changeset 628 7c4a911dc066
parent 588 c7c26511138f
child 645 b8d81fa19e7d
equal deleted inserted replaced
588:c7c26511138f 628:7c4a911dc066
    22 -->
    22 -->
    23 <project name="helium" xmlns:hlm="">
    23 <project name="helium" xmlns:hlm="">
    24     <description>
    24     <description>
    25     Main full build targets and properties
    25     Main full build targets and properties
    26     </description>
    26     </description>
    27     <property environment="env" />
    28     <property environment="env" />
    30     <!-- Load the current Helium version. -->
    30     <!-- Load the current Helium version. -->
    31     <!--* @property helium.version
    31     <!--* @property helium.version
    32     @type string
    32     @type string
    33     @scope private
    33     @scope private
    34     -->
    34     -->
    35     <property file="${helium.dir}/config/version.txt"/>
    35     <property file="${helium.dir}/config/version.txt"/>
    37     <!-- Libraries
    38     ======================================================================-->
    39     <import file="helium_preinclude.ant.xml"/>
    38     <import file="helium_preinclude.ant.xml"/>
    41     <!-- The path where Helium-specific outputs are written to.
    42     @type string
    43     @scope private
    44     -->
    45     <property name="" location="${helium.dir}/build"/>
    47     <hlm:typedef file="${helium.dir}/tools/common/common.antlib.xml" uri=""/> 
    41     <hlm:typedef file="${helium.dir}/tools/common/common.antlib.xml" uri=""/>
    49     <!-- Location of generated logging config.
    43     <!-- Import default configuration settings. -->
    50     @type string
    44     <import file="tools/common/default_config.ant.xml"/>
    51     @scope private
    52     -->
    53     <property name="logging.output.file" location="${cache.dir}/logging.${env.PID}.conf" />
    54     <fmpp sourceFile="${helium.dir}/config/logging.conf.ftl" outputFile="${logging.output.file}" quiet="true">
    55         <data expandProperties="yes">
    56             ant: antProperties()
    57         </data>
    58     </fmpp>
    60     <!-- Properties
    61     ======================================================================-->
    62     <!-- Used to specify which team configuration is being used. These configuration files are under /mc/mc_build/teams.
    63     @type string
    64     -->
    65     <property name="team" value="${env.TEAM}"/>
    67     <!-- See if 'bn' is defined as a shortcut for build.number. -->
    68     <if>
    69         <isset property="bn"/>
    70         <then>
    71             <!-- Build number
    72             @type integer
    73             @scope public
    74             -->
    75             <property name="build.number" value="${bn}"/>
    76         </then>
    77     </if>
    79     <!-- If not define then search the next free drive -->
    80     <if>
    81         <and>
    82             <not>
    83                 <isset property=""/>
    84             </not>    
    85             <os family="windows"/>
    86         </and>
    87         <then>
    88             <!-- used to track if has predefined or not
    89             @type flag
    90             @scope private
    91             -->
    92             <property name="" value="true"/> 
    93             <exec osfamily="windows" executable="python" failonerror="true" outputproperty="">
    94                 <arg line="-m searchnextdrive"/>               
    95             </exec>
    96             <if>
    97                 <equals arg1="${}" arg2="Error: No free drive!"/>
    98                 <then>            
    99                     <fail message="ERROR: Failed to assign build drive, please check you are not running out of drives." />    
   100                 </then>
   101             </if>
   102             <exec osfamily="windows" executable="subst" failonerror="false">
   103                 <arg value="${}" />
   104                 <arg value="${env.TEMP}/helium/temp_drive" />
   105             </exec>
   106             <echo> Using build drive ${} </echo>
   107         </then>
   108     </if>
   110     <!-- For unix os is equivalent to -->
   111     <condition property="" value="${}">
   112         <and>
   113             <isset property=""/>
   114             <os family="unix"/>
   115         </and>
   116     </condition>
   119     <if>
   120         <and>
   121             <isset property="major.version"/>
   122             <isset property="minor.version"/>
   123         </and>
   124         <then>
   125             <!-- This Defaults to the ${major.version}.${minor.version} combo and is available so that 1 number can be used (dot can be removed)
   126             @type string
   127             -->
   128             <property name="" value="${major.version}.${minor.version}"/>
   129         </then>
   130         <else>
   131             <!-- This Defaults to the ${major.version}.${minor.version} combo and is available so that 1 number can be used (dot can be removed)
