1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
2 <!-- |
3 ============================================================================ |
4 Name : helium-docs.ant.xml |
5 Part of : Helium |
6 |
7 Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
8 All rights reserved. |
9 This component and the accompanying materials are made available |
10 under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0" |
11 which accompanies this distribution, and is available |
12 at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". |
13 |
14 Initial Contributors: |
15 Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
16 |
17 Contributors: |
18 |
19 Description: |
20 |
21 ============================================================================ |
22 --> |
23 <!--* @package framework --> |
24 <project name="internal.helium.docs" xmlns:hlm="http://www.nokia.com/helium" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant"> |
25 <description> |
26 Documentation generation targets specific to Helium. |
27 </description> |
28 |
29 <!-- Location of documentation source that is specific to Helium. |
30 @type string |
31 @scope private |
32 --> |
33 <property name="helium.doc.src.dir" location="${helium.dir}/doc" /> |
34 |
35 <!-- Generate an overview of Helium as HTML tables. --> |
36 <target name="overview-to-html"> |
37 <fmpp sourceFile="${helium.doc.src.dir}/src/helium_overview.html.ftl" |
38 outputFile="${docs.build.dir}/temp/doc/helium_overview.html" |
39 replaceExtension="html.ftl, html" expert="true"> |
40 <data expandProperties="yes"> |
41 doc: xml(${helium.doc.src.dir}/src/helium_overview.xml) |
42 </data> |
43 </fmpp> |
44 </target> |
45 |
46 |
47 <!-- Macro to generate the tools dependency xml output. --> |
48 <macrodef name="createToolsTableMacro" uri="http://www.nokia.com/helium"> |
49 <attribute name="dir"/> |
50 <attribute name="failonerror"/> |
51 <attribute name="configs"/> |
52 <sequential> |
53 <ivy:configure file="${tools.ivy.config.file}" override="true"/> |
54 <ivy:resolve file="${helium.dir}/config/ivy/ivy.xml" conf="@{configs}" haltonfailure="@{failonerror}"/> |
55 <ivy:report todir="@{dir}" outputpattern="tool-dependencies-[conf].xml" |
56 conf="@{configs}" xml="true" graph="false" xsl="false"/> |
57 </sequential> |
58 </macrodef> |
59 |
60 |
61 <!-- Generates the tools dependency xml output. used in the retrieving Helium section to |
62 list the tools used within Helium. --> |
63 <target name="tools-rst-table"> |
64 <hlm:createToolsTableMacro dir="${docs.build.dir}/ivy" failonerror="false" |
65 configs="core,ido"/> |
66 <fmpp sourceFile="${helium.doc.src.dir}/src/manual/tool-dependencies.rst.ftl" includes="*.dot.ftl" |
67 outputFile="${docs.build.dir}/temp/doc/nokia/tool-dependencies.rst_include" |
68 replaceExtension="dot.ftl, dot"> |
69 <data expandProperties="yes"> |
70 doc: xml(${docs.build.dir}/ivy/tool-dependencies-ido.xml) |
71 </data> |
72 </fmpp> |
73 </target> |
74 |
75 |
76 <!-- Create a complete dependency graph of Helium libraries. |
77 |
78 Currently this does not work correctly but it is useful for future testing of repreport. --> |
79 <target name="libraries-dependencies"> |
80 <ivy:settings file="${tools.ivy.config.file}"/> |
81 <!--<ivy:resolve file="${helium.dir}/config/ivy/ivy.xml" conf="" haltonfailure="false"/>--> |
82 <delete file="@{dir}/ivy-repository-report.xml"/> |
