by Component
   882   if ($iVerbose > 1)
   883   {
   884     # Only Print the header if there are some errors
   885     if (scalar(keys %remarks))
   886     {
   887       print HTML qq{<h2><a name="remarksByOverall_Total">Remarks Details by Component</a></h2>\n};
   888 	  foreach $component (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %remarks)
   889 		{
   890 			my ($HTML) = $component;
   891 			$HTML =~ s/\s+$//;
   892 			encode_entities($HTML);
   893 			my $count = scalar @{$remarks{$component}};
   894 			print HTML qq{<h3><a name="remarksByComponent_$HTML">$HTML</a> ($count)</h3>\n};
   895 			foreach $line (@{$remarks{$component}})
   896 				{
   897 				encode_entities($line);
   898 				print HTML $line.qq{</BR>};
   899 				}
   900 			print HTML qq{</BR>\n};
   901 		}
   902     }
   903   }
   905    # Print the Actual Migration Notes by Component
   906 if ($iVerbose > 1)
   907   {
   908     # Only Print the header if there are some warnings
   909     if (scalar(keys %migrationNotes))
   910     {
   911       print HTML qq{<h2><a name="migrationNotesByOverall_Total">Migration Note Details by Component</a></h2>\n};
   912       foreach $component (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %migrationNotes)
   913         {
   914           my ($HTML) = $component;
   915           $HTML =~ s/\s+$//;
   916           encode_entities($HTML);
   917 		     my $count = scalar @{$migrationNotes{$component}};
   918           print HTML qq{<h3><a name="migrationNotesByComponent_$HTML">$HTML</a> ($count)</h3>\n};
   919           foreach $line (@{$migrationNotes{$component}})
   920             {
   921             encode_entities($line);
   922             print HTML $line.qq{</BR>};
   923             }
   924           print HTML qq{</BR>\n};
   925         }
   926     }
   927   }
   929   # Print the Actual Errors by Command
   930   if ($iVerbose > 0)
   931   {
   932     # Only Print the header if there are some errors
   933     if (scalar(keys %CmdErrors))
   934     {
   935       print HTML qq{<h2>Error Details by Command</h2>\n};
   936 	  foreach $command (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %CmdErrors)
   937 		{
   938 			my ($HTML) = $command;
   939 			$HTML =~ s/\s+$//;
   940 			encode_entities($HTML);
   941 			print HTML qq{<h3><a name="errorsByCommand_$HTML">$HTML</a></h3>\n};
   942 			foreach $line (@{$CmdErrors{$command}})
   943 				{
   944 				encode_entities($line);
   945 				print HTML $line.qq{</BR>};
   946 				}
   947 			print HTML qq{</BR>\n};
   948 		}
   949     }
   950   }
   952   # Print the Actual Warning by Command
   953   if ($iVerbose > 1)
   954   {
   955     # Only Print the header if there are some warnings
   956     if (scalar(keys %CmdWarnings))
   957     {
   958       print HTML qq{<h2>Warning Details by Command</h2>\n};
   959 	  foreach $command (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %CmdWarnings)
   960 		{
   961 			my ($HTML) = $command;
   962 			$HTML =~ s/\s+$//;
   963 			encode_entities($HTML);
   964 			print HTML qq{<h3><a name="warningsByCommand_$HTML">$HTML</a></h3>\n};
   965 			foreach $line (@{$CmdWarnings{$command}})
   966 				{
   967 				encode_entities($line);
   968 				print HTML $line.qq{</BR>};
   969 				}
   970 			print HTML qq{</BR>\n};
   971 		}
   972     }
   973   }
   975   # Print the Actual Advisory Notes by Command
   976   if ($iVerbose >1)
   977   {
   978     # Only Print the header if there are some errors
   979     if (scalar(keys %CmdAdvisoryNotes))
   980       {
   981         print HTML qq{<h2>Advisory Note Details by Command</h2>\n};
   982             foreach $command (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %CmdAdvisoryNotes)
   983                   {
   984      	                  my ($HTML) = $command;
