changeset 1 be27ed110b50
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:044383f39525 1:be27ed110b50
     1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
     2 """
     3     sphinx.ext.autodoc
     4     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     6     Automatically insert docstrings for functions, classes or whole modules into
     7     the doctree, thus avoiding duplication between docstrings and documentation
     8     for those who like elaborate docstrings.
    10     :copyright: 2008 by Georg Brandl, Pauli Virtanen, Martin Hans.
    11     :license: BSD.
    12 """
    14 import re
    15 import sys
    16 import types
    17 import inspect
    18 import linecache
    19 from types import FunctionType, BuiltinMethodType, MethodType
    21 from docutils import nodes
    22 from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
    23 from docutils.statemachine import ViewList
    25 from sphinx.util import rpartition, nested_parse_with_titles
    26 from sphinx.directives.desc import py_sig_re
    28 try:
    29     base_exception = BaseException
    30 except NameError:
    31     base_exception = Exception
    33 _charset_re = re.compile(r'coding[:=]\s*([-\w.]+)')
    34 _module_charsets = {}
    37 class Options(object):
    38     pass
    41 def is_static_method(obj):
    42     """Check if the object given is a static method."""
    43     if isinstance(obj, (FunctionType, classmethod)):
    44         return True
    45     elif isinstance(obj, BuiltinMethodType):
    46         return obj.__self__ is not None
    47     elif isinstance(obj, MethodType):
    48         return obj.im_self is not None
    49     return False
    52 class AutodocReporter(object):
    53     """
    54     A reporter replacement that assigns the correct source name
    55     and line number to a system message, as recorded in a ViewList.
    56     """
    57     def __init__(self, viewlist, reporter):
    58         self.viewlist = viewlist
    59         self.reporter = reporter
    61     def __getattr__(self, name):
    62         return getattr(self.reporter, name)
    64     def system_message(self, level, message, *children, **kwargs):
    65         if 'line' in kwargs:
    66             try:
    67                 source, line = self.viewlist.items[kwargs['line']]
    68             except IndexError:
    69                 pass
    70             else:
    71                 kwargs['source'] = source
    72                 kwargs['line'] = line
    73         return self.reporter.system_message(level, message,
    74                                             *children, **kwargs)
    76     def debug(self, *args, **kwargs):
    77         if self.reporter.debug_flag:
    78             return self.system_message(0, *args, **kwargs)
    80     def info(self, *args, **kwargs):
    81         return self.system_message(1, *args, **kwargs)
    83     def warning(self, *args, **kwargs):
    84         return self.system_message(2, *args, **kwargs)
    86     def error(self, *args, **kwargs):
    87         return self.system_message(3, *args, **kwargs)
    89     def severe(self, *args, **kwargs):
    90         return self.system_message(4, *args, **kwargs)
    93 # Some useful event listener factories for autodoc-process-docstring.
    95 def cut_lines(pre, post=0, what=None):
    96     """
    97     Return a listener that removes the first *pre* and last *post*
    98     lines of every docstring.  If *what* is a sequence of strings,
    99     only docstrings of a type in *what* will be processed.
   101     Use like this (e.g. in the ``setup()`` function of :file:``)::
   103        from sphinx.ext.autodoc import cut_lines
   104        app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring', cut_lines(4, what=['module']))
   106     This can (and should) be used in place of :confval:`automodule_skip_lines`.
   107     """
   108     def process(app, what_, name, obj, options, lines):
   109         if what and what_ not in what:
   110             return
   111         del lines[:pre]
   112         if post:
   113             # remove one trailing blank line.
   114             if lines and not lines[-1]:
   115                 lines.pop(-1)
   116             del lines[-post:]
   117         # make sure there is a blank line at the end
   118         if lines and lines[-1]:
   119             lines.append('')
   120     return process
   122 def between(marker, what=None, keepempty=False):
   123     """
   124     Return a listener that only keeps lines between lines that match the
   125     *marker* regular expression.  If no line matches, the resulting docstring
   126     would be empty, so no change will be made unless *keepempty* is true.