   132             @type string
   133             -->
   134             <property name="" value="${env.USERNAME}"/>
   135         </else>
   136     </if>
   138     <!--* @property
   139     If defined, indicates that the build number should be read from an incrementing text file.
   140     @type string
   141     @scope public
   142     -->
   143     <!--* @property build.tag
   144     If defined, defines the prefix for the build number when it is read from an incrementing text file.
   145     @type string
   146     @scope public
   147     -->
   148     <if>
   149         <and>
   150             <isset property=""/>
   151             <not>
   152                 <isset property="build.number"/>
   153             </not>
   154         </and>
   155         <then>
   156             <if>
   157                 <isset property="build.tag"/>
   158                 <then>
   159                     <property name="build.tag.ext" value="${build.tag}."/>
   160                 </then>
   161                 <else>
   162                     <property name="build.tag.ext" value=""/>
   163                     <property name="build.tag" value=""/>
   164                 </else>
   165             </if>
   166             <!-- Use an internal directory to store text files for assigning build number information. -->
   167             <!-- The directory where the build integer database text files are stored.
   168             @type string
   169             @scope private
   170             -->
   171             <property name="" location="${publish.root.dir}/internal/build_int_db"/>
   172             <mkdir dir="${}"/>
   173             <property name="" value="${}/${}_${}_${build.tag}_build_int_db.txt"/>
   174             <if>
   175                 <available file="${}"/>
   176                 <then>
   177                     <echo>Reading from existing build number property file.</echo>
   178                     <property file="${}"/>
   179                     <echo>Build int = ${}</echo>
   180                     <!-- Read the comments in the file too, for history information. -->
   181                     <loadfile property="" srcFile="${}">
   182                         <filterchain>
   183                             <linecontains>
   184                                 <contains value="# history: "/>
   185                             </linecontains>
   186                         </filterchain>
   187                     </loadfile>
   188                     <!-- Set the property in case nothing was found. -->
   189                     <property name="" value=""/>
   190                     <echo>History comments:
   191 ${}</echo>
   192                     <!-- Build number
   193                     @type integer
   194                     @scope public
   195                     -->
   196                     <property name="build.number" value="${build.tag.ext}${}"/>
   197                     <echo>Writing incremented build int back to file.</echo>
   198                     <propertyfile file="${}" comment=" database file">
   199                         <entry key="" type="int" default="001" operation="+" pattern="000"/>
   200                     </propertyfile>
   201                     <tstamp>
   202                         <format property="" pattern="dd/MM/yyyy-HH:mm:ss"/>
   203                     </tstamp>
   204                     <concat destfile="${}" append="true">
   205 ${}
   206 # history: ${env.COMPUTERNAME};${env.USERNAME};${};${}
   207                     </concat>
   208                 </then>
   209                 <else>
   210                     <echo>Build number property file not found. Creating a new one.</echo>
   211                     <property name="" value="001"/>
   212                     <!-- Build number
   213                     @type integer
   214                     @scope public
   215                     -->
   216                     <property name="build.number" value="${build.tag.ext}${}"/>
   217                     <echo>Build number = ${build.number}</echo>
   218                     <propertyfile file="${}" comment=" database file">
   219                         <entry key="" type="int" default="001" operation="+" pattern="000"/>
   220                     </propertyfile>
   221                 </else>
   222             </if>
   223         </then>
   224     </if>
   227     <!-- Define a number of properties that should be consistent amongst all builds. They can be overridden
   228     within any config or team Ant file though. -->
   229     <!-- A general label for this type of build. Currently if not defined, will be used to set this property, but this will likely be removed in future.
   230     @type string
   231     @editable required
   232     -->
   233     <property name="" value="helium"/>
   234     <if>
   235         <and>
   236             <isset property=""/>
   237             <isset property="build.number"/>
   238         </and>
   239         <then>
   240             <!-- Version of the build.
   241             @type string
   242             @scope private
   243             -->
   244             <property name="build.version" value="${}.${build.number}"/>
   245         </then>
   246         <else>
   247             <!-- Version of the build.