   985                           $HTML =~ s/\s+$//;
   986                           encode_entities($HTML);
   987                           print HTML qq{<h3><a name="AdvisoryNotesByCommand_$HTML">$HTML</a></h3>\n};
   988                           foreach $line (@{$CmdAdvisoryNotes{$command}})
   989 				  {
   990 				  encode_entities($line);
   991 		                  print HTML $line.qq{</BR>};
   992 	                          }
   993                           print HTML qq{</BR>\n}
   994                   }
   995       }
   996     }
   998   # Print the Actual Remarks by Command
   999   if ($iVerbose > 1)
  1000   {
  1001     # Only Print the header if there are some errors
  1002     if (scalar(keys %CmdRemarks))
  1003     {
  1004       print HTML qq{<h2>Remarks Details by Command</h2>\n};
  1005 	  foreach $command (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %CmdRemarks)
  1006 		{
  1007 			my ($HTML) = $command;
  1008 			$HTML =~ s/\s+$//;
  1009 			encode_entities($HTML);
  1010 			print HTML qq{<h3><a name="remarksByCommand_$HTML">$HTML</a></h3>\n};
  1011 			foreach $line (@{$CmdRemarks{$command}})
  1012 				{
  1013 				encode_entities($line);
  1014 				print HTML $line.qq{</BR>};
  1015 				}
  1016 			print HTML qq{</BR>\n};
  1017 		}
  1018     }
  1019   }
  1021   # Print the Actual Migration Notes by Command
  1022   if ($iVerbose >1)
  1023     {
  1024     # Only Print the header if there are some errors
  1025     if (scalar(keys %CmdMigrationNotes))
  1026       {
  1027       print HTML qq{<h2>Migration Note Details by Command</h2>\n};
  1029       foreach $command (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %CmdMigrationNotes)
  1030         {
  1031      	  my ($HTML) = $command;
  1032         $HTML =~ s/\s+$//;
  1033         encode_entities($HTML);
  1034         print HTML qq{<h3><a name="migrationNotesByCommand_$HTML">$HTML</a></h3>\n};
  1035         foreach $line (@{$CmdMigrationNotes{$command}})
  1036 				  {
  1037 				  encode_entities($line);
  1038 				  print HTML $line.qq{</BR>};
  1039 				  }
  1040         print HTML qq{</BR>\n}
  1041         }
  1042       }
  1043     }
  1045 }
  1048 # StartHTMLTable
  1049 #
  1050 # Inputs
  1051 # $iC1Title (Column 1 Title)
  1052 #
  1053 # Outputs
  1054 #
  1055 # Description
  1056 # This function prints the start of the HTML Table
  1057 sub StartHTMLTable
  1058 {
  1059   my ($iC1Title) = @_;
  1061   if ($iC1Title eq '')
  1062   {
  1063     $iC1Title = "&nbsp;";
  1064   } else {
  1065     encode_entities($iC1Title);
  1066   }
  1068   # Start the Table
  1069   print HTML qq{<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">\n};
  1071   # Print the Header Row
  1072   print HTML qq{\t<th width="50%">$iC1Title</th>\n};
  1073   print HTML qq{\t<th width="15%">Time</th>\n};
  1074   print HTML qq{\t<th width="8%">Errors</th>\n};
  1075   print HTML qq{\t<th width="8%">Warnings</th>\n};
  1076   print HTML qq{\t<th width="8%">Advisory Notes</th>\n};
  1077   print HTML qq{\t<th width="8%">Remarks</th>\n};
  1078   print HTML qq{\t<th width="8%">Migration Notes</th>\n};
  1079   print HTML qq{</tr>\n};
  1080 }
  1082 # HTMLTableCell
  1083 #
  1084 # Inputs
  1085 # $iType	(errors,warnings,remarks,migration_notes)
  1086 # $iCount	(number of errors)
  1087 # $iLink	(empty string or linktype)
  1088 #
  1089 # Outputs
  1090 # Returns HTML table data element with appropriate link & background color
  1091 #
  1092 # Description
  1093 # Constructs HTML table element - used by HTMLTableRow to handle the formatting
  1094 # of the data cells, complete with colouring and links where appropriate.
  1095 sub HTMLTableCell
  1096 {
  1097    my ($iType,$iCount,$iLink)= @_;
  1098    my $td = qq{td width="8%" align="center"};	# implied by the TH elements already?
