changeset 587 85df38eb4012
child 588 c7c26511138f
equal deleted inserted replaced
217:0f5e3a7fb6af 587:85df38eb4012
     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     2 <!-- 
     3 ============================================================================ 
     4 Name        : build.xml 
     5 Part of     : Helium AntLib
     7 Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     8 All rights reserved.
     9 This component and the accompanying materials are made available
    10 under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
    11 which accompanies this distribution, and is available
    12 at the URL "".
    14 Initial Contributors:
    15 Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    17 Contributors:
    19 Description:
    21 ============================================================================
    22 -->
    23 <project name="helium-builder" default="build" xmlns:au="antlib:org.apache.ant.antunit" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" xmlns:ac="antlib:net.sf.antcontrib">
    24     <property environment="env" />
    25     <taskdef name="fmpp" classname="" />
    26     <import file="delivery.ant.xml" />
    28     <!-- Ensuring that only Ant 1.7.0 is in use. -->
    29     <ac:if>
    30         <not>
    31             <contains string="${ant.version}" substring="1.7.0" />
    32         </not>
    33         <then>
    34             <fail message="Your current ant version is ${ant.version}, you must use 1.7.0" />
    35         </then>
    36     </ac:if>            
    38     <condition property="platform" value="win32" else="unix">
    39         <os family="windows"/>
    40     </condition>
    41     <dirname property="builder.dir" file="${ant.file.helium-builder}" />
    42     <property name="source.root.dir" location="${builder.dir}/.." />
    43     <property name="build.temp.dir" location="${source.root.dir}/build" />
    44     <property name="components.temp.dir" location="${build.temp.dir}/components" />
    45     <property name="component" value="*" />
    46     <property name="component.type" value="*" />
    47     <property name="component.root" value="*" />
    48     <property name="config" value="sf" />
    49     <property name="" location="${build.temp.dir}/" />
    50     <property name="" location="${build.temp.dir}/" />
    52     <fileset id="" dir="${source.root.dir}">
    53         <include name="${component.root}/${component.type}/${component}/build.xml" />
    54         <exclude name="*builder/**" />
    55         <exclude name="*/*builder/**" />
    56         <exclude name="tools/**" />
    57         <exclude name="config/**" />
    58         <exclude name="doc/**" />
    59         <exclude name="external/**" />
    60         <exclude name="extensions/**" />
    61         <exclude name="licences/**" />
    62         <exclude name="tests/**" />
    63         <exclude name="build/**" />
    64     </fileset>
    66     <target name="cleanup" description="Cleanup (delete the temp build directory)">
    67         <delete dir="${build.temp.dir}" failonerror="false"/>
    68     </target>
    70     <target name="get-build-list">
    71         <ivy:buildlist reference="ivy.buildlist.path">
    72             <fileset refid=""/>
    73         </ivy:buildlist>
    74     </target>
    76     <target name="report" depends="get-build-list" description="Create Ivy report for each component">
    77         <subant target="report" buildpathref="ivy.buildlist.path">
    78             <property name="builder.dir" location="${builder.dir}" />
    79         </subant>
    80     </target>
    82     <target name="compile" depends="get-build-list">
    83         <subant target="compile" buildpathref="ivy.buildlist.path">
    84             <property name="builder.dir" location="${builder.dir}" />
    85             <property name="source.root.dir" value="${source.root.dir}"/>
    86         </subant>
    87     </target>
    89     <target name="build" depends="get-build-list" description="Build each component">
    90         <subant target="package" buildpathref="ivy.buildlist.path">
    91             <property name="builder.dir" location="${builder.dir}" />
    92             <property name="source.root.dir" value="${source.root.dir}"/>
    93             <property name="platform" value="${platform}"/>
    94         </subant>
    95     </target>
    97     <target name="clean" depends="get-build-list" description="Run clean on each component">
    98         <subant target="clean" buildpathref="ivy.buildlist.path">
    99             <property name="builder.dir" location="${builder.dir}" />
   100             <property name="source.root.dir" value="${source.root.dir}"/>
   101         </subant>
   102     </target>
   104     <target name="test" depends="get-build-list,build" description="Run test on each component">
   105         <ac:for param="file" keepgoing="true">
   106             <path refid="ivy.buildlist.path" />
   107             <sequential>
   108                 <echo>Testing: @{file}</echo>
   109                 <ant antfile="@{file}" dir="@{file}/.." target="test" inheritAll="false">