   128     If *what* is a sequence of strings, only docstrings of a type in *what* will
   129     be processed.
   130     """
   131     marker_re = re.compile(marker)
   132     def process(app, what_, name, obj, options, lines):
   133         if what and what_ not in what:
   134             return
   135         deleted = 0
   136         delete = True
   137         orig_lines = lines[:]
   138         for i, line in enumerate(orig_lines):
   139             if delete:
   140                 lines.pop(i - deleted)
   141                 deleted += 1
   142             if marker_re.match(line):
   143                 delete = not delete
   144                 if delete:
   145                     lines.pop(i - deleted)
   146                     deleted += 1
   147         if not lines and not keepempty:
   148             lines[:] = orig_lines
   149         # make sure there is a blank line at the end
   150         if lines and lines[-1]:
   151             lines.append('')
   152     return process
   155 def isdescriptor(x):
   156     """Check if the object is some kind of descriptor."""
   157     for item in '__get__', '__set__', '__delete__':
   158         if callable(getattr(x, item, None)):
   159             return True
   160     return False
   163 def prepare_docstring(s):
   164     """
   165     Convert a docstring into lines of parseable reST.  Return it as a list of
   166     lines usable for inserting into a docutils ViewList (used as argument
   167     of nested_parse().)  An empty line is added to act as a separator between
   168     this docstring and following content.
   169     """
   170     lines = s.expandtabs().splitlines()
   171     # Find minimum indentation of any non-blank lines after first line.
   172     margin = sys.maxint
   173     for line in lines[1:]:
   174         content = len(line.lstrip())
   175         if content:
   176             indent = len(line) - content
   177             margin = min(margin, indent)
   178     # Remove indentation.
   179     if lines:
   180         lines[0] = lines[0].lstrip()
   181     if margin < sys.maxint:
   182         for i in range(1, len(lines)): lines[i] = lines[i][margin:]
   183     # Remove any leading blank lines.
   184     while lines and not lines[0]:
   185         lines.pop(0)
   186     # make sure there is an empty line at the end
   187     if lines and lines[-1]:
   188         lines.append('')
   189     return lines
   192 def get_module_charset(module):
   193     """Return the charset of the given module (cached in _module_charsets)."""
   194     if module in _module_charsets:
   195         return _module_charsets[module]
   196     try:
   197         filename = __import__(module, None, None, ['foo']).__file__
   198     except (ImportError, AttributeError):
   199         return None
   200     if filename[-4:].lower() in ('.pyc', '.pyo'):
   201         filename = filename[:-1]
   202     for line in [linecache.getline(filename, x) for x in (1, 2)]:
   203         match =
   204         if match is not None:
   205             charset =
   206             break
   207     else:
   208         charset = 'ascii'
   209     _module_charsets[module] = charset
   210     return charset
   213 class RstGenerator(object):
   214     def __init__(self, options, document, lineno):
   215         self.options = options
   216         self.env = document.settings.env
   217         self.reporter = document.reporter
   218         self.lineno = lineno
   219         self.filename_set = set()
   220         self.warnings = []
   221         self.result = ViewList()
   223     def warn(self, msg):
   224         self.warnings.append(self.reporter.warning(msg, line=self.lineno))
   226     def get_doc(self, what, name, obj):
   227         """Format and yield lines of the docstring(s) for the object."""