83 <ivy:repreport todir="${docs.build.dir}/ivy" organisation="S60_SAM" |
84 xml="true" graph="false" xsl="false"/> |
85 <!--<fmpp sourceFile="${doc.src.dir}/src/manual/tool-dependencies.rst.ftl" includes="*.dot.ftl" |
86 outputFile="${docs.build.dir}/temp/doc/manual/tool-dependencies.rst_include" |
87 replaceExtension="dot.ftl, dot"> |
88 <data expandProperties="yes"> |
89 doc: xml(${docs.build.dir}/doc/ivy/tool-dependencies-ido.xml) |
90 </data> |
91 </fmpp>--> |
92 </target> |
93 |
94 |
95 <!-- Generate Python API documentation using epydoc. --> |
96 <target name="python-apidocs"> |
97 <mkdir dir="${docs.build.dir}/api/python"/> |
98 <pathconvert pathsep=" " property="epydoc.python.modules.path"> |
99 <fileset refid="python.library.files"/> |
100 </pathconvert> |
101 <echo>Python modules path: ${epydoc.python.modules.path}</echo> |
102 <exec executable="python" dir="${docs.build.dir}" failonerror="true"> |
103 <arg line="${python.tools}/epydoc"/> |
104 <arg value="-v"/> |
105 <arg value="--config=${helium.dir}/config/epydoc.conf"/> |
106 <arg value="--exclude=sgmllib"/> |
107 <arg line="${epydoc.python.modules.path}"/> |
108 </exec> |
109 </target> |
110 |
111 |
112 <!-- Generate Java API documentation using javadoc. --> |
113 <target name="java-apidocs" depends="install-cruisecontrol"> |
114 <path id="classpath-javadoc"> |
115 <fileset dir="${helium.dir}/external/CruiseControl/lib" includes="*.jar"/> |
116 <fileset dir="${helium.dir}/external" includes="**/*.jar"/> |
117 <pathelement path="${helium.dir}/external/CruiseControl/webapps/dashboard/WEB-INF/classes"/> |
118 </path> |
119 <javadoc classpathref="classpath-javadoc" |
120 destdir="${docs.build.dir}/api/java" useexternalfile="true"> |
121 <packageset dir="tools/common/java/src" defaultexcludes="yes"/> |
122 <packageset dir="tools/common/java/test" defaultexcludes="yes"/> |
123 <doctitle><![CDATA[<h1>API Documentation</h1>]]></doctitle> |
124 </javadoc> |
125 </target> |
126 |
127 |
128 <!-- Generate Ant API documentation using antdoclet. --> |
129 <target name="antdoclet"> |
130 <path id="doclet-classpath"> |
131 <pathelement path="${java.class.path}/"/> |
132 <pathelement path="${helium.dir}/external/CruiseControl/webapps/dashboard/WEB-INF/classes"/> |
133 </path> |
134 <mkdir dir="${docs.build.dir}/api/ant"/> |
135 |
136 <!-- First copy the "static" resources (images, static html files) --> |
137 <copy todir="${docs.build.dir}/api/ant" overwrite="true"> |
138 <fileset dir="${helium.dir}/doc/src/antdoclet/html"> |
139 <exclude name="*.vm"/> |
140 </fileset> |
141 </copy> |
142 |
143 <!-- Now invoke AntDoclet to generate the "dynamic" content from the templates --> |
144 <javadoc access="private" sourcepath="${helium.dir}/tools/common/java/src/" |
145 destdir="${docs.build.dir}/api/ant" |
146 packagenames="com.nokia.ant,com.nokia.ant.filters,com.nokia.ant.types.imaker,com.nokia.ant.types,com.nokia.ant.listerner,com.nokia.ant.taskdefs,com.nokia.ant.taskdefs.ccm.commands,com.nokia.cruisecontrol,com.nokia.cruisecontrol.sourcecontrol,com.nokia.fmpp,nokia.ivy" |
147 docletpathref="doclet-classpath" source="1.6" |
148 useexternalfile="true"> |
149 <doclet name="com.neuroning.antdoclet.AntDoclet"> |
150 <param name="-doctitle" value="${build.name}" /> |
151 <param name="-templatesdir" value="${doc.src.dir}/src/antdoclet/html"/> |
152 <param name="-templates" value="main.vm"/> |
153 </doclet> |
154 </javadoc> |
