changeset 629 541af5ee3ed9
parent 599 fa7a3cc6effd
equal deleted inserted replaced
628:7c4a911dc066 629:541af5ee3ed9
     1 # Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 # All rights reserved.
     3 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 # under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 # at the URL "".
     7 #
     8 # Initial Contributors:
     9 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 #
    11 # Contributors:
    12 #
    13 # Description:
    14 # all variables called *Path* are set up to end with a backslash
    15 # all variables called *Path or *File are stored as absolute (file)paths within makmake
    16 # all variables called UpPath* are stored as relative paths within makmake
    17 # 
    18 #
    21 use FindBin;		# for FindBin::Bin
    22 use File::Find;
    23 use Cwd;
    25 my $PerlLibPath;    # fully qualified pathname of the directory containing our Perl modules
    27 BEGIN {
    28 # check user has a version of perl that will cope
    29 	require 5.005_03;
    30 # establish the path to the Perl libraries: currently the same directory as this script
    31 	$PerlLibPath = $FindBin::Bin;	# X:/epoc32/tools
    32 	$PerlLibPath =~ s/\//\\/g;	# X:\epoc32\tools
    33 	$PerlLibPath .= "\\";
    34 }
    36 use lib $PerlLibPath;
    37 use E32env;
    38 use Prepfile;
    39 use Pathutl;
    41 # autoflush prevents our ouptut from getting jumbled up
    42 use FileHandle;
    43 autoflush STDOUT 1;
    44 autoflush STDERR 1;
    46 my (@Commands, @BldInfDirs);
    47 # should end in .mbc where .mbc means for "MetaBld Configuration file"
    48 # must end in .mbc if passed on command-line
    49 my $ConfigFile;
    51 my $StartDir=&cwd();
    52 my $relative;
    53 	{
    54 	# Process command-line
    56   	unless (@ARGV)
    57 		{
    58 		&Usage();
    59 		}
    60 	else
    61 		{
    62 		# check to see if we are using a relative path 
    63 	  	if ($ARGV[0] eq "-r")
    64 			{
    65 			$relative = 1;
    66 			shift @ARGV;
    67 			}
    69 		# check for a root from a config file in EPOCROOT dir as first argument
    70 	  	if (-e "$ENV{EPOCROOT}$ARGV[0].mbc")
    71 			{
    72 		  	$ConfigFile="$ENV{EPOCROOT}$ARGV[0].mbc";
    73 		  	shift @ARGV;
    74 			}
    75 		# check for a config file as the first argument
    76 	  	elsif ($ARGV[0]=~/.mbc$/io)
    77 			{
    78 			$ConfigFile=shift @ARGV;
    79 			if ($ConfigFile=~/^.:/o)
    80 				{
    81 				&Error("Config file can't be specified with a drive letter, as \"$ConfigFile\" is");
    82 				}
    83 			unless (-e $ConfigFile)
    84 				{
    85 				&Error("Can't find file $ConfigFile");
    86 				}
    87 			}
    88 		if (@ARGV)
    89 			{
    90 			# pass any other arguments as commands
    91 			@Commands=("@ARGV");
    92 			}
    93 		}
    94 	}
    96 	{
    97 	# scan config file if necessary
    99 	if ($ConfigFile)
   100 		{
   101 		# make config file path absolute
   102 		$ConfigFile=&Path_AbsToWork($ConfigFile);
   104 		my @Config2D;
   105 		eval { &Prepfile_ProcessL(\@Config2D, $ConfigFile); };
   106 		&Error($@) if $@;
   108 		my %CheckDir;
   110 		my @ConfigCommands;
   111 		my $Section='';
   112 		my @Death;
   113 		my $Line;
   114 		my $CurFile=$ConfigFile;
   115 	  LINE: foreach $Line (@Config2D)
   116 			{
   117 			my $LineNum=shift @$Line;
   118 			$_=shift @$Line;
   119 			if ($LineNum eq '#')
   120 				{
   121 				$CurFile=$_;
   122 				next;
   123 				}
   124 			if (/^SECTION_(\w*)$/io)
   125 				{
   126 				$Section=uc $1;
   127 				if ($Section=~/^(COMMANDS|DIRS|OPTIONALDIRS)$/o)
   128 					{
   129 					if (@$Line)