  1099    if ($iCount != 0)
  1100       {
  1101 	  $td = "$td BGCOLOR=$htmlColours{$iType}";
  1102       }
  1103    if ($iLink eq "" || $iCount == 0)
  1104       {
  1105       return qq{<$td>$iCount</td>};
  1106       }
  1107    $iLink = $iType."By".$iLink;
  1108    return qq{<$td><a href="#$iLink">$iCount</a></td>};
  1109 }
  1111 # HTMLTableRow
  1112 #
  1113 # Inputs
  1114 # $iTitle (Need to differentiate between command and component to provide correct anchors)
  1115 # $iC1Data(Column 1 Data)
  1116 # $iC2Data(Column 2 Data) (Time in seconds)
  1117 # $iC3Data(Column 3 Data) (Number of errors)
  1118 # $iC4Data(Column 4 Data) (Number of warnings)
  1119 # $iC5Data(Column 5 Data) (Number of Advisory notes )
  1120 # $iC6Data(Column 6 Data) (Number of remarks )
  1121 # $iC7Data(Column 7 Data) (Number of migration notes )
  1122 #
  1123 # Outputs
  1124 #
  1125 # Description
  1126 # This function prints a line of the HTML Table
  1127 sub HTMLTableRow
  1128 {
  1129   my ($iTitle,$iC1Data, $iC2Data, $iC3Data, $iC4Data,$iC5Data, $iC6Data, $iC7Data) = @_;
  1131   #print "$iC2Data\n";
  1133   # Convert the seconds in hh:mm:ss format
  1134   $iC2Data = &ConvertSeconds($iC2Data);
  1136   # HTML encode the text
  1137   encode_entities($iC1Data);
  1138   encode_entities($iC2Data);
  1139   encode_entities($iC3Data);
  1140   encode_entities($iC4Data);
  1141   encode_entities($iC5Data);
  1142   encode_entities($iC6Data);
  1143   encode_entities($iC7Data);
  1145   my $linkname = "$iTitle"."_"."$iC1Data";
  1147   # Print the Row, including summary in a script comment
  1148   print HTML qq{<tr>\n};
  1149   print HTML qq{<!--\t$linkname\t$iC2Data\t$iC3Data\t$iC4Data\t$iC5Data\t$iC6Data\t$iC7Data\t-->\n};
  1150   print HTML qq{\t<td width="50%">$iC1Data</td>\n};
  1151   print HTML qq{\t<td width="15%" align="center">$iC2Data</td>\n};
  1153   print HTML "\t",&HTMLTableCell("errors",  $iC3Data,$linkname),"\n";
  1154   print HTML "\t",&HTMLTableCell("warnings",$iC4Data,$linkname),"\n";
  1155   print HTML "\t",&HTMLTableCell("AdvisoryNotes", $iC5Data,$linkname),"\n";
  1156   print HTML "\t",&HTMLTableCell("remarks", $iC6Data,$linkname),"\n";
  1157   print HTML "\t",&HTMLTableCell("migrationNotes", $iC7Data,$linkname),"\n";
  1159   print HTML qq{</tr>\n};
  1160 }
  1162 # ConvertSeconds
  1163 #
  1164 # Inputs
  1165 # $iSeconds
  1166 #
  1167 # Outputs
  1168 # $iString (seconds in hh:mm:ss)
  1169 #
  1170 # Description
  1171 # This function processes the commandline
  1172 sub ConvertSeconds
  1173 {
  1174   my ($iSeconds) = @_;
  1176   my ($iString);
  1177   my ($ih) = int($iSeconds/3600);
  1178   my ($im) = int(($iSeconds-($ih*3600))/60);
  1179   my ($is) = $iSeconds-($ih*3600)-($im*60);
  1180   # Print the correct format if the data is HiRes (has a decimal point in the string)
  1181   if ($is =~ /\d+\.\d+/)
  1182   {
  1183     $iString = sprintf "%d:%02d:%06.3f", $ih, $im, $is;
  1184   } else {
  1185     $iString = sprintf "%d:%02d:%02d", $ih, $im, $is;
  1186   }
  1187   return $iString;
  1188 }
  1190 # ProcessCommandLine
  1191 #
  1192 # Inputs
  1193 #
  1194 # Outputs
  1195 # $iOutput (Output filename)
  1196 # $iVerbose (Verbose Level)
  1197 # $iLogs (Log files to process)
  1198 #
  1199 # Description
  1200 # This function processes the commandline
  1202 sub ProcessCommandLine {
