changeset 662 60be34e1b006
parent 655 3f65fd25dfd4
equal deleted inserted replaced
654:7c11c3d8d025 662:60be34e1b006
     1 # Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 # All rights reserved.
     3 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 # under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 # at the URL "".
     7 #
     8 # Initial Contributors:
     9 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 #
    11 # Contributors:
    12 #
    13 # Description:
    14 #
    16 package GenXml;
    18   use strict;
    20   use FindBin;
    21   use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
    22   use XML::DOM;
    23   use XML::DOM::ValParser;
    25   # produces the "Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string" warning
    26   use XML::XQL;
    27   use XML::XQL::DOM;
    29   # Variable to indicate the version of xml file used.  It will be set by subroutine Parse_xml
    30   my $iVer = 1;
    32   # Used by debug prints
    33   #my $count;
    35 my ($gHiResTimer) = 0; 		#Flag - true (1) if HiRes Timer module available
    36 my ($gLogFileH); 		# Log file handle
    37 my ($gEmbeddedLog) = 0; 	# Flag false (0) if logging must include scanlog headers etc
    38 my ($gValidateFailed) = 0; 	# Flag true (1) if the XML validation has failed
    39 my ($gValidate) = 0; 		# Flag true (1) if to do XML validation only
    41   #assign STDERR to STDOUT so both are printed in the same file, without overwriting lines
    42   open (STDERR, ">&STDOUT") or die("ERROR: Unable to redirect STDERR to STDOUT: $!");
    43   select((select(STDOUT), $|=1)[0]);
    44   select((select(STDERR), $|=1)[0]);
    47 # Check if HiRes Timer is available
    48 if (eval "require Time::HiRes;") {
    49   $gHiResTimer = 1;
    50 } else {
    51   print "Cannot load HiResTimer Module, install the Perl module Time-HiRes for more accurate timing data\n";
    52 }
    54 # Start
    55 #
    56 # Inputs
    57 # $iXMLSource - ref to array of XML filenames, to be merged into one
    58 # $iLogFile - name of logfile
    59 # $iSourceDir - root of the current source tree
    60 # $iEffectiveDir - root of source tree in which output files will be used
    61 # $iValidate - if true, validate the input and then stop
    62 #
    63 # $iFilter - (optional) filter the merged file against this value
    64 # $iMergedXml - (optional) create file of this name containing the merged XML
    65 # $iConfName - name of the configuration: needed by subsequent arguments
    66 # $iDataOutput - (optional) create file of this name containing the XML build commands
    67 # $iTextOutput - (optional) create file of this name containing the list of components
    68 # $iCBROutput - (optional) create file of this name containing the list of MRP files
    69 #
    70 # Description
    71 # This function merges multiple XML files into one document, then optionally outputs various
    72 # files. 
    73 #
    74 sub Start
    75 {
    76   my ($iXmlSource, $iDataOutput, $iLogFile, $iSourceDir, $iConfName, $iMergedXml, $iValidate, $iTextOutput, $iCBROutput, $iFilter, $iEffectiveDir) = @_;
    78   # Set global validation Flag
    79   $GenXml::gValidate = $iValidate;
    81   my $doc;
    83   if ($iLogFile)
    84   {
    85     # Open Log file
    86     $GenXml::gLogFileH = IO::File->new("> $iLogFile")
    87       or die "ERROR: RealTimeBuild: Couldn't open $iLogFile for writing: $!\n";
    88     $gEmbeddedLog = 0; # Generate scanlog-compatible log format
    89   } else {
    90     $GenXml::gLogFileH = *STDOUT;
    91     $gEmbeddedLog = 1; # Assume that we are embedded in a scanlog-format log file
    92   }
    94   if (!$gEmbeddedLog)
    95   {
    96     # Logfile headers
    97     print $GenXml::gLogFileH "===-------------------------------------------------\n";
    98     print $GenXml::gLogFileH "=== Genxml\n";
    99     print $GenXml::gLogFileH "===-------------------------------------------------\n";
   100     print $GenXml::gLogFileH "=== Genxml started ".localtime()."\n";
   101   }
   103   # $iSourceDir must end in a \
   104   # Add a \ if not present
   105   # And make sure they are in windows style
   106   if ($iSourceDir !~ /\\$/)
   107   {
   108     $iSourceDir =~ s/\//\\/g;
   109     $iSourceDir .= "\\";
   110   }
   111   if ($iEffectiveDir !~ /\\$/)
   112   {
   113     $iEffectiveDir =~ s/\//\\/g;
   114     $iEffectiveDir .= "\\";
   115   }
   117   # Parse all the files into one DOM doc
   118   $doc = &Parse_files($iXmlSource, \$iVer);
   119   # ... XML::DOM::Document was created sucessfully ...
   121   # Exit here if validating only
   122   exit if ($GenXml::gValidate);
   124   # Try normalising it
   125   $doc->normalize;
   127   # filter it, if desired
   128   if ($iFilter && $iVer == 1)  {
   129     &logfileHeader("Filtering model against $iFilter");
   130     &Filter_doc($doc, $iFilter);
   131     &logfileFooter();
   132   } elsif ($iFilter && $iVer == 2) { 
   133     &logfileHeader("Filtering model against $iFilter");
   134     &Filter_doc2($doc, $iFilter);
   135     &logfileFooter();
   136   }
   139   # Debug dump new doc to file
   140   #~ $doc->printToFile("$iMergedXml") if ($iMergedXml);
   142   #################write only non-empty lines################
   143   if ($iMergedXml)
   144   {
   145     open(HANDLE, "+> $iMergedXml") or die "Error: Can't open $iMergedXml: $!";
   146     my $MergedXMLString = $doc->toString;
   147     my @lines = split(/\n/,$MergedXMLString);
   148     my @tempLines = ();
   149     foreach (@lines)
   150     {
   151       push @tempLines, $_ if $_ !~ /^[\s]*$/;
   152     }
   154     $MergedXMLString = join("\n",@tempLines);
   155     seek(HANDLE,0,0);
   156     print HANDLE $MergedXMLString;
   157     truncate(HANDLE,tell(HANDLE));
   158     close HANDLE;
   159   }
   160   #################################
   161   if ($iConfName)
   162   {
   163     # Process the configuration to get the lists of units, tasks and options
   164     &logfileHeader("Processing configuration $iConfName");
   165     my ($topunits, $subunits, $options, $tasks) = &process_configuration($doc,$iConfName, $iVer);
   166     my @topbldList = &compute_bldList($iSourceDir,$iEffectiveDir,$topunits, $iVer); 
   168     &logfileFooter();
   170     if ($iTextOutput)
   171   	  {
   172 	  &logfileHeader("Generating text output $iTextOutput");
   174 	  # Generate old-style text output
   175 	  &write_component_list($doc, $iTextOutput, $iConfName, \@topbldList, $options, $tasks, $iEffectiveDir, $iVer);
   177 	  &logfileFooter();
   178 	  }
   180     if ($iCBROutput)
   181 	  {
   182 	  &logfileHeader("Generating CBR component list $iCBROutput");
   184 	  # Generate list of CBR components for "makecbr"
   185 	  my @allunits;
   186    #if ($iVer == 1) {
   187 		  @allunits = (@$topunits, @$subunits);
   188    #} else {
   189   #  @allunits = (@$topunits);  # No subunits required for the new version of system_definition.xml
   190    #}
   191 	  my @fullbldList = &compute_bldList($iSourceDir,$iEffectiveDir,\@allunits, $iVer); 
   193 	  &write_CBR_list($iCBROutput, \@fullbldList);
   195 	  &logfileFooter();
   196 	  }
   198     if ($iDataOutput)
   199 	  {
   200 	  &logfileHeader("Generating output XML $iDataOutput");
   202 	  # Generate the output document by applying the tasks to the bldList
   204 	  my $ID = 1; # Execute Element ID counter
   205 	  my $Stage = 1; # Execute Element Stage counter
   207 	  my ($outDoc, $docElem, $commands) = &start_output_doc($iConfName, $iVer);
   209 	  process_prebuilt(\$outDoc, \$commands, \$ID, \$Stage, $topunits, 'N', $iVer);
   210 	  foreach my $task (@{$tasks})
   211 		  {
   212 		  &process_task($task, $doc, \$outDoc, \$commands, \$ID, \$Stage, \@topbldList, $options, $iSourceDir, $iEffectiveDir, $iVer);
   213 		  }
   214 	  process_prebuilt(\$outDoc, \$commands, \$ID, \$Stage, $topunits, 'Y', $iVer);
   216 	  $docElem->appendChild($commands);
   217 	  $docElem->addText("\n");
   218 	  #print $outDoc->toString;
   219 	  $outDoc->printToFile($iDataOutput);
   220 	  $outDoc->dispose;
   222 	  &logfileFooter();
   223 	  }
   224   }
   226   if (!$gEmbeddedLog)
   227   {
   228     # Print Genxml log footer
   229     print $GenXml::gLogFileH "=== Genxml finished ".localtime()."\n";
   230   }
   232   # Close file handles
   233   close($GenXml::gLogFileH);
   235   $doc->dispose;
   237 }
   239 # Error Processing function for the XML Validation
   240 #
   241 # Throws an exception (with die) when an error is encountered, this
   242 # will stop the parsing process.
   243 # Don't die if a warning or info message is encountered, just print a message.
   244 sub my_fail
   245 {
   246   my $code = shift;
   248   if ($code < 200)
   249   {
   250     print $GenXml::gLogFileH "ERROR: ".XML::Checker::error_string ($code, @_);
   251     # Set Flag so all the errors are reported before dieing
   252     $GenXml::gValidateFailed = 1;
   253   }
   255   # Useful debug output
   256   print $GenXml::gLogFileH XML::Checker::error_string ($code, @_) if ($GenXml::gValidate);
   257 }
   259 sub my_Unparsed_handler
   260 {
   261   my ($Parser, $Entity, $Base, $Sysid, $Pubid, $Notation) = @_;
   262   print $GenXml::gLogFileH "$Entity Unparsed";
   263   die "ERROR: RealTimeBuild: Processing error\n";
   264 }
   266 # Parse_files
   267 #
   268 # Inputs
   269 # $iXMLSource - ref to array of filenames
   270 # $iVersion - Version of xml file (new or old) ?
