changeset 1 be27ed110b50
child 179 d8ac696cc51f
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:044383f39525 1:be27ed110b50
     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     2 <!-- 
     3 ============================================================================ 
     4 Name        : ido-prep.ant.xml 
     5 Part of     : Helium 
     7 Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     8 All rights reserved.
     9 This component and the accompanying materials are made available
    10 under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
    11 which accompanies this distribution, and is available
    12 at the URL "".
    14 Initial Contributors:
    15 Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    17 Contributors:
    19 Description:
    21 ============================================================================
    22 -->
    23 <project name="ido-prep" xmlns:hlm="">
    24     <description>
    25         IDO related targets.
    26          * Build area preparation
    27          * Codescanner integration
    28          * Cenrep generation (old way)
    29          * IBY export (old way)
    30     </description>
    32     <property name="ado.mapping.file" location="${build.output.dir}/build/ado_mapping.ini"/>
    33     <property name="ado.quality.mapping.file" location="${build.output.dir}/build/ado_quality_mapping.ini"/>
    34     <property name="ido.romtree" location="${}${env.EPOCROOT}/epoc32/rom/include"  />
    35     <property name="ido.cenrep.root" location="${}${env.EPOCROOT}/epoc32/tools/cenrep/ido/src"  />
    36     <property name="" value="${}${env.EPOCROOT}/epoc32/data/z/private/10202be9"  />
    37     <property name="ido.codescanner.output.dir" location="${build.output.dir}/${}_codescanner"/>
    39     <!-- Internal target that generates the '''ado.mapping.file'''.
    40      It is a INI file that contains ADO location as a key and target location as value.
    41     -->
    42     <target name="ido-create-ado-mapping">        
    43         <mkdir dir="${build.output.dir}/build"/>
    44         <mkdir dir="${}"/>
    45         <tempfile property="prep.dynamic.sysdef.config" suffix=".txt" deleteonexit="false" destdir="${}"/>
    46         <hlm:referenceToFileMacro refid="system.definition.files" output="${prep.dynamic.sysdef.config}"/>
    47         <trycatch>
    48             <try>
    49                 <pathconvert pathsep="," property="ado.quality.dirs.path">
    50                     <dirset refid="ado.quality.dirs"/>
    51                 </pathconvert>
    52             </try>
    53         </trycatch>
    54         <script language="jython" setbeans="false">
    55 import os
    56 import ant
    57 import shutil
    58 import fileutils
    59 import ido
    61 input = open(project.getProperty(r"prep.dynamic.sysdef.config"), 'r')
    62 output = open(project.getProperty(r"ado.mapping.file"), 'w')
    63 outputquality = open(project.getProperty(r"ado.quality.mapping.file"), 'w')
    64 components = {}
    65 for sysdef in input.readlines():
    66     sysdef = sysdef.strip()
    67     if len(sysdef) > 0:
    68         print "Checking %s" % sysdef
    69         os.path.dirname(sysdef)
    70         location = ido.get_sysdef_location(sysdef)
    71         if location != None:
    72             sysdef = os.path.dirname(sysdef).replace('\\','/').replace(':','\\:')
    73             component = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(project.getProperty(r""), os.environ['EPOCROOT'], location)).replace('\\','/').replace(':','\\:')
    74             print "%s=%s\n" % (sysdef, component)
    75             output.write("%s=%s\n" % (sysdef, component))
    77             if project.getProperty("ado.quality.dirs.path") == None:
    78                 outputquality.write("%s=%s\n" % (sysdef, component))
    79             else:
    80                 for dir in project.getProperty("ado.quality.dirs.path").split(','):
    81                     if os.path.normpath(dir) == os.path.normpath(os.path.join(project.getProperty(r""), os.environ['EPOCROOT'], location)):
    82                         outputquality.write("%s=%s\n" % (sysdef, component))
    83 outputquality.close()
    84 output.close()
    85 input.close()        
    86         </script>
    87     </target>
    90     <!-- Target that uses the information from the system.definition.files to prepare the IDO build area.