  1203   my ($iHelp, @iLogs, $iOutput, $iTitle, $iVerbose, $iDiff, $iHistory, $iClass, $iHistoryHelp);
  1204   GetOptions('h' => \$iHelp, 'l=s' =>\@iLogs, 'o=s' => \$iOutput, 't=s' => \$iTitle, 'v+' => \$iVerbose, 'd=s' =>\$iDiff, 'c=s' =>\$iHistory, 'm=s' =>\$iClass, 'hh' => \$iHistoryHelp);
  1206   if ($iHistoryHelp)
  1207   {
  1208     &HistoryHelp();
  1209   }
  1211   if (($iHelp) || (!defined @iLogs) || (!defined $iOutput))
  1212   {
  1213     Usage();
  1214   } elsif (-e $iOutput) {
  1215     die "$iOutput already exists";
  1216   } elsif (-e $iDiff) {
  1217     die "$iDiff already exists";
  1218   } elsif (-e $iWhat) {
  1219     die "$iWhat already exists";
  1220   }
  1221   foreach my $iLog (@iLogs)
  1222   {
  1223     warn "$iLog does not exist" if (! -e $iLog);
  1224   }
  1226   # Check the history options
  1227   if (defined $iHistory)
  1228   {
  1229     if (! -e $iHistory)
  1230     {
  1231 	    warn "$iHistory does not exist";
  1232 	    undef $iHistory;
  1233     } 
  1235    	elsif (!defined $iClass)
  1236    	{
  1237 	    warn "No machine name to class csv file specified with -m option";
  1238 	    undef $iHistory;
  1239    	}
  1240   }
  1242   # Set default title
  1243   if ($iTitle eq '')
  1244   {
  1245     $iTitle = "Log File Summary";
  1246   }
  1248   return($iOutput, $iTitle, $iVerbose, $iDiff, $iWhat, $iHistory, $iClass, @iLogs);
  1249 }
  1251 # Usage
  1252 #
  1253 # Output Usage Information.
  1254 #
  1256 sub Usage {
  1257   print <<USAGE_EOF;
  1259     Usage: [options]
  1261     options:
  1263     -h  help
  1264     -l  Log file to scan [Multiple allowed]
  1265     -o  Output file
  1266     -v  Increments Verbose level [Maximum Level = 2]
  1267     -t  Title to add to the Summary
  1268     -d  Filename for Logfile with Time Information removed [Optional]
  1270     History options [Optional]
  1271     -hh More help on History options and file formats
  1272     -c  History csv to add summary to
  1273     -m  Machine name to class csv data file [required if using -c]
  1275 USAGE_EOF
  1276 	exit 1;
  1277 }
  1279 # HistoryHelp
  1280 #
  1281 # Output History Help Information.
  1282 #
  1283 sub HistoryHelp{
  1284   print <<HISTORY_EOF;
  1286   History Description:
  1287   The History function collates the timing summary information of the
  1288   components from multiple builds. As the timing data varies between
  1289   machines of different specifications, htmlscanlog tries to identify
  1290   the machines hostname from the logs so it can identify which class
  1291   of machine it belongs to (the machine class is used to group multiple
  1292   machines with identical specifications). If it is not able to identify
  1293   a machine name (and class) it uses the first entry in the Machine name
  1294   to class csv.
  1296   History csv file format:
  1297   The csv format is for easy loading into spreadsheet programs for
  1298   generating charts. The first line contains the column headings, the
  1299   first column headings is the machine class, machine name, Title,
  1300   the last time entry in all the logs processed, then the
  1301   component names. Removed components will cause empty entries, new
  1302   components will be added at the end.
  1304   Machine name to class csv data file format:
  1305   The csv format contains two columns with no headings, first column is
  1306   the class name, the second is the machine name.