   110                     <property name="builder.dir" location="${builder.dir}" />
   111                 </ant>
   112             </sequential>
   113         </ac:for>
   114     </target>
   115     <!-- TODO: remove after CI tools are cleaned up -->
   116     <target name="unittest" depends="test"/>
   118     <target name="junit" depends="get-build-list" description="Run junit on each component">
   119         <subant target="junit" buildpathref="ivy.buildlist.path">
   120             <property name="builder.dir" location="${builder.dir}" />
   121         </subant>
   122     </target>
   124     <target name="antunit" depends="get-build-list" description="Run antunit on each component">
   125         <subant target="antunit" buildpathref="ivy.buildlist.path">
   126             <property name="builder.dir" location="${builder.dir}" />
   127         </subant>
   128     </target>
   130     <target name="quality" depends="get-build-list" description="Run quality checks on each component">
   131         <ac:for param="file" keepgoing="true">
   132             <path refid="ivy.buildlist.path" />
   133             <sequential>
   134                 <echo>Checking @{file}</echo>
   135                 <ant antfile="@{file}" dir="@{file}/.." target="quality" inheritAll="false">
   136                     <property name="builder.dir" location="${builder.dir}" />
   137                     <property name="source.root.dir" value="${source.root.dir}"/>
   138                     <property name="platform" value="${platform}"/>
   139                 </ant>
   140             </sequential>
   141         </ac:for>
   142     </target>
   144     <target name="checkstyle" depends="get-build-list" description="Run checkstyle on each component">
   145         <ac:for param="file" keepgoing="true">
   146             <path refid="ivy.buildlist.path" />
   147             <sequential>
   148                 <ant antfile="@{file}" dir="@{file}/.." target="checkstyle" inheritAll="false">
   149                     <property name="builder.dir" location="${builder.dir}" />
   150                     <property name="source.root.dir" value="${source.root.dir}"/>
   151                     <property name="platform" value="${platform}"/>
   152                 </ant>
   153             </sequential>
   154         </ac:for>
   155     </target>
   157     <target name="get-deps" description="Retrieving Helium dependencies">
   158         <ac:if>
   159             <not>
   160                 <isset property="config" />
   161             </not>
   162             <then>
   163                 <fail message="config is not defined." />
   164             </then>
   165         </ac:if>
   166         <echo>Using ${config} configuration.</echo>
   167         <delete>
   168             <fileset dir="${build.temp.dir}" includes="ivy/**" />
   169         </delete>
   170         <ivy:settings file="${source.root.dir}/${config}/settings/ivysettings.xml" />
   172         <!-- the call to resolve is not mandatory, retrieve makes an implicit call if we don't -->
   173         <ivy:resolve organisation="" module="helium-${config}-config" revision="1.0" inline="true" />
   174         <ivy:retrieve sync="true" conf="default" organisation=""
   175             module="helium-${config}-config" revision="1.0"
   176             inline="true" type="jar"
   177             pattern="${source.root.dir}/external/antlibs2/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]" />        
   178         <ivy:retrieve sync="true" conf="default" organisation=""
   179             module="helium-${config}-config" revision="1.0"
   180             inline="true" type="egg"
   181             pattern="${source.root.dir}/external/python/lib/auto/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]" />
   182         <fileset id="egg.deps.fileset" dir="${source.root.dir}/external/python/lib/auto" includes="*.egg" />
   183         <fmpp sourceFile="template/easy-install.pth.ftl" outputFile="${source.root.dir}/external/python/lib/auto/easy-install.pth">
   184             <data>
   185                 project: antProject()
   186             </data>
   187         </fmpp>
   189         <fileset id="egg.hlm.deps.fileset" dir="${source.root.dir}">
   190             <include name="external/python/**/*.egg" />
   191             <exclude name="**/2.5/**" />
   192         </fileset>
   193         <fmpp sourceFile="template/configure_jython.bat.ftl" outputFile="${source.root.dir}/external/python/configure_jython.bat">
   194             <data>
   195                 project: antProject()
   196             </data>
   197         </fmpp>
   199         <fmpp sourceFile="template/" outputFile="${source.root.dir}/external/python/">
   200             <data>
   201                 project: antProject()
   202             </data>
   203         </fmpp>
   204     </target>
   207     <target name="build-helium-docs" unless="">
   208         <exec osfamily="windows" executable="${source.root.dir}/hlm.bat" dir="${source.root.dir}">
   209             <arg value="docs"/>