    91         It relies on the fact that layer_real_source_path entity is declared in each ADO configuration.
    93         By default it deletes the previous content. If you want to backup what was previoulsy used please
    94         defined '''ido.keep.old''' property.         
    95         -->
    96     <target name="ido-prep-copy" depends="ido-create-ado-mapping">
    97         <mkdir dir="${}"/>
    98         <tempfile property="prep.dynamic.config" suffix=".xml" deleteonexit="false" destdir="${}"/>
   100         <!-- new implementation that only rely on Ant -->
   101         <fmpp sourceFile="${helium.dir}/tools/common/templates/ido/ido-ant-delete.xml.ftl"
   102                      outputFile="${prep.dynamic.config}.clean.xml">
   103             <data expandProperties="yes">
   104                     inputfile: antProperty(ado.mapping.file)
   105                     ant: antProperties()
   106                         data: eval('
   107                        pin = new;
   108                                 java.util.Properties props = new java.util.Properties();
   109                                 props.load(pin);
   110                                 return props;
   111                                 ', {filename:get(inputfile)})
   112             </data>
   113         </fmpp>
   114         <ant antfile="${prep.dynamic.config}.clean.xml"/>
   116         <!-- new implementation that only rely on Ant -->
   117         <fmpp sourceFile="${helium.dir}/tools/common/templates/ido/ido-ant-copy.xml.ftl"
   118             outputFile="${prep.dynamic.config}">
   119             <data expandProperties="yes">
   120                 inputfile: antProperty(ado.mapping.file)
   121                 ant: antProperties()
   122                     data: eval('
   123                    pin = new;
   124                             java.util.Properties props = new java.util.Properties();
   125                             props.load(pin);
   126                             return props;
   127                             ', {filename:get(inputfile)})
   128             </data>
   129         </fmpp>
   130         <ant antfile="${prep.dynamic.config}"/>
   131     </target>
   134     <!--
   135     Run cleanup system definition configuration. The configuration name are
   136     generated from the '''sysdef.configurations.list''' property, appending '_clean'
   137     at the end of each configuration also reversing their build order.
   138     if '''sysdef.clean.configurations.list''' is defined it overrides
   139     the previous beharvious and is used to cleanup the environment.
   140     -->
   141     <target name ="ido-prep-clean">
   142         <if>
   143             <not>
   144                 <isset property="sysdef.clean.configurations.list"/>
   145             </not>
   146             <then>
   147                 <if>
   148                     <isset property="sysdef.configurations.list"/>
   149                     <then>
   150                         <script language="jython" setbeans="false">
   151 rev_names = ""
   152 for sysdef in project.getProperty("sysdef.configurations.list").split(","):    
   153     rev_names = sysdef + "_clean," + rev_names;
   154 project.setProperty("sysdef.clean.configurations.list", rev_names)
   155                         </script>
   156                     </then>
   157                     <else>
   158                         <fail message="You should either define sysdef.clean.configurations.list or sysdef.configurations.list."/>
   159                     </else>
   160                 </if>
   161             </then>
   162         </if>
   164         <antcall target="compile-main">
   165             <param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sysdef.clean.configurations.list}"/>
   166             <param name="compile.signal.input" value="compileCleanSignalInput"/>