   271 #
   272 # Outputs
   273 # $doc - XML DOM doc
   274 #
   275 # Description
   276 # This function merges multiple XML files into one document
   277 sub Parse_files
   278 {
   279   my ($iXmlSource, $iVersion) = @_;	# Version info passed for conditional processing of xml files
   280   my (@docs);
   282   # Load the XML document
   283   my %expat_options = (KeepCDATA => 1, 
   284           Handlers => [ Unparsed => \&my_Unparsed_handler ]);
   286   for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@$iXmlSource); $i++)
   287   {
   288     # Create header for parsing each file
   289     &logfileHeader(@$iXmlSource[$i]);
   291     my $parser = new XML::DOM::ValParser (%expat_options);
   292     XML::DOM::ignoreReadOnly (1);
   293     local $XML::Checker::FAIL = \&my_fail;
   295     # Useful debug output
   296     #print "Parsing ".@$iXmlSource[$i]."\n";
   298     $docs[$i] = $parser->parsefile (@$iXmlSource[$i]);
   300     # Create footer for parsing each file
   301     &logfileFooter();
   302   }
   304   # Check to see if any of the XML files failed validation and die
   305   die "ERROR: RealTimeBuild: Validation failed\n" if ($GenXml::gValidateFailed);
   307 # Set the appropriate version number
   308   for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@docs); $i++)
   309   { if((scalar(@docs))>1)  {
   310     if ($docs[$i]->getDocumentElement->getAttribute('schema') =~ /^2\./ && 
   311 	$docs[$i]->getDocumentElement->getTagName eq "SystemDefinition" &&
   312         $docs[1]->getDocumentElement->getTagName eq "SystemBuild")
   313       {
   314 	$$iVersion = 2; 
   315 	last;
   316       }
   317    }
   318    else
   319     {
   320    if ($docs[$i]->getDocumentElement->getAttribute('schema') =~ /^2\./ && 
   321 	$docs[$i]->getDocumentElement->getTagName eq "SystemDefinition")
   322       {
   323 	$$iVersion = 2; 
   324 	last;
   325       }
   326     }
   327   }
   329   if ($$iVersion == 1)	{  # Docs load now merge into $docs[0] if $iVersion is 1 (i.e. old version of xml file)
   330     for (my $i = 1; $i < scalar(@docs); $i++)  {
   331       # Create header for merging each file
   332       &logfileHeader("Merging in XML file ".@$iXmlSource[$i]);
   333       &process_node(\($docs[0]->getElementsByTagName("SystemDefinition")),\($docs[$i]->getElementsByTagName("SystemDefinition")), \($docs[0]));
   335       # Re-validate merged file
   336       local $XML::Checker::FAIL = \&my_fail;
   337       $docs[0]->check();
   339       # Create footer for merging each file
   340       &logfileFooter();
   341       # Check to see if any of the XML files failed validation and die
   342       die "ERROR: RealTimeBuild: Merged Validation failed\n" if ($GenXml::gValidateFailed);
   343     }
   344   } elsif ($$iVersion == 2) {   # Docs load now merge into $docs[$#docs + 1] if $iVersion is 2 (i.e. new version of xml file)
   345     for (my $i = 1; $i < scalar(@docs); $i++)  {
   346       # Create header for merging each file
   347       &logfileHeader("Merging in XML file ".@$iXmlSource[$i]);
   348       my $mergedDoc = &process_node2(\($docs[0]), \($docs[$i]));
   350       # Re-validate merged file
   351       local $XML::Checker::FAIL = \&my_fail;
   352       $mergedDoc->check();
   354       # Create footer for merging each file
   355       &logfileFooter();
   356       # Check to see if any of the XML files failed validation and die
   357       die "ERROR: RealTimeBuild: Merged Validation failed\n" if ($GenXml::gValidateFailed);
   359       $docs[0] = $mergedDoc;      
   360     }
   361   }
   362   return $docs[0];
   363 }
   365 # process_node
   366 #
   367 # Inputs
   368 # $node1 - ref to a node from the master
   369 # $node2 - ref to a node from the slave
   370 # $doc1 - ref to the doc of node1 so we can set the doc owner to the (not DOM spec) to get around WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR restriction
   371 #
   372 # Outputs
   373 #
   374 # Description
   375 # This function processes a node in two DOM documents, if any children match then it calls itself to process
   376 # the children nodes further
   377 sub process_node
   378 {
   379   my ($node1, $node2, $doc1) = @_;
   381   # Some nodes need special processing e.g. SystemDefinition
   382   # This is because there can only be a certain number of these nodes
   383   # child node / element rules outlined below, this rules are applied to the children of the node in question
   384   # Child Node / element tag        Rule
   385   # ------------------------        ----
   386   # SystemDefinition                Merge the name and revision/schema CDATA as there can be only one of this element
   387   # systemModel                     Always processed further as there can only be 1 or 0 of these
   388   # layer                           Same name process further otherwise append child
   389   # logicalset                      Same name process further otherwise append child
   390   # logicalsubset                   Same name process further otherwise append child
   391   # module                          Same name process further otherwise append child
   392   # component                       Same name process further otherwise append child
   393   # unit                            Same unitID generate ERROR and not replace child, otherwise append child
   394   # sub elements of unit            No processing needed as these cannot be merged
   395   # package                         Same name process further otherwise append child
   397   # build                           Always processed further as there can only be 1 or 0 of these  
   398   # unitList                        Same name process further otherwise append child
   399   # unitRef                         Same unit ignore, different unit append child
   400   # targetList                      Same name generate ERROR and not replace child, otherwise append child
   401   # target                          Same name generate ERROR and not replace child, otherwise append child
   402   # option                          Same name generate ERROR and not replace child, otherwise append child
   403   # configuration                   Same name generate ERROR and not replace child, otherwise append child
   404   # sub elements of configuration   No processing needed as these cannot be merged
   407   # All other nodes                 Append child
   409   # Useful debug stuff
   410   #$GenXml::count++;
   411   #print "enter $GenXml::count\n";
   413   # Handle the special case for the first call to this function with the node containing the SystemDefinition
   414   if (($$node1->getTagName eq "SystemDefinition") && ($$node2->getTagName eq "SystemDefinition"))
   415   {
   416     # Get the name attributes
   417     my ($name1) = $$node1->getAttribute('name');
   418     my ($name2) = $$node2->getAttribute('name');
   419     # Combine the two and set the attribute into the merged file
   420     $$node1->setAttribute('name',$name1." + ".$name2);
   422     # Get the revision attributes
   423     my ($revision1) = $$node1->getAttribute('revision');
   424     my ($revision2) = $$node2->getAttribute('revision');
   425     # Get the schema attributes
   426     my ($schema1) = $$node1->getAttribute('schema');
   427     my ($schema2) = $$node2->getAttribute('schema');
   428     # If both schema attributes are defined, combine the two and set the attribute into the merged file
   429     # Note that even if an attribute does not exist in the XML file, XML::DOM returns an empty string (not undef)
   430     if (($schema1) and ($schema2))
   431     { # Both files have "new DTD".
   432       if (($revision1) or ($revision2))
   433       {
   434         print $GenXml::gLogFileH "ERROR: Cannot define both schema and revison attributes in same file. Merged file will probably not be usable.\n";
   435       }
   436       if ($schema1 eq $schema2)
   437       { # Both files have same schema attribute. Assign it to merged file
   438         $$node1->setAttribute('schema',$schema1);
   439       }
   440       else
   441       { # Files have different schema attributes. Combine and assign it to merged file. Warn!!
   442         print $GenXml::gLogFileH "WARNING: Source file schema attribute values differ ($schema1 vs $schema2). Merged file may not be usable.\n";
   443         $$node1->setAttribute('schema',$schema1." + ".$schema2);
   444       }
   445     }
   446     # If both revision attributes are defined, combine the two and set the attribute into the merged file
   447     elsif (($revision1) and ($revision2))
   448     { # Both files have "old DTD". Retain this code for compatibility
   449       print $GenXml::gLogFileH "REMARK: Both source files have \"old style\" DTDs. See SystemDefinition \"revision\" attribute.\n";
   450       $$node1->setAttribute('revision',$revision1." + ".$revision2);
   451     }
   452     else
   453     { # Files have different DTDs. Use attribute found in first file. report as ERROR!!
   454         print $GenXml::gLogFileH "ERROR: Source file schema/revison attributes conflict. Merged file will probably not be usable.\n";
   455         if ($schema1)
   456         { # First file had new DTD and had a schema attribute
   457           $$node1->setAttribute('schema',$schema1);
   458         }
   459         elsif ($revision1)
   460         { # First file had old DTD and had a revision attribute (not a schema)
   461           $$node1->setAttribute('revision',$revision1);
   462         }
   463     }
   464   }
   466   # Get the children of the parent nodes
   468   my $nodelist1 = $$node1->getChildNodes;    
   469   my $nodelist2 = $$node2->getChildNodes;    
   471   # Useful debug stuff
   472   #print "has ".$nodelist2->getLength." children\n";
   474   # Itterate throught the children of node2 check to see if they are present / rule match in node 1
   475   my $ni = $nodelist2->getLength;
   476   for (my $i = 0; $i < $ni; $i++)
   477   {
   478     # Useful debug stuff
   479     #print "node $i ".$nodelist2->item($i)->getNodeTypeName."\n";
   480     if ($nodelist2->item($i)->getNodeTypeName eq "ELEMENT_NODE")
   481     {
   482       # Handle rule match on ELEMENTS
   483       my $tagname2 = $nodelist2->item($i)->getTagName;
   485       # Useful debug stuff
   486       # print "Tagname = $tagname\n";
   487       if (($tagname2 eq "systemModel") || ($tagname2 eq "build") )
   488       {
   489         my $iBuildIndx;
   490         # find the $node1 for this elements
   491         my $nj = $nodelist1->getLength;
   492         my $match = 0;
   493         for (my $j = 0; $j < $nj; $j++)
   494         {
   495           if ($nodelist1->item($j)->getNodeTypeName eq "ELEMENT_NODE")
   496           {
   497             my $tagname1 = $nodelist1->item($j)->getTagName;
   498             if ($tagname1 eq $tagname2)
   499             {
   500               # process further
   502               # Useful debug stuff
   503               #print "processing $tagname further\n";
   504               &process_node(\($nodelist1->item($j)), \($nodelist2->item($i)), $doc1);
   505               $match = 1;
   506             }
   507             else
   508             {
   509               if ($tagname1 eq 'build')
   510               {
   511                 $iBuildIndx = $j;
   512               }