   228         docstrings = []
   229         if getattr(obj, '__doc__', None):
   230             docstrings.append(obj.__doc__)
   231         # skip some lines in module docstrings if configured
   232         if what == 'module' and self.env.config.automodule_skip_lines and docstrings:
   233             docstrings[0] = '\n'.join(docstrings[0].splitlines()
   234                                       [self.env.config.automodule_skip_lines:])
   235         # for classes, what the "docstring" is can be controlled via an option
   236         if what in ('class', 'exception'):
   237             content = self.env.config.autoclass_content
   238             if content in ('both', 'init'):
   239                 initdocstring = getattr(obj, '__init__', None).__doc__
   240                 # for new-style classes, no __init__ means default __init__
   241                 if initdocstring == object.__init__.__doc__:
   242                     initdocstring = None
   243                 if initdocstring:
   244                     if content == 'init':
   245                         docstrings = [initdocstring]
   246                     else:
   247                         docstrings.append(initdocstring)
   248             # the default is only the class docstring
   250         # decode the docstrings using the module's source encoding
   251         charset = None
   252         module = getattr(obj, '__module__', None)
   253         if module is not None:
   254             charset = get_module_charset(module)
   256         for docstring in docstrings:
   257             if isinstance(docstring, str):
   258                 if charset:
   259                     docstring = docstring.decode(charset)
   260                 else:
   261                     try:
   262                         # try decoding with utf-8, should only work for real UTF-8
   263                         docstring = docstring.decode('utf-8')
   264                     except UnicodeError:
   265                         # last resort -- can't fail
   266                         docstring = docstring.decode('latin1')
   267             docstringlines = prepare_docstring(docstring)
   268             if
   269                 # let extensions preprocess docstrings
   270       'autodoc-process-docstring',
   271                                   what, name, obj, self.options, docstringlines)
   272             for line in docstringlines:
   273                 yield line
   275     def resolve_name(self, what, name):
   276         """
   277         Determine what module to import and what attribute to document.
   279         Returns a tuple of: the full name, the module name, a path of
   280         names to get via getattr, the signature and return annotation.
   281         """
   282         # first, parse the definition -- auto directives for classes and functions
   283         # can contain a signature which is then used instead of an autogenerated one
   284         try:
   285             path, base, args, retann = py_sig_re.match(name).groups()
   286         except:
   287             self.warn('invalid signature for auto%s (%r)' % (what, name))
   288             return
   289         # fullname is the fully qualified name, base the name after the last dot
   290         fullname = (path or '') + base
   292         if what == 'module':
   293             if args or retann:
   294                 self.warn('ignoring signature arguments and return annotation '
   295                           'for automodule %s' % fullname)
   296             return fullname, fullname, [], None, None
   298         elif what in ('class', 'exception', 'function'):
   299             if path:
   300                 mod = path.rstrip('.')
   301             else:
   302                 mod = None
   303                 # if documenting a toplevel object without explicit module, it can
   304                 # be contained in another auto directive ...
   305                 if hasattr(self.env, 'autodoc_current_module'):
   306                     mod = self.env.autodoc_current_module
   307                 # ... or in the scope of a module directive
   308                 if not mod:
   309                     mod = self.env.currmodule
   310             return fullname, mod, [base], args, retann
   312         else:
   313             if path:
   314                 mod_cls = path.rstrip('.')
   315             else:
   316                 mod_cls = None
   317                 # if documenting a class-level object without path, there must be a
   318                 # current class, either from a parent auto directive ...
   319                 if hasattr(self.env, 'autodoc_current_class'):
   320                     mod_cls = self.env.autodoc_current_class
   321                 # ... or from a class directive
   322                 if mod_cls is None:
   323                     mod_cls = self.env.currclass
   324                 # ... if still None, there's no way to know
   325                 if mod_cls is None:
   326                     return fullname, None, [], args, retann
   327             mod, cls = rpartition(mod_cls, '.')
   328             # if the module name is still missing, get it like above
   329             if not mod and hasattr(self.env, 'autodoc_current_module'):
   330                 mod = self.env.autodoc_current_module
   331             if not mod:
   332                 mod = self.env.currmodule
   333             return fullname, mod, [cls, base], args, retann
   335     def format_signature(self, what, name, obj, args, retann):
   336         """
   337         Return the signature of the object, formatted for display.
   338         """
   339         if what not in ('class', 'method', 'function'):
   340             return ''
   342         err = None
   343         if args is not None:
   344             # signature given explicitly
   345             args = "(%s)" % args
   346         else:
   347             # try to introspect the signature
   348             try:
   349                 args = None
   350                 getargs = True
   351                 if what == 'class':
   352                     # for classes, the relevant signature is the __init__ method's
   353                     obj = getattr(obj, '__init__', None)
   354                     # classes without __init__ method, default __init__ or
   355                     # __init__ written in C?