   167             <param name="compile.discard.result" value="true"/>
   168             <param name="compile.cmd.clean" value="true"/>
   169         </antcall>
   170     </target>
   174     <!--
   175       Internal target that set an intermediate property to disable codescanner execution.
   176     -->
   177     <target name="ido-codescanner-skip">
   178         <if>
   179             <istrue value="${skip.codescanner}"/>
   180             <then>
   181                 <property name="do.skip.codescanner" value="1"/>
   182             </then>
   183         </if>
   184     </target>
   186     <!--
   187         This targets run the codescanner application on each discovered ADO.
   188         The location of the output is defined byt '''ido.codescanner.output.dir''' property.
   189         And the type is defined by '''ido.codescanner.output.type''' (default is HTML). 
   190     -->
   191     <target name="ido-codescanner" depends="ido-create-ado-mapping,ido-codescanner-skip" unless="do.skip.codescanner">
   192         <!--hlm:iniKeys2Path ini="${ado.mapping.file}" pathid="ado.src.path"/-->
   193         <property name="ido.codescanner.output.type" value="html"/>
   194         <script language="jython" setbeans="false">
   195 """ """
   196 import os
   197 import fileutils
   198 import configuration
   199 import pathaddition.relative
   201 config = configuration.PropertiesConfiguration(stream=open(str(project.getProperty("ado.quality.mapping.file")), 'r'))
   202 prefix = pathaddition.relative.commonprefix(config.keys())
   203 if not os.path.exists(prefix):
   204     raise Exception("Could not find common prefix for the following paths:\n" + "\n".join(config.keys()))
   205 self.log(str('Substing %s' % prefix))
   206 drive = fileutils.get_next_free_drive()
   207 fileutils.subst(drive, prefix)
   208 project.setProperty('', drive)
   210 # creating the structure form subst drive.
   211 path = project.createDataType("path")
   212 for location in config.keys():
   213     self.log(str("From %s" % location))
   214     location = drive + os.sep + pathaddition.relative.abs2rel(location, prefix)
   215     self.log(str("To %s" % location))
   216     pe = path.createPathElement()
   217     pe.setPath(location)
   218 project.addReference('substed.ado.src.path', path)
   219         </script>
   220         <hlm:codescanner dest="${ido.codescanner.output.dir}"
   221             format="${ido.codescanner.output.type}"
   222             configuration="${ido.codescanner.config}">
   223             <path refid="substed.ado.src.path"/>
   224         </hlm:codescanner>
   225         <hlm:unsubst drive="${}"/>
   226     </target>
   228         <!-- CMT Tool target. Complexity tool measures. Supported options for cmt tool macro is
   229         1. input - files to be measured
   230         2. output - output xml file (file size is huge 68MB for JAVA IDO, if this needs to be send, need to consider
   231         3. config - input config . 
   232         -->
   233     <target name="ido-cmt" depends="ido-create-ado-mapping" if="enable.cmt">
   234         <fmpp sourceFile="${helium.dir}/tools/common/templates/ido/ido-cmt-ant.xml.ftl"
   235                           outputFile="${}/ido-cmt.ant.xml">
   236             <data expandProperties="yes">
   237                         inputfile: antProperty(ado.quality.mapping.file)
   238                         ant: antProperties()
   239                             data: eval('
   240                            pin = new;
   241                                        java.util.Properties props = new java.util.Properties();
   242                                     props.load(pin);
   243                                     return props;
   244                                     ', {filename:get(inputfile)})
   245             </data>
   246         </fmpp>
   247         <ant antfile="${}/ido-cmt.ant.xml"/>
   248     </target>
   251     <!-- Internal target that generates a temporary file that allow the 
   252     either export of iby or either key*.xls. The generated Ant build file
   253     contains two targets with copy insturctions and generic set of fileset rules.     
   254     -->
   255     <target name="ido-create-copy-file" depends="ido-create-ado-mapping">
   256         <tempfile property="copyfile.dynamic.config" suffix=".ant.xml" deleteonexit="false" destdir="${}"/>
   257         <fmpp sourceFile="${helium.dir}/tools/common/templates/ido/ido-export.ant.xml.ftl"
   258                       outputFile="${copyfile.dynamic.config}">
   259             <data expandProperties="yes">
   260                 inputfile: antProperty(ado.mapping.file)
   261                 ant: antProperties()
   262                 data: eval('
   263                    pin = new;
   264                                java.util.Properties props = new java.util.Properties();
   265                             props.load(pin);
   266                             return props;
   267                             ', {filename:get(inputfile)})
   268             </data>
   269         </fmpp>
   270     </target>
   272     <!-- Do the export of the ibys from ADO work area level to epoc32 tree. -->    
   273     <target name="ido-copy-iby" depends="ido-create-copy-file">
   274         <ant antfile="${copyfile.dynamic.config}" target="ido-copy-iby"/>
   275     </target>
   277     <!-- Do the export of the Excel keys*.xls from ADO work area level to 
   278     epoc32 tree.