155 <move file="velocity.log" tofile="build/velocity.log" failonerror="false"/> |
156 </target> |
157 |
158 |
159 <!-- Builds the Helium API documentation. --> |
160 <target name="helium-apidocs" depends="clean-helium-apidocs,database, |
161 find-python-dependencies,helium-api-dependency-images,helium-api-html-docs"/> |
162 |
163 |
164 <target name="helium-prep-textdocs"> |
165 <copy todir="${docs.build.dir}/temp/doc/nokia" failonerror="false"> |
166 <fileset dir="${nokia.dir}/doc/src"> |
167 <include name="**/*.rst"/> |
168 <include name="**/*.css"/> |
169 <include name="**/*.jpg"/> |
170 </fileset> |
171 </copy> |
172 |
173 <mkdir dir="${docs.build.dir}/temp/doc/minibuilds"/> |
174 <copy todir="${docs.build.dir}/temp/doc/minibuilds" failonerror="false"> |
175 <fileset dir="${helium.dir}/tests/minibuilds/"> |
176 <include name="*/doc/**/*"/> |
177 </fileset> |
178 </copy> |
179 |
180 <!-- Including Helium antlib doc --> |
181 <mkdir dir="${docs.build.dir}/temp/doc/helium-antlib"/> |
182 <copy todir="${docs.build.dir}/temp/doc/helium-antlib" failonerror="false" flatten="true"> |
183 <fileset dir="${helium.dir}/external/helium-antlib"> |
184 <include name="**/*.rst"/> |
185 <include name="**/*.css"/> |
186 <include name="**/*.jpg"/> |
187 </fileset> |
188 </copy> |
189 </target> |
190 |
191 |
192 <!-- Generate all documentation. --> |
193 <target name="add-policies-to-docs" unless="env.HLM_SUBCON"> |
194 <hlm:updatePolicy policy="7" filename="distribution.policy.S60"> |
195 <dirset dir="${helium.dir}" includes="${docs.build.dir}/**/*"/> |
196 </hlm:updatePolicy> |
197 </target> |
198 |
199 |
200 <!-- Creates XML and .rst documents describing the difference between |
201 this version of Helium and the previous major release. --> |
202 <target name="release-diff" depends="database" unless="env.HLM_SUBCON"> |
203 <mkdir dir="${docs.build.dir}"/> |
204 <!-- URL for the database.xml of last major release |
205 @type string |
206 @scope private |
207 --> |
208 <property name="last.major.release.database.url" value="${documentation.url.root}/${last.major.helium.version}/database.xml"/> |
209 <hlm:python> |
210 import urllib |
211 import helium.documentation |
212 |
213 old_db_file = urllib.urlopen(r'${last.major.release.database.url}') |
214 writer = helium.documentation.APIDeltaWriter(old_db_file, r'${database.file}') |
215 writer.write(r'${docs.build.dir}/api_changes.xml') |
216 </hlm:python> |
217 <if> |
218 <available file="${docs.build.dir}/api_changes.xml"/> |
219 <then> |
220 <fmpp sourceFile="${helium.doc.src.dir}/src/api_changes.rst.ftl" outputFile="${docs.build.dir}/temp/doc/api_changes.rst"> |
221 <data expandProperties="yes"> |
222 doc: xml(${docs.build.dir}/api_changes.xml) |
223 old_release: ${last.major.helium.version} |
224 new_release: ${helium.version} |
225 </data> |
226 </fmpp> |
227 </then> |
228 </if> |
229 </target> |
230 |
231 |
232 <!-- Generate docs for Symbian Foundataion --> |
233 <target name="docs-sf"> |
234 <delete dir="${docs.build.dir}"/> |
235 <antcall target="helium-subcon-release"/> |
236 <unzip src="${docs.build.dir}/helium_${helium.version}_subcon.zip" dest="${docs.build.dir}/helium_${helium.version}_subcon" overwrite="true" /> |
237 <!----> |
238 <exec executable="cmd" dir="${docs.build.dir}/helium_${helium.version}_subcon/helium"> |
239 <env key="HELIUM_HOME" value="${docs.build.dir}/helium_${helium.version}_subcon/helium"/> |
