changeset 1 be27ed110b50
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:044383f39525 1:be27ed110b50
     1 #============================================================================ 
     2 #Name        : 
     3 #Part of     : Helium 
     5 #Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     6 #All rights reserved.
     7 #This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     8 #under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     9 #which accompanies this distribution, and is available
    10 #at the URL "".
    11 #
    12 #Initial Contributors:
    13 #Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    14 #
    15 #Contributors:
    16 #
    17 #Description:
    18 #===============================================================================
    20 """ Helper script to generate S60 3.2 help IBY.
    21 """
    22 import os
    23 import sys
    24 import re
    25 import optparse
    26 import logging
    27 import pathaddition.match
    29 logging.basicConfig()
    30 logger = logging.getLogger('integration.help32')
    31 logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
    33 # Adding hiddenness testing function.
    34 try:
    35     import win32api
    36     import win32con
    37     USE_WIN32 = 1
    38 except:
    39     USE_WIN32 = 0
    41 def is_hidden(filename):
    42     """ Return True if a file is hidden, False otherwise. """
    43     if USE_WIN32:
    44         try:            
    45             if bool(win32api.GetFileAttributes(filename) & win32con.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN):
    46                 return True
    47         except Exception, e:
    48             logger.error(e)    
    49     else:
    50         if filename[0] == '.':
    51             return True
    52     return False
    54 class Basket:
    55     """
    56         This class represents a basket which will contains the list of files
    57         that will be added the the IBY.
    58     """
    59     def __init__(self, rootdir, tag='', excludes=None):
    60         if excludes is None:
    61             excludes = []
    62         self.rootdir = rootdir
    63         self.common = []
    64         self.language = {}
    65         self.tag = tag
    66         self.excludes = excludes
    67         self.content_scanner(rootdir)
    69     def add_content(self, filename, language):
    70         """ Add a file to the basket. """
    71         if language == None:
    72             self.common.append(filename)            
    73         else:
    74             if not self.language.has_key(language):
    75                 self.language[language] = []
    76             self.language[language].append(filename)            
    78     def content_scanner(self, rootdir, path="", language=None):
    79         """ Parse the help delivery to get content. """
    80         for name in os.listdir(rootdir):
    81             abspath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(rootdir, name))
    82             # Skipping hidden file and folders.
    83             if is_hidden(abspath):
    84                 continue
    85             if name.startswith('.'):
    86                 continue
    87             if os.path.isdir(abspath):
    88                 logger.debug("Analysing directory: %s" % abspath)
    89                 # only check language if it not yet found, found something that start with numbers
    90                 if  language == None and re.match(r'^\d+', name) != None:
    91                     result = re.match(r'^(\d+)(?:%s)?$' % self.tag, name, re.I)
    92                     if result != None:
    93                         logger.debug("Language directory detected: %s" % name)
    94                         self.content_scanner(abspath, os.path.join(path, name),                        
    95                     else:
    96               "Prunning %s directory, because it doesn't match %s tag." % (name, self.tag))
    97                 elif language == None:
    98                     logger.debug("Directory considered a languageless %s" % name)
    99                     self.content_scanner(abspath, os.path.join(path, name))
   101                 elif language != None:
   102                     logger.debug("Adding directory %s to %s language" % (name, language))
   103                     self.content_scanner(abspath, os.path.join(path, name), language)
   104             else:
   105                 if not self.__is_excluded(os.path.join(path, name)):
   106                     logger.debug("Adding file %s to %s language" % (name, language))
   107                     self.add_content(os.path.join(path, name), language)
   108                 else:
   109           "Excluding file %s" % (os.path.join(path, name)))
   112     def __is_excluded(self, filename):
   113         for exc in self.excludes:
   114             if pathaddition.match.ant_match(filename, exc, False):
   115                 return True
   116         return False
   118     def generate_iby(self, ibyfilename, rootdest=None):
   119         """ Generates the IBY that should be included by the rom image creation process. """
   120         if rootdest == None:
   121             rootdest = self.rootdir
   122         out = open(ibyfilename, "w")
   123         out.write("// Generated file please DO NOT MODIFY!\n")
   124         out.write("#ifndef __PRODUCT_HELPS__\n")
   125         out.write("#define __PRODUCT_HELPS__\n\n")        
   126         out.write("\n//Common content.\n")
   127         for filename in self.common:
   128             out.write("data=%s RESOURCE_FILES_DIR\\%s\n" % (os.path.join(rootdest, filename), filename))
   129         out.write("\n//Language specific content.\n")
   130         for language in self.language.keys():
   131             # support EE language
   132             cond = ""
   133             if language == "01":
   134                 cond = " || defined(__LOCALES_SC_IBY__)"
   136             out.write("#if defined(__LOCALES_%s_IBY__)%s\n" % (language, cond))
   137             regex = re.compile(r"^(.*[\\/])?%s%s([\\/])" % (language, self.tag), re.I)
   138             for filename in self.language[language]:                
   139                 destfilename = regex.sub(r"\g<1>%s\g<2>" % language, filename, 1)                
   140                 out.write("data=%s RESOURCE_FILES_DIR\\%s\n" % (os.path.join(rootdest, filename), destfilename))
   141             out.write("#endif // defined(__LOCALES_%s_IBY__)%s\n\n" % (language, cond))
   142         out.write("#endif // __PRODUCT_HELPS__\n")
   144 def main():
   145     """ Application entry point. """
   146     parser = optparse.OptionParser()
   147     parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="output",
   148                       help="Output filename", metavar="OUTPUT")
   149     parser.add_option("--rootdest", dest="rootdest",
   150                      help="Root destintation directory", metavar="ROOTDEST")
   151     parser.add_option("-t", "--tag", dest="tag",                      
   152                       help="Tag", metavar="TAG")
   153     parser.add_option("-e", "--exclude", dest="excludes", action="append",                      
   154                       help="Exclude pattern", metavar="EXCLUDES")
   156     options = parser.parse_args()[0]
   157"Setting output to '%s'" % options.output)
   158     ibyfilename = options.output
   160     rootdest = None
   161     if options.rootdest != None:
   162"Setting rootdest to '%s'" % options.rootdest)
   163         rootdest = options.rootdest    
   165     tag = ''
   166     if options.tag != None:
   167"Setting tag to '%s'" % options.tag)
   168         tag = options.tag
   170     excludes = []
   171     if options.excludes != None:
   172         excludes = options.excludes
   173"Exclude patterns: [%s]" % (", ".join(excludes)))
   175     datadir = os.path.splitdrive(os.path.abspath("../data"))[1]
   176     basket = Basket(datadir, tag, excludes=excludes)
   177     basket.generate_iby(ibyfilename, rootdest)
   179 if __name__ == "__main__":
   180     main()