   279     -->
   280     <target name="ido-copy-cenrep" depends="ido-create-copy-file">
   281         <delete dir="${ido.cenrep.root}"/>
   282         <mkdir dir="${ido.cenrep.root}"/>
   283         <ant antfile="${copyfile.dynamic.config}" target="ido-copy-cenrep"/>
   284     </target>
   286     <!-- Generated cenrep from exported keys*.xls files. -->
   287     <target name="ido-create-cenrep" depends="ido-copy-cenrep">
   288         <delete dir="${ido.cenrep.root}/../data"/>
   289         <mkdir dir="${ido.cenrep.root}/../data"/>
   290         <exec executable="perl" dir="${ido.cenrep.root}" failonerror="true">
   291             <arg value="${}/epoc32/tools/cenrep/"/>
   292             <arg value="-r"/>
   293             <arg value="${ido.cenrep.platform}"/>
   294             <arg value="-d"/>
   295             <arg value="${ido.cenrep.root}"/>
   296             <arg value="-rd"/>
   297             <arg value="${ido.cenrep.root}/../data"/>
   298         </exec>
   299         <!-- Copy generated files to target path -->
   300         <copy todir="${}" verbose="true" flatten="true" overwrite="true">
   301             <fileset dir="${ido.cenrep.root}/../data">
   302                 <include name="*.txt"/>
   303             </fileset>
   304         </copy>    
   306     </target>
   308     <!-- Gets the contents from GRACE / Dragonfly -->
   309     <target name="ido-check-latest-release" depends="ido-check-latest-release-grace" unless="env.HLM_SUBCON">
   310         <runtarget target="ido-check-latest-release-dragonfly"/>
   311     </target>
   313     <!-- Checks the contents from GRACE release. Mainly used by IDOs. But could be
   314     extended to product builds.-->    
   315     <target name="ido-check-latest-release-grace" unless="use.dragonfly">
   316         <script language="jython" setbeans="false">
   317 import re
   318 import os
   319 import symrec
   320 import logging
   321 import traceback
   322 import ant
   324 if not project.getProperty('s60.grace.server'):
   325     raise Exception("Property 's60.grace.server' is not defined.")
   326 if not project.getProperty('s60.grace.service'):
   327     raise Exception("Property 's60.grace.service' is not defined.")
   328 if not project.getProperty('s60.grace.product'):
   329     raise Exception("Property 's60.grace.product' is not defined.")
   330 if not project.getProperty('s60.grace.release'):
   331     raise Exception("Property 's60.grace.release' is not defined.")
   332 grace = project.getProperty('s60.grace.server')
   333 service = project.getProperty('s60.grace.service')
   334 product = project.getProperty('s60.grace.product')
   335 release = project.getProperty('s60.grace.release')
   336 revision = r'(_\d{3})?'
   337 if project.getProperty('s60.grace.revision') != None:
   338     revision = project.getProperty('s60.grace.revision')
   340 # Get the cache filename.
   341 cachefilename = project.getProperty('s60.grace.cache')
   342 if cachefilename:
   343     self.log(str("Using cache file: %s" % cachefilename))
   345 checkmd5 = False
   346 if project.getProperty('s60.grace.checkmd5') != None:
   347     checkmd5 = str(project.getProperty('s60.grace.checkmd5')).lower()
   348     checkmd5 = ((checkmd5 == "true") or (checkmd5 == "1") or (checkmd5 == "on"))
   350 branch = os.path.join(grace, service, product)
   351 if not os.path.exists(branch):
   352     raise Exception("Error occurred: Could not find directory %s" % branch)
   354 result = []
   355 for rel in os.listdir(branch):
   356     relpath = os.path.join(branch, rel)
   357     self.log("Checking: %s" % str(relpath))
   358     res = re.match(r"%s%s$" % (release, revision), rel, re.I)
   359     if res != None:
   360         self.log("Found: %s" % str(relpath))
   361         result.append(relpath)
   362 result.sort(reverse=True)
   363 use_tickler = False
   364 tickler_validation = str(project.getProperty('s60.grace.usetickler')).lower()
   365 if tickler_validation != None:
   366     use_tickler = ((tickler_validation == "true") or (tickler_validation == "1"))
   367 validresults = []
   368 for rel in result:
   369     try:
   370         metadata_filename = symrec.find_latest_metadata(str(rel))
   371         if metadata_filename is not None and os.path.exists(metadata_filename):
   372             self.log(str("Validating: %s" % metadata_filename))
   373             if (use_tickler):
   374                 validator = symrec.ValidateTicklerReleaseMetadata(metadata_filename, cachefilename)
   375             else:
   376                 validator = symrec.ValidateReleaseMetadataCached(metadata_filename, cachefilename)
   377             if validator.is_valid(checkmd5):
   378                 self.log(str("%s is valid." % rel))
   379                 validresults.append(rel)
   380                 break
   381             else:
   382                 self.log(str("%s is not a valid release." % rel))
   383         elif metadata_filename is None:
   384             self.log(str("Could not find the release metadata file under %s" % rel))
   385     except Exception, e:
   386         self.log(str("WARNING: %s: %s" % (rel , e)))
   387         self.log(str("%s is not a valid release." % rel))
   388         traceback.print_exc()
   390 result = validresults
   391 if len(result) == 0:
   392     raise Exception("Error finding GRACE release.")