   130 						{
   131 						push @Death, "$CurFile($LineNum) : Can't specify anything on the same line as a section header\n";
   132 						}
   133 					next LINE;
   134 					}
   135 				push @Death, "$CurFile($LineNum) : Unknown section header - $_\n";
   136 				$Section=0;
   137 				next LINE;
   138 				}
   139 			unshift @$Line, $_;
   140 			if ($Section eq 'COMMANDS')
   141 				{
   142 				if ($$Line[0]=~/^ONEOFF$/io)
   143 					{
   144 					# check syntax for oneoff commands
   145 					unless (@$Line>=3)
   146 						{
   147 						push @Death, "$CurFile($LineNum) : Too few arguments for oneoff command\n";
   148 						}
   149 					# resolve oneoff dir relative to .mb file location
   150 					$$Line[1]=~s-^.*[^\\]$-$&\\-o; # add trailing backslash if necessary
   151 					$$Line[1]=&Path_MakeAbs($CurFile, $$Line[1]);
   152 					unless (-d $$Line[1])
   153 						{
   154 						warn "$CurFile($LineNum) : Can't find dir $$Line[1]\n";
   155 						}
   156 					}
   157 				push @ConfigCommands, "@$Line";
   158 				next LINE;
   159 				}
   160 			if ($Section eq 'DIRS' || $Section eq 'OPTIONALDIRS')
   161 				{
   162 				my $Dir;
   163 				foreach $Dir (@$Line)
   164 					{
   165 					if ($Dir=~/^.:/o)
   166 						{
   167 						push @Death, "$CurFile($LineNum) : directory $Dir is specified with a drive letter\n";
   168 						next;
   169 						}
   170 					$Dir=~s-^.*[^\\]$-$&\\-o;
   171 					$Dir=&Path_MakeAbs($CurFile, $Dir); # dirs must be the same for check
   172 					if ($CheckDir{uc $Dir})
   173 						{
   174 						# Silently ignore duplicate directories - #including of several .mbc files
   175 						# will often cause directory duplication.
   176 						# We can't do the same for duplicate commands because the order in which
   177 						# the commands are executed might be significant.
   178 						# push @Death, "$CurFile($LineNum) : Directory $Dir already specified\n";
   179 						next;
   180 						}
   181 					print "$Dir\n";
   183 					unless (-d $Dir)
   184 						{
   185 						if ($Section ne 'OPTIONALDIRS')
   186 							{
   187 							push @Death, "$CurFile($LineNum) : Can't find directory $Dir\n";
   188 							}
   189 						next;
   190 						}
   191 					push @BldInfDirs, $Dir;
   192 					$CheckDir{uc $Dir}=$LineNum;
   193 					}
   194 				next LINE;
   195 				}
   196 			else
   197 				{
   198 				push @Death, "$CurFile($LineNum) : No section specified\n";
   199 				}
   200 			}
   202 		if (@Death)
   203 			{
   204 			chomp $Death[$#Death];
   205 			&Error(@Death);
   206 			}
   208 		# apply the commands unless already collected
   209 		unless (@Commands)
   210 			{
   211 			&Error("$ConfigFile : No Commands specified") unless @ConfigCommands;
   212 			@Commands=@ConfigCommands;
   213 			}
   214 		}
   216 	# Should have commands now
   217 	&Usage() unless @Commands;
   218 	}
   220 	{
   221 	# Search for the BLD.INF files if necessary
   223 	my $mystartdir;
   224 	if ($relative)
   225 	{
   226 		$mystartdir = substr($StartDir, 2);
   227 	}
   229 	$mystartdir=~s:\/:\\:g;
   231 	if ($mystartdir ne "\\")
   232 		{
   233 		$mystartdir=$mystartdir."\\";
   234 		}
   236 	unless (@BldInfDirs)
   237 		{
   238 		# find the files in the source directories - skip the EPOCROOT directory
   240 		my $EPOCROOTDir=$E32env::Data{EPOCPath};
   241 		$EPOCROOTDir=~s/^\\([^\\]*).*$/$1/o;
   243 		opendir DIR, $mystartdir or &Error("Can't open dir: $!");
   244 		# remove ., .. and EPOCROOT dir
   245 		my @SrcDirs=grep !/^(\.\.?|$EPOCROOTDir|RECYCLER|System Volume Information)$/i, readdir DIR; 
   246 		foreach (@SrcDirs)