   513               if ((($tagname2 eq 'systemModel') and ($tagname1 ne 'systemModel')) or ((($tagname2 eq 'build') and ($tagname1 ne 'build'))))
   514               {
   515                 next;
   516               }
   517               # no systemModel or build element found so append child
   518               &append_child($node1, \($nodelist2->item($i)), $doc1)
   519             }
   520           }
   521         }
   522         unless ($match)
   523         {
   524           # no systemModel or build element found so append child
   525           # In the special case of adding an instance of 'systemModel' we must specify that this goes before any instance of 'build'
   526           my $iRefChildRef = ($tagname2 eq 'systemModel')? $nodelist1->item($iBuildIndx): undef;
   527           &append_child($node1, \($nodelist2->item($i)), $doc1, $iRefChildRef);
   528         }
   529       } elsif (($tagname2 eq "layer") || ($tagname2 eq "logicalset") || ($tagname2 eq "logicalsubset") || ($tagname2 eq "module") || ($tagname2 eq "component") || ($tagname2 eq "package") || ($tagname2 eq "unitList"))
   530       {
   531         # Check the $node1 for elements with the same "name"
   532         my $match; # Flag for matching element found
   533         my $nj = $nodelist1->getLength;
   534         for (my $j = 0; $j < $nj; $j++)
   535         {
   536           # Only look at element nodes in node1
   537           if ($nodelist1->item($j)->getNodeTypeName eq "ELEMENT_NODE")
   538           {
   539             if ($nodelist2->item($i)->getAttribute('name') eq $nodelist1->item($j)->getAttribute('name'))
   540             {
   541               # Process further match found
   542               $match = 1;
   544               # Useful debug stuff
   545               #print "processing j=$j $tagname2 further ".$nodelist2->item($i)->getAttribute('name')."\n";
   547               &process_node(\($nodelist1->item($j)), \($nodelist2->item($i)), $doc1);
   548             }
   549           }
   550         }
   551         # If no match found Append child
   553         # Useful debug stuff
   554         #print "new $tagname2 added\n" if (!$match);
   556         &append_child($node1, \($nodelist2->item($i)), $doc1) if (!$match);
   558       } elsif (($tagname2 eq "unit") || ($tagname2 eq "targetList") || ($tagname2 eq "target") || ($tagname2 eq "option") || ($tagname2 eq "configuration")) {
   559         # Check the $node1 for elements with the same ID attribute (Global check for ID clashes)
   560         my $idAttrib;
   561         if ($tagname2 eq "unit")
   562         {
   563           # Special case of the unit element as this has uses the attribute of unitID instead of name
   564           $idAttrib = "unitID";
   565         } else {
   566           $idAttrib = "name";
   567         }
   569         my $ID = $nodelist2->item($i)->getAttribute($idAttrib);
   570         # Search for the XML ID in $doc1
   571         if( scalar(XML::XQL::solve ("//*[\@$idAttrib = '$ID']", $$doc1)))
   572         {
   573           print $GenXml::gLogFileH "REMARK: $ID already exists, not merging this $tagname2 element\n";
   574         } else {
   575           # unitID not found so append elememnt
   577           # Useful debug stuff
   578           # print "new $tagname2 added\n";
   580           &append_child($node1, \($nodelist2->item($i)), $doc1);
   581         }
   582       } elsif ($tagname2 eq "unitRef") {
   583         # Check the $node1 for elements with the same "name"
   584         my $match; # Flag for matching element found
   585         my $nj = $nodelist1->getLength;
   586         for (my $j = 0; $j < $nj; $j++)
   587         {
   588           # Only look at element nodes in node1
   589           if ($nodelist1->item($j)->getNodeTypeName eq "ELEMENT_NODE")
   590           {
   591             if ($nodelist2->item($i)->getAttribute('unit') eq $nodelist1->item($j)->getAttribute('unit'))
   592             {
   593               # Ignore the unitRef element as it is a duplicate
   594               $match = 1;
   595               print $GenXml::gLogFileH "WARNING: Duplicate unitRef ".$nodelist2->item($i)->getAttribute('unit')." not merging\n";
   596             }
   597           }
   598         }
   599         # No match found Append Child
   601         # Useful debug stuff
   602         # print "New unitRef\n" if (!$match);
   604         &append_child($node1, \($nodelist2->item($i)), $doc1) if (!$match);
   606       } else {
   607         # Element not recognised so append child
   608         &append_child($node1, \($nodelist2->item($i)), $doc1);
   609       }
   610     } else {
   611       # Handle non element nodes (append child of node2 to node 1)
   612       # At the moment adding in non element nodes adds a lot of whitespace
   613       # TODO: correctly handle non element nodes
   614       # This is not important at the moment as there are no important non element nodes for the merge
   615       #&append_child($node1, \($nodelist2->item($i)), $doc1);
   616     }
   617   }
   619   #print "return $GenXml::count\n";
   620   #$GenXml::count--;
   621 }
   623 # append_child
   624 #
   625 # Inputs
   626 # $node1 - is already a ref of the node to append to
   627 # $node2 - ref of node from nodelist2 to append to $node1
   628 # $doc1 - ref to document to merge the node into (need for non DOM operation of changing owner of node)
   629 # $refnode - ref to node in fromt of which to insert node2 (If undef, append node2)
   630 #
   631 # Description
   632 # ???
   633 sub append_child
   634 {
   635   my ($node1, $node2, $doc1, $refnode) = @_;
   637   # Clone the node
   638   my $clone = $$node2->cloneNode(1); 
   639   # Fix the owner of node
   640   $clone->setOwnerDocument($$doc1);
   641   # Append a line return for more tidy xml
   642   $$node1->addText("\n");
   643   # Append (or insert) the node
   644   # Note: it seems that insertBefore($clone,undef) is identical to appendChild($clone)
   645   $$node1->insertBefore($clone,$refnode);
   646 }
   648 # write_component_list
   649 #
   650 # Inputs
   651 # $doc         - Reference to input document
   652 # $iTextOutput - Name of output file
   653 # $iConfName   - Name of configuration being described
   654 # $bldList     - Reference to the bldList array
   655 # $options     - Reference to the options array
   656 # $tasks       - Reference to the tasks array
   657 # $iEffectiveDir  - Root of source tree in which file will be used
   658 # $iVersion - Version of xml file (new or old) ?
   659 #
   660 # Description:
   661 # Write out old-style "list of components" build description for the configuration
   662 #
   663 sub write_component_list
   664 	{
   665 	my ($doc, $iTextOutput, $iConfName, $bldList, $options, $tasks, $iEffectiveDir, $iVersion) = @_;
   667 	# process list of tasks to find build targets and bootstrap info	
   668 	my %targets;
   669 	my $bootflag = 0;
   671 	foreach my $task (@$tasks)
   672 		{
   673 		# Read all the task 
   674 		my @children = $task->getChildNodes;
   675 		foreach my $child (@children)
   676 			{
   677 			next if ($child->getNodeTypeName ne "ELEMENT_NODE");
   678 			if ($child->getTagName eq "specialInstructions")
   679 				{
   680 				# "setupprj" in the command is taken to mean "bootstrap E32ToolP"
   681 				$bootflag = 1 if ($child->getAttribute("command") =~ /setupprj/i);
   682 				next;
   683 				}			
   684 	        my $targetlist = $child->getAttributeNode("targetList");
   685 	        if (defined $targetlist)
   686 				{
   687 				my @targetnames = &find_targetList_by_ID($doc, $targetlist->getValue);
   688 				foreach my $target (@targetnames)
   689 					{
   690 					$targets{$target}= 1;
   691 					}
   692 				}
   693 	        } 
   694 	    }
   696 	# create output file
   697 	open TEXTFILE, "> $iTextOutput" or die "ERROR: RealTimeBuild: Couldn't open $iTextOutput for writing: $!\n";
   699     print TEXTFILE <<HEADER_TXT;
   700 #
   701 # ****************************** IMPORTANT NOTE ************************************
   702 #
   703 # The configuration was specified as: $iConfName
   704 #
   705 # **********************************************************************************
   706 #
   710     print TEXTFILE "# Optional variations in the generated scripts\n\n";
   712     my $column2pos = 8;
   713     foreach my $option (@$options)	{
   714 	my $name = '<option ????>';
   715 	if ($option =~ /^-(.+)/) {$name = "<option $1>"}
   716 	my $len = length $name;
   717 	while ($len > $column2pos) { $column2pos += 8; }
   718 	printf TEXTFILE "%-*s\t# use abld %s\n", $column2pos, $name, $option;
   719     }
   721     $column2pos = 8;
   722     foreach my $target (sort keys %targets)	{
   723 	# abld targets are only one word
   724 	next if ($target =~ /\w+\s+\w+/);
   725 	my $name;
   726 	if ($target =~ /(misa|mint|mcot|mtemplate|meig)/i)		{
   727 		$name = "<option arm_assp $target>";
   728 	} else {
   729 		$name = "<option $target>";
   730 	}
   731 	my $len = length $name;
   732 	while ($len > $column2pos) { $column2pos += 8; }
   733 	printf TEXTFILE "%-*s\t#\n", $column2pos, $name;
   734     }
   736     print TEXTFILE "\n";
   737     print TEXTFILE "# List of components required \n";
   738     print TEXTFILE "#\n# Name		abld_directory\n";
   740     if($bootflag)	{
   741         print TEXTFILE "#\n# Bootstrapping....\n\n";
   742         print TEXTFILE "<special bldfiles E32Toolp group>			# Special installation for E32ToolP\n\n";
   743         print TEXTFILE "# Components:\n";
   744     }
   745     print TEXTFILE "#\n";
   748     my $srcprefix = quotemeta($iEffectiveDir);
   750     $column2pos = 8;
   751     foreach my $component (@$bldList)		{
   752 	my $bldinfdir = $component->[1];
   753 	next if ($bldinfdir eq "");	# skip MRP-only entries
   755 	$bldinfdir =~ s/^$srcprefix//o;
   756 	my $len = length $component->[0];
   757 	while ($len > $column2pos) { $column2pos += 8; }
   758 	printf TEXTFILE "%-*s\t%s\n", $column2pos, $component->[0], $bldinfdir;
   759     }
   760     close TEXTFILE	
   761 }
   763 # write_CBR_list
   764 #
   765 # Inputs
   766 # $iCBROutput  - Name of output file
   767 # $bldList     - Reference to the bldList array
   768 #
   769 # Description:
   770 # Write out "list of CBR components" for the configuration
   771 #
   772 sub write_CBR_list
   773 	{
   774 	my ($iCBROutput, $bldList) = @_;
   776 	my @components = ();
   777 	foreach my $component (@$bldList)
   778 		{
   779 		my $mrp = $component->[2];
   780 		next if ($mrp eq "");	# skip entries without MRP files
   782 		push @components, sprintf("%s\t%s\n", $component->[0], $mrp);
   783 		}
   785 	# create output file
   786 	open TEXTFILE, "> $iCBROutput" or die "ERROR: RealTimeBuild: Couldn't open $iCBROutput for writing: $!\n";
   787 	print TEXTFILE sort @components;
   788 	close TEXTFILE	
   789 	}
   791 # start_output_doc
   792 #
   793 # Inputs
   794 # $iConfName - Configuration name used
   795 # $iVersion - Version of xml file (new or old) ?
   796 #
   797 # Outputs
   798 # $outDoc - document
   799 # $docElem - root element
   800 # $commands - command node
   801 #
   802 # Description
   803 # This function produces the static parts of the output XML file
   804 sub start_output_doc
   805 {
   806   my ($iConfName, $iVersion) = @_;
   808   my ($outParser, $outDoc, $docElem, $commands);
   810   # set the doctype based on which version of file is passed.  