   210         </exec>
   211         <exec osfamily="unix" executable="${source.root.dir}/hlm" dir="${source.root.dir}">
   212             <arg value="docs"/>
   213         </exec>
   214     </target>
   217     <target name="zip-releasable">
   218         <delete file="${}" failonerror="false" />
   219         <zip destfile="${}">
   220             <zipfileset id="zip.content" dir="${source.root.dir}" prefix="helium">
   221                 <include name="hlm.bat" />
   222                 <include name="helium*.ant.xml" />
   223                 <include name="build.xml" />
   224                 <include name="tools/**" />
   225                 <include name="config/**" />
   226                 <include name="extensions/**" />
   227                 <include name="external/**" />
   228                 <include name="licenses/**" />
   229                 <include name="tests/minibuilds/**" />
   230                 <exclude name="config/version.txt.orig" />
   231                 <exclude name="**/distribution.policy.S60" />
   232             </zipfileset>
   233             <zipfileset id="zip.doc" dir="${source.root.dir}/build" prefix="helium">
   234                 <include name="doc/**" />
   235                 <exclude name="**/distribution.policy.S60" />
   236             </zipfileset>
   237             <zipfileset id="zip.executable" dir="${source.root.dir}" prefix="helium" filemode="755">
   238                 <include name="hlm" />
   239             </zipfileset>
   240         </zip>
   241     </target>
   244     <target name="get-helium-revision">
   245         <exec executable="hg" outputproperty="hg.helium.revision">
   246             <arg value="id" />
   247             <arg value="--id" />
   248         </exec>
   249         <ac:propertyregex property="helium.revision"
   250                     input="${hg.helium.revision}"
   251                     regexp="([a-f0-9]+).*"
   252                     replace="\1"
   253                     casesensitive="false" />
   254         <echo message="Revision set to: ${helium.revision}" />
   255     </target>
   257     <target name="update-version" depends="get-helium-revision">
   258         <ac:if>
   259             <available file="${source.root.dir}/config/version.txt.orig" />
   260             <then>
   261                 <move file="${source.root.dir}/config/version.txt.orig" tofile="${source.root.dir}/config/version.txt" />
   262             </then>
   263         </ac:if>
   264         <copy file="${source.root.dir}/config/version.txt" tofile="${source.root.dir}/config/version.txt.orig" />
   265         <property file="${source.root.dir}/config/version.txt" />
   266         <propertyfile file="${source.root.dir}/config/version.txt" comment="Helium version - DO NOT EDIT">
   267             <entry key="helium.version" value="${helium.version}-r${helium.revision}"/>
   268         </propertyfile>
   269     </target>
   271     <target name="restore-version">
   272         <move file="${source.root.dir}/config/version.txt.orig" tofile="${source.root.dir}/config/version.txt" />
   273     </target>
   275     <target name="create-releasable" depends="get-deps,update-version,build-helium-docs,zip-releasable,restore-version" description="Create releasable binary package"/>
   278     <target name="textdoc">
   279         <delete dir="${build.temp.dir}/doc/doctmp" failonerror="false"/>
   280         <copy todir="${build.temp.dir}/doc/doctmp" overwrite="true">
   281             <fileset dir="${source.root.dir}/sf/doc/src"/>
   282         </copy>
   283         <copy todir="${build.temp.dir}/doc/doctmp" overwrite="true" flatten="true">
   284             <fileset dir="${source.root.dir}" includes="*/java/*/**/*.rst"/>
   285             <fileset dir="${source.root.dir}" includes="*/python/*/**/*.rst"/>
   286         </copy>
   287         <rstMacro version="1.0" src="${build.temp.dir}/doc/doctmp"/>
   288     </target>
   290     <!-- Macro to generate html docs from rst. -->
   291     <macrodef name="rstMacro">
   292         <attribute name="version"/>
   293         <attribute name="src" default="${source.root.dir}/sf/doc/src"/>
   294         <attribute name="output" default="${build.temp.dir}/doc/text"/>
   295         <sequential>
   296             <property name="sphinx.lib.dir" location="${builder.dir}/tools/sphinx/Sphinx-0.5.1-py2.5.egg/sphinx" />
   297             <exec executable="python" failonerror="${failonerror}">
   298                 <env key="PYTHONPATH" path="${builder.dir}/tools/sphinx" />
   299                 <arg file="${builder.dir}/tools/sphinx/"/>
   300                 <arg value="-b" />
   301                 <arg value="html" />            
   302                 <arg value="-D" />
   303                 <arg value="version=@{version}" />
   304                 <arg value="-D" />
   305                 <arg value="release=@{version}" />
   306                 <arg file="@{src}" />
   307                 <arg file="@{output}" />
   308             </exec>
   309         </sequential>
   310     </macrodef>
   311 </project>