240 <env key="PYTHONPATH" value="${env.PYTHONPATH}"/> |
241 <env key="ANT_ARGS" value="${env.ANT_ARGS}"/> |
242 <arg line="/C hlm.bat"/> |
243 <arg value="docs"/> |
244 <arg value="-Dpython.tools=${python.tools}"/> |
245 <arg value="-Dsf=true"/> |
246 </exec> |
247 </target> |
248 |
249 |
250 <!-- Clean old build/doc dir. --> |
251 <target name="clean-doc-dir"> |
252 <delete dir="build/doc"/> |
253 <delete dir="build/temp/doc"/> |
254 </target> |
255 |
256 |
257 <!-- Connect to home drive if it is not connected for .netrc file. --> |
258 <target name="check-home-drive"> |
259 <exec executable="cmd"> |
260 <arg value="/c"/> |
261 <arg value="${helium.dir}/tools/common/bin/check_home_drv.bat"/> |
262 <arg value=">nul"/> |
263 </exec> |
264 </target> |
265 |
266 |
267 <!-- Upload generated HTML docs to the Helium server. --> |
268 <target name="upload-docs" depends="check-home-drive"> |
269 <!-- The full path on the host server where the Helium documentation is stored. |
270 @type string |
271 @scope private |
272 --> |
273 <property name="documentation.path" value="${documentation.path.root}"/> |
274 <property name="docs.zip" value="${docs.build.dir}/helium-docs.zip"/> |
275 |
276 <!-- Python API docs. --> |
277 <delete file="${docs.zip}"/> |
278 <zip destfile="${docs.zip}"> |
279 <fileset dir="${docs.build.dir}" includes="**/*"/> |
280 </zip> |
281 <sshexec host="${documentation.host}" |
282 username="${user.name}" |
283 keyfile="${env.HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa_openssh.ppk" |
284 trust="true" |
285 command="mkdir -p ${documentation.path}"/> |
286 <scp todir="${user.name}@${documentation.host}:${documentation.path}" |
287 keyfile="${env.HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa_openssh.ppk" |
288 passphrase="" |
289 trust="true" |
290 sftp="true" |
291 file="${docs.zip}"/> |
292 <sshexec host="${documentation.host}" |
293 username="${user.name}" |
294 keyfile="${env.HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa_openssh.ppk" |
295 trust="true" |
296 command="cd ${documentation.path}; unzip -u -o helium-docs.zip; chmod -R 777 ."/> |
297 </target> |
298 |
299 |
300 <!-- Upload generated HTML docs to the Helium server. --> |
301 <target name="upload-release-docs"> |
302 <!-- The full path on the host server where the Helium documentation is stored. |
303 @type string |
304 @scope private |
305 --> |
306 <property name="documentation.path" value="${documentation.path.root}/${helium.version}"/> |
307 <antcall target="upload-docs"/> |
308 </target> |
309 |
310 |
311 <!-- create slides from images --> |
312 <target name="slides"> |
313 <mkdir dir="${docs.build.dir}/slides"/> |
314 |
315 <copy todir="${docs.build.dir}/slides"> |
316 <fileset dir="${doc.src.dir}/slides"/> |
317 </copy> |
318 |
319 <copy todir="${docs.build.dir}/slides/images"> |
320 <fileset dir="${doc.src.dir}/slides/images"/> |
321 </copy> |
322 |
323 <for param="document"> |
324 <fileset dir="${docs.build.dir}/slides" includes="**/*.rst"/> |
325 <sequential> |
326 <propertyregex property="document.no.ext" input="@{document}" regexp="\.rst$" replace="" override="true"/> |
327 <if> |
328 <not> |
329 <uptodate srcfile="@{document}" targetfile="${document.no.ext}.html"/> |
330 </not> |
331 <then> |
332 <echo>Building doc: @{document}</echo> |
333 <exec executable="python" dir="${doc.src.dir}" failonerror="${failonerror}"> |
334 <arg value="${nokia.python.tools}/rst2s5.py"/> |