   393 print result[0]
   394 resultname = os.path.basename(result[0])
   395 vfile = os.path.join(project.getProperty('') + os.sep, 's60_version.txt')
   396 if (os.path.exists(vfile)):
   397     self.log("Are we still up-to-date compare to %s" % str(vfile))
   398     f = open(str(vfile), 'r')
   399     version = f.readline()
   400     self.log(str("'%s' == '%s'" % (version, resultname)))
   401     project.setProperty('s60.getenv.path', str(result[0]))
   402     project.setProperty('s60.getenv.release', str(resultname))
   403     if version.strip() != resultname:
   404         project.setProperty('s60.getenv.update', "1")
   405     f.close()
   406 else:
   407     self.log("Version file not found getting new environment...")
   408     project.setProperty('s60.getenv.path', str(result[0]))
   409     project.setProperty('s60.getenv.release', str(resultname))
   410     project.setProperty('s60.getenv.update', "1")
   411         </script>
   412     </target>
   414     <!-- Updates the build area from either GRACE / dragonfly server.-->
   415     <target name="ido-update-build-area" depends="backup-subst-drives,ido-update-build-area-grace" unless="env.HLM_SUBCON">
   416         <runtarget target="ido-update-build-area-dragonfly"/>
   417     </target>
   419     <!-- Creates the build area by getting the contents from GRACE release.-->    
   420     <target name="ido-update-build-area-grace" if="s60.getenv.update" depends="ido-check-latest-release" unless="use.dragonfly">
   421         <!-- We must update the build area so let's get rid of the old one. -->
   422         <hlm:unsubst drive="${}" failonerror="false"/>
   424         <!-- Just get S60 for IDOs -->
   425         <echo>Location of the new S60 release:${s60.getenv.path}</echo>
   426         <tstamp>
   427             <format property="getenv.tstamp" pattern="yyyyMMddHHmmss"/>
   428         </tstamp>
   429         <antcall target="init-drive">
   430             <param name="" location="${prep.root.dir}/${getenv.tstamp}_${s60.getenv.release}"/>            
   431         </antcall>
   432         <antcall target="preparation-getenv">
   433             <param name="base_release.path" value="${s60.getenv.path}"/>
   434         </antcall>
   435         <antcall target="ido-prep-variant"/>
   437         <if>
   438             <not>
   439                 <hlm:hasSeverity severity="error" file="${build.cache.log.dir}/${}_getenv.log.xml" />
   440             </not>
   441             <then>
   442                 <hlm:python>
   443 from path import path
   444 print "Writing version file...."
