changeset 700 c22eff170fac
parent 695 46ca13b54f56
child 714 e5a58c351011
equal deleted inserted replaced
699:9ca650050cf0 700:c22eff170fac
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include <vector>
    19 #include <boost/regex.hpp>
    20 #define MAX_LINE 65535
    21 #include "symbolgenerator.h"
    22 #include "e32image.h"
    23 #include "h_utl.h"
    25 #if defined(__LINUX__)
    26 #define PATH_SEPARATOR '/'
    27 #else
    28 #define PATH_SEPARATOR '\\'
    29 #endif
    30 extern TInt gThreadNum;
    31 extern TBool gGenBsymbols;
    33 boost::mutex SymbolGenerator::iMutexSingleton;
    34 SymbolGenerator* SymbolGenerator::iInst = NULL;
    35 SymbolGenerator* SymbolGenerator::GetInstance(){
    36     iMutexSingleton.lock();
    37     if(iInst == NULL) {
    38         iInst = new SymbolGenerator();
    39     }
    40     iMutexSingleton.unlock();
    41     return iInst;
    42 }
    43 void SymbolGenerator::Release() {
    44     if(iInst != NULL) {
    45         iInst->join();
    46     }
    47     iMutexSingleton.lock();
    48     if(iInst != NULL) {
    49         delete iInst;
    50         iInst = NULL;
    51     }
    52     iMutexSingleton.unlock();
    53 }
    54 void SymbolGenerator::SetSymbolFileName( const string& fileName ){
    55     if(iSymFile.is_open())
    56         iSymFile.close();
    57     if(gGenBsymbols)
    58     {
    59     	string s = fileName.substr(0,fileName.rfind('.'))+".bsym";
    60     	if(iImageType == ERofsImage)
    61     	{
    62     		printf("* Writing %s - ROFS BSymbol file\n", s.c_str());
    63     	}
    64     	else
    65     	{
    66     		printf("* Writing %s - ROM BSymbol file\n", s.c_str());
    67     	}
    68, ios_base::binary);
    69     }
    70     else
    71     {
    72     	string s = fileName.substr(0,fileName.rfind('.'))+".symbol";
    73     	if(iImageType == ERofsImage)
    74     	{
    75     		printf("* Writing %s - ROFS Symbol file\n", s.c_str());
    76     	}
    77     	else
    78     	{
    79     		printf("* Writing %s - ROM Symbol file\n", s.c_str());
    80     	}
    82     }
    84 }
    85 void SymbolGenerator::AddFile( const string& fileName, bool isExecutable ){
    86     iMutex.lock();
    87     iQueueFiles.push(TPlacedEntry(fileName, "" , isExecutable));
    88     iMutex.unlock();
    89     iCond.notify_all();
    90 }
    92 void SymbolGenerator::AddEntry(const TPlacedEntry& aEntry)
    93 {
    94     iMutex.lock();
    95     iQueueFiles.push(aEntry);
    96     iMutex.unlock();
    97     iCond.notify_all();
    98 }
   100 void SymbolGenerator::SetFinished() 
   101 { 
   103 	iFinished = true; 
   104 	iCond.notify_all();
   105 }
   106 TPlacedEntry SymbolGenerator::GetNextPlacedEntry()
   107 {
   108 	TPlacedEntry pe("", "", false);
   109 	if(1)
   110 	{
   111 		boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(iMutex);
   112 		while(!iFinished && iQueueFiles.empty())
   113 			iCond.wait(lock);
   114 		if(!iQueueFiles.empty())
   115 		{
   116 			pe = iQueueFiles.front();
   117 			iQueueFiles.pop();
   118         	}
   119     	}
   120 	return pe;
   121 }
   122 void SymbolGenerator::thrd_func(){
   123     	boost::thread_group threads;
   124 	SymbolWorker worker;
   125     	for(int i=0; i < gThreadNum; i++)
   126     	{
   127     		threads.create_thread(worker);