335 <arg value="@{document}"/> |
336 <arg value="${document.no.ext}.html"/> |
337 </exec> |
338 </then> |
339 </if> |
340 </sequential> |
341 </for> |
342 </target> |
343 |
344 |
345 <!-- Generate HTML documentation from .rst documents. Used for DP |
346 |
347 TODO: Refactor to just have one target. --> |
348 <target name="textdocs-old" depends="overview-to-html"> |
349 <mkdir dir="${docs.build.dir}"/> |
350 <copy todir="${docs.build.dir}-old"> |
351 <fileset dir="${doc.src.dir}/src" excludes="cover.rst"/> |
352 <fileset dir="${nokia.dir}/doc/src"/> |
353 </copy> |
354 |
355 <copy todir="${docs.build.dir}-old/images"> |
356 <fileset dir="${doc.src.dir}/images"/> |
357 </copy> |
358 |
359 <for param="document"> |
360 <fileset dir="${docs.build.dir}-old"> |
361 <include name="**/*.rst" /> |
362 <exclude name="index.rst" /><!-- index.rst is the top-level doc for new-style docs --> |
363 </fileset> |
364 <sequential> |
365 <propertyregex property="document.no.ext" input="@{document}" regexp="\.rst$" replace="" override="true"/> |
366 <if> |
367 <not> |
368 <uptodate srcfile="@{document}" targetfile="${document.no.ext}.html"/> |
369 </not> |
370 <then> |
371 <echo>Building doc: @{document}</echo> |
372 <exec executable="python" dir="${doc.src.dir}" failonerror="${failonerror}"> |
373 <!--<env key="PYTHONPATH" value="${helium.dir}\${python25.lib};tools\common\python\lib"/>--> |
374 <arg value="${nokia.python.tools}\rst2html.py"/> |
375 <arg line="--traceback --no-toc-backlinks"/> |
376 <!-- -stylesheet-path nokia_style.css --> |
377 <arg value="@{document}"/> |
378 <arg value="${document.no.ext}.html"/> |
379 </exec> |
380 </then> |
381 </if> |
382 </sequential> |
383 </for> |
384 </target> |
385 |
386 |
387 <!-- Search Python internal module used in helium --> |
388 <target name="find-python-dependencies" depends="database"> |
389 <hlm:assertPropertySet property="helium.dir" message="Property helium.dir is not defined." /> |
390 <hlm:assertPropertySet property="database.file" message="Property database.file is not defined."/> |
391 <hlm:python failonerror="true"> |
392 import re |
393 import os |
394 import amara |
395 import codecs |
396 import ant |
397 import docs |
398 |
399 setpath = r'${helium.dir}'+'/tools' |
400 |
401 print "Searching under "+setpath |
402 |
403 dbPath = r'${database.file}' |
404 dbPath = 'file:///'+ dbPath.replace('\\','/') |
405 dbPrj = amara.parse(dbPath) |
406 |
407 docs.find_python_dependencies(setpath, dbPath, dbPrj) |
408 |
409 file_object = codecs.open(r'${database.file}', 'w', "utf_8") |
410 file_object.write(dbPrj.xml(indent=u"yes")) |
411 file_object.close() |
412 </hlm:python> |
413 </target> |
414 |
415 |
416 <!-- Reads the Java libraries and extracts a list of their versions. --> |
417 <target name="library-versions"> |
418 <script language="jython" setbeans="false"> |
419 import java.io |
420 import java.util.jar |
421 antlibsDir = java.io.File('external/antlibs') |
422 print antlibsDir |
423 jarFiles = antlibsDir.listFiles() |
424 for jar in jarFiles: |
425 if jar.getName().endswith('jar'): |
426 jarFile = java.util.jar.JarFile(jar) |
427 manifest = jarFile.getManifest() |
428 attributes = manifest.getMainAttributes() |
429 implementationVersion = attributes.getValue('Implementation-Version') |
430 print jar.getName() + ': ' + str(implementationVersion) |
431 </script> |
432 </target> |
433 |
434 |