   356                     if obj is None or obj is object.__init__ or not \
   357                        (inspect.ismethod(obj) or inspect.isfunction(obj)):
   358                         getargs = False
   359                 elif inspect.isbuiltin(obj) or inspect.ismethoddescriptor(obj):
   360                     # can never get arguments of a C function or method
   361                     getargs = False
   362                 if getargs:
   363                     argspec = inspect.getargspec(obj)
   364                     if what in ('class', 'method') and argspec[0] and \
   365                            argspec[0][0] in ('cls', 'self'):
   366                         del argspec[0][0]
   367                     args = inspect.formatargspec(*argspec)
   368             except Exception, e:
   369                 args = None
   370                 err = e
   372         result ='autodoc-process-signature', what,
   373                                                name, obj, self.options, args, retann)
   374         if result:
   375             args, retann = result
   377         if args is not None:
   378             return '%s%s' % (args, retann or '')
   379         elif err:
   380             # re-raise the error for perusal of the handler in generate()
   381             raise RuntimeError(err)
   382         else:
   383             return ''
   385     def generate(self, what, name, members, add_content, indent=u'', check_module=False):
   386         """
   387         Generate reST for the object in self.result.
   388         """
   389         fullname, mod, objpath, args, retann = self.resolve_name(what, name)
   390         if not mod:
   391             # need a module to import
   392             self.warn('don\'t know which module to import for autodocumenting %r '
   393                       '(try placing a "module" or "currentmodule" directive in the '
   394                       'document, or giving an explicit module name)' % fullname)
   395             return
   397         # the name to put into the generated directive -- doesn't contain the module
   398         name_in_directive = '.'.join(objpath) or mod
   400         # now, import the module and get object to document
   401         try:
   402             todoc = module = __import__(mod, None, None, ['foo'])
   403             if hasattr(module, '__file__') and module.__file__:
   404                 modfile = module.__file__
   405                 if modfile[-4:].lower() in ('.pyc', '.pyo'):
   406                     modfile = modfile[:-1]
   407                 self.filename_set.add(modfile)
   408             else:
   409                 modfile = None  # e.g. for builtin and C modules
   410             for part in objpath:
   411                 todoc = getattr(todoc, part)
   412         except (ImportError, AttributeError), err:
   413             self.warn('autodoc can\'t import/find %s %r, it reported error: "%s", '
   414                       'please check your spelling and sys.path' %
   415                       (what, str(fullname), err))
   416             return
   418         # check __module__ of object if wanted (for members not given explicitly)
   419         if check_module:
   420             if hasattr(todoc, '__module__'):
   421                 if todoc.__module__ != mod:
   422                     return
   424         # format the object's signature, if any
   425         try:
   426             sig = self.format_signature(what, name, todoc, args, retann)
   427         except Exception, err:
   428             self.warn('error while formatting signature for %s: %s' %
   429                       (fullname, err))
   430             sig = ''
   432         # make sure that the result starts with an empty line.  This is
   433         # necessary for some situations where another directive preprocesses
   434         # reST and no starting newline is present
   435         self.result.append(u'', '')
   437         # now, create the directive header
   438         directive = (what == 'method' and is_static_method(todoc)) \
   439                     and 'staticmethod' or what
   440         self.result.append(indent + u'.. %s:: %s%s' %
   441                            (directive, name_in_directive, sig), '<autodoc>')
   442         if what == 'module':
   443             # Add some module-specific options
   444             if self.options.synopsis:
   445                 self.result.append(indent + u'   :synopsis: ' + self.options.synopsis,
   446                               '<autodoc>')
   447             if self.options.platform:
   448                 self.result.append(indent + u'   :platform: ' + self.options.platform,
   449                               '<autodoc>')
   450             if self.options.deprecated:
   451                 self.result.append(indent + u'   :deprecated:', '<autodoc>')
   452         else:
   453             # Be explicit about the module, this is necessary since .. class:: doesn't