   811   my $doctype;
   812   if ($iVersion == 1)	{
   813 	$doctype = "Build";
   814   } elsif ($iVersion == 2)	{
   815 	$doctype = "SystemBuild" ;
   816   }
   818   $outParser = new XML::DOM::Parser;
   820   my $str = <<END;
   821 <?xml version="1.0"?>
   822 <!DOCTYPE $doctype  [
   823   <!ELEMENT Product (Commands)>
   824   <!ATTLIST Product name CDATA #REQUIRED>
   825   <!ELEMENT Commands (Execute+ | SetEnv*)>
   826   <!ELEMENT Execute EMPTY>
   827   <!ATTLIST Execute
   829   Stage CDATA #REQUIRED
   830   Component CDATA #REQUIRED
   831   Cwd CDATA #REQUIRED
   832   CommandLine CDATA #REQUIRED>
   833   <!ELEMENT SetEnv EMPTY>
   834   <!ATTLIST SetEnv
   835   Order ID #REQUIRED
   836   Name CDATA #REQUIRED
   837   Value CDATA #REQUIRED>
   838 ]>
   839 <Product>
   840 </Product>
   841 END
   843   $outDoc = $outParser->parse($str);
   845   # get the document element
   846   $docElem = $outDoc->getDocumentElement;
   847   $docElem->setAttribute('name', $iConfName);
   848   # Add the Commands Node
   849   $commands = $outDoc->createElement('Commands');
   850   $commands->addText("\n");
   851   # create the default SetEnv elements
   852   my $SetEnv1 = $outDoc->createElement('SetEnv');
   853   $SetEnv1->setAttribute('Order', '1');
   854   $SetEnv1->setAttribute('Name', 'EPOCROOT');
   855   $SetEnv1->setAttribute('Value', '\\');
   856   $commands->appendChild($SetEnv1);
   857   $commands->addText("\n");
   858   my $SetEnv2 = $outDoc->createElement('SetEnv');
   859   $SetEnv2->setAttribute('Order', '2');
   860   $SetEnv2->setAttribute('Name', 'PATH');
   861   $SetEnv2->setAttribute('Value', '\\epoc32\\gcc\\bin;\\epoc32\\tools;%PATH%');
   862   $commands->appendChild($SetEnv2);
   863   $commands->addText("\n");
   865   return ($outDoc, $docElem, $commands);
   866 }
   868 # process_prebuilt
   869 #
   870 # Inputs
   871 # $outDoc - Reference to output document
   872 # $commands - Reference to the command node
   873 # $ID - Reference to theExecute ID counter
   874 # $Stage - Reference to the Execute Stage counter
   875 # $topunits - Reference to the list of unit, package & prebuilt elements
   876 # $late - Selects on the "late" attribute of prebuilt elements   
   877 # $iVersion - Version of xml file (new or old) ?
   878 #
   879 # Outputs
   880 #
   881 # Description
   882 # Generates the "getrel" commands for prebuilt elements
   883 sub process_prebuilt
   884 {
   885   my ($outDoc, $commands, $ID, $Stage, $topunits, $late, $iVersion) = @_;
   887   my ($name, $version, $islate);
   888   foreach my $unit (@$topunits)
   889   	{
   890 	my @prebuilt;	# a list of all <prebuilt> or <unit prebuilt="...">
   891 	if ($iVersion == 1)	{
   892 		if ($unit->getTagName eq "prebuilt")
   893 			{
   894 			push(@prebuilt, $unit);
   895 			}
   896 	} elsif ($iVersion == 2)	{
   897 		my @subunits = $unit->getElementsByTagName("unit");
   898 		foreach my $subunit (@subunits)
   899 			{
   900 			if ($subunit->getAttribute("prebuilt"))
   901 				{
   902 				push(@prebuilt, $subunit);
   903 				}
   904 			}
   905 	}
   906 	  foreach my $unit (@prebuilt)
   907 	  	{
   908 		$version = $unit->getAttribute("version");
   909 		$islate = $unit->getAttribute("late");
   910 		$name = $unit->getAttribute(($iVersion == 1) ? "name" : "prebuilt");
   912 		$islate = "N" if (!defined $islate || $islate eq "");
   914 		next if ($late ne $islate);
   915 		next if (!$late && $islate eq "Y");
   917 		# Create the element
   918 		my $task_elem = $$outDoc->createElement('Execute');
   919 		$task_elem->setAttribute('ID', $$ID);
   920 		$$ID++; # The ID must always be incremented
   921 		$task_elem->setAttribute('Stage', $$Stage);
   922 		$$Stage++;	# getrel operations are serial
   924 		$task_elem->setAttribute('Component',$name);
   925 		$task_elem->setAttribute('Cwd','%EPOCROOT%');
   926 		$task_elem->setAttribute('CommandLine',"getrel $name $version");
   928 		$$commands->appendChild($task_elem);
   929 		$$commands->addText("\n");
   930 	    }
   931 	 }
   932 }
   934 # process_task
   935 #
   936 # Inputs
   937 # $task - task node
   938 # $doc - Reference to input document
   939 # $outDoc - Reference to output document
   940 # $commands - Reference to the command node
   941 # $ID - Reference to theExecute ID counter
   942 # $Stage - Reference to the Execute Stage counter
   943 # $bldList - Reference to the bldList array
   944 # $options - Reference to the options array
   945 # $iSourceDir - root of the current source tree
   946 # $iEffectiveDir - root from which the source tree will be used
   947 # $iVersion - Version of xml file (new or old) ?
   948 #
   949 # Outputs
   950 #
   951 # Description
   952 # This function processes the task nodes
   953 sub process_task
   954 {
   955   my ($task, $doc, $outDoc, $commands, $ID, $Stage, $bldList, $options, $iSourceDir, $iEffectiveDir, $iVersion) = @_;
   957   my @targets;
   958   my @localBldList; # Used for task specific unit list overrides
   960   # re-process the $iSourceDir & $iSourceDir based on version of xml file along with value for unitListRef and unitList
   961   my ($unitListRef, $unitList);
   962   if($iVersion == 1)	{
   963 	$unitListRef = "unitListRef";
   964 	$unitList = "unitList";
   965   } elsif ($iVersion == 2)	{
   966 	$unitListRef = "listRef";
   967 	$unitList = "list";
   968   }
   970   # Read all the task 
   971   my @children = $task->getChildNodes;
   972   foreach my $child (@children)
   973   {
   974     if ($child->getNodeTypeName eq "ELEMENT_NODE")
   975     {
   976       # Check for unitListRef for task unit list override
   977       if ($child->getTagName eq $unitListRef)
   978       {
   979         #Processes the unitListRefs to build up a complete list of units which are IDREFs
   980         my @localUnits= &find_unitList_by_ID($doc, $child->getAttribute($unitList), $iVersion);
   981         push @localBldList, &compute_bldList($iSourceDir,$iEffectiveDir,\@localUnits, $iVersion);
   982         # Overwrite Ref $bldList with new Ref to @localBldList
   983         $bldList = \@localBldList;
   984       }
   986       if ($child->getTagName eq "specialInstructions")
   987       {
   988         #Processes the unitListRefs to build up a complete list of units which are IDREFs
   989         my $task_elem = $$outDoc->createElement('Execute');
   990         $task_elem->setAttribute('ID', $$ID);
   991         $$ID++; # The ID must always be incremented
   992         $task_elem->setAttribute('Stage', $$Stage);
   993         $$Stage++; # All specialInstructions are done sequentially
   994         $task_elem->setAttribute('Component', $child->getAttributeNode("name")->getValue);
   995         my ($cwd) = $child->getAttributeNode("cwd")->getValue;
   996         # Replace any Environment variables
   997         my ($cwdtemp) = $cwd;
   998         $cwdtemp =~ s/%(\w+)%/$ENV{$1}/g;
   999         # If $cwd does not starts with a drive letter or absolute path then add the source Directory on the front
  1000         if (!(($cwdtemp =~ /^\w:[\\]/) || ($cwdtemp =~ /^\\/)))
  1001         {
  1002           $cwd = $iEffectiveDir . $cwd;
  1003         }
  1004         $task_elem->setAttribute('Cwd', $cwd);
  1005         $task_elem->setAttribute('CommandLine', $child->getAttributeNode("command")->getValue);
  1006         $$commands->appendChild($task_elem);
  1007         $$commands->addText("\n");
  1008       } elsif ($child->getTagName eq "buildLayer") {
  1009         # targetParallel & unitParallel are optional so check that they exist before trying to get the value.
  1010         my $unitP = $child->getAttribute("unitParallel");
  1011         my $targetP = $child->getAttribute("targetParallel") if ($child->getAttributeNode("targetParallel"));
  1012         my $abldCommand = $child->getAttribute("command");
  1014         # Build the list of targets, targets are optional
  1015         if ($child->getAttributeNode("targetList"))
  1016         {
  1017           @targets = &find_targetList_by_ID($doc, $child->getAttributeNode("targetList")->getValue);
  1018         } else {
  1019           # There are no targets associated with this buildlayer
  1020           $targetP = "NA"; # Not applicable
  1021         }
  1023         # Build the correct option string
  1024         my $optionStr = "";
  1025         foreach my $option (@$options)
  1026         {
  1027           # only add -savespace if the command abld target or abld build take this option
  1028           # don't add -keepgoing if -what or -check are part of the command
  1029           if ((($option =~ /\s*-savespace\s*/i) || ($option =~ /\s*-s\s*/i) ) && (($abldCommand =~ /^\s*abld\s+makefile/i) || ($abldCommand =~ /^\s*abld\s+target/i) || ($abldCommand =~ /^\s*abld\s+build/i)))
  1030           {
  1031             $optionStr .= " $option" ;
  1032           }
  1033           if (($option =~ /\s*-keepgoing\s*/i) || ($option =~ /\s*-k\s*/i) )
  1034           {
  1035             if (!(($abldCommand =~ /^\s*abld\s+\w*\s*\w*\s*-check\s*/i) || ($abldCommand =~ /^\s*abld\s+\w*\s*\w*\s*-c\s*/i) || ($abldCommand =~ /^\s*abld\s+\w*\s*\w*\s*-what\s*/i) || ($abldCommand =~ /^\s*abld\s+\w*\s*\w*\s*-w\s*/i)))
  1036             {
  1037               $optionStr .= " $option" ;
  1038             }
  1039           }
  1040             # This allows us to either build symbol files or not build symbols to save build time.          
