changeset 179 d8ac696cc51f
parent 1 be27ed110b50
child 180 e02a83d4c571
child 592 3215c239276a
equal deleted inserted replaced
1:be27ed110b50 179:d8ac696cc51f
     2 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
     3 """Easy to use object-oriented thread pool framework.
     5 A thread pool is an object that maintains a pool of worker threads to perform
     6 time consuming operations in parallel. It assigns jobs to the threads
     7 by putting them in a work request queue, where they are picked up by the
     8 next available thread. This then performs the requested operation in the
     9 background and puts the results in a another queue.
    11 The thread pool object can then collect the results from all threads from
    12 this queue as soon as they become available or after all threads have
    13 finished their work. It's also possible, to define callbacks to handle
    14 each result as it comes in.
    16 The basic concept and some code was taken from the book "Python in a Nutshell"
    17 by Alex Martelli, copyright 2003, ISBN 0-596-00188-6, from section 14.5
    18 "Threaded Program Architecture". I wrapped the main program logic in the
    19 ThreadPool class, added the WorkRequest class and the callback system and
    20 tweaked the code here and there. Kudos also to Florent Aide for the exception
    21 handling mechanism.
    23 Basic usage:
    25 >>> pool = TreadPool(poolsize)
    26 >>> requests = makeRequests(some_callable, list_of_args, callback)
    27 >>> [pool.putRequest(req) for req in requests]
    28 >>> pool.wait()
    30 See the end of the module code for a brief, annotated usage example.
    32 Website :
    33 """
    35 __all__ = [
    36   'makeRequests',
    37   'NoResultsPending',
    38   'NoWorkersAvailable',
    39   'ThreadPool',
    40   'WorkRequest',
    41   'WorkerThread'
    42 ]
    44 __author__ = "Christopher Arndt"
    45 __version__ = "1.2.3"
    46 __revision__ = "$Revision: 1.5 $"
    47 __date__ = "$Date: 2006/06/23 12:32:25 $"
    48 __license__ = 'Python license'
    50 # standard library modules
    51 import sys
    52 import threading
    53 import Queue
    55 # exceptions
    56 class NoResultsPending(Exception):
    57     """All work requests have been processed."""
    58     pass
    60 class NoWorkersAvailable(Exception):
    61     """No worker threads available to process remaining requests."""
    62     pass
    64 # classes
    65 class WorkerThread(threading.Thread):
    66     """Background thread connected to the requests/results queues.
    68     A worker thread sits in the background and picks up work requests from
    69     one queue and puts the results in another until it is dismissed.
    70     """
    72     def __init__(self, requestsQueue, resultsQueue, **kwds):
    73         """Set up thread in daemonic mode and start it immediatedly.
    75         requestsQueue and resultQueue are instances of Queue.Queue passed
    76         by the ThreadPool class when it creates a new worker thread.
    77         """
    79         threading.Thread.__init__(self, **kwds)
    80         self.setDaemon(1)
    81         self.workRequestQueue = requestsQueue
    82         self.resultQueue = resultsQueue
    83         self._dismissed = threading.Event()
    84         self.start()
    86     def run(self):
    87         """Repeatedly process the job queue until told to exit."""
    89         while not self._dismissed.isSet():
    90             # thread blocks here, if queue empty
    91             request = self.workRequestQueue.get()
    92             if self._dismissed.isSet():
    93                 # if told to exit, return the work request we just picked up
    94                 self.workRequestQueue.put(request)
    95                 break # and exit
    96             try:
    97                 self.resultQueue.put(
    98                     (request, request.callable(*request.args, **request.kwds))
    99                 )
   100             except:
   101                 request.exception = True
   102                 self.resultQueue.put((request, sys.exc_info()))
   104     def dismiss(self):
   105         """Sets a flag to tell the thread to exit when done with current job.
   106         """
   108         self._dismissed.set()
   111 class WorkRequest:
   112     """A request to execute a callable for putting in the request queue later.
   114     See the module function makeRequests() for the common case
   115     where you want to build several WorkRequests for the same callable
   116     but with different arguments for each call.
   117     """
   119     def __init__(self, callable, args=None, kwds=None, requestID=None,
   120       callback=None, exc_callback=None):
   121         """Create a work request for a callable and attach callbacks.
   123         A work request consists of the a callable to be executed by a
   124         worker thread, a list of positional arguments, a dictionary
   125         of keyword arguments.
   127         A callback function can be specified, that is called when the results
   128         of the request are picked up from the result queue. It must accept
   129         two arguments, the request object and the results of the callable,
   130         in that order. If you want to pass additional information to the
   131         callback, just stick it on the request object.
   133         You can also give a callback for when an exception occurs. It should
   134         also accept two arguments, the work request and a tuple with the
   135         exception details as returned by sys.exc_info().
   137         requestID, if given, must be hashable since it is used by the
   138         ThreadPool object to store the results of that work request in a
   139         dictionary. It defaults to the return value of id(self).
   140         """
   142         if requestID is None:
   143             self.requestID = id(self)
   144         else:
   145             try:
   146                 hash(requestID)
   147             except TypeError:
   148                 raise TypeError("requestID must be hashable.")
   149             self.requestID = requestID
   150         self.exception = False
   151         self.callback = callback
   152         self.exc_callback = exc_callback
   153         self.callable = callable
   154         self.args = args or []
   155         self.kwds = kwds or {}
   158 class ThreadPool:
   159     """A thread pool, distributing work requests and collecting results.
   161     See the module doctring for more information.
   162     """
   164     def __init__(self, num_workers, q_size=0):
   165         """Set up the thread pool and start num_workers worker threads.