435 <!-- Generates a subcon dependancy diagram based on Egg and Jars files --> |
436 <target name="dependency-diagram-subcon"> |
437 <fileset id="subcon.jar.files" dir="${helium.dir}"> |
438 <include name="external/antlibs/*.jar"/> |
439 <include name="external/jep/**/*.jar"/> |
440 <include name="external/helium-antlib/bin/**/*.jar"/> |
441 <include name="tools/**/*.jar"/> |
442 </fileset> |
443 <antcall target="dependency-diagram"> |
444 <reference refid="subcon.jar.files" torefid="jar.files"/> |
445 <param name="python.exclude.dir" value="${helium.dir}\external\python\lib\2.5\internal"/> |
446 <param name="dependency.grph" value="${docs.build.dir}/images/dependencies_subcon.grph"/> |
447 <param name="subcon" value="true"/> |
448 </antcall> |
449 </target> |
450 |
451 |
452 <fileset id="jar.files" dir="${helium.dir}"> |
453 <include name="external/antlibs/**/*.jar"/> |
454 <include name="external/jep/**/*.jar"/> |
455 <include name="external/helium-antlib/**/*.jar"/> |
456 <include name="tools/**/*.jar"/> |
457 <include name="extensions/nokia/external/antlibs/**/*.jar"/> |
458 </fileset> |
459 |
460 |
461 <!-- Generates a dependancy diagram based on Egg and Jars files --> |
462 <target name="dependency-diagram"> |
463 <mkdir dir="${docs.build.dir}/images"/> |
464 <mkdir dir="${temp.build.dir}"/> |
465 <!-- Location of dependency.grph |
466 @type string |
467 @scope private |
468 --> |
469 <property name="dependency.grph" value="${docs.build.dir}/images/dependencies.grph"/> |
470 |
471 <!----> |
472 <copy todir="${temp.build.dir}/dependencylibs" flatten="true"> |
473 <fileset refid="jar.files"/> |
474 </copy> |
475 |
476 <hlm:antdependency outputFile="${temp.build.dir}/antdependencies.grph"> |
477 <fileset dir="${temp.build.dir}/dependencylibs" includes="*.jar"/> |
478 </hlm:antdependency> |
479 |
480 <taskdef name="jaranalyzer" classname="com.kirkk.analyzer.textui.JarAnalyzerTask"/> |
481 <jaranalyzer srcdir="${temp.build.dir}/dependencylibs" destfile="${dependency.grph}" summaryclass="com.kirkk.analyzer.textui.DOTSummary"/> |
482 |
483 <loadfile srcfile="${temp.build.dir}/antdependencies.grph" property="antdependencies"/> |
484 <replace file="${dependency.grph}" token="}" value="${antdependencies}}"/> |
485 |
486 <antcall target="dependency-grouping"/> |
487 |
488 <exec executable="dot"> |
489 <arg line="-Tpng -Grankdir=LR -Nshape=box -Nfontsize=9 -Nwidth=0.3 -Nheight=0.2 ${dependency.grph} -O"/> |
490 </exec> |
491 |
492 <delete dir="${temp.build.dir}/dependencylibs"/> |
493 </target> |
494 |
495 |
496 <!-- @scope private --> |
497 <target name="dependency-grouping"> |
498 <!-- Location of dependency.grph |
499 @type string |
500 @scope private |
501 --> |
502 <property name="dependency.grph" value="${docs.build.dir}/images/dependencies.grph"/> |
503 <mkdir dir="${docs.build.dir}/images"/> |
504 <!-- Location of nokia internal python library |
505 @type string |
506 --> |
507 <property name="python.internal.dir" value="${nokia.dir}\external\python\lib\2.5"/> |
508 <!-- subcon |
509 @type string |
510 --> |
511 <property name="subcon" value=""/> |
512 <!-- Ivy configuration file |
513 @type string |
514 @scope private |
515 --> |
516 <property name="ivy.xml.file" value="${helium.dir}/config/ivy/ivy.xml"/> |
517 <hlm:python> |
518 import os |
519 import dependancygraph |
520 |
521 dependancygraph.createGraph(r'${ivy.xml.file}', r'${dependency.grph}', r'${python.dir}', r'${python.internal.dir}', r'${subcon}') |