   248             @type string
   249             @scope private
   250             -->
   251             <property name="build.version" value="${env.USERNAME}"/>
   252         </else>
   253     </if>
   255     <!-- A unique ID for the build.
   256     @type string
   257     @scope private
   258     -->
   259     <property name="" value="${}_${build.version}"/>
   260     <!-- The general type of the build. This is used for checking the tools environment. Potential values include core, ido, product.
   261     @type string
   262     -->
   263     <property name="build.type" value="core"/>
   264     <condition property="epocroot" value="${env.EPOCROOT}" else="${env.EPOCROOT}/">
   265         <matches pattern="^.*[\\/]$" string="${env.EPOCROOT}" />
   266     </condition>
   267     <!-- The data model XML file for the Ant configuration.
   268     @type string
   269     @scope private
   270     -->
   271     <property name="data.model.file" location="${helium.dir}/config/helium_data_model.xml"/>
   272     <!-- The data model XML file for the Ant configuration parsed.
   273     @type string
   274     @scope private
   275     -->
   276     <property name="data.model.parsed" location="${}/datamodel.out"/>
   277     <condition property="data.model.xsl" value="${helium.dir}/extensions/nokia/config/helium_nokia_data_model.xsl" else="${helium.dir}/config/helium_data_model.xsl">
   278         <available file="${helium.dir}/extensions/nokia/config/helium_nokia_data_model.xsl"/>
   279     </condition>
   280     <!-- Location of helium database
   281     @type string
   282     @scope private
   283     -->
   284     <property name="database.file" location="${basedir}/build/database.xml"/>
   285     <!-- Directory where CCM operations will be performed.
   286     @type string
   287     -->
   288     <property name="ccm.base.dir" location="${ccm.home.dir}\${minor.version}"/>
   289     <!-- This is the directory where the build area is prepared. Once created it is substed to the
   290     @type string
   291     @scope private
   292     -->
   293     <property name="" location="${prep.root.dir}/${}"/>
   294     <!-- This is the directory where build output is placed.
   295     @type string
   296     @scope private
   297     -->
   299     <!-- If not define then prep.buil.dir is the value for for unix os -->
   300     <condition property="" value="${}">
   301         <and>
   302             <not>
   303                 <isset property=""/>
   304             </not>    
   305             <os family="unix"/>
   306         </and>
   307     </condition>
   309     <property name="build.output.dir" location="${}/output"/>
   310     <!-- This is where the diamonds output XML files are stored.
   311     @type string
   312     @scope private
   313     -->
   314     <property name="" location="${build.output.dir}/diamonds"/>
   315     <!-- This is the directory where sisfiles are placed.
   316     @type string
   317     @scope private
   318     -->
   319     <property name="build.sisfiles.dir" location="${build.output.dir}/sisfiles"/>
   320     <!-- This is the directory where build area is archived after the build has finished.
   321     @type string
   322     @scope private
   323     -->
   324     <property name="" location="${build.output.dir}/build_area/engineering_english"/>
   325     <!-- This is the directory where build area is archived after the localisation.
   326     @type string
   327     @scope private
   328     -->
   329     <property name="zips.loc.dir" location="${build.output.dir}/build_area/localised"/>
   330     <!-- The directory where subcon zips are stored.
   331     @type string
   332     @scope private
   333     -->
   334     <property name="subcon.zips.dir" location="${build.output.dir}/build_area/subcon"/>
   335     <!-- This is the directory where flash files are archived.
   336     @type string
   337     @scope private
   338     -->
   339     <property name="zips.flashfiles.dir" location="${build.output.dir}/zips_flashfiles"/>
   340     <!-- This is where the build logs are stored.
   341     @type string
   342     @scope private
   343     -->
   344     <property name="build.log.dir" location="${build.output.dir}/logs"/>
   345     <!-- This is where the signal related files are stored.
   346     @type string
   347     @scope private
   348     -->
   349     <property name="build.signal.status.dir" location="${build.log.dir}/signals"/>
   350     <!-- This is the email template path where it updates the build status based on metadata database contents. The default file could (email_status_orm.html.ftl under tools\common\template\log)be used as the base and any additional info could be added
   351     @type string
   352     -->
   353     <property name="" location="${helium.dir}/tools/common/templates/log/email_status_orm.html.ftl" />
   354     <!-- Location of build metadata database.