   128     	}
   129     	threads.join_all();
   130 	SymbolGenerator::GetInstance()->FlushSymbolFileContent();
   131         }
   132 SymbolGenerator::SymbolGenerator() : boost::thread(thrd_func),iFinished(false) {
   133 	if(gGenBsymbols)
   134 	{
   135 		iSymbolType = ESymBsym;
   136 	}
   137 	else
   138 	{
   139 		iSymbolType = ESymCommon;
   140 	}
   141     }
   142 SymbolGenerator::~SymbolGenerator(){
   143     if(joinable())
   144         join();
   145     iSymFile.flush();
   146     iSymFile.close();
   147 }
   148 void SymbolGenerator::FlushSymbolFileContent()
   149 {
   150     if(iSymbolType == ESymCommon)
   151     {
   152 	return;
   153     }
   154     TBsymHeader tmpBsymHeader;
   155     memset(&tmpBsymHeader, 0, sizeof(tmpBsymHeader));
   156     tmpBsymHeader.iMagic[0] = 'B';
   157     tmpBsymHeader.iMagic[1] = 'S';
   158     tmpBsymHeader.iMagic[2] = 'Y';
   159     tmpBsymHeader.iMagic[3] = 'M';
   160     tmpBsymHeader.iMajorVer[0] = BsymMajorVer >> 8;
   161     tmpBsymHeader.iMajorVer[1] = BsymMajorVer & 0xff;
   162     tmpBsymHeader.iMinorVer[0] = BsymMinorVer >> 8;
   163     tmpBsymHeader.iMinorVer[1] = BsymMinorVer & 0xff;
   164     if(ByteOrderUtil::IsLittleEndian())
   165     {
   166 	    tmpBsymHeader.iEndiannessFlag = 0;
   167     }
   168     else
   169     {
   170 	    tmpBsymHeader.iEndiannessFlag = 1;
   171     }
   172     tmpBsymHeader.iCompressionFlag = 1;
   173     //count the space for TDbgUnitEntries and TSymbolEntries
   174     int fileCount = iMapFileInfoSet.size();
   175     TUint32 sizeNeeded = fileCount * sizeof(TDbgUnitEntry);
   176     for(int i = 0; i < fileCount; i++)
   177     {
   178     	sizeNeeded += iMapFileInfoSet[i].iSymbolPCEntrySet.size() * sizeof(TSymbolEntry);
   179     }
   180     //write string to the temporary memory area
   181     MemoryWriter mWriter;
   182     mWriter.SetOffset(sizeNeeded);
   183     mWriter.SetStringTableStart(sizeNeeded);
   184     mWriter.AddEmptyString();
   186     //first to prepare the file info entries TDbgUnitEntry
   187     TUint32 startSymbolIndex = 0;
   188     for(int i = 0; i < fileCount; i++)
   189     {
   190     	iMapFileInfoSet[i].iDbgUnitPCEntry.iDbgUnitEntry.iStartSymbolIndex = startSymbolIndex;
   191     	iMapFileInfoSet[i].iDbgUnitPCEntry.iDbgUnitEntry.iPCNameOffset = mWriter.AddString(iMapFileInfoSet[i].iDbgUnitPCEntry.iPCName);
   192     	iMapFileInfoSet[i].iDbgUnitPCEntry.iDbgUnitEntry.iDevNameOffset = mWriter.AddString(iMapFileInfoSet[i].iDbgUnitPCEntry.iDevName);
   193     	startSymbolIndex += iMapFileInfoSet[i].iSymbolPCEntrySet.size();
   194     }
   195     //second to layout the symbols unit for the mapfile
   196     for(int i = 0; i < fileCount; i++)
   197     {
   198         int symbolcount = iMapFileInfoSet[i].iSymbolPCEntrySet.size();
   199         for(int j =0; j< symbolcount; j++)
   200         {
   201         	iMapFileInfoSet[i].iSymbolPCEntrySet[j].iSymbolEntry.iScopeNameOffset = mWriter.AddScopeName(iMapFileInfoSet[i].iSymbolPCEntrySet[j].iScopeName);
   202         	iMapFileInfoSet[i].iSymbolPCEntrySet[j].iSymbolEntry.iNameOffset = mWriter.AddString(iMapFileInfoSet[i].iSymbolPCEntrySet[j].iName);
   203         	iMapFileInfoSet[i].iSymbolPCEntrySet[j].iSymbolEntry.iSecNameOffset = mWriter.AddString(iMapFileInfoSet[i].iSymbolPCEntrySet[j].iSecName);
