1 |
2 The ABIv1 toolchain was deprecated in Symbian OS 9.4 but the build system |
3 continued to generate both ABIv1 (.lib) import libraries and ABIv2 (.dso) |
4 import libraries for convenience during the transition to ABIv2. |
5 |
6 This change now turns off the generation of ABIv1 import libraries by |
7 default but makes support switchable on a kit-by-kit basis. To turn on |
8 ABIv1 import library generation, add the following setting to the |
9 root.changes variant in epoc32/sbs_config/os_properties.xml |
10 |
11 <set name="SUPPORTS_ABIV1_IMPLIBS" value="1"/> |
12 |
13 An example properties file is available in the examples/os_properties.xml |
14 file distributed within the Raptor installation. |