   355     @type string
   356     @scope private
   357     -->
   358     <condition property="metadata.dbfile" value="${build.log.dir}/${}_metadata_db" else="${build.log.dir}/${}${env.PID}_metadata_db">
   359         <isset property="build.number"/>
   360     </condition>
   362     <!-- Directory to store temporary files generated during the process.
   363     @type string
   364     @scope private
   365     -->
   366     <property name="" location="${build.output.dir}/temp_build_files"/>
   367     <!-- The 'failonerror' attribute for exec tasks.
   368     @type boolean
   369     @scope public
   370     -->
   371     <property name="failonerror" value="false"/>
   372     <!-- Maximum allowable errors in a build.
   373     @type number
   374     -->
   375     <property name="build.errors.limit" value="0"/>
   376     <!-- Unsubsted drive after build finished. If not defined then helium should left the drive as subst. Set the value as "yes" if you want to unsubst after build finished.
   377     @type string
   378     -->
   379     <property name="" value="no"/>
   380     <!-- display warnings at build startup if required properties are not defined.
   381     @type string
   382     @scope private
   383     -->
   384     <property name="" value="yes"/>
   385     <!-- A unique name for the WA Sources ZIP file.
   386     @type string
   387     @scope private
   388     -->
   389     <property name="zip.wa.file" value="${}/output/src/${}"/>
   390     <!-- The location and name of the target times log file. Default value is: ${build.log.dir}/${}_targetTimesLog.csv
   391     @type string
   392     -->
   393     <property name="target.times.log.file" value="${build.log.dir}/${}_targetTimesLog.csv"/>
   395     <!-- Cache related properties. -->
   396     <!-- Directory where Helium can store files on a temporary basis for a user per build.
   397     @type string
   398     @scope private
   399     -->
   400     <property name="build.cache.dir" location="${cache.dir}/${}"/>
   401     <!-- Directory where Helium can store log files on a temporary basis for a user per build.
   402     @type string
   403     @scope private
   404     -->
   405     <property name="build.cache.log.dir" location="${build.cache.dir}/logs"/>
   406     <mkdir dir="${build.cache.log.dir}"/>
   408     <!-- Path location for the memory tracing data captured by the TracingLogger.
   409     @type string
   410     @scope private
   411     -->
   412     <property name="tracing.csv.file" location="${build.cache.dir}/logs/${}_traces.csv"/>
   414     <!-- Publish dir configuration. Defines subdir first and next toplevel properties. -->
   415     <!-- Subdir part of the publish dir, relative to publish.root.dir
   416     @type string
   417     -->
   418     <property name="publish.subdir" value="${}/builds/${}/${}"/>
   419     <!-- Subdir part of the publish release dir, relative to publish.root.dir
   420     @type string
   421     @scope private
   422     -->
   423     <property name="publish.release.subdir" value="${}/releases/${}/${}"/>
   424     <!-- Directory where the build is published (includes
   425     @type string
   426     -->
   427     <property name="publish.dir" location="${publish.root.dir}/${publish.subdir}"/>
   428     <!-- The directory where the release of this build is published to on the local network.
   429     @type string
   430     @scope private
   431     -->
   432     <property name="publish.release.dir" location="${publish.root.dir}/${publish.release.subdir}"/>
   433     <condition property="is.published" else="false">
   434         <isset property="publish"/>
   435     </condition>
   437     <!-- The directory where flash images of build can be found
   438     @type string
   439     @scope private
   440     -->
   441     <property name="release.images.dir" value="${build.output.dir}/release_flash_images"/>
   442     <!-- Defines location of binaries created in build. Used in check-capability target while generating capability scan report.
   443     @type string
   444     @scope private
   445     -->
   446     <property name="binary.root" value="${}/epoc32/release/armv5/urel" />
   447     <!-- Location of python library
   448     @type string
   449     @scope private
   450     -->
   451     <property name="python.dir" value="${helium.dir}/external/python/lib"/>
   452     <!-- @type string
   453     @scope private
   454     -->
   455     <property name="" value="${helium.dir}/external/python/bin"/>
   457     <!-- EBS is selected as the default build system, but ec for Electric Cloud could be used. -->
   458     <!-- This specifies which build system is used. Default for this is ebs You can use ec for Electric Cloud..