   204         }
   205     }
   207     //write out the BSym file content
   208     char* pstart = mWriter.GetDataPointer();
   209     //write out the map file info
   210     int unitlen = sizeof(TDbgUnitEntry);
   211     for(int i = 0; i < fileCount; i++)
   212     {
   213     	memcpy(pstart, &iMapFileInfoSet[i].iDbgUnitPCEntry.iDbgUnitEntry, unitlen);
   214     	pstart += unitlen;
   215     }
   216     //wirte out the symbol unit info
   217     unitlen = sizeof(TSymbolEntry);
   218     for(int i = 0; i < fileCount; i++)
   219     {
   220     	int symbolcount = iMapFileInfoSet[i].iSymbolPCEntrySet.size();
   221     	for(int j =0; j < symbolcount; j++)
   222     	{
   223     		memcpy(pstart, &iMapFileInfoSet[i].iSymbolPCEntrySet[j].iSymbolEntry, unitlen);
   224     		pstart += unitlen;
   225     	}
   226     }
   227     //write out the memory out to the symbol file
   229     int totalPages = (mWriter.GetOffset() + ( BSYM_PAGE_SIZE -1)) / 4096;
   230     TUint32 compressInfoLength = sizeof(TCompressedHeaderInfo) + sizeof(TPageInfo)*(totalPages -1);
   231     char* tmpBuffer = new char[compressInfoLength];
   232     TCompressedHeaderInfo * pCompressedHeaderInfo = (TCompressedHeaderInfo *) tmpBuffer;
   233     pCompressedHeaderInfo->iPageSize = BSYM_PAGE_SIZE;
   234     pCompressedHeaderInfo->iTotalPageNumber = totalPages;
   235     TPageInfo* tmpPage = &pCompressedHeaderInfo->iPages[0];
   236     for(int i = 0; i < totalPages; i++)
   237     {
   238 	    tmpPage->iPageStartOffset = i * BSYM_PAGE_SIZE;
   239 	    if(tmpPage->iPageStartOffset + BSYM_PAGE_SIZE < mWriter.GetOffset())
   240 	    {
   241 	    	tmpPage->iPageDataSize = BSYM_PAGE_SIZE;
   242 	    }
   243 	    else
   244 	    {
   245 		tmpPage->iPageDataSize = mWriter.GetOffset() - tmpPage->iPageStartOffset;
   246 	    }
   247 	    tmpPage++;
   248     }
   250     //prepare the TBsymHeader, TDbgUnitEntry and TSymbolEntry to the memory
   251     tmpBsymHeader.iDbgUnitOffset = sizeof(TBsymHeader) + compressInfoLength;
   252     tmpBsymHeader.iDbgUnitCount = fileCount;
   253     tmpBsymHeader.iSymbolOffset = fileCount*sizeof(TDbgUnitEntry);
   254     tmpBsymHeader.iSymbolCount = startSymbolIndex;
   255     tmpBsymHeader.iStringTableOffset = mWriter.GetStringTableStart();
   256     tmpBsymHeader.iStringTableBytes = mWriter.GetOffset() - tmpBsymHeader.iStringTableOffset;
   257     tmpBsymHeader.iUncompressSize = mWriter.GetOffset();
   258     //start the compress threads
   259     Print(EAlways, "Start compress for Bsymbol file\n");
   260     PageCompressWorker compressWorker(pCompressedHeaderInfo, mWriter.GetDataPointer());
   261     boost::thread_group threads;
   262     for(int i=0; i < gThreadNum; i++)
   263     {
   264 	    threads.create_thread(compressWorker);
   265     }
   266     threads.join_all();
   267     Print(EAlways, "Complete compress for Bsymbol file\n");
   268     //pack all the pages together
   269     tmpPage = &pCompressedHeaderInfo->iPages[0];
   270     TPageInfo* prePage = NULL;
   271     char* pchar = mWriter.GetDataPointer();
   272     for(int i=0; i < totalPages -1; i++)
   273     {
   274 	    prePage = tmpPage;
   275 	    tmpPage++;
   276 	    memcpy(pchar + prePage->iPageStartOffset + prePage->iPageDataSize, pchar + tmpPage->iPageStartOffset, tmpPage->iPageDataSize);