   454             # support a prepended module name
   455             self.result.append(indent + u'   :module: %s' % mod, '<autodoc>')
   456         if self.options.noindex:
   457             self.result.append(indent + u'   :noindex:', '<autodoc>')
   458         self.result.append(u'', '<autodoc>')
   460         if self.options.show_inheritance and what in ('class', 'exception'):
   461             if len(todoc.__bases__):
   462                 bases = [b.__module__ == '__builtin__' and
   463                          u':class:`%s`' % b.__name__ or
   464                          u':class:`%s.%s`' % (b.__module__, b.__name__)
   465                          for b in todoc.__bases__]
   466                 self.result.append(indent + u'   Bases: %s' % ', '.join(bases),
   467                                    '<autodoc>')
   468                 self.result.append(u'', '<autodoc>')
   470         # the module directive doesn't have content
   471         if what != 'module':
   472             indent += u'   '
   474         if modfile:
   475             sourcename = '%s:docstring of %s' % (modfile, fullname)
   476         else:
   477             sourcename = 'docstring of %s' % fullname
   479         # add content from docstrings
   480         for i, line in enumerate(self.get_doc(what, fullname, todoc)):
   481             self.result.append(indent + line, sourcename, i)
   483         # add source content, if present
   484         if add_content:
   485             for line, src in zip(, add_content.items):
   486                 self.result.append(indent + line, src[0], src[1])
   488         # document members?
   489         if not members or what in ('function', 'method', 'attribute'):
   490             return
   492         # set current namespace for finding members
   493         self.env.autodoc_current_module = mod
   494         if objpath:
   495             self.env.autodoc_current_class = objpath[0]
   497         # add members, if possible
   498         _all = members == ['__all__']
   499         members_check_module = False
   500         if _all:
   501             # unqualified :members: given
   502             if what == 'module':
   503                 if hasattr(todoc, '__all__'):
   504                     members_check_module = False
   505                     all_members = []
   506                     for mname in todoc.__all__:
   507                         try:
   508                             all_members.append((mname, getattr(todoc, mname)))
   509                         except AttributeError:
   510                             self.warn('missing attribute mentioned in __all__: '
   511                                       'module %s, attribute %s' %
   512                                       (todoc.__name__, mname))
   513                 else:
   514                     # for implicit module members, check __module__ to avoid
   515                     # documenting imported objects
   516                     members_check_module = True
   517                     all_members = inspect.getmembers(todoc)
   518             else:
   519                 if self.options.inherited_members:
   520                     # getmembers() uses dir() which pulls in members from all
   521                     # base classes
   522                     all_members = inspect.getmembers(todoc)
   523                 else:
   524                     # __dict__ contains only the members directly defined in the class
   525                     all_members = sorted(todoc.__dict__.iteritems())
   526         else:
   527             all_members = [(mname, getattr(todoc, mname)) for mname in members]
   528         for (membername, member) in all_members:
   529             # ignore members whose name starts with _ by default
   530             if _all and membername.startswith('_'):
   531                 continue
   533             # ignore undocumented members if :undoc-members: is not given
   534             doc = getattr(member, '__doc__', None)
   535             skip = not self.options.undoc_members and not doc
   536             # give the user a chance to decide whether this member should be skipped
   537             if
   538                 # let extensions preprocess docstrings
   539                 skip_user =
   540                     'autodoc-skip-member', what, membername, member, skip, self.options)
   541                 if skip_user is not None:
   542                     skip = skip_user
   543             if skip:
   544                 continue
   546             if what == 'module':
   547                 if isinstance(member, (types.FunctionType,
   548                                        types.BuiltinFunctionType)):
   549                     memberwhat = 'function'
   550                 elif isinstance(member, types.ClassType) or \
   551                      isinstance(member, type):
   552                     if issubclass(member, base_exception):