   459     @type string
   460     -->
   461     <property name="build.system" value="ebs"/>
   462     <!-- Path for the output XML file generated by genxml used as input to EBS or EC.
   463     @type string
   464     @scope private
   465     -->
   466     <property name="genxml.output.file" location="${}/${}.${sysdef.configuration}.xml" />
   467     <!-- The path of the generated canonical System Definition file that contains all the input System Definition file content.
   468     @type string
   469     @scope private
   470     -->
   471     <property name="canonical.sysdef.file" value="${build.output.dir}/build/canonical_system_definition.xml"/>
   472     <!-- @type string
   473     @scope private
   474     -->
   475     <property name="build.system.${build.system}" value="Not used"/>
   476     <!-- This is the file where build summary is stored.
   477     @type string
   478     @scope private
   479     -->
   480     <property name="build.summary.file" location="${build.log.dir}/summary/${}_summary.log.xml"/>
   481     <property name="error.summary.file" location="${build.log.dir}/summary/${}_error_summary.log.xml"/>
   482     <!-- Defines name of the log file.
   483     @type string
   484     @scope private
   485     -->
   486     <property name="build.log" value="${build.log.dir}/${}_main.ant.log"/>
   487     <!-- Diamonds Configuration file with full path used for diamonds listener.
   488     @type string
   489     -->
   490     <property name="diamonds.listener.configuration.file" location="${helium.dir}/config/diamonds_config.xml.ftl"/>
   491     <!-- Path where ant XML files dynamically downloaded from jar file.
   492     @type string
   493     @scope private
   494     -->
   495     <property name="antlib.import.module.path" location="${helium.dir}/tools/hlm-antlib-imports"/>
   497     <!-- Following are temporarily defined here until global tools available-->
   498     <!-- This specifies the directory where Electric Cloud history files are stored. Currently defined in helium.ant.xml and mapped related to publish.root.dir
   499     @type string
   500     @scope private
   501     -->
   502     <property name="ec.history.dir" location="${publish.root.dir}\${}\ec_history"/>
   503     <!-- Version of build
   504     @type string
   505     -->
   506     <property name="release.label" value="${build.version}"/>
   507     <!-- mode is either serial / parallel - default is parallel
   508     @type string
   509     -->
   510     <property name="ec.mode" value="parallel" />
   511     <!-- Setting this to "1" will force xml2mak to generate only warnings (instead of errors) for duplicate components in the component list
   512     @type string
   513     @scope private
   514     -->
   515     <property name="ec.allow.duplicates" value="0" />
   516     <!-- Defines log file where to record archiving of engineering english area.
   517     @type string
   518     @scope private
   519     -->
   520     <property name="" location="${build.log.dir}/${}_ee_zip.log" />
   521     <!-- The path to the localization zipping log file.
   522     @type string
   523     @scope private
   524     -->
   525     <property name="zip.localised.log.file" location="${build.log.dir}/${}_localised_zip.log" />
   526     <!-- Defines log file where to record archiving of subcon environment.
   527     @type string
   528     @scope private
   529     -->
   530     <property name="zip.subcon.log.file" value="${build.log.dir}/${}_subcon_zip.log" />
   531     <!-- The log file name for zipping subcon_roms.
   532     @type string
   533     @scope private
   534     -->
   535     <property name="zip.subcon_roms.log.file" location="${build.log.dir}/${}_subcon_roms_zip.log" />
   536     <!-- The log file name for zipping trace_roms.
   537     @type string
   538     @scope private
   539     -->
   540     <property name="zip.trace_roms.log.file" location="${build.log.dir}/${}_trace_roms_zip.log" />
   541     <!-- target to be executed in case of exceptions (mainly to generate the summary and raise signal).
   542     @type string
   543     @scope private
   544     -->
   545     <property name="" value="hlm-exception-handler"/>
   546     <!-- The tools dependencies Ivy settings configuration file.
   547     @type string
   548     -->
   549     <property name="tools.ivy.config.file" location="${helium.dir}/config/ivy/tools_ivy_settings.xml" />
   551     <!-- A file where persistent properties for a build should be stored.
   552     @type string
   553     @scope private
   554     -->
   555     <property name="" location="${}/build_properties_cache.txt" />
   556     <!-- The path for the Python script to handle the ccm task bridge to the module.