  1041             # only add -no_debug if the command abld makefile
  1042             if (($option =~ /\s*-no_debug\s*/i) && ($abldCommand =~ /^\s*abld\s+makefile/i))
  1043             {
  1044               $optionStr .= " $option" ;
  1045             }
  1046         }
  1048         # Remove the mrp-only entries from the bldList
  1049         my @bldInfList;
  1050         foreach my $array (@{$bldList})
  1051           {
  1052           push @bldInfList, $array if ($$array[1] ne "");
  1053           }
  1055         # Cover all the combinations of units and targets
  1056         my ($Ref1, $Ref2, $loop1, $loop2);
  1058         if ($targetP eq "N")
  1059         {
  1060           # Got to switch order of looping
  1061           $Ref2 = \@bldInfList;
  1062           $Ref1 = \@targets;
  1063           $loop2 = $unitP;
  1064           $loop1 = $targetP;
  1065         } else {
  1066           $Ref1 = \@bldInfList;
  1067           $Ref2 = \@targets;
  1068           $loop1 = $unitP;
  1069           $loop2 = $targetP;
  1070         }
  1072         for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@$Ref1); $i++)
  1073         {
  1074           if ($targetP ne "NA")
  1075           {
  1076             for (my $j = 0; $j < scalar(@$Ref2); $j++)
  1077             {
  1078               # Create the element
  1079               my $task_elem = $$outDoc->createElement('Execute');
  1080               $task_elem->setAttribute('ID', $$ID);
  1081               $$ID++; # The ID must always be incremented
  1082               $task_elem->setAttribute('Stage', $$Stage);
  1084               if ($targetP eq "N") {
  1085                 # loops swapped but the order of unitP and targetP need to be swapped back
  1086                 # unit (Component) name is the 0 element of the sub array, source location in element 1
  1087                 $task_elem->setAttribute('Component',$$Ref2[$j][0]);
  1088                 # Find the bldFile directory and set as Cwd
  1089                 $task_elem->setAttribute('Cwd',$$Ref2[$j][1]);
  1091                 $task_elem->setAttribute('CommandLine',$abldCommand.$optionStr." ".$$Ref1[$i]);
  1092                 $$commands->appendChild($task_elem);
  1093                 $$commands->addText("\n");
  1094               } else {
  1095                 # unit (Component) name is the 0 element of the sub array, source location in element 1
  1096                 $task_elem->setAttribute('Component',$$Ref1[$i][0]);
  1097                 # Find the bldFile directory and set as Cwd
  1098                 $task_elem->setAttribute('Cwd',$$Ref1[$i][1]);
  1100                 $task_elem->setAttribute('CommandLine',$abldCommand.$optionStr." ".$$Ref2[$j]);
  1101                 $$commands->appendChild($task_elem);
  1102                 $$commands->addText("\n");
  1103               }
  1104               $$Stage++ if (($loop1 eq "N") && ($loop2 eq "N"));
  1105             }
  1106             $$Stage++ if (($loop1 eq "N") && ($loop2 eq "Y"));
  1107           } else {
  1108             # Create the element
  1109             my $task_elem = $$outDoc->createElement('Execute');
  1110             $task_elem->setAttribute('ID', $$ID);
  1111             $$ID++; # The ID must always be incremented
  1112             $task_elem->setAttribute('Stage', $$Stage);
  1114             # unit (Component) name is the 0 element of the sub array, source location in element 1
  1115             $task_elem->setAttribute('Component',$$Ref1[$i][0]);
  1116             # Find the bldFile directory and set as Cwd
  1117             $task_elem->setAttribute('Cwd',$$Ref1[$i][1]);
  1119             $task_elem->setAttribute('CommandLine',$abldCommand.$optionStr);
  1120             $$commands->appendChild($task_elem);
  1121             $$commands->addText("\n");
  1123             $$Stage++ if ($loop1 ne "Y");
  1124           }
  1125         }
  1126         # Add the * (stage++) for the combinations that don't get this done by the loops
  1127         $$Stage++ if ($loop1 eq "Y");
  1128       }
  1129     }
  1130   }
  1131 }
  1133 # delete_unmatched_units
  1134 #
  1135 # Inputs
  1136 # $node - node in the system model
  1137 # $deletedref - reference to hash of deleted unitIDs
  1138 #
  1139 # Outputs
  1140 # Returns 1 if all significant children of the node have been removed
  1141 #
  1142 # Description
  1143 # This function simplifies the XML by removing anything which wasn't marked as MATCHED.
  1144 # It's called recursively so that it can "clean up" the structure if whole subtrees have
  1145 # all of their significant content removed. 
  1146 sub delete_unmatched_units
  1147 	{
  1148 	my ($node, $deletedUnitsRef) = @_;
  1149 	my @children = $node->getChildNodes;
  1150 	return 0 if (scalar @children == 0);
  1151 	my $now_empty = 1;
  1152 	my $deleted_something = 0;
  1153 	foreach my $child (@children)
  1154 		{
  1155 		if ($child->getNodeTypeName ne "ELEMENT_NODE")
  1156 			{
  1157 			# text and comments don't count
  1158 			next;
  1159 			}
  1160 		my $tag = $child->getTagName;
  1161 		my $deletedThis = 0;
  1162 		if ((($tag eq "unit" || $tag eq "package" || $tag eq "prebuilt") && $iVer == 1) || (($tag eq "component" || $tag eq "unit") && $iVer == 2))
  1163 			{
  1164 			# only units,prebuilts & packages are tagged
  1165 			if (!$child->getAttribute("MATCHED"))
  1166 				{
  1167 				if ($tag eq "unit")
  1168 					{
  1169 					my $unitID = $child->getAttribute("unitID");
  1170 					$$deletedUnitsRef{$unitID} = 1;
  1171 					}
  1172 				if($tag eq "unit" && $iVer == 2)
  1173 					{
  1174 					my $version = $child->getAttribute("version");
  1175 					printf $GenXml::gLogFileH "Simplification removed $tag %s %s\n", ($version eq '') ? 'from' : "v$version of" ,$node->getAttribute("name"); 
  1176 					}
  1177 				else
  1178 					{
  1179 					printf $GenXml::gLogFileH "Simplification removed $tag %s\n", $child->getAttribute("name"); 
  1180 					}
  1181 				$node->removeChild($child);
  1182 				$deletedThis = 1;
  1183 				$deleted_something = 1;
  1184 				}
  1185 			else
  1186 				{
  1187 				$child->removeAttribute("MATCHED");
  1188 				$now_empty = 0;		# something left in due to this child
  1189 				}
  1190 			}
  1191 		# keep going to filter child units
  1192 		if (!$deletedThis && $tag ne "unit" && $tag ne "package" && $tag ne "prebuilt")
  1193 			{
  1194 			if (delete_unmatched_units($child,$deletedUnitsRef) == 1)
  1195 				{
  1196 				# Child was empty and can be removed
  1197 				$node->removeChild($child);
  1198 				$deleted_something = 1;
  1199 				}
  1200 			else
  1201 				{
  1202 				$now_empty = 0;		# something left in due to this child
  1203 				}
  1204 			}
  1205 		}
  1206 	return 0 unless ($deleted_something);
  1207 	return $now_empty;
  1208 	}
  1211 # Filter_doc
  1212 #
  1213 # Inputs
  1214 # $doc - Reference to input document
  1215 # $iFilter - filter to apply
  1216 #
  1217 # Outputs
  1218 #
  1219 # Description
  1220 # This function simplifies the XML by removing anything which fails to pass the filter.
  1221 # The resulting doc is then useful for tools which don't understand the filter attributes.
  1222 sub Filter_doc
  1223 	{
  1224 	my ($doc, $iFilter) = @_;
  1226 	# the filtering will have to be
  1227 	# - find the configurations which pass the filter (and delete the rest)
  1228 	# - identify items which are kept by some configuration
  1229 	# - remove the ones which aren't kept by any configuration.
  1231 	# deal with the <configuration> items, checking their filters
  1232 	my %unitLists;
  1233 	my @nodes = $doc->getElementsByTagName ("configuration");
  1234 	foreach my $node (@nodes)
  1235 		{
  1236 		my $configname = $node->getAttribute("name");
  1237 		my @configspec = split /,/,$node->getAttribute("filter");
  1238 		my $failed = check_filter($iFilter,\@configspec);
  1239 		if ($failed ne "")
  1240 			{
  1241 			print $GenXml::gLogFileH "Simplification removed configuration $configname ($failed)\n";
  1242 			$node->getParentNode->removeChild($node);
  1243 			next;
  1244 			}
  1245 		# find all the units for this configuration and mark them as MATCHED
  1246 		print $GenXml::gLogFileH "Analysing configuration $configname...\n";
  1247   		my $units = get_configuration_units($doc, $node, 0, 0);
  1248   		foreach my $unit (@$units)
  1249   			{
  1250   			$unit->setAttribute("MATCHED", 1);
  1251   			}
  1252   		# note all the unitLists referenced by this configuration
  1253   		foreach my $unitListRef ($node->getElementsByTagName("unitListRef"))
  1254   			{
  1255   			my $unitList = $unitListRef->getAttribute("unitList");
  1256   			$unitLists{$unitList} = 1;
  1257   			} 		
  1258 		}
  1259 	# walk the model, removing the "MATCHED" attribute and deleting any which weren't marked
  1260 	my %deletedUnits;
  1261 	delete_unmatched_units($doc, \%deletedUnits);
  1263 	# clean up the unitlists
  1264 	my @unitLists = $doc->getElementsByTagName("unitList");
  1265 	foreach my $unitList (@unitLists)
  1266 		{
  1267 		my $name = $unitList->getAttribute("name");
  1268 		if (!defined $unitLists{$name})
  1269 			{
  1270 			print $GenXml::gLogFileH "Simplification removed unitList $name\n";
  1271 			$unitList->getParentNode->removeChild($unitList);
  1272 			next;
  1273 			}
  1274 		foreach my $unitRef ($unitList->getElementsByTagName("unitRef"))
  1275 			{
  1276 			my $id = $unitRef->getAttribute("unit");
  1277 			if (defined $deletedUnits{$id})
  1278 				{
  1279 				$unitList->removeChild($unitRef);	# reference to deleted unit
  1280 				}
  1281 			}
  1282 		}
  1284 	}
  1286 # find_configuration
  1287 #
  1288 # Inputs
  1289 # $doc - DOM document model
  1290 # $iConfName - configuration name
  1291 #
  1292 # Outputs
  1293 # $configuration - the node of the named configuration
  1294 #
  1295 # Description
  1296 # This function locates and returns the named configuration node
  1297 sub find_configuration
  1298 {
  1299   my ($doc, $iConfName) = @_;
  1301   # Find the named configuration 
  1302   my @nodes = $doc->getElementsByTagName ("configuration");
  1303   foreach my $node (@nodes)
  1304   {
  1305       my $name = $node->getAttributeNode ("name");
  1306       if ($name->getValue eq $iConfName)
  1307       {
  1308         return $node;
  1309       }
  1310   }
  1312   # If no configuration has been found the produce ERROR message
  1313   die "ERROR: RealTimeBuild: Named configuration $iConfName not found\n";
  1314 }
  1316 # process_configuration
  1317 #
  1318 # Inputs
  1319 # $doc - DOM document model
  1320 # $iConfName - name of the configuration
  1321 # $iVersion - Version of xml file (new or old) ?
  1322 #
  1323 # Outputs
  1324 # $topunits - reference to a list of units in the main configuration
  1325 # $subunits - reference to a list of local units contained within subtasks
  1326 # \@options - reference to a list of options which apply (curently global options)
  1327 # \@tasks   - reference to a list of the task nodes for the configuration
  1328 #
  1329 # Description
  1330 # This function locates the named configuration and processes it into
  1331 # a list of units, the build options which apply, and the task elements in
  1332 # the configuration.