   277 	    tmpPage->iPageStartOffset = prePage->iPageStartOffset + prePage->iPageDataSize;
   279     }
   280     tmpBsymHeader.iCompressedSize = tmpPage->iPageStartOffset + tmpPage->iPageDataSize;
   281     mWriter.SetOffset(tmpBsymHeader.iCompressedSize);
   282     tmpBsymHeader.iCompressInfoOffset = sizeof(TBsymHeader);
   284     iSymFile.write((char*)&tmpBsymHeader, sizeof(TBsymHeader));
   285     iSymFile.write((char*)pCompressedHeaderInfo, compressInfoLength);
   286     iSymFile.write(mWriter.GetDataPointer(), mWriter.GetOffset());
   287     delete[] tmpBuffer;
   288     for(int i = 0; i < fileCount; i++)
   289     {
   290     	iMapFileInfoSet[i].iSymbolPCEntrySet.clear();
   291     }
   292     iMapFileInfoSet.clear();
   293 }
   295 SymbolWorker::SymbolWorker()
   296 {
   297 }
   298 SymbolWorker::~SymbolWorker()
   299 {
   300     }
   301 void SymbolWorker::operator()()
   302 {
   303 	SymbolProcessUnit* aSymbolProcessUnit;
   304 	SymbolGenerator* symbolgenerator = SymbolGenerator::GetInstance();
   305 	if(symbolgenerator->GetImageType() == ERomImage)
   306 	{
   307 		aSymbolProcessUnit = new CommenRomSymbolProcessUnit();
   308 	}
   309 	else
   310 	{
   311 		if(gGenBsymbols)
   312 		{
   313 			aSymbolProcessUnit = new BsymRofsSymbolProcessUnit(symbolgenerator);
   314 		}
   315 		else
   316 		{
   317 			aSymbolProcessUnit = new CommenRofsSymbolProcessUnit();
   318 		}
   319 	}
   321 	while(1)
   322 	{
   323 		if(symbolgenerator->HasFinished() && symbolgenerator->IsEmpty())
   324 		{
   325 			break;
   326                 }
   327 		TPlacedEntry pe = symbolgenerator->GetNextPlacedEntry();
   328 		if(pe.iFileName.empty())
   329 			continue;
   331 		aSymbolProcessUnit->ProcessEntry(pe);
   333 		symbolgenerator->LockOutput();
   334 		aSymbolProcessUnit->FlushStdOut(cout);
   335 		aSymbolProcessUnit->FlushSymbolContent(symbolgenerator->GetOutputFileStream());
   336 		symbolgenerator->UnlockOutput();
   337 	}
   338 	delete aSymbolProcessUnit;
   339 }
   340 TCompressedHeaderInfo* PageCompressWorker::pHeaderInfo = NULL;
   341 int PageCompressWorker::currentPage = 0;
   342 boost::mutex PageCompressWorker::m_mutex;
   343 int PageCompressWorker::m_error = 0;
   344 char* PageCompressWorker::iChar = NULL;
   346 PageCompressWorker::PageCompressWorker(TCompressedHeaderInfo* aHeaderInfo, char* aChar) 
   347 {
   348 	pHeaderInfo = aHeaderInfo;
   349 	iChar = aChar;
   350 }
   352 PageCompressWorker::~PageCompressWorker() {}
   353 void PageCompressWorker::operator()()
   354 {
   355 	int tobecompress = 0;
   356 	CBytePair bpe;
   357 	while(1)
   358 	{
   359 		m_mutex.lock();
   360 		tobecompress =currentPage;
   361 		currentPage++;
   362 		m_mutex.unlock();
   363 		if(tobecompress >= (int) pHeaderInfo->iTotalPageNumber)
   364 			break;
   365 		TPageInfo* current = &pHeaderInfo->iPages[0] + tobecompress;
   366 		TUint8* in = (TUint8*)(iChar + current->iPageStartOffset);
   367 		TUint8* out = in;
   368 		TInt outSize = BytePairCompress(out, in, current->iPageDataSize, &bpe);
   369 		if(outSize == KErrTooBig)
   370 		{
   371 			outSize = BSYM_PAGE_SIZE;
   372 		}
   373 		if(outSize < 0)
   374 		{
   375 			m_mutex.lock();
   376 			m_error = -1;
   377 			m_mutex.unlock();
   378 			break;
   379 		}
   380 		current->iPageDataSize = outSize;
   381 	}
   383 }