   247 			{
   248 			# prepend with current path
   249 			$_=$mystartdir.$_;
   250 			}
   251 		@SrcDirs=grep -d, @SrcDirs;
   252 		find(\&BldInfDirs, @SrcDirs);
   253 		@BldInfDirs=sort @BldInfDirs;
   255 		# if we are doing it relative to current location, need to include current dir
   256 		# if it contains a bld.inf
   257 		if (-f "BLD.INF" && $relative)
   258 			{
   259 			push @BldInfDirs, $mystartdir;
   260 			}
   262 		}
   263 	}
   265 	{
   266 	# Execute the commands
   268 	my $Time=localtime;
   269 	print "=== metabld started $Time.\n";
   270 	my $Command;
   271 	foreach $Command (@Commands)
   272 		{
   274 		$Time=localtime;
   275 		# Check if we should execute this command just the once
   276 		if ($Command=~s/^\s*ONEOFF\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)$/$2/io)
   277 			{
   278 			my $OneOffDir=$1;
   279 			# execute the command once rather than for each BLD.INF directory
   280 			chdir $OneOffDir or &Error("Can't change dir to $OneOffDir: $!");
   281 			print
   282 			(
   283 			 "===-------------------------------------------------\n",
   284 			 "=== $Command\n",
   285 			 "===-------------------------------------------------\n",
   286 			 "=== $Command started $Time.\n",
   287 			 "=== $Command == $OneOffDir\n"
   288 			);
   289 			system( "$Command");
   290 			}
   291 		else
   292 			{
   293 			# execute the command for each BLD.INF directory
   294 			print
   295 			(
   296 			 "===-------------------------------------------------\n",
   297 			 "=== $Command\n",
   298 			 "===-------------------------------------------------\n",
   299 			 "=== $Command started $Time.\n",
   300 			);
   301 			my $Dir;
   302 			foreach $Dir (@BldInfDirs)
   303 				{
   304 				chdir $Dir or &Error("Can't change dir to $Dir: $!");
   305 				print "=== $Command == $Dir\n";
   306 				system( "$Command");
   307 				}
   308 			}
   309 		chdir $StartDir or &Error("Can't change dir to $StartDir: $!");
   310 		$Time=localtime;
   311 		print "=== $Command finished $Time.\n";
   312 		}
   313 	}
   316 #################################################
   318 #################################################
   320 sub Usage
   321 	{
   322 	print <<ENDHERESTRING;
   323 usage: metabld [EPOCROOT .mbc file basename|.mbc config file] [command]
   324 MetaBld is a tool for carrying out build commands across several components.
   325 A .mbc config file contains directories and commands, eg:
   328 bldmake bldfiles
   329 abld target wins udeb
   330 // "oneoff" means carry out command just once, not for each directory.
   331 // First arg after "oneoff" must be a start dir, and can be "."
   332 oneoff \\e32\\rombuild rom xxx
   333 oneoff . \\e32test\\group\\abld test build wins urel
   335 \\e32
   336 \\f32\\group
   338 It's possible to #include lists of dirs from other files if necessary,
   339 and may be useful for carrying out different sets of commands on the same set
   340 of directories via different .mbc files.
   341 If a command is specified on the command-line, it will be executed instead
   342 of any commands specified in a .mbc file.
   343 If no directories are specified in a .mbc file, then all the directories
   344 containing a bld.inf file on the current drive will be searched for instead.
   346 exit 1;
   347 }
   349 sub Error (@)
   350 	{
   352 	die
   353 	@_, "\n",
   354 	"Error executing metabld.bat\n"
   355 	;
   356 	}
   358 sub BldInfDirs
   359 	{
   360 	s-\/-\\-go;
   361 	if (/^BLD.INF$/io)
   362 		{
   363 		$File::Find::dir=~s-\/-\\-go;
   364 		push @BldInfDirs, $File::Find::dir;
   365 		}
   366 	}