  1333 sub process_configuration
  1334 {
  1335   my ($doc, $iConfName, $iVersion) = @_;
  1337   my @options; # list of global options
  1338   my @units; # list of individual buildable items
  1340   # NB. getElementsByTagName in list context returns a list, so
  1341   # the following statement gets only the first element of the list
  1342   my ($build, @nodes); 
  1343   if ($iVersion == 1)	{
  1344     $build = $doc->getElementsByTagName("build");
  1345   } else {
  1346     $build = $doc->getElementsByTagName("SystemBuild");
  1347   }
  1349   @nodes = $build->[0]->getElementsByTagName("option");
  1351   # Read the global options (savespace and keepgoing)
  1352   foreach my $node (@nodes)
  1353   {
  1354     my $name = $node->getAttributeNode("abldOption");
  1355     my $enable = $node->getAttributeNode("enable")->getValue;
  1356     push @options, $name->getValue if ($enable =~ /Y/i);
  1357   }
  1359   # Find named configuration
  1360   my $configuration = find_configuration($doc, $iConfName);  
  1362   # Get the list of tasks
  1363   my @tasks = $configuration->getElementsByTagName("task");
  1365   my ($topunits, $subunits);
  1366   # Get the filtered list of units
  1367   if ($iVersion == 1)	{
  1368     $topunits = get_configuration_units($doc, $configuration, 1, 1);
  1369     $subunits = get_configuration_units($doc, $configuration, 1, 2);
  1370   } elsif ($iVersion == 2)	{
  1371     $topunits = get_configuration_units2($doc, $configuration, 1, 1);
  1373     $subunits = get_configuration_units2($doc, $configuration, 1, 2);
  1374   }
  1376   return ($topunits, $subunits,\@options,\@tasks);
  1377   }
  1379 # check_filter
  1380 #
  1381 # Inputs
  1382 # $item_filter - filter specification (comma-separated list of words)
  1383 # $configspec - configuration specification (reference to list of words)
  1384 #
  1385 # Outputs
  1386 # $failed - filter item which did not agree with the configuration (if any)
  1387 #           An empty string is returned if the configspec passed the filter
  1388 #
  1389 # Description
  1390 # This function checks the configspec list of words against the words in the
  1391 # filter. If a word is present in the filter, then it must also be present in
  1392 # the configspec. If "!word" is present in the filter, then "word" must not
  1393 # be present in the configspec.
  1394 sub check_filter($$)	{
  1395 	my ($item_filter, $configspec) = @_;
  1396 	my $failed = "";
  1397 	foreach my $word (split /,/,$item_filter)    	{
  1398 		if ($word =~ /^!/)        	{
  1399 			# word must NOT be present in configuration filter list
  1400 			my $notword = substr $word, 1;
  1401 			$failed = $word if grep(/^$notword$/, @$configspec);
  1402 		} 
  1403 		else         	{
  1404 			# word must be present in configuration filter list
  1405 			$failed = $word unless grep(/^$word$/, @$configspec);
  1406 		}
  1407 	}
  1408 	return $failed;
  1409 }
  1411 # get_configuration_units
  1412 #
  1413 # Inputs
  1414 # $doc - DOM document model
  1415 # $configuration - configuration node
  1416 # $verbose - enable/disable logging
  1417 # $level - 0 = all units, 1 = top-level units, 2 = local units within tasks
  1418 #
  1419 # Outputs
  1420 # \@units - reference to a list of unit,package & prebuilt nodes which implement this configuration
  1421 #
  1422 # Description
  1423 # This function processes the specified configuration to get the list of unit or package
  1424 # nodes that implement this configuration.
  1425 sub get_configuration_units ($$$$)
  1426 {
  1427     my ($doc, $configuration, $verbose, $level) = @_;
  1428     my @units; # list of individual buildable items
  1430     my ($model) = $doc->getElementsByTagName("SystemDefinition");
  1432     # Start with the units specified via unitListRefs, then append the
  1433     # units specified via layerRefs - they will be sorted afterwards anyway
  1435     my @unitlistrefs = $configuration->getElementsByTagName("unitListRef");
  1436     foreach my $child (@unitlistrefs)	{
  1437 	my $issublevel = $child->getParentNode->getTagName ne "configuration";
  1438 	next if (($level==1 && $issublevel) || ($level==2 && !$issublevel));
  1439 	push @units, &find_unitList_by_ID($doc, $child->getAttribute("unitList"), 1);
  1440     }
  1441     my @layerrefs = $configuration->getElementsByTagName("layerRef");
  1442     foreach my $child (@layerrefs)		{
  1443 	my $issublevel = $child->getParentNode->getTagName ne "configuration";
  1444 	next if (($level==1 && $issublevel) || ($level==2 && !$issublevel));	
  1445 	my $layerName = $child->getAttribute("layerName");
  1446 	# Find the named object and enumerate the units it contains
  1447 	my ($layer) = XML::XQL::solve("//*[\@name = '$layerName']", $model);
  1448 	if (!defined($layer))		{
  1449 	  print $GenXml::gLogFileH "ERROR: no match for \"$layerName\"\n";
  1450 	  next;
  1451 	}
  1452 	my @newunits = $layer->getElementsByTagName("unit",1);
  1453 	my @newpackages = $layer->getElementsByTagName("package",1);
  1454 	my @newprebuilts = $layer->getElementsByTagName("prebuilt",1);
  1455 	if ($verbose)	{
  1456 	  printf $GenXml::gLogFileH "Layer \"$layerName\" contained %d units, %d packages and %d prebuilt\n",
  1457 		scalar @newunits, scalar @newpackages, scalar @newprebuilts;
  1458 	}
  1459 	push @newunits, @newpackages, @newprebuilts;
  1460 	if (scalar @newunits == 0)	{
  1461 	  print $GenXml::gLogFileH "WARNING: layerRef $layerName contains no units\n";
  1462 	}
  1463 	push @units, @newunits;
  1464     }
  1466     my @configspec = split /,/,$configuration->getAttribute("filter");
  1467     my @filtered_units;
  1469     # Scan the list, eliminating duplicates and elements which fail the filtering
  1470     my %mrpfiles;
  1471     foreach my $element (@units)	{
  1472 	my $name = $element->getAttribute("name");
  1473 	my $filter = $element->getAttribute("filter");
  1475 	if ($filter)	{
  1476 	  my $failed = &check_filter($filter,\@configspec);
  1477 	  if ($failed ne "")	{
  1478 	    print $GenXml::gLogFileH "Filtered out $name ($failed)\n" if ($verbose);
  1479 	    next;
  1480 	  }
  1481         }
  1483         my $mrp = $element->getAttribute("mrp");
  1484 	if ($mrp)	{
  1485 		my $unitID = $element->getAttribute("unitID");
  1486 		if (defined($mrpfiles{$mrp}))	{
  1487 		  # eliminate duplicates
  1488 		  next if ($mrpfiles{$mrp} eq $unitID);	
  1489 		  # report (and eliminate) conflicts
  1490 		  printf $GenXml::gLogFileH "WARNING: $mrp exists in %s and %s - skipping $unitID\n",  $unitID, $mrpfiles{$mrp};
  1491 		  next;
  1492 		}
  1493 		$mrpfiles{$mrp} = $unitID;
  1494 	}
  1495 	push @filtered_units, $element;
  1496     }
  1498     if ($verbose)	{
  1499 	printf $GenXml::gLogFileH "%s contains %d units at level %d\n", 
  1500 			$configuration->getAttribute("name"), scalar @filtered_units, $level;
  1501     }
  1502     return \@filtered_units;
  1503 }
  1505 # compute_bldList
  1506 #
  1507 # Inputs
  1508 # $iSourceDir - root of the current source tree
  1509 # $iEffectiveDir - root of the source tree when used
  1510 # $elements - reference to list of units, packages & prebuilts which can be part of the configuration
  1511 # $iVersion - Version of xml file (new or old) ?
  1512 #
  1513 # Outputs
  1514 # @bldList - a list of [name, bld.inf_dir, mrpfile] arrays, using $iEffectiveDir
  1515 #
  1516 # Description
  1517 # This function processes a list of unit and package elements, extracting from
  1518 # them the location of the associated bld.inf files. If bld.inf_dir is "" then
  1519 # no bld.inf was specified (e.g. a package) or the bld.inf file does not exist.
  1520 # If mrpfile is "" then no mrp file was specified.
  1521 # <prebuilt> elements return "*nosource*" as the mrpfile
  1522 sub compute_bldList
  1523 {
  1524   my ($iSourceDir, $iEffectiveDir, $elements, $iVersion) = @_;
  1525   my @bldList;
  1526   my %priorityLists;
  1527   my ($name, $bldFile, $mrp, $priority, $unitID, $effmrp, $effbldFile, $packageName);
  1528   my ($count, $unit, @childNodes, @unitNames);
  1529   foreach my $element (@$elements)
  1530   {
  1531     # Variable holding the previous values and so giving wrong results.  Lets undefine them.
  1532     undef $name; undef $bldFile; undef $mrp; undef $priority; undef $unitID; undef $effmrp; undef $effbldFile;
  1533     if ($iVersion == 1)	{
  1534       push(@childNodes,$element);
  1535     } elsif ($iVersion == 2)	{
  1536       my @units = $element->getElementsByTagName("unit");
  1537       for ( @units )
  1538       {
  1539         push(@childNodes, $_);
  1540         push(@unitNames, $element->getElementsByTagName("name"));
  1541       }
  1542     }
  1543   }
  1545   # should only be one childNodes, but this will make sure we handle all in case there are any
  1546   for my $index ( 0 .. $#childNodes )  	{
  1547 	my $unit = $childNodes[$index];
  1548 	my $unitName = $unitNames[$index];
  1549    if ($iVersion == 1)	{
  1550        $name = $unit->getAttribute("name");
  1551        $bldFile = $unit->getAttribute("bldFile");
  1552        $mrp = $unit->getAttribute("mrp");
  1553        $priority = $unit->getAttribute("priority");
  1554        $unitID = $unit->getAttribute("unitID");
  1555        $effmrp = $mrp;
  1556        $effbldFile = $bldFile;
  1557    } elsif ($iVersion == 2)	{
  1558        $name = $unitName;
  1559        $bldFile = $unit->getAttribute("bldFile");
  1560        $mrp = $unit->getAttribute("mrp");
  1561        $priority = $unit->getAttribute("priority");
  1562        $mrp =~ /.+\\([\w_-]+)\.mrp/;
  1563        $packageName = $1;
  1564        $effmrp = $mrp;
  1565        $effbldFile = $bldFile;
  1566        $unitID = $name;
  1567    }
  1569    if ($mrp)
  1570    {
  1571      if ($mrp !~ /^\\/)
  1572        {
  1573        # watch out for mrp="\product\..."