  1309 	exit 1;
  1310 }
  1312 # PrintHTMLHeader
  1313 #
  1314 # Inputs
  1315 # $iTitle (Title for Log file)
  1316 #
  1317 # Outputs
  1318 #
  1319 # Description
  1320 # This function print the HTML Header
  1322 sub PrintHTMLHeader {
  1323   my ($iTitle) = @_;
  1325    print HTML <<HTML_EOF;
  1326 <HTML>
  1327 <HEAD>
  1328 <TITLE>$iTitle</TITLE>
  1329 </HEAD>
  1331 <FONT FACE="Courier New">
  1332 HTML_EOF
  1333 }
  1335 # PrintHTMLFooter
  1336 #
  1337 # Inputs
  1338 #
  1339 # Outputs
  1340 #
  1341 # Description
  1342 # This function print the HTML Footer
  1344 sub PrintHTMLFooter {
  1345    print HTML <<HTML_EOF;
  1346 </FONT>
  1347 </BODY>
  1348 </HTML>
  1349 HTML_EOF
  1350 }
  1352 #  DiffDateTime
  1353 #
  1354 # Inputs
  1355 # $StartDateTime (Start Date/Time String)
  1356 # $EndDateTime (End Date/Time String)
  1357 #
  1358 # Outputs
  1359 # $Duration (Difference in seconds bertween the two dates/Times)
  1360 #
  1361 # Description
  1362 # This function calculate the difference between to dates and times
  1364 sub DiffDateTime {
  1365   my ($String1, $String2) = @_;
  1367   my ($err, $delta);
  1369   $delta=&DateCalc($String1,$String2,\$err);
  1370   if ($err)
  1371   {
  1372     print "WARNING: DiffDateTime encountered and error\n";
  1373     return "0";
  1374   } else { 
  1375     # Convert into seconds to aid additions
  1376     return &Delta_Format($delta,'0',"%sh");
  1377   }
  1378 }
  1380 sub do_remarks()
  1381 {
  1382 	my ($iLog) =@_;
  1383 	# Store remarks by Command
  1384 	if (!defined $CmdRemarks{$command})
  1385 		{
  1386 		$CmdRemarks{$command} = ();
  1387 		}
  1388 	push @{$CmdRemarks{$command}}, "$iLog:"."$.".">$line";
  1390 	# Store remarks by Component
  1391 	if (!defined $remarks{$component})
  1392 		{
  1393 		$remarks{$component} = ();
  1394 		}
  1395 	push @{$remarks{$component}}, "$iLog:"."$.".">$line";
  1396 }
  1398 sub do_warning()
  1399 {
  1400 	my ($iLog) =@_;
  1401 	# Store warning by Command
  1402 	if (!defined $CmdWarnings{$command})
  1403 		{
  1404 		$CmdWarnings{$command} = ();
  1405 		}
  1406 	push @{$CmdWarnings{$command}}, "$iLog:"."$.".">$line";
  1408 	# Store warning by Component
  1409 	if (!defined $warnings{$component})
  1410 		{
  1411 		$warnings{$component} = ();
  1412 		}
  1413 	push @{$warnings{$component}}, "$iLog:"."$.".">$line";
  1414 }
  1417 sub do_migrationNotes()
  1418   {
  1419   my ($iLog)= @_;
  1420   # Store Migration Notes by command
  1421   if (!defined $CmdMigrationNotes{$command})
  1422     {
  1423     $CmdMigrationNotes{$command} = ();
  1424     }
  1425   push @{$CmdMigrationNotes{$command}}, "$iLog:"."$.".">$line";
  1427   # Store Migration Notes by Componen
  1428   if (!defined $migrationNotes{$component})
  1429     {
  1430     $migrationNotes{$component} = ();
  1431     }
  1432   push @{$migrationNotes{$component}}, "$iLog:"."$.".">$line";
  1434   }
  1436 sub do_AdvisoryNotes()
  1437   {
  1438   my ($iLog)= @_;
  1439   # Store Advisory Notes by command
  1440   if (!defined $CmdAdvisoryNotes{$command})
  1441     {
  1442     $CmdAdvisoryNotes{$command} = ();
  1443     }
  1444   push @{$CmdAdvisoryNotes{$command}}, "$iLog:"."$.".">$line";
  1446   # Store Advisory Notes by Component
  1447   if (!defined $AdvisoryNotes{$component})
  1448     {
  1449     $AdvisoryNotes{$component} = ();
  1450     }
  1451   push @{$AdvisoryNotes{$component}}, "$iLog:"."$.".">$line";
  1453 }
  1455 sub do_error()
  1456 {
  1457   my ($iLog) =@_;
  1458 	# Store Errors by Command
  1459 	if (!defined $CmdErrors{$command})
  1460 		{
  1461 		$CmdErrors{$command} = ();
  1462 		}
  1463 	push @{$CmdErrors{$command}}, "$iLog:"."$.".">$line";
  1465 	# Store Errors by Component
  1466 	if (!defined $errors{$component})
  1467 		{
  1468 		$errors{$component} = ();
  1469 		}
  1470 	push @{$errors{$component}}, "$iLog:"."$.".">$line";
  1471 }
  1473 # Read a number of lines in the log ignoreing the content
  1474 sub do_slurp()
  1475 {
  1476   my ($num_lines) =@_;
  1477   for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_lines; $i++)
  1478   {
  1479     <LOG>;
  1480   }
  1481 }