522 </hlm:python> |
523 <!-- |
524 <exec executable="dot"> |
525 <arg line="-Tpng -Grankdir=LR -Nshape=box -Nfontsize=9 -Nwidth=0.3 -Nheight=0.2 ${dependency.egg.grph} -O"/> |
526 </exec> |
527 --> |
528 </target> |
529 |
530 |
531 <!-- Generates a dependancy diagram of ant projects to helium external files --> |
532 <target name="dependency-external"> |
533 <!-- Location of dependencies_external.grph |
534 @type string |
535 @scope private |
536 --> |
537 <property name="dependency.external.grph" value="${docs.build.dir}/images/dependencies_external.grph"/> |
538 <copy file="${database.file}" tofile="${database.file}.parsed" overwrite="true"> |
539 <filterchain> |
540 <expandproperties/> |
541 </filterchain> |
542 </copy> |
543 <hlm:python> |
544 import os |
545 import dependancygraph |
546 |
547 dependancygraph.externalDependancies(r'${database.file}.parsed', r'${dependency.external.grph}') |
548 </hlm:python> |
549 <!----> |
550 <exec executable="dot"> |
551 <arg line="-Tpng -Grankdir=LR -Nshape=box -Nfontsize=9 -Nwidth=0.3 -Nheight=0.2 ${dependency.external.grph} -O"/> |
552 </exec> |
553 </target> |
554 |
555 |
556 <!-- Convert db file. @scope private--> |
557 <target name="dependency-db-convert" depends="database"> |
558 <copy file="${database.file}" tofile="${database.file}.parsed" overwrite="true"> |
559 <filterchain> |
560 <expandproperties/> |
561 </filterchain> |
562 </copy> |
563 </target> |
564 |
565 |
566 <!-- Generates a dependancy diagram of log files --> |
567 <target name="dependency-logs"> |
568 <!-- Location of dependencies_external.grph |
569 @type string |
570 @scope private |
571 --> |
572 <property name="dependency.external.grph" value="${docs.build.dir}/images/dependencies_log.grph"/> |
573 |
574 <antcall target="dependency-db-convert" inheritAll="false"> |
575 <param name="build.drive" value="build.drive"/> |
576 <param name="build.id" value="build.id"/> |
577 <param name="build.log.dir" value="/output/logs"/> |
578 </antcall> |
579 |
580 <hlm:python> |
581 import os |
582 import dependancygraph |
583 |
584 dependancygraph.findLogFiles(r'${database.file}.parsed', r'${dependency.external.grph}') |
585 </hlm:python> |
586 <!----> |
587 <exec executable="dot"> |
588 <arg line="-Tpng -Grankdir=LR -Nshape=box -Nfontsize=9 -Nwidth=0.3 -Nheight=0.2 ${dependency.external.grph} -O"/> |
589 </exec> |
590 </target> |
591 |
592 |
593 <!-- Creates user flow diagram --> |
594 <target name="helium-user-graph"> |
595 <mkdir dir="${docs.build.dir}/api"/> |
596 <fmpp sourcefile="${helium.dir}/doc/src/user-graph.dot.ftl" outputfile="${docs.build.dir}/temp/doc/user-graph.dot"> |
597 <data expandProperties="yes"> |
598 ant: antProperties() |
599 </data> |
600 </fmpp> |
601 <for param="dot.file"> |
602 <fileset dir="${docs.build.dir}/temp/doc" includes="user-graph.dot"/> |
603 <sequential> |
604 <echo>Processing dot file: @{dot.file}</echo> |
605 <exec executable="dot" dir="${docs.build.dir}/temp/doc/"> |
606 <arg line="-Tcmap @{dot.file} -O"/> |
607 </exec> |
608 <exec executable="dot" dir="${docs.build.dir}/api"> |
609 <arg line="-Tpng @{dot.file} -O"/> |
610 </exec> |
611 </sequential> |
612 </for> |
613 <move todir="${docs.build.dir}/images" overwrite="true"> |
614 <fileset dir="${docs.build.dir}/temp/doc" includes="user-graph.dot.png"/> |
615 </move> |
616 </target> |
617 |
618 </project> |