  1574        $mrp = $iSourceDir.$mrp;
  1575        $effmrp = $iEffectiveDir.$effmrp;
  1576        }
  1577      if (-f $mrp)
  1578      {
  1579        # get the component name
  1580        open MRPFILE, "<$mrp"
  1581          or print $GenXml::gLogFileH "ERROR: Cannot read $mrp - skipping \"$unitID\"\n" and next;
  1582        my $mrpline;
  1583        while ($mrpline = <MRPFILE>)
  1584        {
  1585          if ($mrpline =~ /^\s*component\s+(\S+)/)
  1586          {
  1587            $name = $1;
  1588            last;
  1589          }
  1590        }
  1591        close MRPFILE;
  1592      } else {
  1593        # print $GenXml::gLogFileH "ERROR: $mrp does not exist - skipping \"$unitID\"\n";
  1594        # next;
  1595        $name = $packageName if defined $packageName;
  1596        # Unfortunately, we need to cope with the pkgdefs components which are created later
  1597        print $GenXml::gLogFileH "REMARK: $mrp does not exist - assuming $name is correct...\n";
  1598      }
  1599    } else {
  1600      $mrp = "";
  1601      $effmrp = "";
  1602    }
  1603    if ($bldFile)
  1604    {
  1605      if ($bldFile =~ /^\w:\\/)
  1606      {
  1607        print "Warning:Bldfile path should not contain drive letters.The build may continue with problems\n";
  1608      }
  1609      else
  1610      {
  1611        if ($bldFile =~ /^\\/)
  1612        {
  1613          # No need to add the source dir path
  1614        }
  1615        else
  1616        {
  1617          $bldFile = $iSourceDir.$bldFile;
  1618          $effbldFile = $iEffectiveDir.$effbldFile;   
  1619        }
  1620      }
  1621      if (!-f "$bldFile\\BLD.INF")
  1622      {
  1623        print $GenXml::gLogFileH "ERROR: $bldFile\\BLD.INF does not exist - skipping \"$unitID\"\n";
  1624        next;
  1625      }
  1626    } else {
  1627      $bldFile = "";
  1628      $effbldFile = "";
  1629    }
  1631    if ($mrp eq "" && $bldFile eq "")	    {
  1632            if ($iVersion == 1)	    {
  1633              if ($unit->getTagName eq "prebuilt")      {
  1634                $mrp = "*nosource*";
  1635                $effmrp = $mrp;
  1636              } 
  1637            } elsif ($iVersion == 2) {
  1638              if ($unit->getAttribute("prebuilt")) 	{
  1639                    $mrp = "*nosource*";
  1640                    $effmrp = $mrp;
  1641                    $name = $unit->getAttribute("prebuilt");
  1642                }
  1643            }
  1644           }
  1645     if($mrp eq "" && $bldFile eq "") {
  1646        #print $GenXml::gLogFileH "ERROR: no MRP file, no BLD.INF directory - skipping \"$unitID\"\n";
  1647        next;
  1648    }
  1650    if (!$priority)
  1651    {
  1652      $priority = 1000;
  1653    }
  1655    if (! defined($priorityLists{$priority}))
  1656    {
  1657      $priorityLists{$priority} = ();
  1658    }
  1659    push @{$priorityLists{$priority}}, [$name,$effbldFile,$effmrp];
  1660  }
  1662   # concatenate the lists in (ascending numerical) priority order
  1663   foreach my $priority (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %priorityLists)
  1664   {
  1665     push @bldList, @{$priorityLists{$priority}};
  1666   }
  1668   return @bldList;
  1669 }
  1671 # find_unitList_by_ID
  1672 #
  1673 # Inputs
  1674 # $doc - DOM document model
  1675 # $id - the IDREF of the unitList
  1676 # $iVersion - Version of xml file (new or old) ?
  1677 #
  1678 # Outputs
  1679 # @units - a list of unit elements referenced in the specified unit list
  1680 #
  1681 # Description
  1682 # This function is used to convert a unitListRef into the corresponding
  1683 # list of units.
  1684 sub find_unitList_by_ID()
  1685 {
  1686   my ($doc, $id, $iVersion) = @_;
  1688   my (@units, @element); # List of units in unitList and elements
  1689   my ($unitList, $unitRef, $attribute);
  1690   if ($iVersion == 1)	{
  1691 	  $unitList = "unitList" ;
  1692 	  $unitRef = "unitRef";
  1693 	  $attribute = "unit";
  1694 	  @element = XML::XQL::solve("//unitList[\@name = '$id']", $doc);
  1695   } elsif ($iVersion == 2)	{
  1696 	  $unitList = "list" ;
  1697 	  $unitRef = "ref";
  1698 	  $attribute = "item";
  1699 	  @element = XML::XQL::solve("//list[\@name = '$id']", $doc);
  1700   }
  1702   # Should only return one element because the Validating Parser will not allow multiple DTD ID's
  1703   if (!($element[0]))
  1704   {
  1705     print $GenXml::gLogFileH "ERROR: Cannot find $unitList $id\n";
  1706     die "ERROR: RealTimeBuild: Cannot find $unitList $id\n";
  1707   } 
  1708   my @unitRefs = $element[0]->getElementsByTagName("$unitRef",1);
  1709   if (scalar @unitRefs == 0)
  1710   {
  1711     print $GenXml::gLogFileH "WARNING: $unitList $id contains no units\n";
  1712   }
  1713   foreach my $unitRef (@unitRefs)
  1714   {
  1715     my $unitID = $unitRef->getAttribute("$attribute");
  1716     my (@element);
  1717     if ($iVersion == 1)	{    
  1718 	    (@element) = XML::XQL::solve ("//unit[\@unitID = '$unitID']", $doc);
  1719     } elsif ($iVersion == 2)	{
  1720 	    (@element) = XML::XQL::solve ("//component[\@name = '$unitID']", $doc);
  1721     }
  1722     if (!($element[0]))
  1723     {
  1724       print $GenXml::gLogFileH "ERROR: $unitList $id refers to non-existent $attribute $unitID, not building\n";
  1725       next;
  1726     }
  1727     push @units,$element[0];
  1728   }
  1729   return @units;
  1730 }
  1732 # find_targetList_by_ID
  1733 #
  1734 # Inputs
  1735 # $doc - reference to DOM document model
  1736 # $id - value of the IDREFS to find (multiple whitespace ID's)
  1737 #
  1738 # Outputs
  1739 # @targets - a list of targets referenced in the specified targetList
  1740 #
  1741 # Description
  1742 # This function finds a list of units and full source location
  1743 sub find_targetList_by_ID
  1744 {
  1745   my ($doc, $idrefs) = @_;
  1747   my $n; # Number of Nodes
  1748   my @targets; # List of units in targetList
  1750   # Split on whitespace to get ID's from IDREFS
  1751   my @ids = split(/\s+/, $idrefs);
  1753   for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@ids); $i++)
  1754   {
  1755     my ($id) = $ids[$i];
  1756     my (@element) = XML::XQL::solve("//targetList[\@name = '$id']", $doc);
  1757     # Should only return one element because the Validating Parser will not allow multiple DTD ID's
  1758     # target attrib is another IDREFS list of target
  1759     if (!($element[0]))
  1760     {
  1761       print $GenXml::gLogFileH "ERROR: Cannot find targetList $id\n";
  1762       die "ERROR: RealTimeBuild: Cannot find targetList $id\n";
  1763     }
  1764     my $targetIDREFS;
  1765     if ($element[0])
  1766     {
  1767       $targetIDREFS = $element[0]->getAttributeNode("target")->getValue;
  1768     } else {
  1769       print $GenXml::gLogFileH "ERROR: Cannot find targetList of $id\n";
  1770       die "ERROR: RealTimeBuild: Processing error\n";
  1771     }
  1773     # Split on whitespace to get ID's from IDREFS
  1774     my @targetsID = split(/\s+/, $targetIDREFS);
  1775     for (my $j = 0; $j < scalar(@targetsID); $j++)
  1776     {
  1777       my ($target) = $targetsID[$j];
  1778       my (@target_element) = XML::XQL::solve("//target[\@name = '$target']", $doc);
  1779       # Should only return one element because the Validating Parser will not allow multiple DTD ID's
  1780       if ($target_element[0])
  1781       {
  1782         push @targets, $target_element[0]->getAttributeNode("abldTarget")->getValue;
  1783       } else {
  1784         print $GenXml::gLogFileH "ERROR: Cannot find target of $target\n";
  1785         die "ERROR: RealTimeBuild: Processing error\n";
  1786       }
  1787     }
  1788   }
  1790   return @targets;
  1791 }
  1793 # logfileHeader
  1794 #
  1795 # Inputs
  1796 # $comp - string to place in the "component" section of the header
  1797 #
  1798 # Outputs
  1799 #
  1800 # Description
  1801 # This function print the log file header to te global logfile handle
  1802 sub logfileHeader
  1803 {
  1804   my ($comp) = @_;
  1806   if ($gEmbeddedLog)
  1807   {
  1808     print $GenXml::gLogFileH "*** $comp\n";
  1809     return;
  1810   }
  1812   # Log file headers for each log file loading
  1813   print $GenXml::gLogFileH "=== Genxml == $comp\n";
  1815   print $GenXml::gLogFileH "-- Genxml\n";
  1816   # Add the per command start timestamp
  1817   print $GenXml::gLogFileH "++ Started at ".localtime()."\n";
  1818   # Add the per command start HiRes timestamp if available
  1819   if ($gHiResTimer == 1)
  1820   {
  1821     print $GenXml::gLogFileH "+++ HiRes Start ".Time::HiRes::time()."\n";
  1822   } else {
  1823     # Add the HiRes timer missing statement
  1824     print $GenXml::gLogFileH "+++ HiRes Time Unavailable\n";
  1825   }
  1826   $GenXml::gLogFileH->flush;
  1827 }
  1829 # logfileFooter
  1830 #
  1831 # Inputs
  1832 #
  1833 # Outputs
  1834 #
  1835 # Description
  1836 # This function print the log file footer to the global logfile handle
  1837 sub logfileFooter
  1838 {
  1839   return if ($gEmbeddedLog);
  1841   # Add the per command end HiRes timestamp if available
  1842   print $GenXml::gLogFileH "+++ HiRes End ".Time::HiRes::time()."\n" if ($gHiResTimer == 1);
  1843   # Add the per command end timestamp
  1844   print $GenXml::gLogFileH "++ Finished at ".localtime()."\n";
  1845   $GenXml::gLogFileH->flush;
  1846 }
  1849 #####################################################################################
  1850 #
  1851 #							v2 api's for new SystemDefinition
  1852 #
  1853 #####################################################################################
  1855 # process_node2
  1856 #
  1857 # Inputs
  1858 # $node1 - ref to the master doc
  1859 # $node2 - ref to the slave doc
  1860 # $doc1 - ref to the merged doc so we can set the doc owner to the (not DOM spec) to get around WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR restriction
  1861 #
  1862 # Outputs
  1863 #
  1864 # Description
  1865 # This function processes a node in two DOM documents, if any children match then it calls itself to process
  1866 # the children nodes further
  1867 sub process_node2
  1868 {
  1869   my ($doc1, $doc2) = @_;
  1871   my $merged = new XML::DOM::Parser;
  1873   # Some nodes need special processing e.g. SystemDefinition
  1874   # This is because there can only be a certain number of these nodes
  1875   # child node / element rules outlined below, this rules are applied to the children of the node in question
  1877   my ($node1, $node2);
  1879   # All other nodes                 Append child
  1881   # Useful debug stuff
  1882   #$GenXml::count++;
  1883   #print "enter $GenXml::count\n";
  1885   # Handle the special case for the first call to this function with the node containing the SystemDefinition
  1886   if (($$doc1->getDocumentElement->getTagName eq "SystemDefinition") 
  1887 	&& ($$doc2->getDocumentElement->getTagName eq "SystemBuild"))
  1888   {
  1889     # Process the DTD and merge
  1890     my $dtd1 = $$doc1->getDoctype->toString;
  1891     my $dtd2 = $$doc2->getDoctype->toString;
  1892     my $mergeddtd = &Merge_dtd($dtd1, $dtd2);
  1893     $mergeddtd .= $$doc1->getDocumentElement->toString;
  1894     $merged = $merged->parse($mergeddtd);
  1896     $node1 = \($merged->getElementsByTagName("SystemDefinition"));
  1897     $node2 = \($$doc2->getElementsByTagName("SystemBuild"));
  1899     my $tagname = $$node2->getTagName;
  1900     for my $item ($$doc2->getChildNodes)	{
  1901       if ($item->toString =~ /^\s*<$tagname .+>/isg)	{
  1902 	  &append_child($node1, \($item), \$merged);
  1903 	  last;
  1904       }
  1905     }
  1906   }
  1908   return $merged;
  1909 }
  1911 # Merge_dtd
  1912 sub Merge_dtd	{
  1913   my ($doctype1, $doctype2) = @_;
  1914   my $mergeddtd;
  1916   # split them into an array of values
  1917   my @doctypeValues1 = split '\n', $doctype1;
  1918   my @doctypeValues2 = split '\n', $doctype2;
  1919   my $elementNameToAdd;
  1921   my $count = 1;
  1922   for my $line (@doctypeValues2)	{
  1923 	  if ( $line =~ /<!ELEMENT (\w+) .+>/ )	{
  1924 		  $elementNameToAdd = $1;
  1925 		  last;
  1926 	  }
  1927 	  $count++;
  1928   }
  1929   splice @doctypeValues2, 0, $count-1;
  1931   my $i; 
  1932   for ($i=0; $#doctypeValues1; $i++)	{
  1933 	  last if ( $doctypeValues1[$i] =~ /<!ELEMENT SystemDefinition .+>/);
  1934   }
  1935   $doctypeValues1[$i] =~ s/(.+) \)>$/$1?, $elementNameToAdd? )>/;
  1937   $#doctypeValues1 = $#doctypeValues1 -1;
  1939   push @doctypeValues1, @doctypeValues2;
  1941   unshift @doctypeValues1, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
  1942   $mergeddtd = join "\n", @doctypeValues1;
  1944   return $mergeddtd;
  1945 }
  1948 # Filter_doc2
  1949 #
  1950 # Inputs
  1951 # $doc - Reference to input document
  1952 # $iFilter - filter to apply
  1953 #
  1954 # Outputs
  1955 #
  1956 # Description
  1957 # This function simplifies the XML by removing anything which fails to pass the filter.