   167         num_workers is the number of worker threads to start initialy.
   168         If q_size > 0 the size of the work request queue is limited and
   169         the thread pool blocks when the queue is full and it tries to put
   170         more work requests in it (see putRequest method).
   171         """
   173         self.requestsQueue = Queue.Queue(q_size)
   174         self.resultsQueue = Queue.Queue()
   175         self.workers = []
   176         self.workRequests = {}
   177         self.createWorkers(num_workers)
   179     def createWorkers(self, num_workers):
   180         """Add num_workers worker threads to the pool."""
   182         for i in range(num_workers):
   183             self.workers.append(WorkerThread(self.requestsQueue,
   184               self.resultsQueue))
   186     def dismissWorkers(self, num_workers):
   187         """Tell num_workers worker threads to quit after their current task.
   188         """
   190         for i in range(min(num_workers, len(self.workers))):
   191             worker = self.workers.pop()
   192             worker.dismiss()
   194     def addWork(self, callable, args=None, kwds=None, requestID=None, callback=None, exc_callback=None, block=True, timeout=0):
   195         request = WorkRequest(callable, args, kwds, requestID, callback, exc_callback)
   196         self.putRequest(request, block, timeout)
   198     def putRequest(self, request, block=True, timeout=0):
   199         """Put work request into work queue and save its id for later."""
   201         assert isinstance(request, WorkRequest)
   202         self.requestsQueue.put(request, block, timeout)
   203         self.workRequests[request.requestID] = request
   205     def poll(self, block=False):
   206         """Process any new results in the queue."""
   208         while True:
   209             # still results pending?
   210             if not self.workRequests:
   211                 raise NoResultsPending
   212             # are there still workers to process remaining requests?
   213             elif block and not self.workers:
   214                 raise NoWorkersAvailable
   215             try:
   216                 # get back next results
   217                 request, result = self.resultsQueue.get(block=block)
   218                 # has an exception occured?
   219                 if request.exception and request.exc_callback:
   220                     request.exc_callback(request, result)
   221                 # hand results to callback, if any
   222                 if request.callback and not \
   223                   (request.exception and request.exc_callback):
   224                     request.callback(request, result)
   225                 del self.workRequests[request.requestID]
   226             except Queue.Empty:
   227                 break
   229     def wait(self):
   230         """Wait for results, blocking until all have arrived."""
   232         while 1:
   233             try:
   234                 self.poll(True)
   235             except NoResultsPending:
   236                 break
   238 # helper functions
   239 def makeRequests(callable, args_list, callback=None, exc_callback=None):
   240     """Create several work requests for same callable with different arguments.
   242     Convenience function for creating several work requests for the same
   243     callable where each invocation of the callable receives different values
   244     for its arguments.
   246     args_list contains the parameters for each invocation of callable.
   247     Each item in 'args_list' should be either a 2-item tuple of the list of
   248     positional arguments and a dictionary of keyword arguments or a single,
   249     non-tuple argument.
   251     See docstring for WorkRequest for info on callback and exc_callback.
   252     """
   254     requests = []
   255     for item in args_list:
   256         if isinstance(item, tuple):
   257             requests.append(
   258               WorkRequest(callable, item[0], item[1], callback=callback,
   259                 exc_callback=exc_callback)
   260             )
   261         else:
   262             requests.append(
   263               WorkRequest(callable, [item], None, callback=callback,
   264                 exc_callback=exc_callback)
   265             )
   266     return requests
   268 ################
   270 ################
   272 if __name__ == '__main__':
   273     import random
   274     import time
   276     # the work the threads will have to do (rather trivial in our example)
   277     def do_something(data):
   278         time.sleep(random.randint(1, 5))
   279         result = round(random.random() * data, 5)
   280         # just to show off, we throw an exception once in a while
   281         if result > 3:
   282             raise RuntimeError("Something extraordinary happened!")
   283         return result
   285     # this will be called each time a result is available
   286     def print_result(request, result):
   287         print "**Result: %s from request #%s" % (result, request.requestID)
   289     # this will be called when an exception occurs within a thread
   290     def handle_exception(request, exc_info):
   291         print "Exception occured in request #%s: %s" % \
   292           (request.requestID, exc_info[1])
   294     # assemble the arguments for each job to a list...
   295     data = [random.randint(1, 10) for i in range(20)]
   296     # ... and build a WorkRequest object for each item in data
   297     requests = makeRequests(do_something, data, print_result, handle_exception)
   299     # or the other form of args_lists accepted by makeRequests: ((,), {})
   300     data = [((random.randint(1, 10), ), {}) for i in range(20)]
   301     requests.extend(
   302       makeRequests(do_something, data, print_result, handle_exception)
   303     )
   305     # we create a pool of 3 worker threads
   306     main = ThreadPool(3)
   308     # then we put the work requests in the queue...
   309     for req in requests:
   310         main.putRequest(req)
   311         print "Work request #%s added." % req.requestID
   312     # or shorter:
   313     # [main.putRequest(req) for req in requests]
   315     # ...and wait for the results to arrive in the result queue
   316     # by using ThreadPool.wait(). This would block until results for
   317     # all work requests have arrived:
   318     # main.wait()
   320     # instead we can poll for results while doing something else:
   321     i = 0
   322     while 1:
   323         try:
   324             main.poll()
   325             print "Main thread working..."
   326             time.sleep(0.5)
   327             if i == 10:
   328                 print "Adding 3 more worker threads..."
   329                 main.createWorkers(3)
   330             i += 1
   331         except KeyboardInterrupt:
   332             print "Interrupted!"
   333             break
   334         except NoResultsPending:
   335             print "All results collected."
   336             break