   445 vfile = path(r'${}'+"/").joinpath('s60_version.txt')
   446 f = open(str(vfile), 'w')
   447 f.write(path(r'${s60.getenv.path}').name)
   448 f.close()
   449                 </hlm:python>
   450             </then>
   451         </if>
   452     </target>
   454     <!-- Gets the Contents for particular variant, by unpacking the variant zip from the metadata file.-->
   455     <target name="ido-prep-variant" if="ido.variant">
   456         <script language="jython" setbeans="false">
   457 import re
   458 import os
   459 import symrec
   460 from import Helper
   461 rel_path = Helper.getProperty(project, 's60.getenv.path')
   462 metadata = symrec.find_latest_metadata(str(rel_path))
   463 self.log(str("Release metadata file: %s." % metadata))
   464 rel_metadata = symrec.ReleaseMetadata(metadata)
   465 variant_pkg = rel_metadata.getVariantPackage(project.getProperty('ido.variant'))
   466 project.setProperty('ido.variant.package', os.path.join(rel_path, variant_pkg))
   467         </script>
   468         <unzip src="${ido.variant.package}" dest="${}${env.EPOCROOT}"/>
   469     </target>
   472     <!-- This target will help CI tool to trigger a build by updating a 's60.getenv.trigger.location' file timestamp. -->
   473     <target name="ido-latest-release-trigger" if="s60.getenv.update" depends="ido-check-latest-release">
   474         <if>
   475             <isset property="s60.getenv.trigger.location"/>
   476             <then>
   477                 <echo>Touching the trigger.</echo>
   478                 <touch file="${s60.getenv.trigger.location}"/>
   479             </then>
   480             <else>
   481                 <echo>Property s60.getenv.trigger.location is not defined, trigger will not get updated.</echo>
   482             </else>
   483         </if>
   484     </target>
   486     <!-- Convert keys of an ini file into a path structure.
   487         e.g: <pre><hlm:iniKeys2Path ini="${ado.mapping.file}" pathid="ado.src.path"/></pre>
   489     Usage example:
   490       <pre>
   491         <target name="test-iniKeys2Path" depends="ido-create-ado-mapping">
   492             <hlm:iniKeys2Path ini="${ado.mapping.file}" pathid="ado.src.path"/>
   493             <hlm:codescanner dest="${}/codescanner">
   494                 <path refid="ado.src.path"/>
   495             </hlm:codescanner>
   496         </target>
   497         </pre>
   498     -->
   499     <scriptdef name="iniKeys2Path" language="beanshell" uri="">
   500         <attribute name="ini"/>
   501         <attribute name="pathid"/>
   502         if (attributes.get("ini") == null)
   503             throw new"ini is not defined");
   504         if (attributes.get("pathid") == null)
   505             throw new"pathid is not defined");
   506         try {
   507    pin = new"ini"));
   508             java.util.Properties props = new java.util.Properties();
   509             props.load(pin);
   510    path = project.createDataType("path");
   511             for (java.util.Iterator i = props.stringPropertyNames().iterator(); i.hasNext() ; ) {
   512        pe = (;
   513                 pe.setPath(;
   514             }
   515             self.log("Creating reference: " + attributes.get("pathid"));
   516             project.addReference(attributes.get("pathid"), path);
   517         } catch (Exception e) {
   518             throw new;
   519         }
   520     </scriptdef>
   522     <!-- Target to get the Substituted drives information-->
   523     <target name="backup-subst-drives">
   524         <exec dir="${cache.dir}" executable="subst.exe" osfamily="windows" output="${cache.dir}\hlmsubsteddrives.bat" failonerror="false"/>
   525         <trycatch property="backup-subst-drives.exception">
   526             <try>
   527                 <if>
   528                     <available file="${cache.dir}/hlmsubsteddrives.bat" type="file"/>
   529                     <then>
   530                         <replaceregexp file="${cache.dir}\hlmsubsteddrives.bat" match="\\: => " replace=" " flags="g" byline="true"/>
   531                         <replaceregexp file="${cache.dir}\hlmsubsteddrives.bat" match="\A" replace="subst.exe " byline="true"/>
   532                         <replaceregexp file="${cache.dir}\hlmsubsteddrives.bat" match="UNC" replace="\\\\" byline="true"/>
   533                     </then>
   534                 </if>
   535             </try>
   536             <catch>
   537                 <echo>${backup-subst-drives.exception}</echo>
   538             </catch>
   539         </trycatch>
   540     </target>
   542     <import file="ci.ant.xml"/>
   543 </project>