  1958 # The resulting doc is then useful for tools which don't understand the filter attributes.
  1959 sub Filter_doc2	{
  1960 	my ($doc, $iFilter) = @_;
  1962 	# the filtering will have to be
  1963 	# - find the configurations which pass the filter (and delete the rest)
  1964 	# - identify items which are kept by some configuration
  1965 	# - remove the ones which aren't kept by any configuration.
  1967 	# deal with the <configuration> items, checking their filters
  1968 	my %lists;
  1969 	my @nodes = $doc->getElementsByTagName ("configuration");
  1970 	foreach my $node (@nodes)		{
  1971 		my $configname = $node->getAttribute("name");
  1972 		my @configspec = split /,/,$node->getAttribute("filter");
  1973 		my $failed = check_filter($iFilter,\@configspec);
  1974 		if ($failed ne "")		{
  1975 			print $GenXml::gLogFileH "Simplification removed configuration $configname ($failed)\n";
  1976 			$node->getParentNode->removeChild($node);
  1977 			next;
  1978 			}
  1979 		# find all the units for this configuration and mark them as MATCHED
  1980 		print $GenXml::gLogFileH "Analysing configuration $configname...\n";
  1981   		my $unfiltered_items = get_configuration_units2($doc, $node, 0, 0);     # Replace the arg 1 with 0 to put the debug off
  1982   		foreach my $unit (@$unfiltered_items) 			{
  1983   			$unit->setAttribute("MATCHED", 1);
  1984   			}
  1985   		# note all the lists referenced by this configuration
  1986   		foreach my $listRef ($node->getElementsByTagName("listRef"))		{
  1987   			my $list = $listRef->getAttribute("list");
  1988   			$lists{$list} = 1;
  1989   			} 		
  1990 		}
  1992 	# walk the model, removing the "MATCHED" attribute and deleting any which weren't marked
  1993 	my %deletedUnits;
  1994 	delete_unmatched_units($doc, \%deletedUnits);
  1996 	# clean up the lists
  1997 	my @lists = $doc->getElementsByTagName("list");
  1998 	foreach my $list (@lists)	{
  1999 		my $name = $list->getAttribute("name");
  2000 		if (!defined $lists{$name})		{
  2001 			print $GenXml::gLogFileH "Simplification removed list $name\n";
  2002 			$list->getParentNode->removeChild($list);
  2003 			next;
  2004 		}
  2005 		foreach my $ref ($list->getElementsByTagName("ref"))	{
  2006 			my $id = $ref->getAttribute("item");
  2007 			if (defined $deletedUnits{$id})		{
  2008 				$list->removeChild($ref);	# reference to deleted unit
  2009 			}
  2010 		}
  2011 	}
  2013 }
  2015 # get_configuration_units2
  2016 #
  2017 # Inputs
  2018 # $doc - DOM document model
  2019 # $configuration - configuration node
  2020 # $verbose - enable/disable logging
  2021 # $level - 0 = all units, 1 = top-level units, 2 = local units within tasks
  2022 #
  2023 # Outputs
  2024 # \@units - reference to a list of unit,package & prebuilt nodes which implement this configuration
  2025 #
  2026 # Description
  2027 # This function processes the specified configuration to get the list of unit or package
  2028 # nodes that implement this configuration.
  2029 sub get_configuration_units2 ($$$$)	{
  2030 	my ($doc, $configuration, $verbose, $level) = @_;
  2031 	my @filterable_items; # list of individual buildable items
  2032 	my ($mrp, $bldFile);
  2034 	my ($model) = $doc->getElementsByTagName("systemModel");
  2036 	# Start with the units specified via listRefs, then append the
  2037 	# units specified via layerRefs - they will be sorted afterwards anyway
  2038 	my @listrefs = $configuration->getElementsByTagName("listRef");
  2039 	foreach my $child (@listrefs)		{
  2040 		my $issublevel = $child->getParentNode->getTagName ne "configuration";
  2041 		next if (($level==1 && $issublevel) || ($level==2 && !$issublevel));
  2042 		push @filterable_items, &find_unitList_by_ID($doc, $child->getAttribute("list"), 2);
  2043 	}
  2044 	my @refs = $configuration->getElementsByTagName("ref");
  2045 	foreach my $child (@refs)		{
  2046 		my $issublevel = $child->getParentNode->getTagName ne "configuration";
  2047 		next if (($level==1 && $issublevel) || ($level==2 && !$issublevel));		
  2048 		my $item = $child->getAttribute("item");
  2049 		# Find the named object and enumerate the items it contains
  2050 		my ($layer) = XML::XQL::solve("//*[\@name = '$item']", $model);
  2051 		if (!defined($layer))			{
  2052 			print $GenXml::gLogFileH "ERROR: no match for \"$item\"\n";
  2053 			next;
  2054 		}
  2055 		my @newunits = $layer->getElementsByTagName("unit",1);		
  2056 		my @components = $layer->getElementsByTagName("component",1);
  2058 		if ($verbose)			{
  2059 			printf $GenXml::gLogFileH "Layer \"$item\" contained %d untis in %d components, \n",
  2060 				 scalar @newunits,  scalar @components;
  2061 		}
  2062 		if (scalar @newunits == 0)	{
  2063 		  print $GenXml::gLogFileH "WARNING: ref $item contains no units\n";
  2064 		}
  2065 		if (scalar @components == 0)			{
  2066 			print $GenXml::gLogFileH "WARNING: ref $item contains no components\n";
  2067 		}
  2068 		push @filterable_items, @components, @newunits;
  2069 	}
  2071 	my @configspec = split /,/,$configuration->getAttribute("filter");
  2072 	my @unfiltered_items;
  2074 	# Scan the list, eliminating duplicates and elements which fail the filtering
  2075 	my %mrpfiles;
  2076 	foreach my $element (@filterable_items)	{
  2077 		my $name = $element->getAttribute("name");
  2078 		my $filter = $element->getAttribute("filter");
  2079 		my $class = $element->getAttribute("class");
  2081 		if ($filter)			{
  2082 			my $failed = &check_filter($filter,\@configspec);
  2083 			if ($failed ne "")				{
  2084 				print $GenXml::gLogFileH "Filtered out $name ($failed)\n" if ($verbose);
  2085 				next;
  2086 			}
  2087 		}
  2088 		if($element->getTagName eq 'unit')
  2089 			{
  2090 			# if it's not been filtered out, then substitute the unix syle path to windows style.
  2091 			$bldFile = $element->getAttribute("bldFile");
  2092 			if ($bldFile ne "")	{
  2093 				$bldFile =~ s/\//\\/g;
  2094 				$element->setAttribute("bldFile", $bldFile) ;
  2095 			}
  2096 			$mrp = $element->getAttribute("mrp");
  2097 			if ($mrp ne "")	{
  2098 				$mrp =~ s/\//\\/g;
  2099 				$element->setAttribute("mrp", $mrp) ;
  2100 			}
  2102 			if ($mrp)		{
  2103 				#my $elementName = $element->getAttribute("name");
  2104 				if (defined($mrpfiles{$mrp}))		{
  2105 					# eliminate duplicates
  2106 					next if ($mrpfiles{$mrp} eq $name);	
  2107 					# report (and eliminate) conflicts
  2108 					printf $GenXml::gLogFileH "WARNING: $mrp exists in %s and %s - skipping $name\n",
  2109 					  $name, $mrpfiles{$mrp};
  2110 					next;
  2111 				}
  2112 				$mrpfiles{$mrp} = $name;
  2113 			}
  2114 		}
  2115 		push @unfiltered_items, $element;
  2116 	}
  2118 	if ($verbose)	{
  2119 		printf $GenXml::gLogFileH "%s contains %d units and components at level %d\n", 
  2120 			$configuration->getAttribute("name"), scalar @unfiltered_items, $level;
  2121 	}
  2123 	# Process the tag "<specialInstructions" in the given configuration.  Need to convert the attribut "CWD" to windows style
  2124 	foreach my $child ($configuration->getElementsByTagName("specialInstructions"))	{
  2125 		my $command = $child->getAttribute("cwd");
  2126 		$command =~ s/\//\\/g;
  2127 		$child->setAttribute("cwd", $command);
  2128 	}
  2129 	return \@unfiltered_items;
  2130 }
  2133 1;