   553                         memberwhat = 'exception'
   554                     else:
   555                         memberwhat = 'class'
   556                 else:
   557                     # XXX: todo -- attribute docs
   558                     continue
   559             else:
   560                 if callable(member):
   561                     memberwhat = 'method'
   562                 elif isdescriptor(member):
   563                     memberwhat = 'attribute'
   564                 else:
   565                     # XXX: todo -- attribute docs
   566                     continue
   567             full_membername = fullname + '.' + membername
   568             self.generate(memberwhat, full_membername, ['__all__'], None, indent,
   569                           check_module=members_check_module)
   571         self.env.autodoc_current_module = None
   572         self.env.autodoc_current_class = None
   575 def _auto_directive(dirname, arguments, options, content, lineno,
   576                     content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine):
   577     what = dirname[4:]  # strip "auto"
   578     name = arguments[0]
   579     genopt = Options()
   580     members = options.get('members', [])
   581     genopt.inherited_members = 'inherited-members' in options
   582     if genopt.inherited_members and not members:
   583         # :inherited-members: implies :members:
   584         members = ['__all__']
   585     genopt.undoc_members = 'undoc-members' in options
   586     genopt.show_inheritance = 'show-inheritance' in options
   587     genopt.noindex = 'noindex' in options
   588     genopt.synopsis = options.get('synopsis', '')
   589     genopt.platform = options.get('platform', '')
   590     genopt.deprecated = 'deprecated' in options
   592     generator = RstGenerator(genopt, state.document, lineno)
   593     generator.generate(what, name, members, content)
   594     if not generator.result:
   595         return generator.warnings
   597     # record all filenames as dependencies -- this will at least partially make
   598     # automatic invalidation possible
   599     for fn in generator.filename_set:
   600         state.document.settings.env.note_dependency(fn)
   602     # use a custom reporter that correctly assigns lines to source and lineno
   603     old_reporter = state.memo.reporter
   604     state.memo.reporter = AutodocReporter(generator.result, state.memo.reporter)
   605     if dirname == 'automodule':
   606         node = nodes.section()
   607         nested_parse_with_titles(state, generator.result, node)
   608     else:
   609         node = nodes.paragraph()
   610         state.nested_parse(generator.result, 0, node)
   611     state.memo.reporter = old_reporter
   612     return generator.warnings + node.children
   614 def auto_directive(*args, **kwds):
   615     return _auto_directive(*args, **kwds)
   617 def automodule_directive(*args, **kwds):
   618     return _auto_directive(*args, **kwds)
   620 def autoclass_directive(*args, **kwds):
   621     return _auto_directive(*args, **kwds)
   624 def members_option(arg):
   625     if arg is None:
   626         return ['__all__']
   627     return [x.strip() for x in arg.split(',')]
   630 def setup(app):
   631     mod_options = {'members': members_option, 'undoc-members': directives.flag,
   632                    'noindex': directives.flag, 'inherited-members': directives.flag,
   633                    'show-inheritance': directives.flag, 'synopsis': lambda x: x,
   634                    'platform': lambda x: x, 'deprecated': directives.flag}
   635     cls_options = {'members': members_option, 'undoc-members': directives.flag,
   636                    'noindex': directives.flag, 'inherited-members': directives.flag,
   637                    'show-inheritance': directives.flag}
   638     app.add_directive('automodule', automodule_directive,
   639                       1, (1, 0, 1), **mod_options)
   640     app.add_directive('autoclass', autoclass_directive,
   641                       1, (1, 0, 1), **cls_options)
   642     app.add_directive('autoexception', autoclass_directive,
   643                       1, (1, 0, 1), **cls_options)
   644     app.add_directive('autofunction', auto_directive, 1, (1, 0, 1),
   645                       noindex=directives.flag)
   646     app.add_directive('automethod', auto_directive, 1, (1, 0, 1),
   647                       noindex=directives.flag)
   648     app.add_directive('autoattribute', auto_directive, 1, (1, 0, 1),
   649                       noindex=directives.flag)
   650     # deprecated: remove in some future version.
   651     app.add_config_value('automodule_skip_lines', 0, True)
   652     app.add_config_value('autoclass_content', 'class', True)
   653     app.add_event('autodoc-process-docstring')
   654     app.add_event('autodoc-process-signature')
   655     app.add_event('autodoc-skip-member')