   557     @type string
   558     @scope private
   559     -->
   560     <property name="ccmtask.python.script.file" location="${helium.dir}/tools/preparation/synergy/ccmtask.jep" />
   561     <!-- Level of ant logging.
   562     @type string
   563     -->
   564     <property name="ant.loglevel" value="verbose"/>
   566     <if>
   567         <available file="${}"/>
   568         <then>
   569             <property file="${}"/>
   570         </then>
   571     </if>
   574     <!-- Default number of threads is 2 * NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS, but this can be overridden by defining the
   575     property manually. -->
   576     <if>
   577         <not>
   578             <isset property="number.of.threads"/>
   579         </not>
   580         <then>
   581             <if>
   582                 <isset property="env.NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS"/>
   583                 <then>
   584                     <math result="number.of.threads" operand1="${env.NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS}" operation="*" operand2="2" datatype="int"/>
   585                 </then>
   586                 <else>
   587                     <!-- how many parallel threads can run
   588                     @type string
   589                     @scope public
   590                     -->
   591                     <property name="number.of.threads" value="2"/>
   592                 </else>
   593             </if>
   594         </then>
   595     </if>
   597     <!--* @property
   598     In product builds defines the product family that the build product belong to.
   599     @type string
   600     @editable required
   601     @scope public
   602     -->
   604     <!--* @property product.list
   605     In product builds defines the list of products that are build in the configuration. Property is used in rom image creation, localisation release notes creation and data packaging.
   606     @type string
   607     @editable required
   608     @scope public
   609     -->
   611     <!--* @property
   613     @type string
   614     @editable optional
   615     @scope public
   616     -->
   618     <!-- Import basic targets.
    46     <!-- Import basic targets.
   620     The intention would be to split the targets into separate files somewhat
    48     The intention would be to split the targets into separate files somewhat
   621     matching the build phases located inside \nbuild and import each one here.
    49     matching the build phases and import each one here.
   622     -->
    50     -->
   623     <import file="extensions/nokia/build.xml" optional="true"/>
    51     <import file="extensions/nokia/build.xml" optional="true"/>
   624     <import file="tools/preparation/preparation.ant.xml"/>
    52     <import file="tools/preparation/preparation.ant.xml"/>
   625     <import file="tools/common/common.ant.xml"/>
    53     <import file="tools/common/common.ant.xml"/>
   626     <import file="tools/common/testing.ant.xml"/>
    54     <import file="tools/common/testing.ant.xml"/>
   641     <import file="tools/startup/bootstrap/bootstrap.ant.xml"/>
    69     <import file="tools/startup/bootstrap/bootstrap.ant.xml"/>
   642     <import file="tools/iad/iad.ant.xml"/>
    70     <import file="tools/iad/iad.ant.xml"/>
   643     <import file="config/signaling_config_default.ant.xml"/>
    71     <import file="config/signaling_config_default.ant.xml"/>
   644     <import file="config/stages_config_default.ant.xml"/>
    72     <import file="config/stages_config_default.ant.xml"/>
   645     <import file="config/metadata_filter_config_default.ant.xml"/>
    73     <import file="config/metadata_filter_config_default.ant.xml"/>
    74     <import file="config/diamonds_config_default.ant.xml"/>
    76 </project>
   648     <!-- Top level build execution targets.
   650     All of these should simply depend on other targets. They should not contain any tasks.
   651     -->
   653     <!-- Top-level target for platform builds. -->
   654     <target name="platform-build"
   655             depends="prep,prebuild,compile-main,postbuild,build-roms,zip-ee,publish-generic,
   656                      report,final"
   657             description="The default platform build"/>
   659     <!-- Top-level target for IBUSAL builds. -->
   660     <target name="ibusal-build"
   661             depends="prep-drive,init-build-area,prebuild,build-info,log-build-env,
   662                      check-env-prep,diamonds,prep-copy,set-arm-version,
   663                      create-canonical-sysdef-file,compile-main,zip-ee"
   664             description="The default IBUSAL build"/>
   666     <!-- Top-level target for IDO builds. -->
   667     <target name="ido-build"
   668             depends="diamonds,compile-clean,compile-main,build-roms"
   669             description="IDO build"/>
   670 </project>